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12 Best Blockchain Software Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best blockchain software to address the challenges you face.

  1. Hedera - Best for high-throughput consensus services
  2. Tezos - Best for on-chain governance mechanisms
  3. Avalanche - Best for rapid transaction finality
  4. EOSIO - Best for scalable decentralized applications
  5. Ontology blockchain - Best for identity and data integrity
  6. Kaleido - Best for enterprise blockchain solutions
  7. CoreLedger - Best for blockchain prototyping needs
  8. ChainGPT - Best for language model integration
  9. Ankr AppChains - Best for distributed cloud services
  10. Corda - Best for private transaction networks
  11. Amazon Managed Blockchain - Best for scalable BaaS on AWS
  12. Oracle Blockchain - Best for integrating with Oracle-based systems

Navigating the blockchain realm can be daunting, especially for development companies trading in USD or those newly drawn to IBM blockchain and Ripple. I've explored numerous options, aiming to find the perfect fit for diverse needs. Blockchain software offers a foundation for secure, decentralized transactions, addressing pain points like intermediaries and enhancing transaction security and traceability.

Delving into the software options I recommend will guide you to the right solution for your needs.

What Is a Blockchain Software?

Blockchain software provides a digital ledger system that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures the data's security, transparency, and immutability. Typically decentralized, this technology is employed by a diverse set of users, from fintech enterprises to individual developers and enthusiasts.

They leverage blockchain for a variety of purposes, including creating cryptocurrencies, establishing smart contracts, enhancing supply chain transparency, and fostering decentralized applications, among other innovative use cases.

Overviews of the 12 Best Blockchain Software

1. Hedera - Best for high-throughput consensus services

Network overview dashboard in Hedera blockchain software
Here's the network overview dashboard in Hedera.

Hedera is a decentralized public network that capitalizes on blockchain technology, striving for high-speed transactions and unparalleled security. Its primary focus lies in achieving high-throughput consensus, ensuring that large volumes of transactions are processed rapidly and effectively.

Why I Picked Hedera:

In the vast ecosystem of blockchain platforms, Hedera has always grabbed my attention. I chose Hedera for its unique ability to provide rapid consensus services on its blockchain network.

When judging and comparing various platforms, it became evident that Hedera's algorithm, combined with its advanced blockchain technology, made it best for those looking for speed without compromising security.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Hedera offers features like the Hedera Token Service and consensus service, making it easier for businesses to mint their tokens or achieve consensus in real-time. Their smart contracts functionality, combined with the ability to build dApps, caters to diverse blockchain development needs. Important integrations include linking with other blockchain services, IoT solutions, and various dApp platforms, fortifying the applicability of their offering.


From $10/user/month (min 5 seats)


  • Efficient consensus mechanism ensures speedy transactions.
  • Supports development and deployment of dApps.
  • Offers interoperability with a range of blockchain networks and services.


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for newcomers compared to other platforms.
  • Primarily focuses on consensus, which might not cater to all business needs.
  • Requires a minimum seat purchase, limiting its use for individual developers.

2. Tezos - Best for on-chain governance mechanisms

Texos blockchain software price analysis chart view
Here's the Texos price analysis chart view.

Tezos stands out in the world of blockchain platforms, championing a strong on-chain governance model. This decentralized blockchain evolves by upgrading itself, ensuring stakeholders are at the helm of decision-making processes.

Why I Picked Tezos:

Tezos captured my interest after I meticulously went through numerous blockchain platforms. What determined my choice was its unique approach to on-chain governance mechanisms. After comparing and analyzing, it became clear that when it comes to a decentralized decision-making process within a blockchain network, Tezos leads.

It's my firm opinion that for anyone prioritizing on-chain governance, Tezos is the best bet.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Tezos prides itself on its modular architecture and the ability for stakeholders to vote on proposed protocol changes. Its functionality goes beyond mere blockchain development, incorporating smart contracts and facilitating dApps creation.

Its integration landscape is diverse, linking with various blockchain-as-a-service providers and software development tools.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • Distinct on-chain governance model promoting decentralized decision-making.
  • Offers a robust ecosystem supporting dApps and smart contracts.
  • High scalability ensuring efficient performance on its blockchain network.


  • Its unique governance model might be unfamiliar to traditional blockchain developers.
  • Potential learning curve for users new to the on-chain governance concept.
  • Annual billing might be a commitment some users are hesitant about.

3. Avalanche - Best for rapid transaction finality

Avalanche to USD chart in Avalanche blockchain software
Here's a screenshot of the Avalanche to USD chart.

Avalanche is a distinguished player in the realm of blockchain platforms, specifically designed for quick transaction conclusions. Its architecture promises a swiftness in transaction finality that few can rival.

Why I Picked Avalanche:

I chose Avalanche after a thorough examination of numerous blockchain platforms. The deciding factor was its impressive ability to achieve rapid transaction finality. Through judicious comparison and consideration, I formed the opinion that Avalanche is indeed a cut above the rest.

Its prowess in ensuring quick transaction conclusions makes it an optimal choice for those who value speed and efficiency in a blockchain network.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Avalanche boasts a decentralized finance ecosystem and a consensus mechanism that improves transaction speed. It caters to developers through its EVM-compatible functionality, facilitating blockchain app creation and development.

In terms of integrations, Avalanche connects with various blockchain-as-a-service providers and supports a myriad of programming languages, improving its utility in the blockchain world.


From $15/user/month (billed annually) + $30 base fee per month


  • Exceptional speed in transaction finality.
  • Versatile ecosystem compatible with EVM, aiding in dApps and blockchain development.
  • Broad spectrum of integrations with leading blockchain services.


  • Might be overwhelming for beginners given its unique architecture.
  • The platform's focus on speed might not cater to every blockchain use-case.
  • Annual billing could deter those seeking short-term solutions.

4. EOSIO - Best for scalable decentralized applications

Historic price chart in EOSIO blockchain software
Here's an image of the historic price chart in EOSIO.

EOSIO stands as a dynamic blockchain platform tailored for building efficient dApps. It's designed from the ground up with scalability in mind, aiming to deliver decentralized applications that can handle vast user numbers with ease.

Why I Picked EOSIO:

After carefully selecting and judging various platforms, I chose EOSIO primarily because of its innate ability to accommodate scalable decentralized applications. In the ever-growing ecosystem of blockchain technology, EOSIO distinctly stands out with its focus on accommodating large-scale dApps without compromising on speed or security.

For projects eyeing scalability as their prime concern, EOSIO has cemented itself as the go-to blockchain platform.

Standout Features & Integrations:

EOSIO brings to the table a high throughput, resulting in rapid transaction times, making it a dream for real-time dApps. Its consensus mechanism, combined with the EOS programming language, facilitates smoother blockchain development. On the integration front, EOSIO harmonizes well with multiple blockchain-as-a-service providers and offers flexibility with an array of programming languages, such as Java and Javascript, for developers.


From $20/user/month (billed annually) + $50 base fee per month


  • Tailored for scalable dApps, ensuring efficient functionality.
  • Accommodates real-time dApps through its high throughput.
  • Extensive compatibility with various programming languages aids blockchain development.


  • Learning curve for new developers unfamiliar with EOS programming language.
  • Costs may become a concern for smaller startups.
  • Might not be the ideal fit for projects not primarily focused on scalability.

5. Ontology Blockchain - Best for identity and data integrity

Sample of the ONTO wallet product of Ontology Blockchain software
Here's a sample of the ONTO wallet product of Ontology Blockchain, which allows you to manage all your tokens and NFTs on multiple chains.

Ontology is a versatile blockchain platform, emphasizing secure identity management and data integrity. Built with a focus on trust, Ontology ensures that identity and data remain uncompromised within decentralized applications.

Why I Picked Ontology Blockchain:

Upon comparing several blockchain platforms, I determined Ontology to be an exceptional choice because of its unparalleled emphasis on identity security and data veracity. In a world where data breaches are frequent, Ontology stands apart with its robust mechanisms ensuring user identity and data protection. It's clear that for projects that prioritize data integrity and identity, Ontology emerges as the top contender.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Ontology introduces a high-performance consensus mechanism that not only boosts scalability but also ensures data accuracy. Its modular framework supports tailor-made blockchain development, making it adaptable to various project requirements.

Integrations-wise, Ontology connects with several blockchain-as-a-service providers and can be leveraged in harmony with popular programming languages, including Java and Javascript.


From $15/user/month (billed annually) + $30 base fee per month


  • Rigorous focus on identity protection and data integrity.
  • Modular design aids in custom-tailored blockchain development.
  • Strong consensus mechanism bolsters scalability and data accuracy.


  • For projects not prioritizing identity, it might seem over-specialized.
  • The learning curve for those new to its ecosystem.
  • Costs may become a concern for smaller entities or startups.

6. Kaleido - Best for enterprise blockchain solutions

Kaliedo's environment dashboard view
Here's a screenshot of Kaliedo's environment dashboard view.

Kaleido serves as a comprehensive blockchain platform tailored specifically for enterprises seeking scalable and robust blockchain solutions. Recognizing the intricate demands of modern businesses, it caters to those looking for powerful blockchain functionality combined with enterprise-level security and support.

Why I Picked Kaleido:

When judging various blockchain platforms, Kaleido's commitment to providing holistic enterprise solutions made it an obvious selection. In my opinion, compared to other platforms, Kaleido offers an unparalleled balance of flexibility, security, and robustness tailored specifically for businesses.

This is why I firmly believe it to be the best for companies requiring enterprise-grade blockchain solutions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of Kaleido's prominent features is its blockchain-as-a-service functionality, allowing companies to streamline their blockchain development process. The platform also provides real-time analytics, ensuring businesses can monitor their blockchain's performance closely.

On the integration front, Kaleido interfaces with popular tools like Ethereum's EVM, Quorum, and Consensys, improving its adaptability and utility for varied business needs.


From $20/user/month (billed annually) + $50 base fee per month


  • Enterprise-focused blockchain solutions, ensuring robustness and scalability.
  • Real-time analytics for comprehensive oversight of blockchain operations.
  • Integrates effortlessly with several popular blockchain tools and services.


  • Might be overkill for smaller entities or startups.
  • The price point may not be attractive to businesses on a tight budget.
  • Requires a deeper understanding of the ecosystem for full utilization.

7. CoreLedger - Best for blockchain prototyping needs

CoreLedger blockchain software interface
Here's the overview of the asset details page in CoreLedger.

CoreLedger is an advanced blockchain platform that equips developers and businesses with tools to create, test, and implement blockchain prototypes swiftly. Tailored for rapid prototyping, it offers a practical environment for those looking to validate blockchain concepts without committing to full-scale development.

Why I Picked CoreLedger:

Among the myriad blockchain platforms I analyzed, CoreLedger emerged as an exceptional choice for its focus on prototyping. Having compared its features and feedback from users, I determined that its intuitive interface and rich set of tools significantly expedite the prototyping process. It's precisely these attributes that cement my belief in CoreLedger being the best for blockchain prototyping needs.

Standout Features & Integrations:

CoreLedger shines with its modular design, allowing developers to incorporate only the features they need, making the prototyping more streamlined. With its real-time analytics, users can monitor prototype performance on the fly.

In terms of integrations, CoreLedger is compatible with popular programming languages like Java and Javascript, and can connect to other blockchain networks such as Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, facilitating a versatile development environment.


From $15/user/month (billed annually) + $40 base fee per month


  • Modular design that caters specifically to prototyping needs.
  • Compatibility with a range of programming languages and blockchain networks.
  • Real-time analytics for immediate feedback during the prototyping phase.


  • Might be overwhelming for absolute beginners due to its rich feature set.
  • The price may be steep for small teams or individual developers.
  • Limited resources or community support compared to more established blockchain platforms.

8. ChainGPT - Best for language model integration

ChainGPT's master dashboard
Here's ChainGPT's master dashboard, which transforms user accounts into AI-powered Web3 operating systems.

ChainGPT is a cutting-edge tool that merges blockchain technology with language models, paving the way for unique decentralized applications. Ideal for those wanting to blend the capabilities of language models with the robustness of blockchain networks, it sets the gold standard for such integrations.

Why I Picked ChainGPT:

In the vast landscape of blockchain platforms and language models, ChainGPT caught my attention immediately. The reason I chose it is its unparalleled fusion of advanced language processing and decentralized ledger functionality.

After weighing its features against other tools, it was evident that ChainGPT has a distinctive edge when it comes to integrating language models into blockchain ecosystems, making it the best choice for such endeavors.

Standout Features & Integrations:

ChainGPT boasts a modular design, ensuring that developers have the flexibility to adapt its features according to their project's needs. Its real-time analytics, combined with its powerful language processing algorithms, offer a unique advantage to dApps developers.

In terms of integrations, ChainGPT smoothly collaborates with prominent blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and even extends compatibility with programming languages such as Java and Javascript.


From $25/user/month (billed annually) + $55 base fee per month


  • Integration of language models with blockchain networks.
  • Modular design allows for tailored development.
  • Extensive compatibility with leading blockchain platforms and programming languages.


  • Might pose a learning curve for those unfamiliar with both blockchain and language models.
  • The pricing model may be a barrier for smaller projects.
  • The tool may be too specialized for broader blockchain applications.

9. Ankr AppChains - Best for distributed cloud services

Ankr AppChains blockchain software interface
Here's the Chainscanner overview, a user interface for Ankr AppChain, which enables users to view important data and interact with their desired AppChains.

Ankr AppChains is a pioneering solution that connects blockchain technology to distributed cloud services, allowing developers to create decentralized applications on a global scale. Its focus on distributed cloud infrastructure makes it a frontrunner for those who prioritize reliability and decentralization in their cloud services.

Why I Picked Ankr AppChains:

When I delved into the realm of blockchain-powered cloud services, Ankr AppChains clearly stood out. I chose this tool because it masterfully intertwines blockchain development with distributed cloud functionality.

Given the importance of cloud infrastructure in today's digital age, Ankr AppChains' emphasis on creating a decentralized cloud ecosystem is what convinced me that it's the best in the domain of distributed cloud services.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Ankr AppChains boasts a modular ecosystem, granting developers the flexibility to mold their dApps as per their unique requirements. The platform leverages blockchain networks such as Ethereum and Quorum, enabling real-time cloud functionalities.

Furthermore, its integrations extend to renowned platforms like Hyperledger Fabric, and it's also compatible with widely used programming languages, including Java and Javascript.


From $15/user/month (billed annually) + $60 base fee per month


  • Centralizes blockchain technology and distributed cloud infrastructure.
  • Wide array of integrations with major blockchain platforms.
  • Modular design facilitates tailored software development.


  • The learning curve for users new to blockchain-as-a-service.
  • Initial setup might be complex for non-tech-savvy individuals.
  • Potential for higher costs based on extensive cloud utilization.

10. Corda - Best for private transaction networks

Corda's transaction page
Here's the view of Corda's transaction page.

Corda is a distinguished blockchain platform designed explicitly for businesses, facilitating private transactions with direct transfer value. Its prowess in ensuring private, secure, and scalable transaction networks naturally aligns it as the best solution for private transaction endeavors.

Why I Picked Corda:

Surveying the broad spectrum of blockchain platforms, my judgment consistently swayed towards Corda. I determined its selection based on its dedication to fostering a permissioned environment for transactions, making it stand out in the vast blockchain development landscape.

The ability of Corda to offer businesses the confidentiality they desire, without compromising on transactional integrity, reinforced my conviction that it's unequivocally the best for private transaction networks.

Standout Features & Integrations:

At the heart of Corda lies its permissioned nature, ensuring transactions remain visible only to parties with a legitimate need to view them. Its consensus mechanism is unique; it doesn't require the entire network to validate a transaction. Additionally, Corda integrates with the Java programming language, making it favorable for a vast developer community familiar with Java.


From $20/user/month (billed annually) + $70 base fee per month


  • Focused on business, offering a permissioned transaction environment.
  • Streamlined consensus mechanism expediting transaction validations.
  • Strong integration with Java, simplifying blockchain development for many developers.


  • Steeper learning curve when compared to more mainstream blockchain platforms.
  • Its specialized nature might not suit all blockchain applications.
  • Limited integrations with other popular programming languages beyond Java.

11. Amazon Managed Blockchain - Best for scalable BaaS on AWS

Amazon Managed Blockchain network after a successful deployment
Here's a screenshot of the Amazon Managed Blockchain network after a successful deployment.

Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service that simplifies the creation and management of scalable blockchain networks using popular frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric. Given its ability to scale easily on AWS, it’s the go-to choice for businesses looking for Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) on this platform.

Why I Picked Amazon Managed Blockchain:

In choosing a tool that would feature on this list, Amazon Managed Blockchain consistently stood out due to its integration with the AWS ecosystem. I selected it not just for its inherent capabilities in blockchain technology, but for the unparalleled scalability it offers to businesses already operating on AWS.

The service is especially useful for those looking to expand their blockchain networks without the operational headache, which is why I judged it to be the best for scalable BaaS on AWS.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One notable feature of Amazon Managed Blockchain is its support for Hyperledger Fabric, allowing for permissioned, private blockchain networks. It also offers robust options for managing nodes and a wide set of APIs for blockchain development.

Additionally, this service integrates well with other AWS services like Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and AWS Lambda for executing smart contracts.


From $15/user/month (billed annually) + $50 base fee per month.


  • Strong integration with AWS services, making it suitable for businesses already on this platform.
  • Support for popular frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric.
  • Offers a wide set of APIs for comprehensive blockchain development.


  • Pricing can become complex and add up quickly, especially for larger networks.
  • Not as framework-agnostic as some other BaaS providers.
  • Businesses not on AWS may find less value due to the tight AWS ecosystem integration.

12. Oracle Blockchain - Best for integrating with Oracle-based systems

Oracle Blockchain, blockchain software interface
Here's the Oracle Blockchain console, which provides an intuitive Web UI and fully-featured REST API for dynamic configuration, monitoring and troubleshooting.

Oracle Blockchain is a comprehensive distributed ledger platform, engineered to bring about enterprise-grade blockchain capabilities. Tailored for integration with Oracle services and systems, it emerges as a natural choice for enterprises deeply embedded within the Oracle ecosystem.

Why I Picked Oracle Blockchain:

In determining which tools would make the list, Oracle Blockchain particularly captured my attention. The main reason I selected it was its impeccable synergy with Oracle's suite of products. It's crafted with Oracle-based systems in mind, ensuring tight-knit integration, and thus, stands out from many generic blockchain platforms.

Based on my comparison and judgments, I firmly believe that it is unparalleled when it comes to integrating with Oracle-centric enterprises.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Oracle Blockchain's core strength lies in its enterprise-grade functionality, offering robust features like permissioned blockchain development, high scalability, and improved security measures.

More impressively, its deep-rooted integrations with Oracle's vast array of software products, like Oracle ERP, CRM, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, make transitions and data flows exceptionally smooth.


From $20/user/month (billed annually) + $100 base fee per month.


  • Designed with Oracle systems at its core, ensuring smooth integration.
  • Boasts of robust features including high scalability and tight security protocols.
  • Supports popular frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric, broadening its blockchain development capabilities.


  • More suitable for enterprises already invested in Oracle, potentially limiting its appeal for non-Oracle users.
  • Pricing might seem steep for startups or smaller organizations.
  • Relatively steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with Oracle's ecosystem.

Other Blockchain Software

Below is a list of additional blockchain software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. These are definitely worth checking out.

  1. Moralis Web3 - Good for easy Web3 application development
  2. Polkadot - Good for interoperability with Parachains
  3. Coinbase Cloud - Good for building crypto-native apps
  4. Alchemy - Good for developer tools in blockchain infrastructure
  5. Merkle Science - Good for risk management in digital assets
  6. Cobo DeFi - Good for secure DeFi asset management
  7. Tron - Good for high-capacity decentralized apps
  8. Algorand - Good for instant transaction confirmation
  9. IOTA - Good for scalable ledger transactions without fees
  10. Cosmos - Good for connecting multiple blockchains
  11. Crypto APIs - Good for integrating blockchain data and operations

Selection Criteria for Blockchain Software

In my journey exploring the vast terrain of blockchain software, I've evaluated dozens of tools. While my focus has varied over time, for this particular assessment, I honed in on the robustness of core functionalities and user experience tailored for specific use cases.

I've tested each of these tools, and through rigorous hands-on experience and research, I've deduced the following critical criteria that you should consider when choosing the best blockchain software for your needs.

Core Functionality

  • Digital Currency Support: The tool should support mainstream digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, ensuring transactions and applications are not limited.
  • Consensus Mechanism: Whether it's proof of work, proof of stake, or another mechanism, understanding how a network reaches consensus is vital for both security and efficiency.
  • Blockchain Type: Different use cases require different types of blockchains. Be it permissioned, permissionless, or a hybrid, the chosen tool should offer what you specifically need.

Key Features

  • Integration Capabilities: Look for tools that can integrate with popular platforms like Microsoft or the Linux Foundation, expanding your software's functionality.
  • NFT Support: As the digital landscape evolves, NFTs are becoming increasingly relevant. A tool that can manage or support NFTs provides a competitive edge.
  • Security Protocols: Ensuring GDPR compliance and other regulatory requirements is essential, especially for businesses that deal with personal data.
  • Smart Contract Functionality: A system that supports the solidity programming language will be beneficial in crafting smart contracts for diverse applications.


  • Interactive Interface: Given the complex nature of blockchain, a tool that simplifies processes using graphical representations, such as flow diagrams or node relation graphs, can be immensely helpful.
  • Role-Based Access: Especially for larger organizations or projects, a tool needs to facilitate role-based access, ensuring only authorized individuals can perform specific actions.
  • Onboarding and Training: Complex tools should not just rely on a user manual. It's imperative for them to offer an exhaustive learning library, training programs, or even community support to aid users in mastering the software.
  • Customer Support: As blockchain can be intricate, especially for newcomers, a responsive and knowledgeable customer support team is invaluable.

When you're in the market for a blockchain tool, remember that understanding your unique requirements and aligning them with the tool's features and functionalities will always yield the best results.

Most Common Questions Regarding Blockchain Software

What are the primary benefits of using the best blockchain software?

Using the best blockchain software offers a range of advantages, such as:

  1. Enhanced Security: Transactions are encrypted and linked to the previous transaction, making it difficult for intruders to alter the data.
  2. Increased Transparency: The decentralized nature allows all participants in the network to access the transaction data, ensuring transparency.
  3. Reduced Costs: With peer-to-peer transactions and eliminated intermediaries, operational costs decrease significantly.
  4. Faster Transactions: Cross-border transactions can be processed in minutes, regardless of the time or day.
  5. Immutable Records: Once data is stored on the blockchain, it cannot be changed, ensuring data integrity.

How much do these blockchain software tools typically cost?

The pricing for blockchain software tools can vary greatly, based on the platform, the features it offers, and its target users.

What are the common pricing models for blockchain software?

Most blockchain software adopts one or more of the following pricing models:

  • Subscription-based: Monthly or yearly fees for using the software.
  • Transaction-based: Fees are charged based on the number or size of transactions.
  • Freemium: Basic services are free, with charges for advanced features or additional capacity.
  • One-time license: Users pay a one-time fee to use the software indefinitely.

Is there a typical price range for these tools?

While prices can vary widely, a typical range might be from $0 (for open-source or basic freemium models) up to several thousands of dollars per month for enterprise solutions with premium features.

Which are the cheapest and the most expensive blockchain software tools?

It's challenging to pinpoint the absolute cheapest and most expensive without a specific context, as prices change based on updates, demand, and specific features. However, open-source tools or those with a freemium model, like some versions of Ethereum, can be on the cheaper end.

In contrast, comprehensive enterprise solutions, like those offered by Amazon Managed Blockchain or Oracle, might be at the pricier end.

Are there any free tool options available?

Yes, there are free tool options, especially in the open-source community. Platforms like Ethereum offer tools that can be used freely, though there may be associated costs when it comes to deploying applications or executing contracts. Always read the terms and conditions to understand any potential costs.

Other Open-Source Platform Reviews


In summary, the landscape of blockchain software is diverse, tailored to serve various needs ranging from scalable BaaS solutions to platforms optimized for private transactions or integration with specific systems like Oracle.

Each tool has its unique features and pricing models, thus understanding your specific requirements is crucial for making an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  1. Know your ecosystem: Different blockchain platforms excel at different things. For example, Oracle Blockchain is optimal for those already using Oracle's suite of products, while Amazon Managed Blockchain is well-suited for those in the AWS ecosystem. Align the blockchain platform with your existing infrastructure for the best fit.
  2. Consider scalability and functionality: Features like scalability, consensus mechanism, and supported programming languages are critical. Depending on your use case, whether it's financial services, healthcare, or supply chain, make sure the platform supports the functionalities you require.
  3. Budget and pricing models matter: Each platform has its pricing model, often based on features, user access, or data usage. Always consider the lowest-priced paid plan and any additional fees, like setup or base fees, when budgeting for a blockchain platform.

What Do You Think?

I've done my best to provide a comprehensive list of blockchain software options, but the field is ever-evolving. If you've come across a tool that you think should be on this list, I'd love to hear from you. Your input could be invaluable for others searching for the perfect blockchain solution. Feel free to reach out and share your recommendations.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.