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12 Best Multi Factor Authentication Software Shortlist

After thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best multi factor authentication software tailored to address your specific challenges.

  1. Auth0 - Best for scalable enterprise authentication
  2. RingCaptcha - Best for SMS and call verification
  3. Microsoft Authenticator - Best for users within the Microsoft ecosystem
  4. Uniqkey - Best for achieving passwordless authentication
  5. Salesforce Platform - Best for those already in the Salesforce environment
  6. Frontegg - Best for SaaS companies needing rapid integration
  7. Google Authenticator - Best for users of Google's suite of services
  8. Twilio Verify API - Best for developers needing customizable verification
  9. IBM Security Verify - Best for businesses in hybrid cloud scenarios
  10. LastPass - Best for combining password management and MFA
  11. WatchGuard AuthPoint - Best for ensuring mobile-based security
  12. Duo Security - Best for comprehensive endpoint protection

Navigating the complex world of user authentication, I've come to value multi factor authentication software. With rising data breaches, it's essential to secure online accounts beyond just passwords. This goes beyond the traditional username and password combination and can include something the user knows, something the user has, or something inherent to the user.

These tools not only ensure end-users receive secure access via passcodes and self-service provisioning but also enhance remote access, connecting web-based user identities more securely. The pain points? Managing multiple user authentications, identity and access management (IAM), and ensuring remote access without compromising security. But with the right software, these are addressed, fortifying your accounts against breaches.

What is a Multi Factor Authentication Software?

Multi factor authentication software provides an added layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification methods before granting access to an account or system. This software offers multiple authentication factors – from OTPs for Windows, Linux, and MAC/macOS to biometric authentication for mobile apps on Android and Apple iOS. With tools, you get push notifications, authenticator apps, and software tokens that work easily with the active directory.

Organizations and individuals leverage these tools to bolster security, particularly in an era where cyber threats are rampant. This approach minimizes the risk of unauthorized access, even if malicious actors obtain a user's password, ensuring that sensitive data and systems remain protected.

Overview of the 12 Best Multi Factor Authentication Software

1. Auth0 - Best for scalable enterprise authentication

Auth0 multi factor authentication software
Here's a quick preview of the Auth0 dashboard.

Auth0 is a leading identity management platform designed to simplify authentication and authorization for businesses of all sizes. Tailored especially for enterprises, it ensures that as businesses grow, their security measures scale with them, making it a top pick for scalable enterprise authentication.

Why I Picked Auth0:

When I was selecting an authentication tool, Auth0 consistently emerged at the forefront of the options. Its reputation for robustness and adaptability in the identity management space set it apart from its peers. In comparing it to other tools, its scalability especially for larger corporations cemented its position as the best for scalable enterprise authentication in my opinion.

Standout features & integrations:

Among its myriad of features, Auth0's Single Sign-On, Adaptive Multifactor Authentication, and user-friendly administration dashboard are particularly noteworthy. When considering integrations, Auth0 shines with its compatibility across a range of platforms such as AWS, Slack, Salesforce, and Zendesk, ensuring businesses have a cohesive and integrated workflow.


From $23/user/month (billed annually)


  • Adaptable for various business sizes
  • Wide range of third-party integrations
  • Comprehensive security tools


  • Potential complexity for smaller businesses
  • Some customizations can demand technical know-how
  • Starting price might be steep for some budgets

2. RingCaptcha - Best for SMS and call verification

RingCaptcha sample dashboard
Take a closer look at the RingCaptcha sample dashboard. RingCaptcha offers identity, authentication, and authorization services for businesses.

RingCaptcha stands as a specialized tool geared towards ensuring reliable user verification via SMS and voice calls. As businesses today seek tighter security measures, especially during user onboarding, RingCaptcha emerges as a frontrunner with its focus on mobile verification, aligning it perfectly with the title of being the best in SMS and call verification.

Why I Picked RingCaptcha:

In the process of choosing the right tools for this list, RingCaptcha caught my attention due to its sheer specificity and prowess in mobile-based verification. RingCaptcha's specialization in SMS and call verification made it distinct. This dedication to mobile verification is why I determined it's the best for businesses relying heavily on these methods.

Standout features & integrations:

RingCaptcha's core strength lies in its rapid SMS delivery, robust voice call verification, and user-friendly dashboard to track and manage verifications. Regarding integration, RingCaptcha is versatile, integrating smoothly with platforms like Shopify, WordPress, and WooCommerce, ensuring a wider reach and applicability across different business models.


From $15/user/month


  • Specializes in SMS and voice call verifications
  • Rapid SMS delivery mechanism
  • User-centric dashboard for tracking


  • Might be over-specific for businesses needing varied verification methods
  • Higher price point compared to some competitors
  • Limited features beyond mobile verification

3. Microsoft Authenticator - Best for users within the Microsoft ecosystem

Microsoft Authenticator demo screenshot
This screenshot shows how to turn Microsoft Authenticator into a password manager.

Microsoft Authenticator streamlines the multi-factor authentication process for those immersed in the Microsoft ecosystem. By integrating deeply with Microsoft services, it provides a smooth and efficient authentication experience, making it an ideal choice for users heavily reliant on Microsoft products.

Why I Picked Microsoft Authenticator:

When selecting tools for this list, Microsoft Authenticator stood out due to its natural integration with the vast array of Microsoft services. From my perspective, the tool's compatibility and synchronicity within the Microsoft environment differentiate it from many other authenticators. Based on these observations, I judged it as the best fit for users who are deeply enmeshed in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Standout features & integrations:

One of Microsoft Authenticator's prime features is its passwordless login capability, which enhances security while simplifying the user experience. The tool also boasts biometric verification, allowing users to authenticate using their fingerprint or face recognition. Regarding integrations, it flawlessly meshes with Microsoft services such as Office 365, Outlook, and OneDrive, providing a unified and secure experience across all platforms.


From $6/user/month (billed annually)


  • Deep integration with Microsoft services
  • Passwordless login feature
  • Biometric verification options


  • Might be less appealing to non-Microsoft users
  • Requires regular updates for optimal functionality
  • Limited customization options compared to other tools on the market

4. Uniqkey - Best for achieving passwordless authentication

Uniqkey dashboard preview
Here is a dashboard preview in Uniqkey where you can see the password management for businesses.

Uniqkey is a robust authentication solution designed to offer users the convenience and security of passwordless authentication. Uniqkey stands as a formidable option to bridge this transition, particularly for those who prioritize passwordless solutions.

Why I Picked Uniqkey:

In the process of determining the best tools for this list, Uniqkey grabbed my attention because of its dedication to a passwordless environment. Its focus on such a specific and critical area of cybersecurity made it different from many others I compared. I judged it as the best tool for those who are looking to achieve passwordless authentication, given its specialized approach and effectiveness in this domain.

Standout features & integrations:

Uniqkey's primary strength is its adaptive authentication which analyzes risk factors in real-time to determine the necessary level of verification. Moreover, it offers biometric verification options and a secure password vault for users who might still have some passwords to manage. For integrations, Uniqkey is compatible with a range of enterprise systems, ensuring businesses can incorporate it without causing disruptions to existing workflows.


From $8/user/month (billed annually)


  • Dedicated to a passwordless environment
  • Adaptive authentication based on real-time risks
  • Secure vault for residual passwords


  • Might have a learning curve for those new to passwordless systems
  • Limited to certain platforms and devices
  • Relatively new in the market, which might concern some users seeking established brands

5. Salesforce Platform - Best for those already in the Salesforce environment

Salesforce Platform Multi Factor Authentication Assistant
This is a Salesforce Platform multi factor authentication assistant preview that shows you the steps in a checklist format.

The Salesforce Platform provides an extensive suite of tools and services designed to enable businesses to build and scale applications quickly. It is tailored especially for companies and teams that are already immersed in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Why I Picked Salesforce Platform:

Selecting tools for this list, I was drawn to the Salesforce Platform because of its deep integration capabilities and the comprehensive solutions it offers. This platform provides the most aligned and synergistic approach. That's why I believe it's best for those already in the Salesforce environment.

Standout features & integrations:

The Salesforce Platform is notable for its low-code development capabilities, allowing businesses to create applications swiftly. It also boasts AI-powered analytics and a robust security model to protect sensitive data. When it comes to integrations, the platform naturally works well with other Salesforce offerings like Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud, ensuring a cohesive experience for users.


From $25/user/month (billed annually)


  • Deep integration with other Salesforce products
  • Low-code development accelerates application creation
  • Strong security features


  • Might be overwhelming for those new to Salesforce
  • Pricing can become high as more features are added
  • Requires investment in learning and training for optimal use

6. Frontegg - Best for SaaS companies needing rapid integration

Frontegg's authentication builder style overview
Here is Frontegg's authentication builder style with a login box. Frontegg's user-friendly interface offers self-service, security, and enterprise capabilities.

Frontegg is a platform designed to empower SaaS companies with pre-built, fully customizable functionalities to enhance their applications. This approach significantly accelerates integration processes, making it particularly advantageous for SaaS firms aiming for swift incorporation of essential features.

Why I Picked Frontegg:

In the process of determining the most valuable tools for this list, Frontegg caught my attention due to its targeted approach to serving SaaS companies. Its capability to provide rapid integration truly differentiates it from other platforms. I judged that Frontegg is indeed the top choice for SaaS entities requiring quick feature integration.

Standout features & integrations:

Frontegg offers a suite of pre-built SaaS functionalities, ranging from user management, and notifications, to security and auditing capabilities. Their approach allows companies to skip lengthy development processes and immediately tap into proven features. Furthermore, Frontegg's integrations with popular platforms like Slack, Azure, and AWS ensure its functionalities can easily complement existing tech stacks.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored solutions specifically for SaaS companies
  • Pre-built functionalities eliminate lengthy development times
  • Extensive integration options with major platforms


  • Might not be suitable for non-SaaS companies
  • Customizability could come with a learning curve for some
  • Pricing transparency could be improved

7. Google Authenticator - Best for users of Google's suite of services

Google Authenticator demo screenshot
Here's a demo screenshot on how to use Google Authenticator.

Google Authenticator is a tool dedicated to ensuring users' accounts are protected through two-factor authentication. As a product within Google's ecosystem, it offers a streamlined experience, especially for users already familiar with Google services, enhancing security without complicating the user journey.

Why I Picked Google Authenticator:

While selecting tools for this list, Google Authenticator was a clear inclusion, mainly due to its integration with Google's extensive suite. I have determined that its synchronicity with Google services makes it a top pick for users already nested within the Google ecosystem. I hold the opinion that for those heavily invested in Google's suite, Authenticator offers unmatched convenience.

Standout features & integrations:

Google Authenticator provides time-based one-time passwords, ensuring an added layer of security. The ability to scan QR codes for faster setup of accounts is a feature that simplifies the user experience. Additionally, it integrates with most major web services and platforms, not limited to just Google's suite, expanding its utility.


Free for users


  • Direct integration with Google services
  • QR code scanning feature simplifies setup
  • Supports a broad range of web services beyond Google


  • Requires manual setup for non-Google services
  • Loss of device can lead to setup complications
  • Lacks cloud-based backup for account recovery

8. Twilio Verify API - Best for developers needing customizable verification

Twilio Verify API multi factor authentication software
Check out this image of Twilio Verify API features which managed API for user validation and fraud reduction.

Twilio Verify API offers a comprehensive solution for developers aiming to implement phone, email, and other verifications into their applications. As verification demands can be intricate and specific, this tool provides the needed flexibility to mold the process fitting various requirements.

Why I Picked Twilio Verify API:

In choosing tools, Twilio Verify API naturally drew my attention due to its profound versatility for developers. After comparing its offerings with other tools, it became clear that its depth of customization options set it apart. I'm convinced that developers requiring tailorable verification processes will find this tool to be the optimal choice.

Standout features & integrations:

Twilio Verify API stands out with its multi-channel verification, supporting channels like SMS, voice, email, and push. The tool also offers an adaptive risk engine, enabling developers to tune the verification process according to different risk profiles. When it comes to integrations, Twilio Verify API can connect with various platforms and services, enhancing its usability in diverse tech stacks.


From $0.015/verification (varying based on verification channel and region)


  • Multi-channel verification options
  • Adaptive risk engine for dynamic verification processes
  • Extensive integration capabilities


  • Cost can accumulate rapidly with high verification volumes
  • Requires a degree of technical know-how for full utilization
  • Potential latency issues in certain regions

9. IBM Security Verify - Best for businesses in hybrid cloud scenarios

IBM Security Verify password vaulting overview
IBM Security Verify's password vaulting overview. It ensures enterprise-wide auditing and privileged access control and secures accounts.

IBM Security Verify offers an identity and access management solution that is designed to provide a secure user experience across various platforms and applications. This tool stands out especially for businesses operating in hybrid cloud environments, given its robust integration capabilities and security features tailored for such scenarios.

Why I Picked IBM Security Verify:

In the process of selecting tools, IBM Security Verify caught my eye because of its distinct focus on hybrid cloud situations. Judging from its features and the feedback from users, it became evident that its strengths lie in addressing the unique challenges posed by hybrid cloud setups. This makes me believe it's ideally suited for businesses navigating such complex environments.

Standout features & integrations:

IBM Security Verify boasts a comprehensive suite of features, including adaptive access policies, AI-driven insights, and a user behavior analytics engine. It's also equipped with single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to bolster security. As for integrations, the tool supports a wide array of applications, databases, and platforms, making it adaptable to diverse IT ecosystems.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored features for hybrid cloud environments
  • Comprehensive security measures, including SSO and MFA
  • Broad spectrum of integrations


  • Pricing transparency could be improved
  • Initial setup can be complex for some users
  • Some businesses might find it feature-dense for simpler use cases

10. LastPass - Best for combining password management and MFA

LastPass passwordless authentication interface
Here's LastPass integrating multifactor authentication across VPNs, software, and cloud apps for secure on-site and remote teams.

LastPass functions as a comprehensive tool designed to both manage passwords securely and offer multi-factor authentication (MFA). It has cleverly combined these two essential features, making it an ideal choice for those who prioritize both password management and improved authentication.

Why I Picked LastPass:

During my selection process, LastPass distinctly stood out because of its dual capability: managing passwords while also offering MFA. Comparing it with other tools, its comprehensive approach to security is what I found to be unique. My judgment is that for individuals or businesses that see the value in uniting password management with MFA, LastPass is a fitting choice.

Standout features & integrations:

LastPass provides a secure vault for storing passwords, notes, and other credentials, all of which are encrypted locally on the user's device. Additionally, its MFA functionality is robust, integrating biometric and contextual factors for improved security. Integration-wise, LastPass can be coupled with numerous web browsers, and platforms, and has extensions that ensure its functionality is easily accessible across devices.


From $3/user/month (billed annually)


  • Combines password management and MFA in one platform
  • Local encryption ensures user data remains private
  • Wide range of browser and platform integrations


  • Annual billing may not appeal to all users
  • The user interface might be challenging for non-tech-savvy individuals
  • Some advanced features are only available in higher-priced tiers

11. WatchGuard AuthPoint - Best for ensuring mobile-based security

WatchGuard AuthPoint summary dashboard
Here are the monitor reports in WatchGuard AuthPoint where user activity, authentication, resource activity, and denied push notifications can be viewed.

WatchGuard AuthPoint operates as a multi-factor authentication solution designed specifically with mobile users in mind. AuthPoint provides an added layer of security, aligning perfectly with its mission to prioritize mobile-based security.

Why I Picked WatchGuard AuthPoint:

In the vast sea of authentication tools, WatchGuard AuthPoint caught my attention due to its dedicated focus on mobile device security. My opinion is rooted that as mobile devices become integral to daily routines, a tool like AuthPoint, which specifically addresses mobile-based threats, becomes essential.

Standout features & integrations:

At its core, WatchGuard AuthPoint offers time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs), push-based authentication, and QR code-based authentication, all optimized for mobile experiences. In terms of integrations, AuthPoint supports a range of applications, from VPNs to cloud services, and can be integrated with the WatchGuard ecosystem of security products.


From $5/user/month (billed annually)


  • Mobile-centric authentication methods
  • Supports a broad array of integrations including VPNs and cloud services
  • Part of the trusted WatchGuard ecosystem


  • Might be less appealing to businesses not using other WatchGuard products
  • Limited customization options compared to some competitors
  • Some features might be overkill for smaller businesses or individual users

12. Duo Security - Best for comprehensive endpoint protection

Duo Security tool sample dashboard
Here's the screenshot of the Duo admin panel overview.

Duo Security, a part of Cisco, is recognized for its multi-factor authentication services and its commitment to safeguarding all user devices. Duo ensures that every device accessing sensitive data meets security standards.

Why I Picked Duo Security:

I chose Duo Security after determining and comparing its capabilities with numerous other tools on the market. In my judgment, for organizations that value a holistic approach to securing user access and device compliance, Duo is unparalleled in its commitment to comprehensive endpoint security.

Standout features & integrations:

Duo's adaptative authentication allows policies to be set based on the user and device risk, ensuring dynamic and risk-aware access controls. Additionally, Duo's endpoint health inspection ensures that only compliant devices access applications. For integrations, Duo supports a vast number of platforms, from VPNs to web applications, and is consistently updated to integrate with emerging technology solutions.


From $3/user/month (billed annually)


  • Holistic approach to authentication and endpoint security
  • Broad array of integrations, accommodating a wide range of platforms
  • User-friendly interface and easy deployment


  • Might have features unnecessary for very small organizations
  • Integration with non-Cisco products can sometimes require additional configuration
  • Some users might find the policy setup process complex

Other Noteworthy Multi Factor Authentication Software

Below is a list of additional multi factor authentication software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. SecureID - Good for risk-based dynamic access decisions
  2. CyberArk Identity - Good for privileged access management integration
  3. Silverfort - Good for adaptive authentication across environments
  4. OneLogin - Good for streamlined cloud identity management
  5. Azure Multi-Factor Authentication - Good for Azure users needing native MFA
  6. AuthN by IDEE - Good for passwordless multi-factor authentication
  7. PingID - Good for mobile biometric verification
  8. Thales SafeNet Trusted Access - Good for cloud and on-premises integrations
  9. Prove - Good for phone-centric identity verification
  10. PortalGuard - Good for flexible security solution integrations
  11. Yubico - Good for hardware-based authentication keys
  12. Instasafe ZTAA - Good for Zero Trust network access
  13. GateKeeper Proximity Authentication - Good for hands-free, proximity-based access
  14. Google Security Key Enforcement - Good for hardware-improved phishing protection
  15. Entersekt - Good for mobile push-based authentication

Selection Criteria for Choosing Multi Factor Authentication Software

I evaluated more than 15 tools, aiming to distill the essence of what truly matters when choosing an MFA solution. My decisions have been clear into the following criteria, which I hope will help guide you in your own selection process.

Core Functionality

  • Robust Authentication: The software should, at its heart, provide layered and secure verification processes.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: It should have the capability to adjust authentication processes based on the perceived risk of a login attempt.
  • Wide Coverage: The tool should cover multiple access points, ensuring that every possible entry is secured.

Key Features

  • Adaptive Authentication: A system that intelligently adjusts the authentication method based on user behavior and other contextual factors.
  • Biometric Verification: Incorporating unique human characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, for additional security.
  • Hardware Tokens: Some solutions offer physical devices that generate codes, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Geo-fencing: Determining access based on the geographic location of the user.
  • Time-limited Access: Granting access only for specific time durations, after which re-authentication is required.
  • Risk Analysis: Ability to gauge the risk of an access request and respond accordingly.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: For MFA solutions, a centralized dashboard that gives an overview of authentication requests and potential security threats is vital.
  • Quick Integration: Easy integration capabilities with existing systems, ensuring minimal disruption to current operations.
  • Efficient Onboarding: The solution should come with an interactive tutorial or guide, especially for administrators who need to understand the nuances of setting up and managing the tool.
  • Responsive Support: Given the critical nature of security, the software provider should offer prompt customer support, addressing concerns and issues in real time.
  • Customizable User Experience: Depending on the business environment, the software should allow tailoring of user experiences, such as setting up role-based access or adjusting the frequency of authentication prompts.

Most Common Questions Regarding Multi Factor Authentication Software (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using multi-factor authentication software?

Multi factor authentication software provides several advantages:

  • Improved Security: By requiring multiple forms of verification, MFA reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Reduced Reliance on Passwords: With MFA, even if a password is compromised, the account remains secure because of the additional layers of authentication.
  • Flexibility: Many MFA tools offer various authentication methods, allowing users to choose the most convenient one for them.
  • Protection Against Phishing: Even if a user unknowingly reveals their credentials, attackers can't access the account without additional verification.
  • Compliance: Certain regulations and standards require MFA, so implementing it helps organizations stay compliant.

How much do these tools typically cost?

The pricing of multi-factor authentication software can vary widely based on the features offered, the number of users, and the deployment method (cloud-based vs on-premises).

What are the common pricing models for these tools?

Most MFA tools adopt one of the following pricing models:

  • Per User: Pricing is determined by the number of users who will utilize the software.
  • Feature-Based: Different pricing tiers offer varying features, with advanced features costing more.
  • Flat Rate: Some providers charge a flat monthly or annual fee, irrespective of the number of users.

What's the typical range of pricing for these tools?

Generally, for cloud-based solutions, prices can range from $3/user/month to over $20/user/month. On-premises solutions might have higher upfront costs but may be more economical in the long run for large enterprises.

Which software is known to be the most affordable?

While exact prices can change, OneLogin and Azure Multi-Factor Authentication have historically been among the more affordable options on the market.

Which software tends to be the most expensive?

Premium solutions like CyberArk Identity and Thales SafeNet Trusted Access often come at a higher price point due to their advanced features and enterprise-level capabilities.

Are there any free multi-factor authentication options available?

Yes, several MFA tools offer free versions, though with limited features. Google's Security Key Enforcement and Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, for instance, provide basic MFA functionalities at no cost.

Why is there such a vast difference in pricing among these tools?

The difference in pricing can be attributed to various factors, including the depth of features, the intended audience (small business vs. large enterprise), deployment method, and the brand's reputation and customer support quality.


Selecting the best multi factor authentication software is a crucial decision for ensuring robust security. With a multitude of options available, the choice hinges on understanding the specific needs of your organization and matching them with the tool's capabilities. The benefits of using MFA software are clear, from security to compliance. Pricing models vary, with some tools offering per-user rates, while others might charge based on features or offer a flat rate.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Prioritize Your Needs: Before diving into options, outline what you specifically require from an MFA tool. Consider factors like core functionalities, key features, and usability aspects tailored to your organization.
  2. Understand the Costs: Pricing can be complex. While some tools may seem affordable at a glance, consider the total cost of ownership, including any potential additional fees or long-term contracts.
  3. Seek Flexibility and Scalability: As your organization grows, so will your security needs. Opt for an MFA solution that not only meets your current requirements but can also scale and adapt to future challenges.

What do you think?

I’ve evaluated the top multi factor authentication software options available today. However, the tech landscape is ever-evolving, and there might be emerging tools or hidden gems I haven't covered yet. If you've come across a tool that you believe should be on this list or have firsthand experience with one that's made a difference for you, please share it with me. Your input can help make this guide even more comprehensive and beneficial for everyone. Let's collaborate and secure the digital landscapes together.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.