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With years under my belt in IT tech, I'm here to guide you through an in-depth review of Datadog software. I'll lay out the facts, features, and facets of this tool, helping you gauge if it aligns with your needs. Your decision to choose the right software matters and I'm committed to providing clarity on Datadog's capabilities. Let's explore together.

Datadog review, showing the dashboard that provides an overview of the entire AWS infrastructure
Here's an image showing Datadog's dashboard, which provides a quick overview of the entire AWS infrastructure.

Datadog Software Product Overview

Datadog is an observability and monitoring tool designed to aggregate metrics, logs, and traces from diverse sources. It primarily targets DevOps teams, software engineers, and other technology professionals, ensuring real-time visibility into their infrastructure and applications. The tool shines by alleviating the challenges of troubleshooting, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring robust application performance monitoring. Its standout features include custom dashboards, log management, and seamless integrations with cloud providers like AWS and Azure.


  • Custom Dashboards: Datadog allows users to design custom metrics and visualization graphs, enhancing the user experience by providing relevant insights tailored to specific use cases.
  • Integration Prowess: With its ability to connect with major platforms like AWS, Azure, and Kubernetes, Datadog positions itself as a go-to monitoring solution for diverse tech stacks.
  • Advanced APM: Datadog's application performance monitoring functionality provides precise insights into backend processes, making troubleshooting and identifying root causes more intuitive.


  • Learning Curve: New end users might find Datadog's plethora of features slightly overwhelming, requiring a period of familiarization.
  • Retention Limits: While Datadog offers a plethora of metrics and log management tools, some users might find retention periods limiting, especially when comparing historical data.
  • Notifications Threshold: Some users have noted that setting up optimal thresholds for notifications can be tricky, sometimes resulting in alert fatigue.

Expert Opinion

In my experience, Datadog excels in providing comprehensive monitoring solutions, especially with its APM and cloud-based integrations. However, when judging its total package, there's a slight learning curve that might deter some newcomers. It's especially well-suited for organizations deeply entrenched in AWS, Azure, or Kubernetes ecosystems, as it seamlessly captures and visualizes data from these platforms.

Datadog: The Bottom Line

What truly distinguishes Datadog from other monitoring software is its unparalleled ability to provide observability across a diverse range of platforms, especially major cloud providers. The tool’s custom dashboard functionality and real-time data visualization make it a compelling choice for those looking to dive deep into their tech stack’s performance. It's not just a monitoring solution; it's a powerful ally for any DevOps team or software engineer aiming for peak system health.

Datadog Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Datadog’s features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  1. User-Friendly Interface - Yes
  2. Cloud-Based Deployment - Yes
  3. Customizable Dashboards - Yes
  4. Real-time Monitoring - Yes
  5. Log Management - Yes
  6. Alerts and Notifications - Yes
  7. Integration Capabilities - Yes
  8. API Access - Yes
  9. Mobile App - Yes
  10. Security and Encryption - Yes
  11. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - Yes
  12. Backup and Data Recovery - Yes
  13. Troubleshooting Tools - Yes
  14. Scalability - Yes
  15. Application Performance Monitoring (APM) - Yes
  16. Network Monitoring - Yes
  17. User Activity Tracking - Yes
  18. Custom Reporting - Yes
  19. SLA Management - No
  20. On-Premises Deployment - Yes
  21. Multilingual Support - No
  22. Automated Workflows - Yes
  23. Customer Support & Knowledge Base - Yes
  24. License Management - No
  25. Open Source Availability - No

Feature Overview

  1. Real-time Monitoring: Datadog offers immediate visibility into your entire technology stack, making it indispensable for startups to large enterprises wanting instant insights.
  2. Customizable Dashboards: The SaaS platform allows users to tailor dashboards specifically for their needs, presenting a comprehensive view of their infrastructure and applications in one place.
  3. Cloud Monitoring: With robust integration capabilities with Amazon Web Services and other cloud providers, Datadog ensures comprehensive cloud monitoring, reducing potential downtime and enhancing system health.
  4. Full-stack Observability: Datadog's full-stack monitoring offers a bird's-eye view of your entire tech stack, from infrastructure to application layers, ensuring no detail is overlooked.
  5. Network Monitoring: By providing an intricate network monitoring solution, Datadog ensures that every component of your technology network, from servers to connected devices, operates optimally.
  6. Datadog Agent: This unique agent facilitates seamless instrumentation, collecting metrics, and data across your system, giving Datadog its renowned depth in insights.
  7. Synthetic Monitoring: Datadog’s synthetic monitoring tests applications in a controlled environment, simulating real user behaviors and identifying potential issues before they reach end-users.
  8. Mobile App: The Datadog mobile app ensures IT teams stay informed on-the-go, providing crucial metrics and alerts directly to their smartphones.
  9. Integration with Slack: By integrating seamlessly with communication tools like Slack, Datadog fosters rapid response to issues, keeping teams aligned and informed.
  10. Datadog Support: With verified and expert-level support, Datadog users can swiftly navigate challenges, ensuring they make the most of this great product for their specific needs.

Standout Functionality

  1. Full-stack Observability: While many IT software solutions offer infrastructure monitoring or application performance insights, Datadog seamlessly blends the two with its full-stack observability, ensuring users get a comprehensive view from the server level right up to the user interface.
  2. Real User Monitoring (RUM): Datadog's RUM offers a deeper dive into the end-user experience by collecting data from actual user sessions, which helps businesses understand user behaviors, interactions, and potential bottlenecks in real-world scenarios, a feature not commonly found in standard IT monitoring tools.
  3. Seamless Microsoft Integrations: Datadog's adaptability with Microsoft products and ecosystems goes beyond generic integrations, offering in-depth insights and metrics specific to Microsoft technologies, enabling teams to optimize their deployments and operations efficiently.


Datadog provides native integrations with a vast array of tools, including but not limited to Amazon Web Services, Azure, and various databases, ensuring seamless observability across multiple platforms. They offer an API, allowing businesses to customize, extend, and integrate Datadog capabilities with other systems or develop proprietary applications. Additionally, the Datadog Marketplace offers various add-ons, enabling users to extend the platform's functionality based on specific needs and industry requirements.

Datadog Pricing

  • Free Tier: Datadog offers a free plan with limited features, which is ideal for small teams or individuals looking to explore the tool without committing financially.
  • Pro Plan: Priced at $15/user/month (billed annually), the Pro Plan offers enhanced observability features, including detailed infrastructure monitoring and alerting.
  • Enterprise Plan: At $23/user/month (billed annually) + $49 base fee per month, this plan is designed for larger organizations or those needing advanced features and integrations. It includes all the Pro features plus premium support and advanced security measures.
  • Custom Plan: Pricing upon request. For organizations with specialized needs, Datadog offers a custom pricing option, allowing for tailored solutions and pricing structures.

Ease of Use

Navigating Datadog's interface presents a moderate learning curve, especially for those unfamiliar with comprehensive monitoring tools. While its array of features offers deep insights, it can initially overwhelm users due to the sheer volume of information and customization options. The onboarding process aids in easing this transition, but a new user will likely need some time to become fully acquainted with all its functionalities and organization.

Customer Support

Datadog offers a robust range of support channels, including documentation, webinars, and live chat, which generally meet users' needs. While the resources provided are comprehensive, some users express frustrations over varying response times, especially during peak periods. Additionally, though the majority find answers in their documentation, a few users highlight moments when navigating it becomes less intuitive.

Datadog Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Datadog?

Datadog shines brightest in environments demanding comprehensive observability, making it a favorite among tech-driven enterprises, startups, and DevOps teams. Companies that manage complex technology stacks, especially those leveraging cloud services like AWS or Azure, find the tool's depth and customization pivotal to their monitoring needs.

Who would be a good fit for Datadog?

Smaller businesses or teams with simple infrastructure might find Datadog overwhelming and more intricate than necessary for their needs. Additionally, industries not heavily reliant on technology might see little value in the tool's expansive features and may struggle to justify its cost.

Datadog FAQs

What is Datadog primarily used for?

Datadog is primarily used for infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring (APM), and logging, providing insights into system health and performance.

Can Datadog integrate with cloud platforms?

Yes, Datadog offers native integrations with leading cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and more.

Does Datadog support real user monitoring (RUM)?

Yes, Datadog provides real user monitoring (RUM) to capture user interactions and performance metrics from actual user sessions.

Is there a mobile app for Datadog?

Yes, Datadog offers a mobile app that provides access to key metrics, dashboards, and alerts on the go.

Can I customize the dashboards in Datadog?

Absolutely, Datadog allows for full customization of dashboards, tailoring them to your specific monitoring needs.

How does Datadog handle security and data privacy?

Datadog takes security seriously with features like role-based access controls, SSO, and data encryption both in transit and at rest.

Is there a free version of Datadog available?

Yes, Datadog does offer a free tier with limited features, ideal for small teams or individuals wanting to explore the tool.

Can Datadog alert me in case of infrastructure issues or anomalies?

Definitely, Datadog provides alerting capabilities based on user-defined thresholds or automated anomaly detection, ensuring you stay informed about potential issues.

Alternatives to Datadog

  • New Relic: Often chosen for its exceptional application performance monitoring, New Relic provides detailed insights into app behavior, making it especially valuable for software engineers focused on optimizing user experience. Learn its features in my New Relic review.
  • Dynatrace: Dynatrace stands out with its AI-powered auto-detection and root cause analysis, ensuring faster troubleshooting and resolution of issues, ideal for environments where rapid response to system anomalies is essential. Know more about the software in this Dynatrace review.
  • Splunk: Renowned for its powerful log management and analytics, Splunk is a top choice for organizations that need deep insights into their logs for security, compliance, or detailed system performance analysis.

Datadog Company Overview & History

Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring and analytics platform that assists companies in optimizing the performance of their applications and infrastructure. Many tech-driven enterprises and startups leverage its comprehensive toolset.

Headquartered in New York City, Datadog is a public company listed on the NASDAQ, with Olivier Pomel and Alexis Lê-Quôc as its co-founders. Since its inception in 2010, it has reached significant milestones, including its IPO in 2019, and has been guided by its mission to "break down silos between developers, operations, and business users" and ensure technological performance and scale.


Datadog emerges as a comprehensive monitoring and analytics solution, tailored especially for businesses with complex tech stacks. Its deep integrations, rich feature set, and adaptability make it an attractive choice for both startups and established enterprises. However, like any tool, its efficacy will largely depend on your specific use case and infrastructure.

If you've had experience with Datadog or are considering it, I'd love to hear from you. Your insights and experiences can greatly benefit others in the community. Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.