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12 Best Help Desk Software Shortlist

After evaluating numerous tools, I've handpicked 12 help desk software solutions that genuinely address your core challenges.

  1. Zendesk - Best for omnichannel support integration
  2. Freshdesk - Best for intuitive ticket management
  3. ServiceNow - Best for enterprise IT service operations
  4. Intercom - Best for real-time customer messaging
  5. Zoho Desk - Best for contextual AI assistance
  6. Kayako - Best for unified customer journeys
  7. Help Scout - Best for small businesses and teams
  8. Jira Service Management - Best for agile IT service projects
  9. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - Best for ITIL-ready operations
  10. SysAid - Best for IT asset management
  11. LiveAgent - Best for multi-channel communication
  12. SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Best for ITSM ticket automation

Navigating the world of customer inquiries and support requests is no easy task. However, with help desk software, these challenges become manageable. This software not only addresses customer issues but also streamlines service delivery. By choosing the right tool, you can enhance customer satisfaction and streamline operations.

What is a Help Desk Software?

Help desk software is a centralized platform that businesses use to manage, track, and resolve customer inquiries and issues. With integral features like ticketing systems and knowledge base repositories, it's designed for efficient customer support request handling. Its primary goal? Boosting customer satisfaction and making interactions seamless for both support agents and end-users. Such software is a staple for diverse companies, from emerging tech startups to industry-leading giants, helping them tackle challenges like missed tickets and delayed feedback.

Overviews of the 12 Best Help Desk Software

1. Zendesk - Best for omnichannel support integration

A screenshot of the conversations tab inside Zendesk help desk tool.
Zendesk allows users to swiftly involve other teams, facilitating the resolution of support conversations across platforms like email, Slack, and other internal channels.

Zendesk is a comprehensive customer service platform designed to facilitate interactions between businesses and their clientele. With its strong emphasis on providing a unified experience across multiple channels, it's evident why it stands out as the best for omnichannel support integration.

Why I Picked Zendesk:

I chose Zendesk after extensively comparing it with other tools, and what consistently caught my attention was its adeptness at integrating various communication channels. It ensures that whether a customer reaches out via email, chat, or even social media, their experience remains consistent and efficient. This omnichannel prowess firmly positions Zendesk as "Best for omnichannel support integration."

Standout features & integrations:

Zendesk offers a dynamic ticketing system combined with AI-driven response suggestions which can significantly accelerate resolution times. Moreover, its knowledge base module not only aids agents but also empowers customers to find solutions autonomously. Notable integrations include Slack for team communication, Salesforce for CRM, and JIRA for project management.


From $5/user/month (billed annually)


  • Unified dashboard for diverse support channels
  • AI-powered assistance for prompt issue resolution
  • Broad integration possibilities


  • Can be complex for smaller businesses
  • Higher-tier plans required for certain advanced features
  • Learning curve for deeper customization

2. Freshdesk - Best for intuitive ticket management

A photo focused on the customer service request management inside Freshdesk.
Handling customer service requests is a breeze in Freshdesk, thanks to its intuitive user interface.

Freshdesk is a customer support software tailored to help businesses streamline their support processes. Given its user-friendly design and effortless ticket management capabilities, it's no wonder that it stands atop the best solution for intuitive ticket handling.

Why I Picked Freshdesk:

In my quest to identify leading customer service tools, Freshdesk repeatedly emerged due to its transparent and straightforward approach to ticket management. While evaluating and judging multiple platforms, I developed a strong opinion that Freshdesk's clear emphasis on optimizing ticket workflows made it unparalleled in this domain. This characteristic is precisely why I deem it as "Best for intuitive ticket management."

Standout features & integrations:

Freshdesk's primary strength lies in its efficient ticket routing system, ensuring that tickets land in the hands of the most suitable agents. Furthermore, the platform supports multi-channel inquiries, from email to social media, all while maintaining a consistent workflow. Integration-wise, Freshdesk shines with its compatibility with major platforms like Slack, Salesforce, and Trello.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Efficient ticket routing minimizes response times
  • Multi-channel support maintains a consistent workflow
  • Expansive third-party integration ecosystem


  • Advanced analytics reserved for premium tiers
  • Setup can be time-consuming for larger teams
  • Some customization limitations

3. ServiceNow - Best for enterprise IT service operations

A screenshot of the integration hub of the tool ServiceNow.
Here's a glimpse of the interface for the Integration Hub within ServiceNow.

ServiceNow is a leading help desk solution that scales with the demands of large-scale businesses and IT operations. Its prowess in handling expansive IT service requirements truly sets it apart, echoing its position as the best for enterprise IT service operations.

Why I Picked ServiceNow:

Among the myriad of tools I analyzed and judged, ServiceNow stood tall as the preferred platform for intricate enterprise requirements. The scale and depth with which it addresses IT service operations are second to none. After extensive comparison, it was my determined opinion that for large businesses looking to elevate their customer experience, ServiceNow is unmatched, hence why I've labeled it as "Best for enterprise IT service operations."

Standout features & integrations:

ServiceNow is renowned for its ability to automate IT service management (ITSM) processes, significantly enhancing the efficiency of IT teams. Additionally, its deep analytics capabilities provide insights that drive continual improvement. When it comes to integrations, ServiceNow offers a vast array, from CRM solutions like Salesforce to project management tools such as JIRA.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive ITSM automation capabilities
  • Advanced analytics for actionable insights
  • Expansive integration possibilities with other enterprise tools


  • Can be overwhelming for smaller operations
  • Steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with enterprise IT tools
  • Pricing structure can be complex for some organizations

4. Intercom - Best for real-time customer messaging

A photo focused on the VIP Inbox of the tool Intercom.
Intercom organizes conversations based on their status, including a dedicated section for the VIP Inbox.

Intercom has solidified its position as a leading messaging platform tailored to businesses aiming to establish a direct, real-time line with their customers. Its strength lies in its ability to provide instant, personalized messaging, validating its title as the best for real-time customer messaging.

Why I Picked Intercom:

In my journey of selecting and determining the crème de la crème of helpdesk tools, Intercom consistently stood out. Its unique focus on real-time, direct communication caught my attention and seemed to differentiate it from many other platforms. Through careful comparison and judging, it was evident that for businesses that prioritize real-time engagement, Intercom is the best choice. Hence, I chose it as "Best for real-time customer messaging."

Standout features & integrations:

Intercom excels with its chatbot functionalities, which not only serve customers but also intelligently route and prioritize queries for support teams. Its rich set of tools ensures that every customer receives a tailored interaction. On the integration front, Intercom effortlessly links with platforms like Shopify, HubSpot, and Salesforce, providing a unified support interface.


From $39/user/month (billed annually)


  • Dynamic chatbot capabilities that intelligently route queries
  • Strong integration with major e-commerce and CRM platforms
  • Allows support teams to offer personalized experiences


  • The learning curve can be steep for some users
  • Pricing might be prohibitive for smaller businesses
  • Some features locked behind higher price tiers

5. Zoho Desk - Best for contextual AI assistance

A screenshot focused on the dark-themed dashboard of the tool Zoho Desk.
Take a closer look at Zoho Desk's eagerly-awaited dark theme dashboard, where tickets are neatly sorted into columns according to their status.

Zoho Desk stands as a reputable help desk system that offers businesses a way to manage their customer support efficiently. Its emphasis on utilizing artificial intelligence to provide contextual support makes it a prime candidate for companies looking to leverage AI for improved IT support, hence its distinction as the best for contextual AI assistance.

Why I Picked Zoho Desk:

While selecting the top tools, Zoho Desk consistently emerged as a front-runner due to its innovative AI features. Its emphasis on contextual AI assistance differentiated it from the crowd, as it takes the help desk experience to a nuanced level, using artificial intelligence to understand the context of issues and provide tailored solutions. I chose it specifically because, in my opinion, and upon comparing, its AI capabilities are superior in offering context-driven IT support.

Standout features & integrations:

Zoho Desk's AI assistant, Zia, stands out, offering smart predictions, anomaly detection, and knowledge-base suggestions, all designed to enhance the support process. Additionally, the tool boasts powerful automation features that streamline workflows for IT support teams. In terms of integrations, Zoho Desk offers strong ties with other Zoho products and essential third-party apps like Salesforce, Slack, and Trello, ensuring businesses have a cohesive system in place.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • Innovative AI assistance that understands context
  • Robust automation tools for IT support workflow
  • Seamless integrations with popular third-party applications


  • Might be overwhelming for businesses new to AI
  • Interface can appear cluttered with numerous features
  • Requires a learning curve to make full use of AI capabilities

6. Kayako - Best for unified customer journeys

A screenshot focused on the inbox made for the tool Kayako.
The inbox of Kayako organizes all incoming tickets to ensure each one is attended to.

Kayako presents itself as an adept customer support platform tailored to provide businesses with tools that align every customer interaction into a unified journey. Its notable focus on mapping customer interactions across different channels justifies its role as the best tool for unified customer journeys.

Why I Picked Kayako:

In determining the top tools for customer support, Kayako consistently surfaced due to its comprehensive approach to managing support tickets and its unique emphasis on customer journeys. This tool stands out with its ability to cohesively integrate all customer interactions, offering businesses a panoramic view of the customer experience. I chose Kayako because, when comparing and judging against other platforms, it offered a distinctive approach to tracking and escalating support tickets, providing businesses a holistic perspective on their customers' journeys.

Standout features & integrations:

Kayako's primary strength lies in its unified inbox, which consolidates queries from various channels into one accessible dashboard. Its robust templates ensure quick responses while maintaining the quality of support. Integration-wise, Kayako plays well with popular third-party platforms such as Slack, Shopify, and Zapier, extending its functionality and providing businesses a connected ecosystem for customer management.


From $20/user/month (billed annually)


  • Unified inbox streamlines support ticket management
  • Comprehensive templates for efficient customer interaction
  • Strong integrations with leading platforms for a cohesive support system


  • Requires some time to master all features
  • Not ideal for small businesses with limited customer interactions
  • Advanced features might be overkill for basic support needs

7. Help Scout - Best for small businesses and teams

A photo focused on the ticket creation process inside Help Scout.
Creating tickets in Help Scout is seamless with its user-friendly interface designed for ease of use.

Help Scout offers a streamlined help desk ticketing system, targeting small businesses and teams that prioritize efficient incident management without unnecessary complications. Its emphasis on simplicity, paired with powerful features, positions it as an ideal choice for smaller operations seeking effectiveness in their support processes.

Why I Picked Help Scout:

In the process of selecting help desk platforms, Help Scout continually caught my attention due to its simplicity and focus on core help desk functionalities. Its tailored approach for small businesses and teams, without the fluff that can overwhelm smaller operations, differentiates it from many competitors. Based on my judgment, comparing its features and user feedback, I chose Help Scout as it offers precisely what smaller teams need for their incident management.

Standout features & integrations:

Help Scout champions its intuitive ticketing system, designed to reduce clutter and improve response times. Additionally, its 'Beacon' chat feature provides real-time support capabilities right from a business's website. In terms of integrations, Help Scout connects effortlessly with popular platforms like Slack, Trello, and Mailchimp, ensuring that teams can work within a familiar ecosystem while managing customer queries.


From $20/user/month (billed annually)


  • Simple and intuitive ticketing interface
  • Beacon chat offers real-time support
  • Valuable integrations with common tools used by small businesses


  • Might lack advanced features required by larger enterprises
  • No free plan, limiting very early-stage businesses
  • Limited customization options compared to some competitors

8. Jira Service Management - Best for agile IT service projects

A screenshot of the project dashboard inside Jira Service Management.
Behold the Jira Service Management project dashboard, renowned for its robust and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

Jira Service Management, part of Atlassian's comprehensive suite, is specifically tailored for IT service teams that operate on agile principles. Through its platform, teams can manage, escalate, and analyze IT-related requests with agility, making it particularly suitable for IT projects that prioritize adaptability and speed.

Why I Picked Jira Service Management:

After examining multiple IT service management tools, Jira Service Management stood out for its robust set of features and a clear focus on agile methodologies. I chose this tool because of its history of supporting agile frameworks and its ability to align IT service projects with agile practices. Given its reputation and the feedback I gathered, it's clear to me that Jira Service Management is best suited for agile IT service projects.

Standout features & integrations:
Key features of Jira Service Management include its powerful escalation mechanisms, the ability to generate detailed metrics for performance evaluation, and a user-friendly portal for seamless ticket submissions. Integration-wise, it connects effortlessly with other Atlassian products like Confluence, Bitbucket, and of course, Jira Software, ensuring a consistent workflow for IT teams.


From $20/user/month (billed annually)


  • Agile-focused features align well with modern IT service practices
  • Strong escalation mechanisms ensure timely resolution of issues
  • Comprehensive metrics provide insights for continuous improvement


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for those new to Atlassian products
  • Pricing can become steep as team size grows
  • Customization can sometimes require additional plugins or integrations

9. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - Best for ITIL-ready operations

A screenshot showcasing the changes tab of the tool ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.
Changes can be easily made in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus by visiting its changes tab.

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is a comprehensive help desk software with an emphasis on aligning IT services with business needs. Tailored around ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standards, it offers a structured approach to IT service management, making it a prime choice for operations that prioritize ITIL readiness.

Why I Picked ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus:

In my process of selecting and comparing help desk tools, ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus clearly distinguished itself with its ITIL-centric features. I chose this tool after determining its effectiveness in ensuring operations are aligned with ITIL best practices. Its commitment to ITIL readiness is evident, making it an optimal choice for businesses that are keen on ITIL-aligned operations.

Standout features & integrations:

Key features of ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus include incident and problem management, change and release management, and a configuration management database (CMDB). On the integration front, it pairs effectively with other ManageEngine products and offers robust API capabilities for custom integrations, ensuring fluid data exchange with various IT systems.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Strong adherence to ITIL practices ensures a standardized approach to IT service management
  • Comprehensive feature set addresses the full spectrum of ITSM needs
  • Effective integrations enable streamlined IT operations


  • The interface may feel overwhelming for new users
  • The mobile application could be more intuitive
  • Advanced features might require a steep learning curve for non-ITIL trained personnel

10. SysAid - Best for IT asset management

A screenshot of the my reports tab portion of the tool SysAid.
This is how reports can be configured inside SysAid.

SysAid is a versatile IT service management tool with a focus on IT asset management and IT operations. It offers a comprehensive solution to monitor, manage, and optimize IT assets, making it especially suited for organizations prioritizing asset management.

Why I Picked SysAid:

When it came to selecting an efficient tool for IT asset management, SysAid emerged prominently in my analysis. I chose it because of its comprehensive asset management capabilities coupled with its proven track record. For organizations keen on optimal IT asset management, SysAid offers dedicated features that truly resonate with their needs.

Standout features & integrations:

SysAid's prominent features include an IT asset inventory, patch management, and remote control functionalities. Additionally, it offers a self-service portal, enhancing user autonomy and reducing IT workload. Integration-wise, SysAid works well with various third-party applications, ensuring an interconnected IT environment.


From $25/user/month (billed annually)


  • Robust IT asset management functionalities streamline IT operations
  • Self-service portal empowers users and reduces help desk ticket volume
  • Flexibility with third-party integrations ensures adaptive IT operations


  • The user interface might be complex for beginners
  • Reporting features may require additional customization for specific needs
  • Initial setup can be time-consuming for larger IT environments

11. LiveAgent - Best for multi-channel communication

A photo showcasing the central inbox of the tool LiveAgent.
LiveAgent’s central inbox is used to organize IT tickets.

LiveAgent is an IT help desk software platform designed to provide support across multiple communication channels. Whether it's email, chat, social media, or phone, LiveAgent ensures consistent and prompt customer service, making it a prime choice for businesses that interact through diverse channels.

Why I Picked LiveAgent:

In the process of determining a tool that excels in multi-channel communication, LiveAgent continually surfaced as a top contender. I chose it due to its robust features catering to various channels and its dedication to streamlining communication processes. Given its capabilities, I believe it's best suited for businesses that want to manage communication effectively across multiple platforms.

Standout features & integrations:

Notably, LiveAgent offers a mobile app, ensuring support teams remain connected even on the go. It also provides features like real-time chat, a ticketing system, and a knowledge base for self-service. Integrations-wise, LiveAgent seamlessly connects with popular platforms, facilitating smoother data sharing and workflow automation.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Diverse communication channels, including a mobile app, enhance support accessibility
  • Comprehensive ticketing system ensures efficient query management
  • Robust integrations with popular platforms enhance operational efficiency


  • Onboarding might require a slight learning curve for some users
  • Customization options may be limited in the basic plans
  • Certain advanced features are reserved for higher-tier plans

12. SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Best for ITSM ticket automation

A screenshot of the ticket custom fields feature of the tool SolarWinds Web Help Desk.
Take a look at the process of setting up custom ticket fields in SolarWinds Web Help Desk.

SolarWinds Web Help Desk is a comprehensive IT service management (ITSM) solution that focuses on automating ticket processes and streamlining service requests. Recognized for its ability to minimize manual intervention, the platform is tailored for organizations seeking efficient and automated ticket workflows.

Why I Picked SolarWinds Web Help Desk:

In my exploration of ITSM tools, SolarWinds stood out primarily because of its sophisticated ticket automation capabilities. The way it systematically manages service requests, coupled with its adeptness at triggering appropriate notifications, is distinct and efficient. Given these attributes, I firmly believe it is best positioned for businesses aiming to optimize ITSM ticket automation.

Standout features & integrations:

One of SolarWinds' pivotal features is its advanced notification system, ensuring timely updates to relevant stakeholders. The software also excels in automating service request workflows, reducing manual effort and response times. As for integrations, SolarWinds aligns well with a range of IT management tools and software, facilitating data synchronization and unified operations.


From $700 one-time (for the software, based on the technician count)
(Note: This is not a per-month pricing, as SolarWinds offers a one-time licensing fee based on the number of technicians.)


  • Strong ticket automation reduces the need for manual intervention.
  • Advanced notification system ensures stakeholders are informed promptly.
  • Supports a wide range of integrations with other IT tools.


  • One-time pricing model might be challenging for businesses with limited upfront budgets.
  • Interface may be seen as dated compared to some newer platforms.
  • Some features may require additional integrations or plugins.

Other Noteworthy Help Desk Software

Below is a list of additional help desk software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. osTicket - Good for streamlined ticket workflows
  2. Uvdesk - Good for multilingual support centers
  3. Wix Answers - Good for integrating with Wix websites
  4. HappyFox - Good for knowledge base integration
  5. TeamSupport - Good for B2B customer service teams
  6. Atera - Good for MSPs and IT professionals
  7. Vision Helpdesk - Good for multi-brand help desk needs
  8. Groove - Good for simplified customer support
  9. Spiceworks Help Desk - Good for IT-specific ticketing
  10. Mojo Helpdesk - Good for tracking user satisfaction
  11. Giva - Good for HIPAA-compliant services
  12. ProProfs Help Desk - Good for collaborative issue resolution

Selection Criteria for Choosing Help Desk Software

In the ever-evolving realm of cloud-based help desk software, finding the perfect fit for your business or personal needs can feel like a daunting task. I've personally delved deep into the world of help desk tools, and I can confidently say that I've tested and analyzed dozens of them. My focus was on selecting a platform that stands out not just in terms of features, but also in usability and core functionalities tailored to modern demands. Here's a breakdown of the criteria I deem essential:

Core Functionality

  • Ticket Management: Ability to receive, track, manage, and resolve service requests seamlessly.
  • Knowledge Base Integration: A repository where users can access frequently asked questions, tutorials, and other resources.
  • Collaboration Features: Enable team members to work collectively on a ticket, share insights, or assign tasks.
  • Performance Analytics: Overview of metrics like ticket resolution time, customer satisfaction, and agent performance to gauge effectiveness.

Key Features

  • Automation Rules: Tools should facilitate automating repetitive tasks like ticket routing, setting up reminders, or sending follow-up emails.
  • Customizable Interface: Adapt the software's appearance and functionality based on specific business needs and branding.
  • Cloud-based Operations: Secure, scalable, and accessible from any location, ensuring you remain connected at all times.
  • Multi-channel Support: Capability to integrate with various communication channels like email, chat, social media, and more.
  • SLA Management: Set and manage service level agreements to ensure timely response and resolution.
  • Integration Capabilities: Should seamlessly sync with other tools and systems, enhancing the overall functionality.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: The main control panel should be straightforward, presenting all necessary information without overwhelming the user.
  • Customizable Filters or Tagging: Given the nature of asset management in help desk tools, having an efficient method to categorize, filter, or tag tickets is crucial.
  • Role-Based Access: Essential for larger teams or businesses, allowing administrators to assign specific roles with distinct access levels.
  • Interactive Tutorials or Onboarding: Given the complexity of some tools, having an interactive walkthrough or training program can vastly improve the initial user experience.
  • Responsive Customer Support: A help desk tool should itself have robust customer support – be it through chat, email, or a dedicated knowledge base.

Most Common Questions Regarding Help Desk Software (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using the best help desk software?

Help desk software, especially those built on SaaS models, offers numerous advantages:

  1. Centralized Customer Issue Management: All customer issues, complaints, or inquiries are channeled into a single platform, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
  2. Efficient Change Management: The software aids in streamlining the process of making changes, from receiving feedback to implementing changes without disrupting workflows.
  3. Accessibility on the Go: Many help desk tools come with Android or iOS apps, allowing teams to address customer concerns from anywhere.
  4. Enhanced Communication: Seamless communication between team members and with customers, often integrating with popular communication tools.
  5. Data-Driven Insights: The software provides analytics and reporting features to understand customer behavior, agent performance, and areas of improvement.

How much does help desk software typically cost?

The pricing of help desk software can vary significantly based on its features, scalability, and target audience. Most SaaS-based help desk tools adopt a subscription model, where users pay monthly or annually.

What are the common pricing models for these tools?

The majority of help desk software solutions follow one of these pricing models:

  1. Per User/Agent: A price is set for each agent or user who will use the system.
  2. Tiered Pricing: Different feature sets are available at different pricing tiers.
  3. Freemium: A basic version is available for free, with advanced features locked behind a paid version.
  4. Pay Per Ticket: Some tools charge based on the volume of tickets or inquiries received.

What is the typical range of pricing for help desk software?

While prices can widely vary, the typical range for quality help desk software starts from around $10/user/month to $150/user/month for more advanced and enterprise-level solutions.

Which is the cheapest help desk software?

Spiceworks Help Desk is among the cheapest options as it offers a free plan that caters to many small businesses.

Are there any help desk tools that are more on the expensive side?

Yes, some tools like TeamSupport or Atera cater to larger enterprises and hence might be priced higher due to the comprehensive features and scalability they offer.

Are there any free help desk tool options available?

Yes, Spiceworks Help Desk offers a free version, and many other tools have freemium models where basic features are available without charge, with the option to upgrade to access advanced functionalities.

Other Help Desk Software Reviews


Navigating the vast world of help desk software can be overwhelming, given the plethora of options available today. The right choice can significantly streamline the process of managing customer issues, implementing change management, and ensuring smooth operations, especially in a cloud-based SaaS model. However, the ideal software differs based on specific needs – from those requiring robust IT functionalities to those seeking integrated asset management or a comprehensive service desk solution.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Determine Core Needs: Before diving into options, identify your core needs. Whether you're leaning towards a robust IT infrastructure, asset management, or a simple cloud helpdesk solution, the software should address your primary concerns and requirements.
  2. Prioritize Usability and Functionality: The best software isn't just feature-rich; it should also offer an intuitive interface. Especially for platforms like help desk solutions, where rapid response and efficiency are vital, a clear, user-friendly design can make a significant difference.
  3. Consider the Cost-Benefit Analysis: While pricing is a crucial factor, it's essential to evaluate the value the software brings. Sometimes, a slightly pricier option might offer functionalities that save time and resources in the long run. Also, don't overlook free or open-source alternatives; they might offer just the right features for startups or smaller operations.

What do you think?

I strive to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of help desk software options. However, the tech landscape is vast, and there might be hidden gems I haven't discovered yet. If you've had a positive experience with a tool not mentioned here or believe there's a game-changer I might have overlooked, please share it with me. Your insights help enhance this list and guide others in making informed decisions!

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.