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12 Best IT Alerting Software Shortlist

After deep evaluation, I've curated a list of the 12 best IT alerting software, handpicked to address your specific tech challenges.

  1. BigPanda - Best for centralized alert correlation
  2. xMatters - Best for automated incident response
  3. FireEye Helix - Best for advanced threat intelligence alerting
  4. PagerDuty - Best for on-call management and escalations
  5. Datadog - Best for real-time monitoring and analytics
  6. HipLink - Best for comprehensive alert management solutions
  7. Better Stack - Best for uptime and performance monitoring
  8. Freshservice - Best for IT service desk integration
  9. OnPage - Best for incident alert management
  10. Altera - Best for remote IT management
  11. Checkmk - Best for flexible notification options
  12. Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) - Best for scalable cloud-based messaging

In the ever-evolving world of IT, alerting software has become a cornerstone for operations teams, streamlining infrastructure monitoring across both on-premise and SaaS platforms. From managing Windows to iOS systems, these tools, including open-source solutions rich in plugins, ensure real-time alerts, end-to-end observability, and in-depth visualizations.

With API integrations enhancing data insights and management tools addressing everything from minor outages to data center hiccups, IT monitoring not only offers visual oversight but crucially bridges the gap between reactive fixes and proactive IT system management. If you've ever grappled with unexpected downtimes or lacked full observability, you'll recognize the immense value these providers bring.

What Is an IT Alerting Software?

IT alerting software is a specialized tool designed to monitor and notify users about significant events or anomalies within an IT infrastructure. Primarily utilized by IT professionals, system administrators, and DevOps teams, its core function is to centralize, prioritize, and communicate alerts efficiently. This ensures swift responses to potential issues, helping maintain system uptime, security, and optimal performance.

Overviews of the 12 Best IT Alerting Software

1. BigPanda - Best for centralized alert correlation

BigPanda IT Alerting Software incident dashboard
This is an image captured from BigPanda's incident dashboard.

BigPanda is designed to be a nucleus in the sprawling world of IT alerts, drawing in notifications from diverse sources and offering them in an accessible, streamlined fashion. Its prowess lies in its ability to take a jumbled cacophony of alerts and turn them into an orchestrated symphony, making it a standout in centralized alert correlation.

Why I Picked BigPanda:

When I was selecting tools for this list, BigPanda caught my attention for its unique approach to alert management. After comparing it with numerous other solutions, judging its features, and weighing opinions from various sources, I was convinced of its standout capabilities. Its mastery of centralized alert correlation ensures that IT professionals have a holistic and organized view of their infrastructure's health, justifying its top position for this specific use case.

Standout Features & Integrations:

At its core, BigPanda offers robust algorithms designed for efficient alert correlation and noise suppression. This ensures IT teams can zero in on critical issues without being drowned in false alarms. Furthermore, BigPanda offers integrations with a vast range of monitoring, change, and topology tools, cementing its place as a comprehensive solution for alert management.


Pricing upon request


  • Superior alert correlation capabilities
  • Efficient noise suppression for cleaner alert streams
  • Extensive integration options with leading IT tools


  • This may pose a learning curve for beginners
  • More suitable for larger infrastructures than small setups
  • Pricing transparency could be improved

2. xMatters - Best for automated incident response

xMatters IT Alerting Software features
With xMatters, users can review incident details in seconds from a unified incident console built for team collaboration.

xMatters is a tool that thrives in the realm of incident management by offering advanced automation capabilities. When it comes to rapidly responding to IT anomalies, xMatters steps up to deliver a streamlined process that aligns with today's demand for automated incident responses.

Why I Picked xMatters:

The selection process for this list was meticulous, and among the various contenders, xMatters emerged as a front-runner for its distinct approach to incident management. I judged it based on multiple parameters, weighed opinions, and compared it extensively with its peers.

Through this rigorous process, I determined xMatters to be unparalleled when it comes to automated incident response, giving IT teams a clear edge in managing and mitigating disruptions efficiently.

Standout Features & Integrations:

xMatters excels with its dynamic workflows that allow incidents to be addressed in real-time, optimizing response times. Another salient feature is its event flood control, which filters out the noise and ensures that only relevant incidents get attention.

In the integration department, xMatters integrates smoothly with popular ITSM tools, collaboration platforms, and monitoring solutions, enhancing its utility across various IT ecosystems.


From $20/user/month (billed annually)


  • Dynamic workflows optimize incident response
  • Event flood control ensures relevant alerts are prioritized
  • A broad range of integrations with leading IT platforms


  • Might be overkill for very small teams
  • Takes time to fully configure and optimize
  • Some learning curves for non-technical users

3. FireEye Helix - Best for advanced threat intelligence alerting

FireEye Helix's alert dashboard
Here is a screenshot from FireEye Helix's alert dashboard that provides an overview and filtering.

FireEye Helix stands as a formidable platform focusing on security orchestration and automated response. With a thrust on advanced threat intelligence, Helix ensures organizations receive accurate alerts on potential security threats, aligning perfectly with its promise of intelligence-driven alerting.

Why I Picked FireEye Helix:

In curating this list, the need for a solution that offered unmatched threat intelligence was evident. Having compared and judged various platforms, I discerned that FireEye Helix's commitment to precise and actionable intelligence set it apart. My opinions converged with the understanding that for organizations seeking top-tier threat intelligence alerting, Helix is the optimal choice.

Standout Features & Integrations:

What makes FireEye Helix shine are its intelligent orchestration capabilities which drive efficiency in threat detection and response. The platform's unified interface provides actionable insights from a myriad of data sources, streamlining the decision-making process.

Integration-wise, Helix offers compatibility with a broad array of SIEMs, EDRs, and other security products, thereby positioning itself as a hub for security operations.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust threat intelligence drives accurate alerts
  • A unified interface simplifies the threat analysis process
  • Wide-ranging compatibility with leading security products


  • Can be complex for novice users
  • Pricing transparency could be improved
  • Some customization might require external support

4. PagerDuty - Best for on-call management and escalations

PagerDuty IT Alerting Software features
Installed on test devices is the PagerDuty software, which features remote incident response capabilities that let you handle issues from any location.

PagerDuty offers a centralized platform tailored for IT professionals, enabling them to efficiently manage on-call schedules and expedite escalations when incidents arise. With its focus on on-call management and escalations, it stands as a crucial tool for businesses wanting to minimize downtime and handle IT incidents promptly.

Why I Picked PagerDuty:

In the process of selecting tools for this list, PagerDuty's reputation for handling on-call responsibilities with precision caught my attention. Comparing its features and user feedback with other platforms solidified my opinion of its capabilities. I determined that for any business needing rigorous on-call management and swift escalations, PagerDuty truly is the best.

Standout Features & Integrations:

PagerDuty excels with its real-time alerting system, ensuring that the right person gets notified instantly when an issue arises. Its scheduling capabilities are flexible, allowing teams to set rotations that best suit their workflow. In terms of integrations, PagerDuty connects effortlessly with monitoring tools like Datadog, Splunk, and New Relic, creating a cohesive ecosystem for IT operations.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Real-time alerting ensures swift issue acknowledgment
  • Flexible scheduling adapts to varied team needs
  • A vast array of integrations with leading monitoring tools


  • Might be overkill for smaller teams or startups
  • The interface can be challenging for beginners
  • Some features are locked behind higher pricing tiers

5. Datadog - Best for real-time monitoring and analytics

DataDog Alerting Software dashboard
With DataDog software, users can analyze service dependencies and distributed traces to optimize application performance.

Datadog is a comprehensive cloud monitoring platform that offers insight into application performance, infrastructure health, and log management. With its robust suite of analytics tools, it equips businesses with the capacity to make informed decisions based on real-time data, justifying its position as best for real-time monitoring and analytics.

Why I Picked Datadog:

In the midst of determining tools for this roster, Datadog consistently emerged as a leader in its domain. I judged its capability based on both its wide adoption in the industry and its array of monitoring and analytics features.

In my opinion, when it comes to real-time monitoring coupled with powerful analytics, Datadog holds a unique position in the market.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Datadog's platform is particularly strong with its application performance monitoring, which provides deep insight into application issues and user experiences. Additionally, its log management capability facilitates efficient troubleshooting. Integration-wise, Datadog syncs with over 400 popular technologies, including AWS, Docker, and Slack, making it a versatile tool in diverse tech environments.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive application performance insights
  • Efficient log management aids in quicker issue resolution
  • A broad range of integrations suits various tech stacks


  • Pricing can become steep for large teams
  • Initial setup might require a learning curve
  • Custom metrics can affect costs
HipLink Alerting Software messaging feature
This is a view from Hiplink's software installed on a sample device.

HipLink offers a suite of alerting and communication tools designed to provide immediate, actionable information in critical situations. Given its robust capabilities for message delivery across multiple platforms and formats, it stands out as the best for comprehensive alert management solutions.

Why I Picked HipLink:

In my search for robust alert management platforms, HipLink consistently surfaced as a top pick. From selecting various tools, judging them based on their features, and comparing their capabilities, HipLink impressed me with its comprehensive suite tailored to diverse communication needs.

This drove my opinion to position it as the best tool for comprehensive alert management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

HipLink shines with its ability to send messages to a myriad of devices, from pagers to smartphones. The software also offers voice and text-to-speech alerting. When it comes to integrations, HipLink can link with various systems, such as fire alarms, building management systems, and even E911 solutions.


Pricing upon request


  • Wide range of device compatibility for alerts
  • Text-to-speech and voice alerting capabilities
  • Broad system integration potential


  • Absence of transparent pricing on the website
  • The potential learning curve for some users
  • Some features might be overkill for smaller operations

7. Better Stack - Best for uptime and performance monitoring

Better Stack's monitoring dashboard
Take a look at Better Stack's monitoring dashboard.

Better Stack delivers precise tools for monitoring website uptime and assessing performance metrics. With its focus on providing in-depth insights into both uptime and site performance, it aligns with the title of being the best for uptime and performance monitoring.

Why I Picked Better Stack:

During my exploration of performance monitoring tools, Better Stack emerged as a definitive choice. After judging various platforms and comparing their functions, I determined that Better Stack offers unique insights, which significantly differentiates it from other tools.

This reinforced my belief that it's aptly suited as the best tool for uptime and performance monitoring.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Better Stack offers granular insights into website uptime, paired with detailed performance metrics that help pinpoint potential issues. In addition to these, its dashboard is intuitive, showcasing all vital statistics at a glance.

For integrations, Better Stack works well with popular platforms like Slack, Jira, and Trello, allowing teams to stay informed in real time.


Pricing upon request


  • Detailed performance metrics
  • Intuitive dashboard design
  • Integrations with popular team collaboration tools


  • No transparent pricing is available publicly
  • Might require some time for users to understand all features
  • Not as widely recognized as some other platforms

8. Freshservice - Best for IT service desk integration

Freshservice's service management alert dashboard
This is an image from Freshservice's service management alert dashboard.

Freshservice is a cloud-based IT Service Management (ITSM) solution designed to streamline business operations. Its key strength lies in its ability to integrate with IT service desks, positioning it as a top choice for companies needing comprehensive IT service desk integration.

Why I Picked Freshservice:

When I was selecting an ITSM platform for the list, Freshservice caught my attention due to its robust capabilities. Comparing it to other tools, its ability to integrate with a variety of IT service desks made it stand out.

This quality, along with my assessment and judgment, convinced me that it's the best choice for IT service desk integration.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Freshservice is not just an ITSM tool but also offers asset management and robust ticketing solutions. Its features are tailored to ensure IT departments function efficiently.

When it comes to integrations, Freshservice is versatile, connecting with platforms such as Slack, Trello, and Jira, ensuring better collaboration across teams.


From $19/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive ITSM solution with added functionalities
  • Versatile integration capabilities with popular platforms
  • User-friendly interface, simplifying complex tasks


  • Annual billing might be a deterrent for some users
  • The learning curve for those unfamiliar with ITSM tools
  • Some advanced features only available in higher-tier plans

9. OnPage - Best for incident alert management

OnPage’s incident alert management software
This is OnPage’s incident alert management software installed on a sample device. Its capabilities can be extended to leading ITSM solutions.

OnPage is a platform specializing in incident alert management, streamlining the process of critical notifications. Recognizing, handling, and responding to incidents is pivotal for many organizations, and OnPage's capabilities in this realm set it apart.

Why I Picked OnPage:

In the process of determining the right tool for incident management, OnPage emerged as a clear choice. I formed this opinion by judging its unique functionalities compared to other contenders. I believe it excels particularly in the area of incident alert management, making it aptly fit the "best for" tag I've assigned.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OnPage is lauded for its escalation policies, redundant messaging, and post-incident reporting. These features ensure that no critical alert goes unnoticed. On the integration front, OnPage collaborates well with tools like ConnectWise, Slack, and other monitoring platforms to bolster its incident management prowess.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Reliable escalation policies ensure alerts are handled
  • Comprehensive post-incident reports for analysis
  • Integration with popular monitoring platforms


  • The price might be steep for smaller teams
  • The lack of a monthly billing option might deter some potential users
  • Some users may find the interface less intuitive compared to competitors

10. Altera - Best for remote IT management

Altera's real-time monitoring and alerts dashboard
Here is a screenshot from Altera's real-time monitoring and alerts dashboard.

Altera is primarily designed for remote IT management, providing tools that ease the challenges of handling IT processes from afar. With the rise of remote work and decentralized teams, having specialized tools to manage IT resources has become essential, and this is where Altera shines.

Why I Picked Altera:

When selecting tools for remote IT management, Altera came to the forefront of my considerations. I determined its worth by comparing it with other platforms, and my judgment is that it offers unique capabilities. The reason I believe it's best for remote IT management is its comprehensive suite tailored specifically for distant administrative tasks.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Altera boasts features such as remote desktop control, network monitoring, and asset management. These functionalities ensure comprehensive oversight and control over remote infrastructures. Integration-wise, Altera collaborates effectively with platforms like Microsoft Teams, Jira, and Zendesk, ensuring smooth interoperability.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong remote desktop control capabilities
  • In-depth network monitoring tools
  • Effective integration with popular collaboration platforms


  • Pricing transparency could be improved
  • The learning curve for new users might be steep
  • Some functionalities may be too advanced for smaller teams

11. Checkmk - Best for flexible notification options

Checkmk IT Alerting Software
By integrating with tools like ntop, Checkmk makes comprehensive network monitoring possible.

Checkmk is a monitoring tool that provides in-depth perceptions of applications, networks, and systems. One of its standout attributes is its flexible notification system, enabling users to customize alerts based on specific parameters and requirements.

Why I Picked Checkmk:

In my journey of selecting the most suitable monitoring tools, Checkmk caught my attention due to its distinct notification flexibility. My determination, based on comparisons and judgment, led me to appreciate how it allows for precise alerting, reducing noise, and focusing on vital notifications.

This ability to finely tailor alerts is why I've chosen it as the best tool for flexible notification options.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Checkmk excels in providing real-time monitoring, automated discovery of services, and its BI (Business Intelligence) module for complex environments. It integrates with platforms like Grafana, Jira, and Slack to ensure holistic monitoring and communication.


From $20/user/month (billed annually)


  • Granular alert customizations
  • Robust integrations with other platforms
  • Real-time monitoring capabilities


  • Might require a steep learning curve for beginners
  • Licensing model may be confusing for some users
  • Some advanced features are exclusive to the enterprise version

12. Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) - Best for scalable cloud-based messaging

Amazon Sample Notification Service IT Alerting Software
This is Amazon SNS software, it is a notification service used to send the notification to the subscribed endpoint or devices.

Amazon SNS is a fully managed notification service offered by AWS. Its design provides a robust messaging solution for both application-to-application and application-to-person scenarios, making it perfect for scaling messaging needs.

Why I Picked Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS):

Choosing the right cloud-based messaging platform can be daunting, but my comparative analysis and judgment highlighted Amazon SNS's prowess. Its ability to effortlessly scale and deliver messages in diverse scenarios makes it stand out. I firmly believe it's the prime choice for those seeking scalable cloud-based messaging solutions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Amazon SNS stands out with its support for multiple endpoint types, including SMS, email, and application endpoints. It offers message filtering, ensuring only relevant messages reach subscribers. Integration capabilities are vast, with support for various AWS services like Lambda, SQS, and CloudWatch.


From $0.50 for 1 million Amazon SNS Requests


  • Versatile endpoint support (SMS, email, application)
  • Reliable delivery of messages
  • Tight integration with other AWS services


  • Might seem complex for new users to AWS
  • Costs can rise rapidly with increased usage
  • Limited customization options compared to dedicated messaging platforms

Other Notable IT Alerting Software

Below is a list of additional it alerting software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. They are definitely worth checking out.

  1. New Relic - Good for comprehensive application performance monitoring
  2. Dynatrace - Good for AI-driven root cause analysis
  3. Freshstatus by Freshworks - Good for public-facing system status updates
  4. ServiceNow ITOM - Good for IT operations automation and orchestration
  5. Everbridge IT Alerting - Good for incident response coordination
  6. BMC Helix ITSM - Good for service management in multi-cloud environments
  7. Sysdig - Good for container and cloud-native monitoring
  8. Splunk - Good for log-driven incident investigation
  9. Blue Matador - Good for predictive failure alerts
  10. AlertOps - Good for major incident management and collaboration

Selection Criteria For Choosing the Best IT Alerting Software

When looking into tools for incident alert management, I leaned heavily on my personal experience. Over the years, I've tested a plethora of these tools, trying out more than 30 different options. Some were too cumbersome, and others lacked key features, but a select few stood out and made their way to the top of my list. What was I specifically seeking? Here's a deep dive into the criteria that shaped my decisions:

Core Functionality

  • Incident detection: The primary function is to swiftly identify issues when they arise.
  • Notification routing: Directing alerts to the right individuals or teams based on predefined rules.
  • Escalation paths: If the primary contact does not respond, the system should have the capability to escalate the alert to the next individual or team.
  • Incident logging: Storing all data related to the incident, such as detection time, response time, and resolution details.

Key Features

  • Multi-channel alerting: The software should provide notifications across multiple platforms such as SMS, email, phone calls, and in-app notifications to ensure no alerts are missed.
  • Customizable alert parameters: Allowing teams to set their alert conditions based on their specific needs and to avoid false positives.
  • Integration capabilities: The ability to integrate with other tools in the IT environment like monitoring systems, helpdesks, and ticketing systems.
  • Post-incident analysis tools: Features to help analyze and understand the root cause of an incident to prevent future occurrences.
  • Automated response actions: Some advanced tools provide options for predefined automated responses to certain types of incidents.


  • Intuitive dashboard: For this type of tool, having a centralized dashboard that displays all active incidents, their status, and critical information is paramount.
  • Role-based access: Given the sensitive nature of incidents, the tool should facilitate easy configuration of user roles, determining who can view or manage specific incidents.
  • Quick setup and onboarding: The speed at which a team can implement and familiarize themselves with the tool can be critical, especially in environments where incidents are frequent.
  • Comprehensive documentation and training: A well-maintained knowledge base, tutorials, and customer support that can guide users when they face challenges.

Most Common Questions Regarding IT Alerting Software

What are the primary benefits of using IT alerting software?

Utilizing IT alerting software brings several advantages to an organization, including:

  1. Immediate Incident Awareness: Quick detection ensures that teams are promptly informed about issues, reducing the time it takes to start resolving them.
  2. Streamlined Communication: Instead of manual call trees or chats, the software automatically notifies the right person or team based on predefined criteria.
  3. Minimized Downtime: Faster response times often mean shorter downtimes, which can save a company significant revenue.
  4. Documentation and Reporting: These tools usually keep detailed logs of incidents, which can be invaluable for post-incident analysis and compliance needs.
  5. Integration with Other IT Tools: Most alerting software can integrate with other systems such as monitoring tools or ticketing systems, creating a cohesive IT environment.

How much do IT alerting software tools typically cost?

The pricing for IT alerting software varies greatly based on factors like features, scalability, and the target audience (enterprise vs. small business). Some tools may start as low as $10/user/month while enterprise solutions can go upwards of $1000/month, depending on the number of integrations and users.

What are the common pricing models for these tools?

Most IT alerting tools use one of the following pricing models:

  1. Per User Pricing: Charging is based on the number of users or admins who will be accessing the tool.
  2. Volume-based Pricing: Pricing tiers are based on the number of alerts or incidents the software will handle.
  3. Flat-rate Pricing: A fixed monthly or annual fee, regardless of the number of users or incidents.
  4. Freemium Model: Offering basic functionalities for free and charging for advanced features.

What is the typical price range for these software tools?

The typical range for IT alerting software is from $10/user/month for basic tools targeting smaller businesses or teams, to over $1000/month for comprehensive enterprise solutions with extensive integration capabilities.

Which software is the cheapest and most expensive on your list?

While pricing often varies based on specific configurations and needs, in general terms, AlertOps tends to be one of the more budget-friendly options, and ServiceNow ITOM is on the pricier end due to its extensive enterprise capabilities.

Are there any free tool options available?

Yes, some tools offer a freemium model where basic functionalities are available for free, and users pay for advanced features or when they exceed a certain volume of alerts. Additionally, some tools offer free trials or demo versions for users to test the software before committing to a paid plan. It's always a good idea to check the official website of the tool for the most current free offerings.

Other IT Monitoring Software Reviews


Choosing the right IT alerting software is essential for timely incident response, efficient communication, and overall system uptime. With an array of options available in the market, understanding your organization's unique needs and how different tools cater to them is crucial. Whether you're a small team seeking a basic solution or a large enterprise requiring advanced integrations, there's a tool tailored to your requirements.

Key Takeaways

  1. Define your needs first: Before diving into software options, outline what you specifically need from an IT alerting tool. Consider factors like the volume of alerts, desired integrations, and preferred communication channels.
  2. Understand Pricing Models: IT alerting tools come with various pricing models, from per-user to volume-based. Being clear about your budget and how you expect to use the software will help you identify the best fit without unexpected costs.
  3. Integration is Key: The best IT alerting software often works alongside other IT tools in your arsenal. Ensure your chosen solution can integrate with your existing systems to create a cohesive IT environment.

What Do You Think?

While I've done extensive research and hands-on testing to bring you this list, the world of IT alerting software is vast and ever-evolving. Perhaps there's a hidden gem out there that I haven't come across yet. If you've had a positive experience with an IT alerting tool that didn't make the cut, please share it in the comments or reach out directly. Your insights could help others in their search, and I'm always eager to explore and evaluate more tools to keep this guide comprehensive and up-to-date.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.