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Best Network Automation Software Shortlist

After assessing numerous tools, I've curated the best network automation software to directly address your challenges.

  1. Resolve - Best for rapid incident resolution
  2. Terraform - Best for infrastructure as code
  3. Arista EOS CloudVision - Best for cloud-based network visibility
  4. Unimus - Best for network configuration backup
  5. TrueSight Automation for Networks - Best for comprehensive network management
  6. OpenText Network Automation - Best for scalable network orchestration
  7. ManageEngine OpManager - Best for monitoring and fault management
  8. NetBrain - Best for interactive network visualization
  9. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform - Best for modular network automation
  10. LogicMonitor - Best for hybrid infrastructure monitoring
  11. IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation - Best for AI-driven network operations
  12. Cisco - Best for end-to-end network automation solutions

Navigating the complex maze of network devices and firewalls can be daunting without the right allies. That's where network automation tools come into play, acting as the bridge, often powered by robust APIs, to manage and orchestrate your infrastructure. Think of these tools as the maestros, ensuring every piece in the orchestra hits the right note, optimizing performance, and reducing the manual effort often leading to errors.

If you're feeling the pressure from endless configurations, patches, and updates, these solutions might just be the relief you've been searching for. Trust me, diving into these options can be a game-changer.

What Is a Network Automation Software?

Network automation software is a specialized solution designed to manage, configure, and optimize network devices and infrastructure with minimal manual intervention. Utilized primarily by network engineers, IT professionals, and system administrators, this software streamlines tasks such as deploying configurations, updating firewalls, and monitoring network health, ensuring that networks run efficiently and consistently meet the demands of modern digital environments.

Overviews of the 12 Best Network Automation Software

1. Resolve - Best for rapid incident resolution

Interface of Resolve on desktop and mobile view
Here is how the interface of Resolve is designed for desktop and mobile view.

Resolve is a dynamic network automation tool tailored to handle the twists and turns of intricate network environments. By focusing on simplifying provisioning, configuration changes, and device configurations, Resolve steps into the spotlight when rapid incident resolution becomes a priority.

Why I Picked Resolve:

In the maze of network automation tools, Resolve caught my attention due to its laser-sharp focus on incident resolution. While many tools claim efficiency, I determined that Resolve stands a notch above, especially when it comes to swiftly addressing and rectifying issues. Its prowess in facilitating speedy incident resolution is what sealed its position as "best for rapid incident resolution" in my books.

Standout Features & Integrations:

At the heart of Resolve are its intuitive automated workflows that significantly cut down response times during critical network incidents. Moreover, the software provides detailed visibility into device configurations, ensuring network engineers are always in the know.

Integrations-wise, Resolve gels well with a plethora of ITSM, monitoring, and orchestration tools, enhancing its adaptability in diverse IT ecosystems.


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  • Efficient automated workflows for quick response
  • Detailed visibility into device configurations
  • Strong integrations with ITSM and monitoring tools


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Some advanced features may be overkill for smaller networks
  • Limited documentation available for certain integrations

2. Terraform - Best for infrastructure as code

View of Terraform's workspaces dashboard
Here is a view of Terraform's workspaces dashboard.

Terraform is a powerful open-source tool designed to provision and manage network infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. With its infrastructure-as-code approach, Terraform paves the way for replicable, predictable, and scalable network setups, ensuring that it stands out when considering network performance and security.

Why I Picked Terraform:

From the plethora of tools I came across, Terraform stood out to me due to its unique approach to managing network infrastructure. In determining the best solutions, I found myself consistently comparing tools to Terraform's clean, code-driven methods.

After much judgment and opinion-gathering, it became clear that Terraform truly shines when it comes to handling infrastructure as code, making it an invaluable asset for those prioritizing network security and performance.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Terraform boasts a state-centric design that offers a clear view of the current network status versus the desired configuration, facilitating effective troubleshooting. Furthermore, its modularity and infrastructure building blocks make it adaptable to varied requirements.

On the integration front, Terraform's provider system allows it to support a multitude of platforms and services, from cloud vendors like AWS and Azure to on-prem solutions.


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  • Code-centric approach to network infrastructure
  • State-centric design aids in troubleshooting
  • Wide-ranging integrations with cloud and on-prem solutions


  • Initial learning curve can be steep for those unfamiliar with coding
  • Some complex deployments may require additional tooling
  • Configurations can be verbose, demanding careful documentation

3. Arista EOS CloudVision - Best for cloud-based network visibility

Topology overview tab of Arista EOS CloudVision network automation software
The topology overview tab of Arista EOS CloudVision displays different link overlays and network filters.

Arista EOS CloudVision offers a comprehensive cloud platform to provide visibility into network operations, from routers to cloud interconnections. As organizations pivot to more cloud-centric approaches, CloudVision's strength in delivering clear, cloud-based visibility into networks becomes an essential tool for network admins.

Why I Picked Arista EOS CloudVision:

In my journey of selecting network tools, Arista EOS CloudVision continually surfaced as a standout choice. When determining the best solutions, I constantly found myself comparing its cloud-based insights to other contenders.

I chose this tool because, in my opinion, when it comes to granting unparalleled visibility from routers to complex cloud networks, CloudVision holds its ground, cementing its position as best for cloud-based network visibility.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Arista EOS CloudVision brings forth a set of powerful features including real-time streaming for network state information, helping admins pinpoint vulnerabilities swiftly. Additionally, its customizable templates allow for consistent configuration across devices, ensuring network integrity.

As for integrations, CloudVision boasts compatibility with a wide range of platforms including various routers, switches, and cloud service providers, offering a unified view of the entire network ecosystem.


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  • Real-time streaming for swift vulnerability detection
  • Customizable templates enhance network consistency
  • Extensive integrations with routers and cloud platforms


  • May require training for full feature utilization
  • Larger deployments might experience scalability challenges
  • Initial setup can be intricate for non-specialists

4. Unimus - Best for network configuration backup

Unimus' zones tab
Here's Unimus' zones tab where information and actions for zones can be viewed and accessed.

Unimus is a dedicated solution that primarily focuses on simplifying the backup process for network configurations, minimizing the risks associated with data center operations. In an environment where a single command line misstep can lead to severe disruptions, Unimus stands out by ensuring that configurations are securely backed up, thus providing an added layer of protection against human errors.

Why I Picked Unimus:

When selecting a tool for network configuration backup, the robustness and efficiency of Unimus consistently caught my attention. In a landscape filled with solutions, Unimus carved out a niche for itself by expertly managing the entire lifecycle of network configurations.

I chose Unimus because of its distinct approach to configuration backups, making it the top pick for preventing costly mistakes stemming from human error.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Unimus not only simplifies the backup process but also provides detailed insights through command-line comparisons, ensuring admins are always in the loop about any configuration changes. Moreover, its mass-config push functionality brings an added layer of automation, which is critical in large data center operations.

On the integration front, Unimus effortlessly blends with a plethora of network devices and vendors, streamlining the configuration management process.


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  • Detailed command line comparison for insightful configuration oversight
  • Mass-config push aids in efficient data center operations
  • Extensive device and vendor integrations, enhancing flexibility


  • Might have a learning curve for newcomers
  • Requires regular updates for new device compatibility
  • UI can be improved for enhanced user experience

5. TrueSight Automation for Networks - Best for comprehensive network management

Network tab of TrueSight Automation for Network network automation software
Under the network tab of TrueSight Automation for Networks, access to a list of devices can be viewed.

TrueSight Automation for Networks is a robust network automation platform designed to streamline the tasks and challenges faced by network administrators. By offering a blend of network monitoring and automation functionalities, it addresses the complexities of managing vast and intricate networks, making it best suited for comprehensive network management.

Why I Picked TrueSight Automation for Networks:

In the quest for a tool that excels in both monitoring and automation, my selection gravitated towards TrueSight Automation for Networks. From the array of tools I compared, this platform stood out due to its holistic approach to network management, addressing both the micro and macro challenges of the domain.

I chose it because it presents a refined balance between monitoring nuances and automation capabilities, making it the go-to solution for comprehensive network management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of the defining features of TrueSight Automation for Networks is its advanced CLI interface, which provides administrators with precise control and insights. Its real-time network monitoring feature keeps track of the health and performance of the network, alerting administrators to potential issues before they escalate.

For integrations, the platform connects effortlessly with a range of other ITSM tools and network devices, making it versatile in diverse IT environments.


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  • Advanced CLI provides intricate control and insights for network administrators.
  • Real-time network monitoring ensures timely detection of potential network issues.
  • Integration with a plethora of ITSM tools and network devices.


  • The platform's vast feature set may overwhelm new users.
  • Requires consistent updates to maintain compatibility with newer network devices.
  • Initial setup and configuration can be intricate for some setups.

6. OpenText Network Automation - Best for scalable network orchestration

Website of OpenText Network Automation network automation software
The website of OpenText Network Automation which was formerly known as Micro Focus provides tabs explaining the tools and features of OpenText.

OpenText Network Automation provides an advanced platform for managing, automating, and orchestrating various network processes, both on-premise and in the cloud. With its ability to scale and adapt to growing network complexities, it positions itself as a leading choice for scalable network orchestration.

Why I Picked OpenText Network Automation:

Navigating through a multitude of network automation tools, my judgment was anchored by OpenText's ability to efficiently orchestrate complex network tasks. I selected it based on its comprehensive suite of features and its distinct advantage of being able to scale according to network growth.

With its proficiency in managing larger networks, I believe it stands unmatched as the best for scalable network orchestration.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of the striking features of OpenText Network Automation is its support for various operating systems, ensuring compatibility across different environments. The platform emphasizes automated processes, particularly in remediation, reducing manual intervention and potential errors.

In terms of integrations, it effortlessly pairs with a variety of IT management tools and network devices, amplifying its utility in diverse IT landscapes.


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  • Broad support for multiple operating systems enhances its adaptability.
  • Strong emphasis on automated processes, especially in remediation tasks.
  • Comprehensive integration capabilities with other IT management tools.


  • The extensive set of features might pose a learning curve for new users.
  • Its on premise setup might require significant infrastructure investments.
  • Frequent updates might necessitate consistent monitoring and management.

7. ManageEngine OpManager - Best for monitoring and fault management

Sashboard of the network automation tool ManageEngine OpManager network automation software
With ManageEngine's intuitive, role-based, and easy-to-understand dashboard and with custom widgets for a quick overview, users can perform their tasks to align them perfectly.

ManageEngine OpManager primarily functions as a network management platform, focusing on monitoring and fault identification. Its proficiency in recognizing faults in a system and ensuring steady connectivity makes it particularly suitable for those needing effective monitoring and fault management solutions.

Why I Picked ManageEngine OpManager:

I selected ManageEngine OpManager after determining its merits among various tools in the network management domain. It stands out due to its refined monitoring capabilities and its knack for pinpointing faults swiftly.

This tool's specialization in monitoring and rapid fault identification justified its position as "best for monitoring and fault management."

Standout Features & Integrations:

ManageEngine OpManager is renowned for its robust monitoring capabilities, providing in-depth visibility into network health. It offers advanced endpoint monitoring, ensuring DevOps teams are immediately alerted of any potential issues.

Additionally, its integrations are diverse, allowing for collaboration across different platforms and tools.


Pricing upon request.


  • Comprehensive network monitoring capabilities
  • Rapid fault detection reduces potential downtime
  • Effective endpoint monitoring suitable for DevOps environments


  • Might have a learning curve for new users
  • Integration with some third-party tools could be smoother
  • Advanced features might be overwhelming for small networks

8. NetBrain - Best for interactive network visualization

Execution of the diagnosis tree in NetBrain network automation software
Here is how a diagnosis tree is executed in NetBrain.

NetBrain is a network management platform that places a strong emphasis on providing interactive visualizations of complex network structures.

Its capability to represent networks visually, highlighting details like IP addresses and LAN connections, ensures administrators can understand and navigate their infrastructure efficiently, making it an ideal choice for those prioritizing interactive network visualization.

Why I Picked NetBrain:

When selecting tools for this list, NetBrain emerged as a distinctive candidate due to its unparalleled visualization capabilities. Compared to others, it offers a unique, interactive representation of networks, making complex structures comprehensible.

Given this, I judged NetBrain as the best tool for interactive network visualization.

Standout Features & Integrations:

NetBrain's visualization tools don't just stop at basic network diagrams; they provide insights into IP address configurations, LAN structures, and even load balancers' statuses. Its Linux compatibility ensures that even networks built on open-source platforms can benefit from its features.

As for integrations, NetBrain collaborates well with a multitude of third-party software, ensuring that data from different sources can be cohesively visualized in one place.


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  • Detailed visualization includes intricate aspects like IP address and LAN configurations
  • Compatibility with Linux broadens its usability
  • Integration capabilities with various third-party tools enhance its versatility


  • Might be overwhelming for smaller networks or inexperienced users
  • The high granularity of details might require a steeper learning curve
  • Certain advanced features may not be necessary for very basic network setups.

9. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform - Best for modular network automation

Collections tab of the tool The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform network automation software
Under the collections tab of The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, different tags and collected networks can be accessed.

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is a comprehensive solution for orchestrating and managing network resources. With its robust modular design, it aids businesses in automating multi-vendor networks and streamlining network change processes, making it optimal for modular network automation.

Why I Picked Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform:

In the process of choosing tools for this review, the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform stood out due to its modularity and extensive adaptability. The ability to handle modules with precision across a multi-cloud environment further differentiated it from other tools.

In my opinion, and after comparing it with other platforms, I determined that it's the best for modular network automation.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of the significant features of the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is its modular approach, allowing businesses to customize and scale as per their requirements. This modularity extends to its prowess in managing multi-vendor networks and efficiently allocating network resources. Integration-wise, it's built for the multi-cloud world, connecting with major cloud providers and ensuring network consistency across platforms.


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  • Modular design offers extensive customization and scalability.
  • Efficient handling of multi-vendor network environments.
  • Built for multi-cloud, ensuring consistency across different cloud platforms.


  • Might be complex for those unfamiliar with Ansible's approach.
  • Some advanced modules may require additional training.
  • Setup and initial configuration might be intricate for beginners.

10. LogicMonitor - Best for hybrid infrastructure monitoring

Interface for the overview page of LogicMonitor network automation software
Here's an overview of how the interface of LogicMonitor is designed for ease of use.

LogicMonitor is a cloud-based platform designed to support comprehensive monitoring across diverse IT infrastructures, both on-premises and in the cloud. Its specialty lies in providing insights into hybrid setups, making it especially adept at hybrid infrastructure monitoring.

Why I Picked LogicMonitor:

In my search for top-tier monitoring tools, LogicMonitor quickly came to the forefront. I selected it after determining its unmatched capabilities in observing hybrid environments, a feat that not all tools can claim. Judging from its features and comparisons with other platforms, I'm confident in stating it's the best for hybrid infrastructure monitoring.

Standout Features & Integrations:

LogicMonitor's standout features include the ability to create playbooks that can automate responses to specific network conditions, ensuring quick rollbacks if necessary. The platform's support for multiple programming languages further augments its flexibility. Integration-wise, LogicMonitor efficiently ties in with SD-WAN solutions and offers extensive support for a myriad of nodes, streamlining the monitoring process.


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  • In-depth hybrid infrastructure insights.
  • Playbook creation for automated responses.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.


  • Initial setup may be complex for some users.
  • Might require additional training for optimal usage.
  • Some advanced features might be overkill for smaller setups.

11. IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation - Best for AI-driven network operations

welcome page of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation network automation software
This is what the welcome page of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation looks like.

IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation is an integrated suite designed to automate network operations with the power of artificial intelligence. This platform not only streamlines common automation tasks but also provides AI-driven insights to make network operations more efficient, making it a top choice for AI-driven network operations.

Why I Picked IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation:

When selecting tools, I carefully judged each platform's capabilities, and IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation stood out due to its AI-driven approach. After comparing it to other solutions, I determined that its unique combination of AI-enhanced insights and self-service capabilities set it apart from competitors. Based on its features and my analysis, I believe it's the best for AI-driven network operations.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Key features of IBM Cloud Pak include advanced automation tasks that reduce time-consuming manual processes, and AI-assisted decision-making that simplifies complex network management tasks.

Additionally, its integration capabilities allow for easy alignment with security policies, ensuring a secure and efficient network environment.


Pricing upon request.


  • Advanced AI-driven network insights.
  • Efficient handling of automation tasks.
  • Integration with security policies.


  • Might be complex for smaller network setups.
  • The AI-driven features might have a learning curve.
  • Some features might be seen as too advanced for straightforward network operations.

12. Cisco - Best for end-to-end network automation solutions

Cisco website screenshot
Cisco's website provides informational data and videos that provide necessary details as to how their network automation tools can help with your network needs.

Cisco is a renowned leader in the networking industry, offering comprehensive solutions that cater to various network needs. Their automation solutions provide an end-to-end approach, making them particularly adept at managing and optimizing entire network infrastructures, which aligns with their reputation as best for end-to-end network automation solutions.

Why I Picked Cisco:

In the process of determining the most impactful tools, Cisco emerged as a front-runner due to its expansive and robust suite of network automation features. I judged and compared it with other tools and felt that its comprehensive approach to both virtual and physical network infrastructures set it apart.

I chose it because its capability to provide end-to-end solutions ensures fewer outages and a smoother networking experience.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Cisco shines with its NCM (Network Configuration and Management) efficiently manages network data and aids in rapid deployment and configuration across software-defined setups. Their virtualization technology ensures that both virtual network functions and traditional infrastructures are integrated.

Additionally, Cisco offers multiple integrations with other industry-leading platforms to further enhance its automation capabilities.


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  • Robust NCM capabilities for efficient network data management.
  • Advanced virtualization techniques for integrating virtual networks.
  • Strong integrations with other industry tools.


  • Might be overkill for smaller network setups.
  • Requires specialized training for full utility.
  • Higher upfront investment compared to some other solutions.

Other Noteworthy Network Automation Software

Below is a list of additional network automation software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. They are definitely worth checking out.

  1. Ericsson - Good for adaptive network orchestration
  2. SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager - Good for centralized network configurations
  3. Progress WhatsUp Gold - Good for proactive network monitoring
  4. SolarWinds IP Address Manager - Good for scalable IP address management
  5. BloxOne DDI - Good for cloud-first networking
  6. Liongard - Good for multi-environment IT management
  7. AppViewX - Good for visual network automation workflows
  8. Canonical Netplan - Good for straightforward YAML network configurations
  9. Forward Networks - Good for network assurance and verification
  10. ZPE Systems - Good for remote network access solutions
  11. BackBox - Good for intelligent automation and backup
  12. NVIDIA NetQ - Good for data-driven network operations
  13. BlueCat - Good for adaptive DNS solutions

Selection Criteria for Choosing the Best Network Automation Software

When navigating the vast realm of network automation tools, the sheer number of options can feel overwhelming. Drawing from my personal experience, I've evaluated dozens of network automation tools, but I was specifically scouting for robust core functionality, exceptional key features, and user-centric design. Here's a detailed breakdown of the criteria that I believe are paramount when settling for a tool in this niche:

Core Functionality

  • Automated Configuration Management: Ability to auto-deploy and modify network configurations across devices.
  • Change Detection and Alerting: Notifies users whenever there's a change in the network configuration.
  • Backup and Recovery: Automates backup processes for network configurations and offers quick recovery solutions in the event of failures.
  • Policy Compliance Monitoring: Ensures that the network configurations comply with organizational or regulatory standards.

Key Features

  • Real-time Analytics and Visualization: Provides insights into the network's performance, traffic flows, and potential bottlenecks.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrates with other IT management and monitoring tools in the organization's ecosystem.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Allows admins to define who can access what within the tool, ensuring security and accountability.
  • Multi-vendor Device Support: Guarantees compatibility with devices from different manufacturers, enhancing versatility.
  • Scheduled Tasks: Enables users to schedule specific automation tasks to run at predetermined times.


  • Intuitive Dashboard Interface: For network automation tools, a centralized dashboard that gives an overview of network health, tasks, and alerts is critical.
  • Drag-and-Drop Workflow Builder: Allows users to visually map out automation workflows, ideal for those without deep programming knowledge.
  • Detailed Documentation and Learning Library: Considering the complexity of network tasks, a comprehensive knowledge base or learning library is invaluable for onboarding and troubleshooting.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Quick and expert-level assistance is crucial, especially when dealing with network challenges that can have broad organizational impacts.
  • Customizable Alert Notifications: The ability to customize how and when you receive alerts (e.g., SMS, email, in-app) based on the user's preference or the severity of the issue.

Remember, the best tool always aligns with the organization's specific needs, infrastructure, and future scalability requirements.

Most Common Questions Regarding Network Automation Software

What are the benefits of using the best network automation tools?

Using the best network automation tools provides several advantages:

  1. Efficiency and Time Savings: Automation eliminates manual tasks, saving valuable time and reducing human errors.
  2. Real-time Monitoring & Alerts: Get immediate notifications for network changes, breaches, or any other anomalies.
  3. Improved Compliance & Security: Tools often come with built-in features that enforce organizational and regulatory policies, and some integrate with protocols like SSH for secure data transfers.
  4. Enhanced Scalability: Easily manage and scale your network as your organization grows without having to drastically revamp the infrastructure.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Many tools can integrate with other platforms, including VMware NSX, Juniper, and more.

How much do these network automation tools typically cost?

The pricing for network automation tools varies greatly based on their features, scalability options, and target audience. Some tools offer basic functionalities and are priced lower, while enterprise-grade solutions with advanced features tend to be more expensive.

What are the common pricing models for network automation software?

Typically, network automation software pricing models include:

  • Subscription-Based: Monthly or annually billed, often based on the number of devices or nodes being managed.
  • Perpetual Licensing: A one-time purchase, sometimes with additional costs for updates or support.
  • Freemium: Basic features are free, with a fee for premium functionalities.

Is there a typical price range for these tools?

Yes, while prices can vary widely, many tools have starter plans that range from $50 to $500 per month for smaller setups. Enterprise solutions, catering to larger organizations with more complex needs, can run into thousands of dollars monthly.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software options?

The cheapest tools are often the freemium ones, where you can start for free and pay for additional features. On the expensive end, tools like VMware NSX, designed for large-scale enterprise environments, tend to be pricier because of their extensive capabilities.

Are there any free tool options for network automation?

Yes, there are several free tools available, especially those built around open-source models. Python, for example, has libraries and scripts that can be utilized for basic network automation tasks. However, for more comprehensive features and support, paid solutions are recommended.

Which tool is often considered the best network automation tool?

The "best" tool often depends on the specific needs of an organization. However, in terms of popularity, functionality, and robustness, tools that support SSH, integrate well with platforms like VMware NSX and Juniper, and offer extensive automation capabilities are often ranked higher by industry professionals.

Do these tools require knowledge of programming languages like Python?

Not necessarily. While having knowledge of Python can be beneficial, especially for custom scripts and integrations, many of the top network automation tools offer graphical interfaces, drag-and-drop workflow builders, and other user-friendly features that don't require deep programming knowledge.

Other Network Management Software Reviews


Selecting the best network automation software is crucial in today's fast-paced IT landscape. This guide aims to demystify the myriad of choices available and direct you to the tools that offer unparalleled functionality, key features, and usability.

Remember, the importance of network automation goes beyond mere convenience—it's about optimizing operations, bolstering security, and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Key Takeaways

  1. Core functionality matters: Always ensure that your chosen tool aligns with your primary goals. Whether it's SD-WAN capabilities, handling of network data, or software-defined functionalities, the core functions of the tool should match your needs.
  2. Evaluate usability and support: Beyond mere features, the software's interface, ease of onboarding, and customer support are vital. It's not just about having features but ensuring they can be easily accessed, understood, and utilized. Plus, responsive support can be a game-changer in critical situations.
  3. Consider the pricing spectrum: Network automation tools come in a variety of pricing models, from monthly subscriptions to one-time purchase options. Determine your budget, but also evaluate the value and ROI a tool can bring. Sometimes, investing a bit more can provide significantly enhanced results.

What Do You Think?

While I've put in a lot of effort to curate this list, the world of network automation software is vast and ever-evolving. If you believe I've overlooked a tool that deserves mention, or if there's a hidden gem you've encountered, we'd love to hear about it. Your insights not only benefit us but also the entire community seeking the best solutions. Please share your recommendations and help us refine our list for everyone's benefit.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.