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12 Best Blockchain Tools Shortlist

After a careful evaluation, I've curated the 12 best blockchain tools, to address your specific blockchain technology challenges.

  1. Cardano - Best for sustainable blockchain solutions
  2. Alchemy NFT API - Best for NFT development and management
  3. Embark - Best for dApp development and testing
  4. Geth - Best for running Ethereum nodes
  5. Alchemy Supernode - Best for reliable Ethereum infrastructure
  6. Chainlink - Best for decentralized Oracle networks
  7. MetaMask - Best for Ethereum wallet and token management
  8. Ganache - Best for personal blockchain for Ethereum testing
  9. Truffle - Best for Ethereum smart contract development
  10. Ethereum - Best for smart contract platforms
  11. Hyperledger Fabric - Best for enterprise blockchain solutions
  12. Solidity - Best for writing Ethereum smart contracts

Navigating the blockchain industry, I've discovered a plethora of blockchain development tools designed for various operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and iOS. These tools, tailored for creating robust blockchain applications, often leverage the power of the Ethereum Virtual Machine. From managing auctions and supply chain processes to accessing block history and deploying machine learning solutions, these tools come equipped with an interactive console to test networks and track blockchain apps.

Whether you're working with Microsoft's suite or diving into the nuances of blockchain apps, the right tool can alleviate the challenges of integrating blockchain into diverse sectors, making the development journey smoother and more intuitive.

What Is a Blockchain Tool?

Blockchain tools are specialized software applications and platforms designed to assist in the creation, management, and deployment of blockchain-based solutions. These tools cater to a diverse audience, including developers, entrepreneurs, and businesses, helping them develop decentralized applications (dApps), manage digital assets, or run blockchain nodes.

Their primary function is to facilitate the tasks associated with blockchain technology, such as writing smart contracts, testing decentralized systems, or ensuring secure and efficient transactions on blockchain networks.

Overviews of the 12 Best Blockchain Tools

1. Cardano - Best for sustainable blockchain solutions

Cardano's transactions tab for blockchain
Here is the screenshot from Cardano's transactions tab, with its advanced features users are able to access key data points and transactions.

Cardano stands as a third-generation public blockchain and cryptocurrency project, renowned for its research-driven approach. This decentralized platform lays the foundation for smart contracts, emphasizing sustainability and security, aligning with its distinction for sustainable blockchain solutions.

Why I Picked Cardano:

I chose Cardano after meticulously comparing various blockchain platforms, and it stood out due to its commitment to peer-reviewed research and academic partnerships. This foundation ensures its platform is robust, forward-thinking, and genuinely sustainable.

In a landscape where sustainability in technology is becoming increasingly vital, Cardano truly shines as the best for sustainable blockchain solutions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Cardano's Ouroboros proof-of-stake algorithm not only elevates its security but also reduces the environmental impact typically associated with proof-of-work systems. The platform's layered architecture separates settlement from computation, facilitating flexibility and easier upgrades.

On the integration front, Cardano has partnerships with enterprise-level entities and governments, allowing it to integrate real-world applications and policies directly onto its blockchain.


Pricing upon request


  • Research-driven and peer-reviewed approach ensures a solid foundation
  • Ouroboros’ proof-of-stake algorithm promotes energy efficiency
  • Layered architecture offers flexibility and scalability


  • Still in development, with some features yet to be released
  • Lower adoption rate compared to some other major blockchains
  • Smart contract languages can have a steeper learning curve for some developers

2. Alchemy NFT API - Best for NFT development and management

Blockchain tool Alchemy's account dashboard
This image captured is Alchemy's account dashboard where developers are able to create new apps on the Ethereum blockchain.

Alchemy NFT API serves as a beacon for developers in the vast sea of NFT creation and management tools. As the non-fungible token (NFT) wave continues to crest, this tool provides a comprehensive solution, making it genuinely optimal for NFT development and management.

Why I Picked Alchemy NFT API:

When determining which tool to select for this niche, I was impressed by Alchemy NFT API's robust features and streamlined approach. It's not just about my opinion; when comparing its capabilities with other platforms, Alchemy NFT API consistently emerged as the front-runner.

Given the growing complexity in the NFT space, having a tool that specializes in NFT development and management is crucial, and that's why Alchemy is best for this role.

Standout Features & Integrations:

The Alchemy NFT API stands out with its real-time notifications on NFT transfers, ensuring developers are always in the loop. Additionally, it offers a highly granular search mechanism that makes it simple to locate specific NFTs within a collection.

Integration-wise, Alchemy NFT API dovetails with many popular blockchain platforms, enhancing its utility for developers entrenched in various ecosystems.


Pricing upon request


  • Real-time notifications keep developers updated on NFT transfers
  • Granular search capabilities simplify locating specific NFTs
  • Broad integration scope with popular blockchain platforms


  • Might be overkill for hobbyist developers or small-scale projects
  • Requires a learning curve for those new to NFT development
  • Some advanced features might be locked behind higher pricing tiers

3. Embark - Best for dApp development and testing

Blockchain tool Embark's console features
This screenshot is Embark's console features, the interactive console aids application debugging and communication with deployed Smart Contracts.

Embark carves out a niche for itself as a comprehensive tool tailored for decentralized application (dApp) development and testing. Recognizing the complexities of dApp projects, this platform emerges as a go-to solution, fitting the bill perfectly for dApp development and testing.

Why I Picked Embark:

In the sea of tools available, choosing Embark was not a hasty decision. Upon close examination and comparison with similar platforms, Embark's tailored approach towards dApp development became evident. It’s not merely about judging, but in my comprehensive opinion, and after considering the nuances of dApp projects, I determined Embark to be best equipped for the task.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Embark is armed with an advanced integrated development environment (IDE) that fosters swift dApp development. Moreover, its testing suite ensures rigorous assessments, guaranteeing dApps are market-ready.

In terms of integrations, Embark smoothly integrates with popular smart contract languages and other blockchain-focused platforms, bridging the gap between diverse decentralized ecosystems.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced IDE expedites dApp development processes
  • Rigorous testing suite ensures dApps are robust and ready for deployment
  • Versatile integrations with popular blockchain platforms


  • Beginners might face a steep learning curve
  • Advanced features could be overwhelming for simple projects
  • Documentation might not cover all use-case scenarios

4. Geth - Best for running Ethereum nodes

Dashboard screenshot that explains how to set up a Grafana dashboard for monitoring your Geth node
Here's a dashboard screenshot that explains how to set up a Grafana dashboard for monitoring your Geth node, each panels track metrics for understanding Geth node behavior.

Geth, an abbreviation for "Go Ethereum", stands as a command-line interface for running an Ethereum node, using the Go programming language. With the rapid rise of Ethereum as a dominant blockchain platform, Geth simplifies the process of engaging with the Ethereum network, making it the preferred choice for those looking to run nodes efficiently.

Why I Picked Geth:

Navigating the landscape of tools to run Ethereum nodes, Geth consistently captured my attention. After careful consideration, weighing options, and judging based on its merits, Geth seemed to have an edge. Its distinction lies in its streamlined operation, and I chose it as I determined it to be particularly adept for running Ethereum nodes.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Geth offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities: from mining for developers who want to engage in Ethereum's Proof of Work consensus to enabling fast syncing of the Ethereum blockchain. Furthermore, its integration capabilities shine through as Geth can easily interact with other Ethereum tools, fostering an interconnected ecosystem.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive features cater to both beginners and experienced developers
  • Efficient syncing ensures quicker node operation
  • Strong integration with other Ethereum ecosystem tools


  • Might be challenging for users unfamiliar with command-line tools
  • Resource-intensive during full node operations
  • Updates and patches might require occasional reconfigurations

5. Alchemy Supernode - Best for reliable Ethereum infrastructure

Alchemy Supernode usage analytics analyzes app usage for blockhain
The Alchemy Supernode usage analytics analyzes app usage, compares production and staging, and reveals method-based usage insights.

Alchemy Supernode stands at the forefront of Ethereum infrastructure, providing developers with robust and scalable solutions. Its unmatched reliability ensures developers can focus on their core projects without worrying about infrastructure issues, aligning it perfectly with the title of "best for reliable Ethereum infrastructure."

Why I Picked Alchemy Supernode:

In the vast arena of Ethereum infrastructure tools, Alchemy Supernode emerged as a standout. I picked it because, after comparing various tools and judging their efficacy, Alchemy Supernode presented a unique blend of reliability and performance.

Given the critical importance of infrastructure in the blockchain domain, I determined Alchemy Supernode is undoubtedly best for those seeking reliability in their Ethereum projects.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Alchemy Supernode boasts an array of indispensable features like improved data availability, real-time notifications, and high-speed request processing. Beyond its features, Alchemy Supernode offers critical integrations, enabling developers to integrate with popular wallets, DApps, and other Ethereum-based tools, fostering a cohesive development environment.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced data retrieval offers developers more flexibility
  • Real-time notifications ensure timely updates and alerts
  • Compatible with various Ethereum-based applications and tools


  • Might be a learning curve for those new to Ethereum infrastructure
  • Custom integrations could require additional setup
  • Might be overkill for smaller projects or those just starting with Ethereum
Chainlink Price Feeds - decentralized layers for high-quality data
Chainlink Price Feeds utilize multiple layers of decentralized aggregation, take a closer look at the decentralized layers for high-quality data.

Chainlink acts as a bridge between on-chain and off-chain systems, powering smart contracts with real-world data. By serving as a decentralized oracle network, Chainlink ensures that blockchain-based applications can securely and reliably access external data sources, making it truly best for this purpose.

Why I Picked Chainlink:

When exploring tools for decentralized Oracle solutions, Chainlink stood out distinctly. My choice hinged on comparing various platforms and judging their capabilities; Chainlink consistently emerged superior due to its wide adoption and innovative approach.

Given the rising demand for integrating real-world data into blockchain projects, I'm convinced Chainlink is best for decentralized oracle networks.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Chainlink introduces a plethora of impressive features, such as decentralized data sourcing, tamper-proof systems, and flexible oracle selection. Integration-wise, Chainlink is versatile, offering compatibility with leading smart contract platforms, including Ethereum, Polkadot, and Binance Smart Chain, to name a few.


Pricing upon request


  • Decentralized structure reduces single points of failure
  • Offers high-quality data sources and tamper-resistant systems
  • Provides wide-ranging compatibility with major blockchain platforms


  • Requires a comprehensive understanding of oracles for effective use
  • Chainlink tokens (LINK) are essential for operations, which could fluctuate in value
  • Given its intricate setup, it might seem complex for newcomers

7. MetaMask - Best for Ethereum wallet and token management

Blockchain tool MetaMask institutional DeFi and web3 portfolio dashboard
The MetaMask institutional DeFi and web3 portfolio dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of an organization's portfolio, performance, assets, and historical transactions.

MetaMask functions as both a browser extension and mobile application, serving as an Ethereum wallet that facilitates interactions with the Ethereum blockchain. Its utility extends to token management, allowing users to store, send, and manage their Ethereum tokens.

Given its integration capabilities and user-friendly interface, it naturally stands out as the best choice for Ethereum wallet and token management.

Why I Picked MetaMask:

During my deep dive into crypto wallet solutions, MetaMask continually rose to the top. The selection process included comparing features, security measures, and user reviews, which made it clear that MetaMask had an edge. Judging from its widespread adoption and reputation, I determined that MetaMask is undoubtedly best for Ethereum wallet and token management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

MetaMask boasts features like a secure identity vault, allowing users to manage multiple identities across various networks. It also supports Ethereum-based tokens and offers a built-in token swap feature, which users find highly practical. In terms of integrations, MetaMask connects with various Ethereum-based DApps and platforms, positioning itself as a gateway to the decentralized web.


Pricing upon request


  • Supports multiple Ethereum tokens and networks
  • Acts as an interface for numerous decentralized applications
  • Prioritizes user security with private key access


  • Mainly Ethereum-centric; limited support for other blockchains
  • For newcomers, the interface can be a tad overwhelming initially
  • Occasional transaction fee estimations might seem higher than alternative wallets

8. Ganache - Best for personal blockchain for Ethereum testing

Blockchain tool Ganache's accounts tab
Here is a preview of the Ganache's accounts tab where you can see the the account status, including addresses, private keys, transactions, and balances.

Ganache is a tool designed specifically for developers that offers a personal blockchain for Ethereum development. Its primary function is to allow developers to deploy contracts, develop applications, and run tests. Its design and features align perfectly with the needs of Ethereum testing, making it a top choice for those seeking a personal blockchain for this purpose.

Why I Picked Ganache:

When I embarked on the journey of finding the best Ethereum testing tools, Ganache consistently captured my attention. I chose it after careful comparison and evaluation of multiple tools in the market. In my opinion, based on its unique features and developer-centric design, Ganache has set itself apart from other tools, earning the title of "best for personal blockchain for Ethereum testing."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Ganache comes equipped with a rich set of features, including a one-click blockchain, advanced mining controls, and logging. It also allows for instantaneous transaction and contract execution. Integrations are integral to its functionality, and Ganache integrates with the Truffle Suite, enhancing the developer's ability to build and test smart contracts.


Pricing upon request


  • User-friendly interface tailored for developers
  • Integrates well with other Ethereum development tools
  • Offers detailed logs and visualization for transactions


  • Primarily tailored for Ethereum, limiting versatility with other blockchains
  • Advanced features might require a learning curve for beginners
  • Requires regular updates to stay compatible with the latest Ethereum features

9. Truffle - Best for Ethereum smart contract development

Truffle dashboard sample
The Truffle dashboard integrates with any development tool for convenience.

Truffle is a renowned development framework that specializes in Ethereum smart contracts. It's tailored to make the life of a developer more straightforward, providing the tools required to deploy and manage smart contracts on the Ethereum network. Given its capabilities, it is evident why it's best suited for Ethereum smart contract development.

Why I Picked Truffle:

My journey to identify top-notch tools for Ethereum smart contract development inevitably led me to Truffle. I selected Truffle after a rigorous comparison with other tools, judging each based on performance, ease of use, and unique features. Given its reputation and capabilities, I determined that Truffle deserved the distinction of "best for Ethereum smart contract development."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Truffle boasts an integrated smart contract compilation and linking, alongside a binary management capability, making it a robust tool for developers. Its built-in smart contract testing suite written in JavaScript ensures the viability of contracts before they are deployed. As for integrations, Truffle works with popular Ethereum wallets and other tools within the Truffle Suite, ensuring a holistic development experience.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive development framework tailored for Ethereum
  • Built-in testing suite provides added assurance
  • Supports migrations for network management


  • Can be overwhelming for beginners due to its feature-rich nature
  • Some features may be overkill for simple smart contract projects
  • Relies heavily on other tools within the Truffle Suite, which might require additional learning

10. Ethereum - Best for smart contract platforms

Public Ethereum network statistics for blockchain
A preview of the public Ethereum network statistics.

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that allows developers to write and deploy smart contracts. These contracts automatically enforce their terms, running on Ethereum's global, peer-to-peer network. Given this innovative approach, it's evident why Ethereum has become synonymous with smart contract platforms.

Why I Picked Ethereum:

In the vast landscape of blockchain platforms, my process of selecting led me to Ethereum as the top contender. Having opinions and comparisons with other platforms, it was evident that Ethereum's flexibility and community support make it different and arguably superior. I've determined Ethereum as the "best for smart contract platforms" based on its pioneering role and widespread adoption in the blockchain space.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Ethereum's primary feature is its ability to execute Turing-complete smart contracts, enabling intricate, programmable transactions. It's also powered by its native cryptocurrency, Ether, which is used to incentivize network validators and pay for computational services.

In terms of integrations, Ethereum's vast ecosystem supports countless decentralized applications (dApps) and interfaces with numerous wallets and development tools.


Ethereum doesn't have a typical monthly pricing structure. Instead, users pay gas fees for transactions and contract executions. These fees vary based on network demand.


  • A robust platform supporting complex smart contracts
  • Large and active development community
  • High degree of security and decentralization


  • Gas fees can be unpredictable and high during network congestion
  • Scalability issues, although solutions are in development
  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to the platform

11. Hyperledger Fabric - Best for enterprise blockchain solutions

Hyperledger Fabric blockchain tool dashboard for blockchain
A dashboard for Hyperledger Fabric features Metricbeat, Filebeat, and Heartbeat working harmoniously.

Hyperledger Fabric is a modular and customizable blockchain framework intended to support the development of enterprise-grade applications. With a primary focus on the needs of businesses, it's clear how Hyperledger Fabric positions itself as the top choice for enterprise blockchain solutions.

Why I Picked Hyperledger Fabric:

When selecting a tool for enterprise blockchain needs, my judgment veered towards Hyperledger Fabric. Comparing it with other platforms, I formed the opinion that its modular architecture and focus on privacy make it distinct in the blockchain sphere.

I chose Hyperledger Fabric as the "best for enterprise blockchain solutions" because of its ability to cater to the specific requirements of businesses, ensuring scalability and confidentiality.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Hyperledger Fabric stands out with its permission nature, allowing enterprises to have control over who can access the network. It also offers chaincode functionality, enabling businesses to write smart contracts in standard programming languages.

As for integrations, Hyperledger Fabric is designed to work well with existing enterprise systems, and it is compatible with various databases like CouchDB for ledger storage.


Pricing upon request.


  • Tailored for enterprise use with permission access control
  • Supports smart contracts in multiple languages
  • Modular design allows for improved customization


  • Might be overkill for smaller projects or startups
  • Requires a good understanding of its architecture for effective use
  • Not as decentralized as public blockchains

12. Solidity - Best for writing Ethereum smart contracts

How to debug Ethereum smart contracts with Solidity blockchain tool
Here is a demo screenshot of how to debug Ethereum smart contracts with Solidity.

Solidity is a high-level programming language specifically crafted for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. Given its integral role in Ethereum-based applications, it's evident that Solidity is unparalleled when it comes to writing Ethereum smart contracts.

Why I Picked Solidity:

In the process of determining the most apt tool for Ethereum smart contracts, my comparison led me to select Solidity. I judged its specific design for Ethereum and the robust features it offers, positioning it in a distinct category. I chose Solidity because it is tailored to fit the Ethereum ecosystem, ensuring that developers have the precise tools they need for smart contract creation.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Solidity boasts features like static typing, inheritance, and complex user-defined types among others. It also supports libraries and allows for the creation of complex decentralized applications. For integrations, Solidity is integral to the Ethereum ecosystem, working with tools like Truffle, Remix, and various Ethereum wallets.


Solidity is an open-source tool, so it doesn't have a specific pricing model. However, for a holistic Ethereum development experience, developers might need to integrate or use other paid services.


  • Designed specifically for the Ethereum platform
  • Robust features to support complex smart contract development
  • Broad community support and regular updates


  • Has a learning curve for those new to blockchain development
  • Errors in code can lead to significant security vulnerabilities
  • Evolving nature means developers need to keep up with changes and updates

Other Noteworthy Blockchain Tools

Below is a list of additional blockchain tools that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. They are definitely worth checking out.

  1. Solc - Good for Solidity code compilation
  2. Web3.js - Good for Ethereum-based application integration
  3. SDK - Good for streamlined decentralized app development
  4. Neo - Good for digital asset automation on its blockchain
  5. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) - Good for fast, low-cost dApp transactions
  6. Remix Project - Good for in-browser Ethereum smart contract writing
  7. Corda - Good for private, permissioned blockchain solutions
  8. Stellar - Good for quick cross-border transactions
  9. Qtum - Good for merging Bitcoin and Ethereum functionality
  10. Algorand - Good for scalable and secure blockchain infrastructure
  11. EOSIO - Good for decentralized application hosting
  12. Tezos - Good for formalizing blockchain protocol upgrades
  13. Waves - Good for customizable token creation and management

Selection Criteria for Choosing the Best Blockchain Tools

When evaluating software for blockchain and decentralized applications, it's vital to look beyond the surface and truly understand what each tool offers in terms of functionality, features, and usability. In my journey, I've evaluated dozens of such tools. My primary focus was on how these tools cater to developers and teams aiming to build next-gen decentralized applications and systems.

Through rigorous testing and research, I have curated a list of criteria that matter most for this type of software:

Core Functionality

  • Smart Contract Deployment: The tool should facilitate the creation, testing, and deployment of smart contracts efficiently.
  • Decentralized Application Integration: It should have capabilities to integrate with various dApps and platforms.
  • Transaction Management: Handle transactions, both in terms of sending and receiving, including tracking and validation.
  • Interoperability: Ability to communicate or interact with other blockchains or platforms.

Key Features

  • Security Protocols: The tool must prioritize security, offering features such as encryption and multi-signature validation.
  • Consensus Mechanisms: It should support or be compatible with various consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, etc.
  • Development Libraries: Provide libraries or SDKs that simplify the development process.
  • Scalability Solutions: Features that allow the blockchain or dApp to handle an increased load or number of transactions.


  • Intuitive Interface: For tools focused on smart contract deployment or dApp development, an interface that highlights code syntax, provides code suggestions, or has debugging features is crucial.
  • Modular Design: Given the complexity of blockchain projects, tools should offer a modular design, enabling developers to use components as per the project's needs.
  • Role-based Access: Essential for teams, it ensures that members have appropriate permissions based on their roles, ensuring both security and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: With the complex nature of blockchain technology, it's imperative for the tool to have detailed guides, tutorials, and a support system to assist users in their development journey.

Most Common Questions Regarding Blockchain Tools

What are the primary benefits of using blockchain tools?

The adoption of blockchain tools can change various aspects of your operations and development processes. Here are five key benefits:

  1. Improved Security: Blockchain tools inherently offer advanced cryptographic techniques, ensuring data integrity and security.
  2. Increased Transparency: With a shared, immutable ledger, all participants have access to the same data, fostering trust and transparency.
  3. Efficient Transactions: Transactions become faster and more efficient as they can occur in real time or within a few hours, eliminating the need for intermediaries.
  4. Cost Reduction: With reduced need for third parties and intermediaries, costs associated with data verification, contract execution, and transactions decrease.
  5. Streamlined Development: With specific tools for smart contract creation, testing, and deployment, the development process becomes more efficient and error-free.

How much do blockchain tools typically cost?

Blockchain tool pricing can vary based on the functionality offered, the target audience, and the platform's maturity. While some tools provide free access or open-source models, others might have monthly or annual subscription fees.

What are the common pricing models for blockchain tools?

The prevalent pricing models for blockchain tools include:

  • Subscription-based: Monthly or annual fees for access to the tool and its features.
  • Freemium: Basic access is free, with premium features available for a fee.
  • One-time Purchase: Pay a single upfront fee for lifetime access.
  • Open-source: The tool is freely accessible and customizable, but might offer paid versions or support for advanced features.

What's the typical range of pricing for these tools?

Pricing can range from free open-source tools to hundreds or even thousands of dollars for enterprise-level platforms. It largely depends on the complexity and features offered by the tool.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software options?

The cheapest options are usually open-source tools like Ethereum's Solc and Remix Project. On the other hand, enterprise-grade solutions like Corda or Hyperledger Fabric might come at a higher cost, depending on the specific licensing and support agreements.

Are there any free blockchain tool options available?

Yes, several blockchain tools are available for free. For example:

  • Ethereum's Solc and Remix Project are open-source and free to use.
  • Stellar and EOSIO offer specific developer tools and libraries for free.
  • Many platforms provide free tiers or community versions with limited functionality to help developers get started.

Other Open-Source Platform Reviews


Choosing the right blockchain tool can significantly impact the efficiency, security, and transparency of your blockchain projects. From the essential core functionalities to the user experience, the best tools are designed to streamline your development and operational processes.

Furthermore, with a variety of pricing models available, there's a solution to fit every budget, from free open-source platforms to comprehensive enterprise solutions.

Key Takeaways

  1. Determine core needs: Before making a choice, clearly identify the core functionalities you need. Whether it's smart contract development, transaction efficiency, or improved security, choosing a tool that aligns with your primary objectives is crucial.
  2. Evaluate usability and support: A tool with an intuitive interface and robust customer support can significantly improve your team's productivity. Especially for complex solutions, access to training resources or a learning library can make the onboarding process smoother.
  3. Understand pricing models: While cost shouldn't be the sole deciding factor, understanding the different pricing models – from freemium to subscription-based – ensures you get value for money and select a tool that aligns with your budget constraints.

What Do You Think?

I hope this guide has provided valuable insights to help you choose the best blockchain tool for your needs. If you think I've missed a tool that deserves to be on this list, I invite you to share your recommendations. Your input can help make this resource even more comprehensive and useful for everyone.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.