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12 Best IoT Software Shortlist

I've assessed 12 top IoT tools, handpicking the best ones for each main use case:

  1. Coreflux - Best for scalable IoT networking
  2. IoTConnect - Best for complete IoT platform management
  3. KaaIoT Platform - Best for customizable IoT applications
  4. ThingsBoard - Best for real-time data visualization
  5. Fogwing - Best for industrial IoT solutions
  6. Twilio - Best for secure IoT device communication
  7. MuleSoft - Best for IoT API integration
  8. Boomi - Best for cloud-native IoT connectivity
  9. Particle - Best for IoT hardware development
  10. Blynk - Best for mobile app integration with IoT
  11. AWS IoT Core - Best for IoT management with cloud support
  12. Azure IoT Central - Best for IoT solution development in Microsoft's ecosystem

Leveraging the best IoT platforms, I assist startup companies in harnessing machine learning and big data to enhance their asset management and data management capabilities. These tools support operating systems like Linux, Windows, etc. The tool in focus? It's IoT software, ingeniously designed to connect your wifi-enabled assets to a cloud computing data center via REST API, redefining software development as we know it.

The benefits? It reshapes your operational landscape, increasing efficiency while decreasing costs. As for the pain points it addresses, if firmware updates have been a headache, worry no more. I strongly urge you to explore these IoT services. You'll find solutions you didn't even realize you needed. Trust me; your business will thank you.

What is IoT Software?

IoT Software, or internet of things software, is a collection of programs and tools that facilitate the interconnection and interaction of devices, sensors, and systems within the Internet of Things framework. These software solutions are widely utilized by businesses, industries, and individual consumers to monitor, control, and automate various processes and functions.

IoT system weaves together data collection, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance into a comprehensive package that improves your customer experience. This software streamlines your asset management, takes the guesswork out of your predictive maintenance routine, software-as-a-Service (SaaS) integrated, manages supply chain, and simplifies data management while providing an enhanced end-user experience. It provides a critical layer of intelligence that allows the vast and growing network of physical objects to work together in synchronized and meaningful ways.

Overview of the 12 Best IoT Software

1. Coreflux - Best for scalable IoT networking

A photo focused on the network scaling feature of Coreflux.
Here's Coreflux providing a comprehensive network scaling which makes it fit for your IoT solutions.

Coreflux is known for offering a flexible platform that caters to diverse IoT networking needs. Its scalable nature ensures that it can handle anything from small to large-scale networks without a hitch, making it an ideal choice for businesses needing scalable solutions.

Why I Picked Coreflux:

I selected Coreflux after carefully comparing various options, and judging it based on its impressive scalability features. It stood out in the crowd due to its flexible architecture and ability to grow with the needs of a business, whether they are expanding from a few devices to thousands. This adaptability and scalability is why I determined Coreflux is best for scalable IoT networking.

Standout features & integrations:

Coreflux offers a set of features that allow users to manage their network easily, providing real-time monitoring and robust security measures to keep data safe. Its integrations are a key aspect, supporting various protocols like MQTT, CoAP, and WebSockets, thus ensuring a wide range of device connectivity.


Pricing upon request


  • Scalability supports various business sizes and needs
  • Comprehensive support for multiple connectivity protocols
  • Real-time monitoring enhances network oversight


  • Absence of transparent pricing online may hinder decision-making
  • Some technical know-how may be required for initial setup
  • Limited documentation may pose challenges for intricate configurations

2. IoTConnect - Best for complete IoT platform management

A photo of the dashboard made for the tool IoTConnect.
The dashboard of IoTConnect displays statistics for different data relevant to your IoT needs.

IoTConnect offers a comprehensive solution covering the entire IoT platform management scopeclarified. Whether it's device control, data analytics, or security management, it provides all the essential tools in one platform, making it optimal for complete IoT platform management.

Why I Picked IoTConnect:

I chose IoTConnect after thoroughly comparing different platforms, focusing on the capability to provide a full suite of management tools. Its all-in-one approach makes it stand out, offering a unified solution that handles diverse IoT management tasks. This comprehensive functionality made it clear that IoTConnect is best for complete IoT platform management, as it encapsulates everything from device connection to data interpretation.

Standout features & integrations:

IoTConnect's features include device monitoring, data analytics, workflow automation, and robust security controls. It integrates with popular platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, enabling businesses to align their IoT management with existing cloud infrastructure. These integrations are key to its ability to provide a cohesive management experience across various IoT aspects.


From $15/user/month


  • Comprehensive platform management from a single dashboard
  • Robust integrations with major cloud providers
  • Includes features for device monitoring, analytics, and security


  • May require a learning curve for new users
  • The extensive feature set could be overwhelming for small-scale applications
  • Pricing may be prohibitive for very small businesses or individual users

3. KaaIoT Platform - Best for customizable IoT applications

A screenshot highlighting the dashboard of KaaIoT Platform.
Here's KaaIoT Platform's dashboard that displays the monitoring and graphs for your IoT applications. some information displayed are pollutants, as well as graphs for ozone and humidity.

KaaIoT Platform is designed to provide a flexible environment for building highly customizable IoT applications. Its open architecture and adaptable tools align perfectly with those who need tailored solutions, making it the top pick for creating IoT applications that require specific customization.

Why I Picked KaaIoT Platform:

I chose KaaIoT Platform after a rigorous analysis of its adaptability and potential for customization. It stands out from other tools by offering a uniquely open and pliable platform for extensive modifications. This level of customizability confirmed that KaaIoT Platform is best for those who need to build IoT applications with particular requirements, features, or behaviors.

Standout features & integrations:

KaaIoT's most significant features include a flexible open architecture, user-friendly application templates, and extensive APIs for integration. It provides integrations with various data processing tools and connectivity protocols, such as MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP. This makes it easier to connect to existing systems and tools, enhancing its overall ability to create highly customized solutions.


Pricing upon request


  • High level of customization through open architecture
  • Broad range of integrations with popular data processing tools
  • Application templates facilitate quicker development


  • Could be complex for those new to custom IoT development
  • Lack of transparent pricing may deter some users
  • May require additional support or expertise for specialized implementations

4. ThingsBoard - Best for real-time data visualization

A photo focused on the smart energy monitoring feature of ThingsBoard.
Take a look at the smart energy monitoring of ThingsBoard.

ThingsBoard is an open-source platform that focuses on managing devices, assets, and the complex processing of real-time data visualization. It offers dashboards, analytics, and features geared explicitly toward data visualization as it happens, making it the go-to tool for those who require immediate insights from their IoT data.

Why I Picked ThingsBoard:

I selected ThingsBoard for this list because of its unique emphasis on real-time data visualization. After comparing several tools, I determined that its capabilities in visually processing data on the fly set it apart from the competition. The focus on providing immediate visual insights makes ThingsBoard best for those needing real-time data visualization, especially in sectors where instant decision-making is crucial.

Standout features & integrations:

ThingsBoard's standout features include a wide array of widgets for creating customizable dashboards, real-time analytics capabilities, and a rule engine for automation. Integrations extend to various data transport protocols like MQTT, HTTP, CoAP, and popular databases, ensuring compatibility with different data sources and formats.


From $10/user/month (min 5 seats)


  • Customizable widgets allow tailored visualization
  • Real-time analytics provide immediate insights
  • Wide range of integrations with popular databases and protocols


  • Requires a minimum of five seats, making it less suitable for smaller operations
  • May present a steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with data visualization
  • Some users may find the cost prohibitive, particularly for larger teams

5. Fogwing - Best for industrial IoT solutions

A photo of the format for the dashboard of Fogwing.
Here's the format of how the dashboard of Fogwing is designed for ease of use. Information displayed will vary with the IoT data you store and manage.

Fogwing is an Industrial IoT platform that provides end-to-end solutions for managing, monitoring, and analyzing industrial data. Designed with the manufacturing, energy, and similar sectors in mind, its tailored features and robust architecture make it suitable for handling complex industrial requirements, justifying its stance as the best industrial IoT solutions.

Why I Picked Fogwing:

I chose Fogwing as the ideal solution for industrial sectors after comparing various options. It offers essential features like device management and process analytics, necessary for handling sensitive data in specialized applications. Fogwing's unique focus on providing industrial solutions sets it apart from other options, making it the top choice for industrial IoT solutions.

Standout features & integrations:

Fogwing's essential features include real-time data monitoring, comprehensive device management, process analytics, and industrial-grade security protocols. It integrates with various industrial communication protocols such as OPC UA, Modbus, and others, facilitating easy connection to machinery, devices, and sensors standard in the industrial setting.


From $15/user/month (min 5 seats)


  • Specialized focus on industrial applications ensures tailored solutions
  • Integration with common industrial protocols enhances usability
  • Comprehensive monitoring and analytics allow deep insight into industrial processes


  • Minimum of five seats required, may not be suitable for smaller industrial setups
  • Pricing may be on the higher side for smaller organizations
  • Focus on industrial applications may limit its applicability in non-industrial settings

6. Twilio - Best for secure IoT device communication

A screenshot of the call insight feature of the tool Twilio.
This is how IoT device communication data is evaluated in Twilio. You're currently looking at its call insight data.

Twilio provides an IoT platform focusing on secure, reliable communication between devices. A comprehensive set of APIs and a scalable infrastructure enables businesses to build and manage connected devices in a safe environment, making it best suited for secure IoT device communication.

Why I Picked Twilio:

I picked Twilio for its commitment to security and reliability in IoT device communication. Twilio stands out because of its global reach, versatile APIs, and robust security features that ensure safe data transmission. I determined that these qualities make Twilio best for those prioritizing secure communication between IoT devices, whether on a small or large scale.

Standout features & integrations:

Twilio’s most essential features include end-to-end encryption, robust device authentication, and a flexible set of communication APIs allowing messaging, voice, and video interactions. It integrates with various programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, Java, and Node.js, and offers compatibility with many popular cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.


From $10/user/month


  • Strong security features ensure safe data transmission
  • Versatile APIs enable a wide range of communication options
  • Compatibility with popular programming languages and cloud platforms offers flexibility


  • Might be more complex for those without development experience
  • Costs can add up with extensive usage
  • May offer more features than needed for very basic IoT communication tasks

7. MuleSoft - Best for IoT API integration

A screenshot of the overview tab found in the tool MuleSoft.
The overview of MuleSoft highlights relevant charts for you IoT applications such as average response rates and CPU utilization.

MuleSoft offers an integration platform for connecting various applications, data sources, and devices. Allowing absolute interconnection between IoT devices and existing systems through APIs makes it an excellent choice for managing complex IoT integrations, justifying its position as best for IoT API integration.

Why I Picked MuleSoft:

I chose MuleSoft for its reliable track record of offering efficient and scalable API integration on various platforms. Its ability to connect separate systems and IoT devices is impressive, making it the ideal choice for handling complex integrations. After careful consideration, I'm sure that these features make MuleSoft the top pick for IoT API integration, especially for businesses seeking to use IoT data across multiple applications.

Standout features & integrations:

MuleSoft’s standout features include Anypoint Platform, which enables the design, deployment, and management of APIs in one unified platform. This ensures that different IoT devices can communicate smoothly. MuleSoft integrates with many popular systems such as Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, and more, allowing for the free flow of information between these platforms and IoT devices.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive integration platform allows for connectivity between various applications and devices
  • Offers a wide array of pre-built integrations with popular platforms
  • Strong support and community providing extensive resources


  • Can be complex to set up for those without integration experience
  • Pricing is not transparent and might be on the higher side for small businesses
  • Limited customization in some pre-built integrations may require additional development work

8. Boomi - Best for cloud-native IoT connectivity

A photo displaying the dashboard of Boomi.
Here's a screenshot of Boomi's dashboard which provides easy access to information like transactions and data quality summaries.

Boomi is a leading Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) specializing in cloud-native integrations, including connecting IoT devices with cloud environments. Its emphasis on delivering reliable, scalable cloud-based connections for IoT ecosystems makes it best for cloud-native IoT connectivity.

Why I Picked Boomi:

I chose Boomi for its dedicated focus on providing cloud-native integrations, which is pivotal in today’s data-driven world. When comparing and judging various tools, Boomi's specialization in integrating cloud and on-premises applications caught my attention. Its ability to bridge the gap between IoT devices and cloud platforms makes it stand out, which is why I think it's best for cloud-native IoT connectivity.

Standout features & integrations:

Boomi offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the development of integration flows between cloud and on-premises endpoints. The AtomSphere platform within Boomi enables data movement between different environments, ensuring that IoT data is accessible where needed. Its integrations with major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud allow for smooth connectivity between IoT devices and cloud services.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong emphasis on cloud-native integrations allows for flexibility in connecting IoT devices
  • User-friendly interface that lowers the learning curve for new users
  • Broad compatibility with major cloud providers


  • Pricing details are not transparent, which can complicate budget planning
  • Some complex integrations may require technical expertise
  • Limited documentation and community support compared to some other platforms

9. Particle - Best for IoT hardware development

A photo focused on the vitals tab of the tool Particle.
Here's a closer look at the vitals portion of Particle where you can check signal strengths and quality.

Particle is a comprehensive platform designed to support the complete lifecycle of IoT hardware development, from prototyping to production. It offers hardware modules and software tools aimed explicitly at IoT hardware developers, making it the best for IoT hardware development.

Why I Picked Particle:

I chose Particle after carefully comparing various platforms that support IoT hardware development. Its dual focus on both the hardware and software aspects of IoT development makes it stand out, offering a cohesive environment for developers. Its integration of various hardware components, tools, and support for cloud connectivity makes it particularly suited for IoT hardware development, the area where I determined it to be best for.

Standout features & integrations:

Particle offers a range of microcontroller models for IoT applications and IoT applications, along with a cloud platform to manage devices. The hardware is supported by Particle's Device OS, a robust operating system for IoT devices. Necessary integrations include compatibility with everyday development environments, IoT protocols, and third-party cloud services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.


From $2/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive platform that covers both hardware and software aspects of IoT development
  • Support for popular cloud platforms enhances connectivity options
  • A broad ecosystem of tools, including a rich development environment for coding and debugging


  • The platform might be too complex for hobbyists or beginners
  • Limited support for non-Particle hardware may hinder some projects
  • Annual billing may not suit those seeking more flexible payment options

10. Blynk - Best for mobile app integration with IoT

A screenshot focused on the device dashboard integrated in the tool Blynk.
Here's a screenshot of an IoT device being integrated using Blynk.

Blynk connects IoT devices and mobile apps for easy integration, making it a popular choice for enhancing IoT projects with mobile app interaction.

Why I Picked Blynk:

I chose Blynk because it focuses on mobile app integration with IoT devices. I compared several platforms during my selection process, but Blynk's dedicated mobile app libraries and templates distinguished it from others. The ability to create custom mobile applications that interact directly with IoT devices without extensive programming is why I judged Blynk to be the best for mobile app integration with IoT.

Standout features & integrations:

Blynk offers a drag-and-drop interface for creating mobile apps tailored to IoT devices. This feature enables developers to design custom interfaces that communicate with their hardware without writing extensive code. Key integrations include support for a wide range of hardware platforms, such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP8266, and compatibility with Android and iOS for app deployment.


From $4.99/user/month (min 5 seats)


  • User-friendly interface for creating mobile apps tailored to IoT devices
  • Extensive support for popular hardware platforms
  • Offers both cloud and on-premises deployment options


  • Might be limiting for developers seeking more complex, code-intensive solutions
  • Minimum of 5 seats might be prohibitive for smaller teams or individual users
  • Limited functionalities beyond mobile app integration, might require additional tools for comprehensive IoT development

11. AWS IoT Core - Best for IoT management with cloud support

A photo of the device integration interactive tutorial found in the tool AWS IoT Core.
Take a look at the interactive tutorial page in AWS IoT Core which explains how devices can be integrated with the tool.

AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud service offered by Amazon Web Services that lets connected devices interact with cloud applications and other devices easily. It provides a comprehensive solution for collecting, processing, analyzing, and acting on data generated by connected devices. It is particularly beneficial for those needing robust cloud support for IoT management.

Why I Picked AWS IoT Core:

I chose AWS IoT Core after carefully comparing and judging various IoT management platforms, specifically focusing on their cloud support capabilities. AWS IoT Core stood out because of its deep integration with other AWS services and powerful tools for managing, analyzing, and acting on-device data. Its combination of scalability, reliability, and feature-rich cloud support makes it best for IoT management with cloud support.

Standout features & integrations:

AWS IoT Core offers features such as Device Shadow that allows for the persistent representation of devices in the cloud and MQTT protocol support for efficient communication. The integration with other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, and Amazon SageMaker, allows users to build highly scalable and tailored IoT applications.


AWS IoT Core pricing is based on the number of messages published to and delivered by the service. The starting price is $0.008 per million messages sent.


  • Robust scalability supporting a large number of devices
  • Deep integration with the broader AWS ecosystem
  • Strong security features, including end-to-end encryption


  • Pricing model based on message count can become complex and expensive for heavy users
  • Might be overkill for simple or small-scale IoT projects
  • Learning curve for users unfamiliar with AWS services and architecture

12. Azure IoT Central - Best for IoT solution development in Microsoft's ecosystem

A screenshot of the customizable dashboard for Azure IoT Central.
You can always customize your Azure IoT Central dashboard based on your preference. It can either be personalized, or kept professional by following your organizations dashboard.

Azure IoT Central is a managed platform that simplifies connecting and managing IoT assets. It's integrated with Microsoft and ideal for companies looking to complement existing technologies.

Why I Picked Azure IoT Central:

I chose Azure IoT Central for its strength in enabling streamlined IoT solution development within the Microsoft ecosystem. After determining the needs and comparing various platforms, it became clear that Azure IoT Central offers an edge in integrating with Microsoft's wide range of tools and services. Its tight integration with other Microsoft products makes it best for IoT solution development in Microsoft's ecosystem.

Standout features & integrations:

Azure IoT Central provides features such as real-time analytics, device templates, and creating rules and actions based on device data. Its integrations are extensive within the Microsoft environment, including key Microsoft services like Azure Active Directory, Power BI, Dynamics 365, and more. These integrations enable a cohesive workflow across various stages of IoT development.


Azure IoT Central offers pricing based on device usage and data volume. The starting price for the standard tier is $0.50 per device per month (billed annually), with additional costs for extra data consumption.


  • Streamlined development within Microsoft's ecosystem
  • Offers pre-built templates to quickly create IoT applications
  • Supports a wide range of IoT devices and protocols


  • Pricing can become complex with increased data consumption
  • Less suited for non-Microsoft technology stacks
  • Some users may face a learning curve with more advanced features

Other Noteworthy IoT Software

Below is a list of additional IoT software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Exosense - Good for industrial IoT with a scalable architecture
  2. Racttal - Good for asset tracking and maintenance management
  3. SAP Leonardo IoT - Good for integrating IoT into SAP's digital core
  4. Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service (IoTCS) - Good for enterprise IoT solutions with Oracle Cloud integration
  5. Altair SmartWorks IoT Platform - Good for custom IoT analytics and visualization tools
  6. Bosch IoT Suite - Good for connecting and managing IoT devices on a large scale
  7. Ubidots IoT Application Enablement Platform - Good for developers needing a flexible and user-friendly platform
  8. Losant Enterprise IoT Platform - Good for creating enterprise-level IoT applications
  9. IBM Watson IoT Platform - Good for utilizing AI with IoT data analysis
  10. ThningWorx - Good for rapid IoT application development with augmented reality support
  11. Hologram - Good for cellular IoT connectivity across global networks
  12. IFTTT - Good for personal IoT task automation
  13. EMQX - Good for scalable and open-source MQTT broker services
  14. Wolfram Mathematica - Good for IoT data analytics and computational tasks
  15. balena - Good for managing and deploying IoT container applications
  16. 1oT - Good for SIM management in IoT devices
  17. Helium - Good for decentralized wireless IoT networks
  18. Zoho IoT - Good for building and managing IoT applications in the Zoho ecosystem
  19. Ayla Networks IoT Platform - Good for OEMs needing IoT product lifecycle management

Selection Criteria for Choosing IoT Software

When it comes to choosing the right IoT (internet of things) platform or software, there are several critical considerations that one must take into account. IoT is a complex ecosystem that integrates various devices, protocols, and services, and selecting the right tool requires understanding the specific needs and goals of a project or organization. I've evaluated dozens of IoT tools, and in this case, I was really looking for scalability, ease of integration, robust functionality, and user-friendly interfaces. Here's a detailed look at the criteria that I considered most important:

Core Functionality

  • Device Management: Ability to connect, monitor, and manage multiple IoT devices
  • Data Analytics: Capacity to analyze and interpret data from connected devices for actionable insights
  • Integration Support: Compatibility with various systems, protocols, and third-party services
  • Security Compliance: Robust measures to ensure data privacy and secure communication

Key Features

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Enables the real-time tracking and monitoring of device status, data, and alerts
  • Flexible APIs: Provides open APIs that facilitate integration with other applications or systems
  • Scalability: Ensures that the system can grow with the number of devices, data volume, or complexity
  • Remote Control and Automation: Capability to remotely control devices and automate tasks or responses based on predefined rules


  • Intuitive Interface: For IoT platforms, having an interface that makes it easy to visualize data, configure devices, and set rules is vital. Dashboards with clear visualization tools, drag-and-drop functionality, and easy navigation enhance user experience.
  • Easy Onboarding: A well-documented onboarding process with tutorials, guides, and support to help users get started quickly and efficiently.
  • Customer Support: Availability of responsive customer support to assist with setup, troubleshooting, and ongoing needs.
  • Role-Based Access: IoT platforms should offer role-based access controls, enabling different users to have varied levels of access based on their responsibilities, enhancing both security and collaboration.

By focusing on these criteria, I could identify the best tools in the IoT space that provide a balance of functionality, features, and usability tailored to specific needs and use cases. Whether it's for industrial applications, consumer products, or enterprise solutions, these criteria serve as a valuable guide in selecting the most appropriate IoT platform.

Most Common Questions Regarding IoT Software (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using IoT Software?

Using IoT software provides several advantages, including:

  1. Real-time Monitoring and Control: Allows immediate tracking, monitoring, and control of devices from anywhere, offering timely insights and actions.
  2. Efficient Data Analytics: Gathers and analyzes data from various sources to provide actionable insights that drive decision-making and optimization.
  3. Enhanced Security: Offers robust security measures to ensure data integrity and privacy, protecting against unauthorized access or threats.
  4. Scalability: Can quickly expand to manage more devices or data as the organization or project grow, without significant changes to the existing infrastructure.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Facilitates the integration of various devices, systems, and third-party applications, enabling a cohesive and unified IoT ecosystem.

How much do these tools typically cost?

The pricing of IoT software can vary widely based on functionality, scalability, and specific use cases. Pricing models might include monthly subscriptions, annual licenses, per-device fees, or usage-based pricing. Here's a broad view of the pricing landscape:

  • Typical Range of Pricing: Prices can start from as low as $5 per device per month to $100 or more, depending on the complexity and scale.
  • Cheapest Software: Entry-level tools may offer monthly plans starting from around $5 per device.
  • Most Expensive Software: High-end enterprise solutions with advanced features can go beyond $100 per monthly device.
  • Free Tool Options: Some platforms offer free plans with limited features or for a restricted number of devices, suitable for small-scale projects or prototyping.

What are the common pricing models for IoT software?

Pricing models for IoT software may include:

  • Per Device: Charging is based on the number of devices connected to the platform.
  • Subscription-Based: Recurring monthly or annual fees for access to the platform, with different tiers based on features and usage.
  • Usage-Based: Pricing is dependent on data volume, number of messages, or other specific utilization metrics.
  • One-Time License Fee: An upfront cost to purchase the software, often coupled with ongoing maintenance or support fees.

Is there any free IoT software available?

Some IoT platforms offer free tiers or trial versions with limited functionality or device connections. These free options can benefit small projects, testing, or learning purposes. Understanding the limitations and reviewing the terms and conditions to ensure they align with your needs is essential.

How can I choose the best IoT software for my needs?

Selecting the best IoT software requires understanding your specific requirements, goals, and budget. Consider factors like core functionality, key features, usability, security, scalability, integration needs, and support. Refer to guides, reviews, and experts in the field, and leverage free trials or demos to make an informed decision.

What industries commonly use IoT software?

IoT software is used across various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, smart cities, energy management, and consumer electronics. It enables automation, monitoring, analytics, and control, driving efficiency and innovation in these sectors.

Can I integrate IoT software with other systems or tools?

Most IoT platforms offer integration capabilities with other systems, tools, and third-party services. This may include APIs, pre-built connectors, or integration platforms that enable connectivity with other enterprise systems, analytics tools, cloud services, or custom applications. Reviewing the specific integration options and compatibility to ensure they align with your existing infrastructure and needs is essential.

Other IoT Software Reviews


Choosing the right IoT software for a specific use case requires careful consideration of various factors, including core functionality, key features, usability, and pricing. Organizations can better align their selection with specific needs and objectives by focusing on these criteria. Here's a helpful summary that encapsulates the main points:

  1. Core Functionality: Identifying the essential functions that the IoT software should enable is crucial. Knowing what's needed will narrow down the options, whether it's device management, data analysis, or integration with existing systems.
  2. Key Features and Usability: Beyond essential functions, the distinguishing features of a tool, as well as its design, ease of onboarding, interface, and customer support, should align with the specific requirements of the use case. This ensures not only the effective operation but also a pleasant user experience.
  3. Pricing Models and Range: Understanding IoT software's pricing structure, the typical pricing range, and the most economical or premium options allows for an informed decision that aligns with budget constraints. This knowledge helps in striking the right balance between cost and functionality.

In the ever-expanding field of IoT, selecting the right platform or tool is a strategic decision that can significantly impact the success of an organization's IoT initiatives. With these key takeaways in mind, buyers can make an informed choice that best fits their unique needs and goals.

What do you think?

We've done our best to provide a comprehensive overview of the best IoT software available, but the landscape is vast and constantly evolving. If you know of a tool that we may have missed or have experience with a platform that should be included in our list, please don't hesitate to reach out and share your insights. Your input is valuable, and we welcome your suggestions to keep our guide as accurate and helpful as possible. Thank you for being part of our community!

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.