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12 Best IoT Operating Systems Shortlist

Here's my shortlist of the very best IoT operating systems on the market in 2023, and what each tool is best for:

  1. Apache Mynewt - Best for developers seeking a real-time, modular operating system
  2. Insights Hub - Best for accessing comprehensive resources and expert insights
  3. Contiki - Best for small, low-power, networked IoT devices
  4. Ubuntu Core - Best for businesses requiring secure, robust, and scalable IoT solutions
  5. Nuclear RTOS - Best for embedded systems with tight memory constraints
  6. Wind River VxWorks - Best for critical infrastructure and mission-critical applications
  7. TinyOS - Best for wireless sensor network applications
  8. Windows for IoT - Best for leveraging familiar Windows-based tools and technologies
  9. Tizen - Best for consumer electronics and large-scale device interoperability
  10. Amazon FreeRTOS - Best for users seeking cloud integration with their IoT devices
  11. Sierra Wireless - Best for robust wireless solutions for IoT devices
  12. Breadware - Best for rapid, effective IoT hardware development

IoT operating systems (IoT OS) are specialized platforms designed to support internet-connected devices such as embedded devices. They often come with built-in support for communication protocols like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet, which are critical to ensure a smooth interaction between various devices. Also, these operating systems can range from modified Linux distributions tailored for IoT to bare metal systems engineered for optimal efficiency on minimal hardware resources.

As someone who has worked with different IoT OS (macOS), I assure you that the right one can make a difference. A suitable IoT OS like Android for IoT can effectively streamline data flow, optimize device performance, and secure device interactions. One significant advantage of an IoT OS is its potential to alleviate joint pain points, such as handling multiple device connections and managing various devices.

What is an IoT Operating System?

An IoT operating system is a specialized platform that is the foundation for applications and services running on Internet of Things devices. These platforms ensure smooth operation and management of IoT devices, abide by network protocols such as TCP, UDP, and CoAp, and often provide real-time processing capabilities, compact footprints, power management, and network stack management.

Individuals, from independent developers to large-scale corporations, use these systems to empower various devices such as home automation systems, application development, wearable technology, modular microkernel architecture, full multi-threading, and industrial machinery. With an IoT operating system, users can facilitate intelligent data exchange between connected devices, achieving diverse goals like enhancing efficiency, improving safety measures, or even creating entirely new business models.

Overviews of the 12 Best IoT Operating Systems

1. Apache Mynewt - Best for developers seeking a real-time, modular operating system

Apache Mynewt website screenshot
Here's the Apache Mynewt website screenshot.

Apache Mynewt is an elegant and efficient operating system built for high-performance applications on IoT devices. Thanks to its real-time capabilities and modular approach, it's designed to work seamlessly on devices with minimal memory. Apache Mynewt stands out in the crowded IoT market because of its impressive runtime, ability to run in constrained environments, and license-friendly approach.

Why I Picked Apache Mynewt:

I chose Apache Mynewt due to its unique feature set that caters to developers seeking a real-time, modular operating system. Its modularity offers a clean separation of responsibilities among the kernel, drivers, file system, shell, and other system utilities. This architecture allows developers to include only the components needed, reducing system overhead, a critical factor for IoT devices with constrained resources.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Apache Mynewt's core feature is its real-time capabilities, making it ideal for time-sensitive applications. Its robust bootloader, "Newt,” can manage multiple firmware images on the device, a critical feature for safe over-the-air updates. Moreover, Apache Mynewt boasts a strong hardware abstraction layer for integrations, enabling developers to write applications that run on a broad range of hardware without modifications.


Apache Mynewt is open-source and free of cost, so the price isn't a factor here. Developers can use and modify it according to their requirements without incurring expenses.


  • Exceptional real-time capabilities
  • Modular and flexible, enabling lean deployments
  • Strong hardware abstraction layer for broad compatibility


  • Limited support and documentation compared to commercial offerings
  • It may require considerable expertise to deploy effectively.
  • Some developers may find the lack of a graphical user interface challenging.

2. Insights Hub - Best for accessing comprehensive resources and expert insights

Insights Hub monitor insights screenshot
Here's Insights Hub's monitor insights dashboard.

Insights Hub is a dynamic platform offered by Siemens, packed with resources and expert insights about the world of product lifecycle management (PLM). It brings together a wide array of information beneficial to anyone seeking comprehensive knowledge, which is why it's best for accessing resources and expert insights.

Why I Picked Insights Hub:

I selected Insights Hub because it focuses on delivering valuable, comprehensive content about PLM. As an industry leader, Siemens has demonstrated a keen ability to provide insights and resources that help businesses make informed decisions. Insights Hub stands apart as it aggregates expertise and knowledge from various domain experts, providing an excellent starting point for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of PLM and related areas. This makes it best for accessing in-depth resources and insights from industry experts.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Insights Hub features many resources, including white papers, case studies, articles, and webinars that offer a deep dive into various aspects of PLM. One of its main strengths is its access to expert opinion pieces, which provide perspectives and insights you can't find elsewhere. The platform integrates with other Siemens PLM tools, offering contextual insights and demonstrating practical applications.


Insights Hub is a free resource provided by Siemens, so there are no costs associated with its usage.


  • Wide range of resources for a comprehensive learning
  • Access to expert opinions and insights
  • Integrated with other Siemens PLM tools


  • Limited in scope to Siemens products and perspectives
  • It might not provide specific product tutorials.
  • It doesn’t offer user interaction or discussion features.

3. Contiki - Best for small, low-power, networked IoT devices

Contiki network simulator screenshot
Here's Contiki network simulator screenshot.

Contiki is an open-source operating system designed specifically for IoT devices. Its ability to enable networking on small, low-power devices makes it a fitting choice for those working with resource-constrained IoT devices.

Why I Picked Contiki:

I chose Contiki for its tailored design aimed at IoT devices that operate on limited resources. It's light and efficient, allowing these small, low-power devices to become part of more extensive, connected networks. In the realm of IoT operating systems, Contiki is distinct for its focus on microcontrollers, demonstrating that power is not always a prerequisite for connectivity, thus making it the best for small, low-power, networked IoT devices.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Contiki offers IPv6 and IPv4 networking support, low-power wireless communication, and a set of shell commands for interactive operations. One of its key features is the Protothreads programming abstraction, which combines the low memory overhead of event-driven systems with the logical structure of multi-threaded systems. Contiki can also be integrated with a broad range of hardware, from small 8-bit microcontrollers to 32-bit processors.


Contiki is an open-source platform, free of charge, making it cost-efficient for all developers.


  • Lightweight, making it ideal for resource-constrained devices
  • Supports network connectivity for small, low-power devices
  • Open-source and free to use


  • Requires technical know-how to use it effectively
  • It may offer a lower level of support found with commercial offerings.
  • It needs a graphical user interface, which could challenge some users.

4. Ubuntu Core - Best for businesses requiring secure, robust, and scalable IoT solutions

Ubuntu Core website view screenshot
A website screenshot of Ubuntu Core that offers safe and adaptable IoT solutions.

Ubuntu Core, by Canonical, is a minimal, containerized version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS designed for IoT devices and embedded systems. Its keen focus on security, robustness, and scalability aligns perfectly with businesses seeking high-grade IoT solutions.

Why I Picked Ubuntu Core:

I selected Ubuntu Core for the way it addresses the key requirements of business-oriented IoT solutions. It brings robustness, security, and scalability to the forefront, setting it apart from many other IoT operating systems. The proven reliability of Ubuntu, coupled with these business-focused traits, convinced me that Ubuntu Core is best for businesses requiring secure, robust, and scalable IoT solutions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Ubuntu Core introduces 'snaps' - a containerized software package designed to work securely within isolated sandboxes. This innovation empowers the operating system with enhanced security and facilitates automatic updates. Using trusted execution environments and full-disk encryption further elevates its robust security. Ubuntu Core also has excellent cloud integration, ensuring seamless communication with popular platforms like AWS IoT, Google Cloud IoT, and Azure IoT Hub.


The pricing for Ubuntu Core starts from $0.01/device/day (around $0.3/user/month), although commercial terms are negotiated based on the scale and nature of the deployment.


  • Strong emphasis on security with automatic updates and sandboxed applications
  • Scalability, making it ideal for large deployments
  • Robust and reliable, stemming from the Ubuntu lineage


  • The relatively higher learning curve, particularly for those new to Ubuntu
  • Commercial licensing may be complex for large-scale deployments.
  • Deployment and management can require substantial technical expertise.

5. Nuclear RTOS - Best for embedded systems with tight memory constraints

Nuclear RTOS homepage view screenshot
Here's a homepage view screenshot of Nuclear RTOS.

Nuclear RTOS is a real-time operating system designed to serve embedded applications, particularly those with stringent memory requirements. Its modular, scalable design and small footprint make it an ideal fit for devices operating under tight memory constraints.

Why I Picked Nuclear RTOS:

In my search for the most fitting IoT operating system, I chose Nuclear RTOS due to its remarkable efficiency in resource usage. Its small footprint and modularity stand out, allowing systems to run efficiently despite limited resources. This unique capacity to optimize resource use without compromising functionality led me to conclude that Nuclear RTOS is best for embedded systems with tight memory constraints.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Nuclear RTOS offers a variety of features aimed at real-time performance and efficiency. Key among these is its kernel, which is optimized for minimal memory utilization, thus ensuring efficient system operation. The system also boasts a modular design that enables developers to include only necessary components, thereby saving precious system resources. In terms of integrations, Nuclear RTOS is compatible with various architectures, including ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC, and can work alongside numerous development tools, ensuring flexibility in its implementation.


Nuclear RTOS does not publicly disclose its pricing information. The cost varies depending on the specific needs and scale of the implementation, so one would need to contact the vendor directly to inquire about the pricing.


  • Efficient memory management, ideal for systems with tight memory constraints
  • Modular design offers flexibility in system configuration.
  • Compatible with various processor architectures and development tools


  • Pricing information is private.
  • It may require a certain level of technical expertise to implement
  • It could need some of the more advanced features in larger operating systems.

6. Wind River VxWorks - Best for critical infrastructure and mission-critical applications

Wind River VxWorks all device sample dashboard
Here's Wind River VxWorks all device sample dashboard screenshot.

Wind River VxWorks is a leading real-time operating system (RTOS) recognized for its reliability and robustness in mission-critical applications. Its determinism, safety, security, and reliability features make it a top choice for critical infrastructure and mission-critical applications.

Why I Picked Wind River VxWorks:

I selected Wind River VxWorks for its proven track record in mission-critical environments. Its robustness, reliability, and real-time performance distinguish it from other options. These characteristics and its security features make it an ideal choice for critical infrastructure and mission-critical applications.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Wind River VxWorks provides a range of features for real-time performance and secure operation. It boasts a deterministic process and multitasking capabilities, enabling precise, reliable control in time-sensitive applications. Its security features, such as secure boot and data encryption, are vital in mission-critical use cases. VxWorks supports various hardware platforms and integrates with Wind River's suite of software tools and many third-party development tools, facilitating a comprehensive development environment.


Wind River VxWorks does not openly share its pricing structure. Because the cost likely depends on specific requirements and the scale of implementation, you should contact the vendor directly for a tailored quote.


  • Robust and reliable performance, suitable for mission-critical applications
  • Wide-ranging hardware support and integrations
  • Robust security features such as secure boot and data encryption


  • Pricing information is private.
  • It may require significant technical expertise for setup and maintenance.
  • The features and capabilities may need more balance for more straightforward applications.

7. TinyOS - Best for wireless sensor network applications

TinyOS IoT operating systems
Here's a screenshot of TinyOS website.

TinyOS is an open-source operating system purpose-built for low-power wireless devices, such as those found in sensor networks. Its low memory footprint and energy efficiency make it especially suitable for wireless sensor network applications.

Why I Picked TinyOS:

In the realm of wireless sensor networks, TinyOS is a uniquely fitting choice. Its core attributes, lightweight nature, energy efficiency, and modular design set it apart. Its focus on low-power wireless devices makes it best suited for wireless sensor network applications, considering the standard requirements for resource efficiency and scalability in such scenarios.

Standout Features & Integrations:

TinyOS features a component-based architecture, which promotes modularity and code reusability. Its event-driven execution model contributes to power efficiency—a crucial trait for battery-operated wireless sensor devices. Additionally, TinyOS integrates well with NesC, a programming language specifically designed for embedded systems, and it provides support for a wide range of hardware platforms commonly used in sensor networks.


Being an open-source project, TinyOS is available free of cost. As is typical with open-source projects, support, and maintenance might require internal resources or outsourcing to third-party service providers.


  • Lightweight and power-efficient, suitable for sensor networks
  • Component-based architecture promotes code reusability.
  • Supports a wide range of hardware platforms used in sensor networks


  • Lacks the extensive support and service network of some commercial alternatives
  • It might require significant technical expertise for setup and maintenance.
  • Limited to the capabilities of the NesC programming language

8. Windows for IoT - Best for leveraging familiar Windows-based tools and technologies

Windows for IoT running processes dashboard
Here's Windows for IoT running processes dashboard sample.

Windows for IoT is a version of the Windows operating system specifically optimized for IoT devices. This platform is ideal for businesses leveraging the same Windows-based tools and technologies they are already familiar with in their IoT projects.

Why I Picked Windows for IoT:

I selected Windows for IoT due to its direct alignment with existing Windows environments. This feature means developers can use familiar tools, services, and APIs, easing the learning curve and accelerating development times. Furthermore, its built-in security and compatibility with various hardware platforms make it versatile. This tool is best for businesses leveraging familiar Windows-based tools and technologies in their IoT applications.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Windows for IoT offers the same security, manageability, and servicing capabilities as the standard Windows OS, including BitLocker and Secure Boot features. It provides broad compatibility with various devices and hardware, from low-capacity edge devices to robust gateways. The platform also integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft services, including Azure IoT Suite, providing a comprehensive IoT ecosystem for developers.


Windows for IoT Core is free for prototyping, while the pricing for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise starts at approximately $50 per device (billed one-time). However, specific costs can vary depending on the scale of deployment and the hardware used.


  • Compatibility with various hardware platforms
  • Integration with familiar Windows-based tools and technologies
  • Seamless integration with Azure IoT Suite for a comprehensive IoT ecosystem


  • Pricing can be high for large-scale deployments.
  • It may be overkill for simple, low-complexity IoT projects.
  • Limited compatibility with non-Windows platforms and technologies

9. Tizen - Best for consumer electronics and large-scale device interoperability

Tizen homepage screenshot
Take a look at the Tizen homepage screenshot.

Tizen is an open-source, Linux-based operating system designed by Samsung for various devices, including smartphones, TVs, wearables, and in-vehicle infotainment systems. It is a top choice for consumer electronics and large-scale device interoperability due to its flexibility and broad compatibility range.

Why I Picked Tizen:

I picked Tizen because it offers an open-source environment that encourages flexibility and broad device compatibility. Its unique selling point lies in its support for many device types, making it stand out among other real-time operating systems. Therefore, I believe Tizen is best suited for projects involving consumer electronics and situations that demand large-scale device interoperability.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Tizen's standout features include its high compatibility with various devices, HTML5 support, and the ability to run native apps using JavaScript and CSS. Furthermore, it provides a robust security framework that ensures its applications’ safety. Tizen also integrates with Samsung's ecosystem, which includes a variety of consumer electronics devices, providing a seamless experience for developers and end-users.


As Tizen is an open-source project, there is no associated cost. It is free to use, modify, and distribute.


  • Broad device compatibility
  • An open-source environment promotes flexibility.
  • Robust security framework


  • Limited developer community compared to mainstream operating systems.
  • Higher learning curve due to less common programming languages
  • Dependent on Samsung's ecosystem

10. Amazon FreeRTOS - Best for users seeking cloud integration with their IoT devices

Amazon FreeRTOS diagram screenshot
This image is a diagram screenshot in Amazon FreeRTOS.

Amazon FreeRTOS is an open-source, microcontroller operating system that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage. Due to its close integration with AWS, it is precious for users seeking strong cloud integration for their IoT devices.

Why I Picked Amazon FreeRTOS:

Amazon FreeRTOS stood out in my selection process due to its seamless integration with AWS cloud services, providing an efficient and secure IoT development environment. In addition, it offers a robust selection of libraries that simplify the programming process. Given these characteristics, Amazon FreeRTOS is an ideal tool for users seeking to integrate their IoT devices with the cloud.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Amazon FreeRTOS provides several essential features, such as local networking capabilities, security protocols, and real-time multitasking. It also integrates effectively with AWS IoT Core, allowing users to collect data from and control their devices in the field. Other key integrations include AWS IoT Device Defender, which offers security metrics for consistent monitoring, and AWS IoT Device Management for remote management.


Amazon FreeRTOS is free, but if integrated with AWS IoT services, standard AWS IoT pricing applies, starting from $0.08 per million messages sent.


  • Deep integration with AWS IoT services
  • Strong security protocols
  • Real-time multitasking capabilities


  • Pricing can be complex due to dependence on AWS services.
  • It might be overly complex for simple projects.
  • Requires understanding of the AWS ecosystem

11. Sierra Wireless - Best for robust wireless solutions for IoT devices

Sierra Wireless IoT operating systems dashboard
Get a quick look at the information dashboard in Sierra Wireless.

Sierra Wireless is a global leader in IoT solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of hardware, software, and services for connected devices and applications. Its robust IoT solutions provide efficient wireless connectivity for many devices, making it the best for robust wireless solutions.

Why I Picked Sierra Wireless:

Sierra Wireless came to my attention when selecting a reliable IoT solution due to its strong portfolio of IoT solutions, including gateways, routers, and connectivity services. Sierra Wireless stands out because it focuses on comprehensive wireless solutions for IoT devices, making it a one-stop shop for IoT needs. I deemed Sierra Wireless best for robust wireless solutions due to these features.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Sierra Wireless offers comprehensive solutions from edge-to-cloud, including low power wide area (LPWA) modules, high-speed cellular routers, and global IoT connectivity services. Integrating with their AirVantage IoT platform allows efficient device management and insightful data reporting.


Sierra Wireless offers various pricing plans depending on the product or service chosen. Detailed pricing is available if you would like from the Sierra Wireless sales team.


  • A comprehensive suite of IoT solutions
  • Strong focus on wireless solutions
  • Reliable connectivity services


  • Pricing information is not transparent.
  • Some products might be overkill for more minor projects.
  • It may require a steep learning curve for beginners.

12. Breadware - Best for rapid, effective IoT hardware development

Breadware charts screenshot
Here's a screenshot of the user interface in Breadware.

Breadware is a renowned IoT solution that specializes in hardware development. It provides a comprehensive platform for designing, prototyping, and bringing IoT hardware products to market, which explains why it's best for rapid and effective IoT hardware development.

Why I Picked Breadware:

In my quest to find the best IoT tools, I found Breadware compelling due to its robust hardware development offerings. Its unique position as a go-to platform for IoT hardware development sets it apart from others on this list. Breadware is best for rapid and effective IoT hardware development because it combines many resources and tools into one platform, allowing developers to streamline the development process.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Breadware's core features revolve around IoT hardware development, including design tools, a prototyping platform, and a marketplace to connect with professional services. Furthermore, Breadware supports integrations with various CAD tools and hardware component manufacturers, allowing developers to construct and analyze their designs seamlessly.


The specific pricing for Breadware varies depending on the scope and needs of the project. For detailed pricing, Breadware should contact their team directly.


  • Focused on IoT hardware development
  • Supports a wide range of integrations
  • Offers a marketplace for additional professional services


  • Pricing details are not transparent.
  • It was primarily focused on hardware, less on the software side.
  • It might be complex for beginners.

Other Noteworthy IoT Operating Systems

Below is a list of additional IoT operating systems I shortlisted but still need to make it to the top 12. It’s worth checking them out.

  1. FortiOS-Carrier - Good for telecom network protection and scalability
  2. IDMS Linux Enterprise - Good for customization and flexibility in system management
  3. Particle Device OS - Good for seamless integration with Particle's IoT hardware and cloud services
  4. RIOT OS - Good for resource-constrained IoT devices with real-time capabilities
  5. CIS Oracle Linux 7 Benchmark Level 1 - Good for maintaining a secure Oracle Linux 7 environment
  6. Micrium uC/OS - Good for designing real-time, embedded systems with limited resources
  7. Nano-RK - Good for energy-efficient, real-time operations in sensor networks
  8. OrbiWAN-Professional - Good for managing large-scale IoT networks in LPWAN deployments
  9. Zephyr RTOS - Good for small-footprint IoT devices needing real-time operations

Selection Criteria for Choosing an IoT Operating System

Various factors contribute to the decision-making process when considering the selection of Internet of Things (IoT) operating systems or software. As an engineer with hands-on experience, I've evaluated dozens of these IoT tools, focusing specifically on their ability to provide efficient real-time operations, robust cloud connectivity, and support for many IoT devices. In doing so, I've narrowed down the following criteria, which are most important when choosing this type of software.

Core Functionality

  • Real-time Operations: The tool should allow real-time data processing, a crucial feature for many IoT applications.
  • Device Support: It should support various IoT devices, from sensors to complex machines.
  • Cloud Connectivity: The software should provide robust, secure, and efficient cloud connectivity for data storage and analysis.

Key Features

  • Energy Efficiency: This is essential in IoT as many devices are battery-powered. The software should ensure minimal energy consumption for prolonged device life.
  • Security: Given the sensitive nature of data handled by IoT devices, the software must have robust security mechanisms.
  • Scalability: As IoT networks grow, the software should also be scalable to handle increasing data and devices.


  • Ease of Programming: Since IoT involves programming devices, the software should offer an intuitive, user-friendly environment that simplifies the coding process.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Good documentation is critical to help developers understand the software, its features, and how to use them effectively.
  • Quality Customer Support: Prompt and helpful customer support is vital when issues arise. The software should come with strong technical support to address queries or difficulties.
  • Simplified Device Management: IoT can involve managing hundreds or thousands of devices. A good IoT software should provide an interface that simplifies this process, allowing easy configuration, monitoring, and management of devices.

Most Common Questions Regarding IoT Operating Systems (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using IoT operating systems?

Using IoT operating systems provides several benefits:

  1. Real-time Operations: These systems facilitate real-time processing and decision-making, crucial for many IoT applications requiring immediate responsibility.
  2. Efficiency: IoT devices often run on battery power, making energy efficiency critical. IoT operating systems are designed to optimize power usage, thereby extending the life of machines.
  3. Comprehensive Device Support: IoT operating systems support a broad range of IoT devices, from simple sensors to complex machines, making them versatile for various applications.
  4. Secure Data Handling: With the sensitive nature of data handled by IoT devices, IoT operating systems provide robust security mechanisms to protect against breaches.
  5. Scalability: As IoT networks can grow significantly over time, these systems offer scalability to handle increasing devices and data volumes.

How much do IoT operating systems typically cost?

The cost of IoT operating systems varies significantly based on the functionality, the size of the IoT network, and the level of support the vendor provides. Some vendors offer their software for free for a limited number of devices, charging as the number of devices increases. Others may have a fixed price, ranging from a few dollars per device to hundreds per month for enterprise-level solutions.

What are the pricing models for IoT operating systems?

IoT operating systems typically follow a per-device or per-user pricing model, where costs increase with the number of devices or users. Some may also offer tiered pricing, with prices depending on the level of functionality and support required. Also, pricing models might provide a base package with additional costs for premium features.

What is the typical range of pricing for IoT operating systems?

Pricing for IoT operating systems can range from free or low-cost solutions (around $1-$10 per device per month) to high-cost enterprise solutions that can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month, depending on the number of devices and the features required.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive IoT operating systems?

The cheapest IoT operating systems are often open-source platforms like RIOT OS, which is free. On the other end of the spectrum, high-end, enterprise-level solutions like FortiOS-Carrier and OrbiWAN-Professional can be expensive, with costs scaling based on the number of devices and the level of functionality and support required.

Are there any free options for IoT operating systems?

Yes, there are free options available. Many open-source IoT operating systems, such as RIOT OS and Zephyr RTOS, are free. These are good options for smaller IoT networks or for users who have the technical capability to manage and maintain the system themselves. However, a paid solution may be necessary for more extensive networks or users requiring more support.

Other Software Reviews


In conclusion, finding the right IoT operating system is pivotal in effectively managing and optimizing IoT devices and networks. This guide aims to facilitate your decision-making process by providing a curated list of some of the best tools on the market, each with its unique selling proposition.

Key takeaways:

  1. Match your Needs with Core Functionality: Your best IoT operating system depends on your specific needs. Consider each tool's core functionalities, whether real-time data processing, low power usage, or broad device compatibility.
  2. Essential Features Matter: Pay close attention to the features each IoT operating system provides. Whether cloud integration, robust security, or flexible scalability, the right features significantly impact your IoT deployment's success.
  3. Usability is Essential: Lastly, pay attention to the importance of usability. A good IoT operating system should offer an intuitive user interface, easy onboarding, and responsive customer support.

What Do You Think?

What do you think of these IoT operating systems? Each has unique advantages and serves specific use cases better than others. Finding the right one will depend greatly on your particular needs and preferences.

As technology continues to advance, so do the options for IoT operating systems. This list is incomplete; other great tools might still need to be included. Please let me know if you're using an IoT operating system that you believe deserves to be on this list. I appreciate your input and am always open to learning about new tools and platforms in the IoT space.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.