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12 Best SOC Services Shortlist

After extensive evaluation, I've handpicked the 12 best SOC services tailored to address your challenges.

  1. Trustwave Managed Security Services - Best for comprehensive threat intelligence
  2. Check Point - Best for multi-layered security architecture
  3. Trellix - Best for real-time analytics in sec ops
  4. Ontinue - Best for adaptive risk assessments
  5. LogRhythm - Best for combined SIEM and SOAR capabilities
  6. Thales - Best for defense-grade security operations
  7. Rapid7 - Best for SOC2 compliance readiness
  8. SecureWorks - Best for personalized threat detection
  9. Sophos - Best for managed detection and response
  10. Palo Alto Networks - Best for network-focused security operations
  11. Vanta SOC 2 - Best for automating SOC 2 preparation
  12. ConnectWise - Best for integrating expert security services

In the complex landscape of cyber threats, SOC services provide a critical line of defense. As someone committed to information security, I know the value of integrating remediation strategies, vulnerability scanning, and threat hunting, both on-premises and in SaaS environments. Managed SOC teams employ machine learning for security monitoring, log management, and incident response services, offering cost-effective cybersecurity services.

With endpoint security and penetration testing, they act against phishing, ransomware, and more. Through notifications and mitigation tactics, a managed security service provider ensures that your security team stays ahead of potential cyberattacks, making it an indispensable part of a robust IT security strategy.

What Are SOC Services?

A Security Operations Center (SOC) service is a dedicated hub that specializes in real-time threat detection, analysis, and response within an organization's IT infrastructure. Primarily utilized by businesses and institutions seeking to fortify their cybersecurity posture, these services offer a combination of technology, processes, and expert professionals.

Their core objective is to safeguard sensitive data, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and mitigate the impact of cyber threats, enabling organizations to operate in an increasingly digital landscape.

Overviews of the 12 Best SOC Services

1. Trustwave Managed Security Services - Best for comprehensive threat intelligence

Trustwave Managed Security SOC Services
Through simple point-and-click navigation, users can scan business-critical applications to search for unpatched vulnerabilities, exploitable code, or evidence of malicious activity using Trustwave Managed Security Services.

Trustwave Managed Security Services distinguishes itself in a saturated cybersecurity market by presenting an exhaustive understanding of potential cyber threats. Their offerings are tailored to provide not just protection but an all-encompassing view of potential vulnerabilities, which is pivotal for businesses seeking comprehensive threat intelligence.

Why I Picked Trustwave Managed Security Services:

Navigating through the sea of cybersecurity options, I took the task of selecting the creme de la creme very seriously. Among the various services I compared and judged, Trustwave emerged superior for its detailed approach to threat intelligence. I'm of the opinion that this particular service is invaluable for those who desire a broader perspective of cyber threats.

Standout features & integrations:

Trustwave provides a range of pivotal features encompassing vulnerability management, threat detection, and compliance management. Their SpiderLabs team, dedicated to uncovering new threats, ensures that clients receive cutting-edge intelligence. On the integration front, Trustwave collaborates efficiently with a myriad of platforms, ensuring it's adaptable to diverse technological ecosystems.


Pricing upon request


  • An expansive range of services touching multiple facets of security
  • Access to the acclaimed SpiderLabs research
  • Strong integration capabilities with various platforms


  • Absence of transparent pricing details
  • Might be a tad complex for smaller entities with straightforward needs
  • Initial familiarity with certain features could be challenging for some

2. Check Point - Best for multi-layered security architecture

Check Point SOC Services
Here is a screen capture from Check Point's dashboard for the overview of access control and threat prevention.

In the expansive universe of cybersecurity solutions, Check Point emerges as a stalwart sentinel, offering robust protection mechanisms. It not only safeguards against malicious actors but does so using a multi-faceted approach, emphasizing a multi-layered security architecture.

Why I Picked Check Point:

While diving deep into the cybersecurity realm, I was actively comparing platforms and judging them on their merits and capabilities. Check Point distinctly caught my eye because of its meticulous design to provide an intricate layer of defenses. After thoroughly evaluating several options, I determined that Check Point stands out due to its complex security stratification.

Standout features & integrations:

Check Point offers a multitude of features, including advanced threat prevention, endpoint protection, and secure network architecture. Their SandBlast technology, known for zero-day protection, is an industry standout. Integration-wise, Check Point interfaces with a multitude of platforms from AWS and Azure to VMware, ensuring adaptability for diverse infrastructure setups.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive multi-layered security approach
  • SandBlast technology offers protection against zero-day threats
  • Extensive compatibility with major cloud platforms


  • Pricing information is not readily transparent
  • Might be intricate for small businesses with limited IT expertise
  • Setup and configuration can be detailed and require advanced knowledge

3. Trellix - Best for real-time analytics in sec ops

Trellix SOC Services
This is a screenshot from Trellix's main dashboard.

Trellix is adept at offering security operations solutions with a strong emphasis on real-time analytics. Organizations aiming for a proactive approach to cybersecurity find Trellix's real-time analytical prowess both timely and critical in spotting potential vulnerabilities.

Why I Picked Trellix:

In the quest to select a security tool that truly makes a difference, Trellix was an obvious choice. Through careful comparison and judgment, Trellix stood out due to its exceptional capability of delivering real-time insights, a feature I found to be indispensable for modern security operations.

Standout features & integrations:

Trellix is equipped with an array of features that include behavior analytics, threat intelligence, and an intuitive dashboard that visualizes threats as they arise. Integrations are another strength of Trellix; its platform communicates with popular IT management tools and other cybersecurity platforms, broadening its application.


Pricing upon request


  • Real-time analytics aids in quick threat detection
  • A broad range of integrations with popular IT platforms
  • Comprehensive dashboard that gives a holistic view of the security landscape


  • Lack of transparent pricing on the website
  • Could be overwhelming for companies with simpler security needs
  • Setup and customization may require a steeper learning curve for some

4. Ontinue - Best for adaptive risk assessments

Ontinue SOC Services
Take a dive into Ontinue's main security dashboard.

Ontinue is a powerful tool focused on providing adaptive risk assessments, enabling businesses to dynamically adjust their security postures in response to evolving threats. This adaptability ensures that enterprises remain a step ahead, especially in a rapidly-changing security landscape, aligning with the tool's reputation as the "best for adaptive risk assessments."

Why I Picked Ontinue:

In my selection process, Ontinue emerged as a distinct choice due to its adaptive nature. While many tools provide static assessments, Ontinue's ability to adjust in real-time caught my attention, making it unique in the crowded cybersecurity market.

Standout features & integrations:

Ontinue boasts a suite of features that cater to the needs of dynamic risk assessment, including AI-driven analytics, threat modeling, and vulnerability tracking. As for integrations, it effortlessly connects with a range of enterprise software solutions, making it easier for organizations to weave it into their existing tech stack and gain a holistic view of their security infrastructure.


Pricing upon request


  • AI-driven analytics provide insightful risk evaluations
  • Dynamic threat modeling ensures timely adjustments
  • A wide range of integrations supports diverse enterprise needs


  • The absence of transparent pricing can be a deterrent
  • It might be too complex for smaller businesses with basic needs
  • Dependency on continuous updates may pose challenges for certain infrastructures

5. LogRhythm - Best for combined SIEM and SOAR capabilities

LogRhythm SOC Services executive dashboard
This is a screen capture from LogRhythm's executive dashboard.

LogRhythm is a security platform that focuses on integrating both Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) functionalities. This unique combination provides organizations with holistic insights into security events while simultaneously enabling swift and automated responses, making it the top choice for combined SIEM and SOAR capabilities.

Why I Picked LogRhythm:

In the course of determining the best tools, LogRhythm stood out to me because of its dual focus on SIEM and SOAR. Many tools specialize in one or the other, but LogRhythm's integration of both ensures a more cohesive security experience. Given the increasing complexity of cyber threats, I firmly believe LogRhythm is best suited for those seeking combined SIEM and SOAR capabilities.

Standout features & integrations:

LogRhythm boasts features such as advanced threat intelligence, tailored security analytics, and automated incident response workflows. It integrates with a plethora of other cybersecurity tools and enterprise software, ensuring organizations can effectively build a unified security ecosystem.


Pricing upon request


  • Integrated SIEM and SOAR reduce the need for multiple platforms
  • Advanced threat intelligence offers in-depth insights into potential risks
  • A wide array of integrations ensures adaptability to diverse tech stacks


  • The dual functionality might be overwhelming for smaller teams
  • Requires a steeper learning curve compared to standalone SIEM or SOAR tools
  • The absence of transparent pricing might deter some potential users

6. Thales - Best for defense-grade security operations

Thales SOC Services
Here is an image captured from Thales' client's dashboard.

Thales has firmly positioned itself as a global leader in defense and security solutions, tailoring its offerings to institutions that cannot compromise on security. Its robust defense-grade security operations aptly meet the stringent demands of organizations, making it the ideal choice for unparalleled protection.

Why I Picked Thales:

When choosing a tool for this list, my focus was on credibility, expertise, and specialization. Thales, with its distinguished track record in defense sectors, immediately caught my attention. Judging by its pedigree, I determined that its solutions are distinct from the market's typical offerings.

Standout features & integrations:

Thales is recognized for its end-to-end encryption capabilities, ensuring that data remains secure both in transit and at rest. Their identity and access management solution offers layered protection, restricting unauthorized access effectively. Furthermore, their digital trust management system stands as a testament to their commitment to security. In terms of integrations, Thales connects with major IT infrastructure solutions, ensuring its defense mechanisms are layered throughout an organization's operations.


Pricing upon request


  • End-to-end encryption offers the utmost data protection
  • Comprehensive identity and access management solution
  • The integration with major IT infrastructures


  • It might be overkill for smaller businesses
  • Defense-grade solutions may come at a premium cost
  • The potentially steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with defense-level security operations.

7. Rapid7 - Best for SOC2 compliance readiness

Rapid7 SOC services cybersecurity solutions
This is a Rapid7 screenshot for its automatic crawl and assesses web applications to identify vulnerabilities.

Rapid7 offers a suite of cybersecurity solutions designed to ensure that organizations are fully prepared for a myriad of security challenges. With a specific focus on SOC2 compliance readiness, Rapid7’s tools provide a framework that simplifies the process of achieving and maintaining this critical certification.

Why I Picked Rapid7:

In the process of selecting tools for this list, I weighed each tool's efficacy, relevance, and specific niche strengths. Rapid7 immediately stood out due to its concentrated emphasis on SOC2 compliance readiness. Judging by its features and user feedback, it's evident that the platform is different in its structured approach to SOC2.

Standout features & integrations:

One of Rapid7's commendable features is its vulnerability management system, which ensures that potential risks are identified and addressed promptly. Additionally, the platform provides detailed compliance reporting tools, essential for businesses keen on understanding their SOC2 readiness status. In terms of integrations, Rapid7 is compatible with many IT infrastructure solutions, thereby offering businesses the flexibility to integrate security into their existing systems.


Pricing upon request


  • Detailed compliance reporting for thorough insights
  • Effective vulnerability management system
  • Extensive integration capabilities with various IT systems


  • Might be complex for beginners in cybersecurity
  • Some features may exceed the needs of smaller businesses
  • Potential additional costs for premium features and services.

8. SecureWorks - Best for personalized threat detection

Secureworks SOC Service cybersecurity
This is a screenshot from the SecureWorks cybersecurity alert dashboard.

SecureWorks provides cybersecurity solutions aimed at offering businesses a robust defense against potential threats. The tool stands out by delivering personalized threat detection tailored to each organization's specific environment and requirements.

Why I Picked SecureWorks:

Through the process of judging and comparing multiple cybersecurity tools, SecureWorks captured my attention because of its unique approach to threat detection. Unlike generic tools, SecureWorks' methodology is different, leveraging personalized strategies tailored to an organization's unique profile.

Standout features & integrations:

SecureWorks boasts an advanced threat intelligence system that provides real-time insights into potential vulnerabilities. Their Counter Threat Platform is another pivotal feature, harnessing advanced analytics to detect anomalies swiftly. On the integration front, SecureWorks pairs well with various IT systems and infrastructure tools, ensuring that businesses have the flexibility they require.


Pricing upon request


  • Personalized threat detection tailored to individual organizations
  • Advanced analytics offered by the Counter Threat Platform
  • Comprehensive integration capabilities with existing IT solutions


  • This may present a learning curve for those new to cybersecurity
  • Some features may be more suited to larger enterprises
  • The depth of customization might require more setup time.

9. Sophos - Best for managed detection and response

Sophos SOC Services control center
This is an image of Sophos' control center dashboard.

Sophos is a recognized cybersecurity solution renowned for its ability to help businesses fortify their defenses against cyber threats. Its particular strength lies in managed detection and response, ensuring that organizations can effectively counteract malicious activities in real-time.

Why I Picked Sophos:

When I was selecting cybersecurity tools, Sophos presented itself as a compelling choice due to its comprehensive approach to managed detection and response. Through my process of comparing, I formed the opinion that Sophos has a certain edge, notably in its holistic monitoring and rapid response mechanisms.

Standout features & integrations:

Sophos offers Intercept X, a feature that employs artificial intelligence to detect and counteract threats before they escalate. The tool also boasts Synchronized Security, a unique integration between endpoints and firewalls, which enhances visibility and coordinated response. Regarding integrations, Sophos works alongside various endpoint protection platforms and IT management tools to offer a unified security posture.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust artificial intelligence-driven threat detection with Intercept X
  • Synchronized Security provides improved coordination between firewalls and endpoints
  • Comprehensive support and educational resources for users


  • The interface might be complex for beginners
  • Requires consistent updates to stay ahead of emerging threats
  • Some users have reported occasional false positives.

10. Palo Alto Networks - Best for network-focused security operations

Palo Alto Networks SOC Services compliance dashboard
This is a screenshot image of the Palo Alto Networks compliance dashboard.

Palo Alto Networks is a titan in the cybersecurity realm, primarily known for its robust network security offerings. It delivers exceptional capabilities to safeguard network infrastructures, making it especially valuable for organizations prioritizing network-focused security operations.

Why I Picked Palo Alto Networks:

In my process of selecting cybersecurity tools, Palo Alto Networks was hard to overlook due to its pronounced emphasis on network security. When judging and comparing various tools, my determination led me to the belief that Palo Alto Networks possesses a distinct advantage in the realm of network protections.

Standout features & integrations:

Palo Alto Networks brings to the fore its next-generation firewalls, designed to detect and thwart sophisticated threats. Additionally, the WildFire malware prevention service, unique to Palo Alto, offers advanced threat intelligence. Integration-wise, the platform dovetails efficiently with a variety of SIEM solutions, cloud security tools, and endpoint protection systems, solidifying its place in diverse IT ecosystems.


Pricing upon request


  • Leading-edge next-generation firewalls for advanced threat detection
  • WildFire service offers enriched threat intelligence
  • A broad range of integrations aligning with many IT platforms


  • The complexity of features might be daunting for new users
  • Licensing structure can be perceived as intricate
  • Some customers have noted longer-than-desired support response times.

11. Vanta SOC 2 - Best for automating SOC 2 preparation

Vanta SOC 2 SOC Services
With Vanta, users can keep their most valued resources secure and compliant year-round.

Vanta SOC 2 is a dedicated platform designed to streamline the SOC 2 compliance journey. The tool offers an automated solution that significantly reduces the manual labor and intricacy commonly associated with SOC 2 preparation, making it ideal for organizations keen on efficient compliance management.

Why I Picked Vanta SOC 2:

When I delved into the world of compliance tools, Vanta SOC 2 consistently appeared as a top contender. The act of choosing wasn't simply based on its popularity but by judging its unique approach to SOC 2 preparation. I determined that the platform's focus on automation and its user-friendly interface differentiates it from the competition.

Standout features & integrations:

Vanta SOC 2 brings forth continuous monitoring features, ensuring businesses remain compliant without periodic re-assessment hassles. Additionally, the platform offers a unified dashboard that displays real-time insights into an organization's compliance status. Integration-wise, Vanta connects with a host of cloud providers, HR systems, and tech stacks, making the synchronization of data more coherent.


Pricing upon request


  • Continuous monitoring reduces the need for frequent reassessments
  • A unified dashboard offers real-time compliance insights
  • Extensive integrations with commonly used tech platforms


  • Smaller organizations might find the tool more advanced than needed
  • The learning curve for understanding all features and nuances
  • Some users might prefer more granular controls for specific compliance tasks.

12. ConnectWise - Best for integrating expert security services

ConnectWise SOC Services board view
This screen capture of ConnectWise gives quick insights into many tickets at once, and even offers the ability to make updates directly in line - saving you time and effort.

ConnectWise is a comprehensive IT management platform that offers a variety of tools and services to enhance IT operations. With its emphasis on expert security services integration, businesses can bolster their defense mechanisms and ensure a fortified IT environment.

Why I Picked ConnectWise:

In my quest to uncover standout IT platforms, ConnectWise caught my attention not just for its comprehensive offerings but primarily for its capability to integrate expert security services.

Standout features & integrations:

ConnectWise prides itself on its unified platform that allows businesses to centralize their IT operations. From remote monitoring to patch management, the platform ensures businesses have the tools they need. Notably, its integrations are vast, allowing companies to connect with a range of third-party applications, from CRM systems to accounting tools.


Pricing upon request


  • A unified platform simplifies IT operations management
  • A broad spectrum of integrations enhances operational flexibility
  • Emphasis on security services ensures a robust defense mechanism


  • New users might face a learning curve with the platform’s extensive features
  • Some features might be too advanced for smaller businesses or startups
  • Potential for too many features to be overwhelming, leading to underutilization.

Other Notable SOC Services

Below is a list of additional soc services that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Gen Digital - Good for comprehensive digital solutions
  2. Netsurion - Good for specialized security operations center capabilities
  3. Infosys - Good for broad-spectrum IT and consulting services
  4. CrowdStrike - Good for combined security and IT operations
  5. Comodo Cybersecurity MDR - Good for dedicated managed detection response services
  6. Blackpoint Cyber MDR - Good for tailored cyber-managed detection and response
  7. Fidelis Cybersecurity Managed Detection and Response - Good for focused cybersecurity with MDR services
  8. Alert Logic - Good for strategically managed detection and response
  9. IBM Security Operations Center Services - Good for integrating security operations with enterprise scale
  10. Managed Defense - Good for defense-centric cybersecurity strategies
  11. Cybereason Managed Detection and Response - Good for proactive cybersecurity response mechanisms
  12. Arctic Wolf Networks - Good for adaptive security operations and monitoring

Selection Criteria For Choosing SOC Services

Over the years, I've delved deep into the world of cybersecurity software, trying, testing, and evaluating countless tools. I've sifted through more than 50 different cybersecurity solutions, each with its own unique strengths and areas of specialization.

However, throughout this journey, I’ve always kept a keen eye on a select set of criteria, particularly suited for those who prioritize robust cybersecurity practices. Let's delve into what matters most when selecting a cybersecurity tool.

Core Functionality

  • Real-time Threat Detection: The ability to instantly detect, report, and act upon any suspicious activities.
  • Automated Response: Tools should swiftly respond to breaches or threats, potentially isolating affected nodes from the network.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Offering detailed insights into threat landscapes, vulnerabilities, and suggested actions.
  • Integration Capabilities: incorporation with existing IT infrastructures, ensuring no gaps in security.

Key Features

  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): An added layer of security, requiring multiple types of identification before granting access.
  • Endpoint Protection: Safeguarding endpoints like computers and mobile devices from potential breaches.
  • Encryption Tools: Ensuring data, both at rest and in transit, is encrypted and safe from prying eyes.
  • Behavioral Analytics: Tools that study network behavior to identify any anomalies, pointing toward potential security breaches.
  • Cloud Security: As more data moves to the cloud, the software should have specialized measures to protect cloud-based assets.
  • Incident Management: Logging, analyzing, and managing security incidents to ensure they’re addressed and prevented in the future.


  • Intuitive Dashboards: Cybersecurity tools should have dashboards that display real-time data, allowing quick comprehension of security statuses.
  • Streamlined Alerts: Alerts should be clear, concise, and prioritized, ensuring that the most critical threats are addressed first.
  • Role-Based Access: Essential for larger teams or enterprises where different individuals or departments have varying levels of access based on their roles.
  • Learning Resources: Given the complexity of cybersecurity, tools should provide comprehensive learning libraries, documentation, or training modules for users. This ensures that teams can quickly get up to speed and utilize all functionalities to their maximum potential.
  • Responsive Customer Support: As cybersecurity threats can arise at any moment, having a responsive customer support team is invaluable, ensuring minimal downtime or risk exposure.

Most Common Questions Regarding SOC Services (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using SOC (Security Operations Center) services?

Using SOC services provides numerous benefits to organizations seeking to enhance their security posture. Here are at least five key advantages:

  1. Real-Time Threat Monitoring: Continuous surveillance ensures immediate detection and response to security threats.
  2. Compliance Assurance: Helps organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements by implementing necessary security measures.
  3. Customized Security Solutions: Tailors security solutions based on the unique needs and risks of the business.
  4. Reduced Operational Costs: By outsourcing to SOC, organizations can focus on core operations, reducing the costs related to in-house security management.
  5. Access to Expertise: Provides access to specialized security experts who keep abreast of the latest threats and technologies.

How much do SOC services typically cost?

Pricing for SOC services varies widely based on the scale, features, and provider. The costs can range from a few hundred dollars per month for small to medium-sized businesses to several thousand dollars per month for large enterprises.

What are the common pricing models for SOC services?

SOC services may employ various pricing models, including:

  • Subscription-based: Regular monthly or annual payments for ongoing services.
  • Usage-based: Cost depends on the amount of monitored data, number of users, or endpoints.
  • Bundled Packages: Combining various services into a package at a discounted rate.
  • Custom Pricing: Tailored pricing based on individual business requirements and scale.

What is the typical range of pricing for SOC services?

The typical pricing range for SOC services can start as low as $500 per month for basic packages tailored to small businesses and go up to $10,000 or more per month for large organizations requiring extensive monitoring and customized solutions.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive SOC service software?

The cheapest SOC services might include tools from providers offering basic packages for small businesses, sometimes starting as low as $500 per month. The most expensive options can be from large-scale providers such as IBM or CrowdStrike, with advanced features and customization ranging up to tens of thousands of dollars per month.

Are there any free tool options for SOC services?

While full-fledged SOC services are typically paid, some providers may offer free trials or limited free versions of their tools. These free options are often limited in functionality and are usually designed to give potential customers a taste of what the full service can offer.

How do I determine which SOC service is right for my organization?

Choosing the right SOC service requires a clear understanding of your organization's security needs, budget, size, and industry-specific regulations. It's beneficial to consult with security experts, consider trial versions, read reviews, and compare different providers based on functionality, integration capabilities, customer support, and pricing.

What kind of support can I expect from a SOC service provider?

Most SOC service providers offer various levels of support, ranging from email and chat support to dedicated account managers and 24/7 emergency response teams. The level of support typically corresponds to the chosen package or subscription tier, and it's essential to clarify the support details during the selection process.

Other SOC Services Reviews


In this buyer's guide, we delved deep into the realm of SOC (Security Operations Center) services, understanding their pivotal role in fortifying an organization's security posture. From the vast variety of options available to specific criteria for selection, making the right choice is both crucial and complex.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Purpose-Driven Selection: Every organization has unique security needs. Whether it's real-time threat monitoring, compliance assurance, or access to specialized expertise, it's essential to align your choice of SOC service with your organization's specific objectives.
  2. Cost vs. Value: While pricing is a significant consideration, it's vital to look beyond mere costs. The ideal SOC service is one that offers the best value – a balance of features, support, and scalability that fits within the budget.
  3. Usability and Support: A good SOC service should not only offer robust features but should also be user-friendly. An intuitive interface, easy onboarding, and responsive customer support can make the difference between an average and an exceptional user experience.

What do you think?

While I've put significant effort into curating and evaluating this list of top SOC services, the tech landscape is vast and ever-evolving. There may be hidden gems out there that I've yet to discover.

If you've had a positive experience with a SOC service not mentioned here, please share your insights. I value the collective knowledge of our readers and am always open to expanding this list to better serve everyone's needs.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.