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12 Best DMARC Software Shortlist

After deep evaluation, I've curated the 12 best DMARC software to address your email security challenges.

  1. DMARCLY - Best for comprehensive dashboard insights
  2. dmarcian - Best for DMARC report interpretation
  3. ProDMARC - Best for advanced threat intelligence
  4. Proofpoint Email Protection - Best for large-scale enterprise protection
  5. Sendmarc - Best for user-friendly setup and monitoring
  6. GoDMARC - Best for automation and incident response
  7. Kickbox - Best for DMARC monitoring integration
  8. EasyDMARC - Best for tools and support diversity
  9. DMARC Report - Best for actionable insights and analytics
  10. OnDMARC - Best for cloud-based DMARC analysis
  11. Valimail - Best for authenticating email legitimacy
  12. Agari DMARC Protection - Best for advanced threat models and analysis

Navigating the realm of email security, DMARC analyzers are critical in bolstering defenses against scams and cyber attacks. Leveraging SaaS platforms and API integrations, they implement protocols like the Sender Policy Framework and DomainKeys Identified Mail. With the support of giants like Microsoft, these tools emphasize DMARC compliance, utilize DNS records, and authenticate IP addresses to combat business email compromise and malware.

Additionally, features like Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) further enhance brand reputation, cementing their role as indispensable email security solutions.

What Is a DMARC Software?

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) software is a specialized tool that businesses and domain owners use to authenticate outgoing emails, ensuring they originate from legitimate sources and not malicious actors. In the vast realm of cybersecurity, DMARC software emerges as a beacon, ensuring that domain names are protected and authenticated.

Through DMARC deployment, this tool provides valuable metrics via XML, offering a detailed insight into email traffic and potential threats. This not only boosts trust among email receivers by ensuring legitimate communications but also addresses the ever-growing pain of domain spoofing and phishing attacks.

Overviews of the 12 Best DMARC Software

1. DMARCLY - Best for comprehensive dashboard insights

DMARCLY's aggregate reports dashboard
Here is a screenshot from DMARCLY's aggregate reports dashboard.

DMARCLY emerges as a stalwart in the email security realm, committed to providing DMARC solutions tailored to protect domains against spoofing and phishing. Rooted in its promise, the tool's primary appeal is its dashboard, offering a granular look into email traffic and threats – justifying its tag as best for comprehensive dashboard insights.

Why I Picked DMARCLY:

Among a plethora of DMARC tools I've inspected, DMARCLY consistently caught my attention. In choosing DMARCLY, it wasn't just the array of features but the quality and depth of insights its dashboard presented that left an impression. From my comparisons and evaluations, the comprehensiveness of DMARCLY's dashboard is unparalleled, making it an optimal choice for those in pursuit of intricate insights.

Standout Features & Integrations:

DMARCLY prides itself on its real-time threat map, facilitating swift identification of potentially malicious email sources. Beyond that, its offerings span aggregate and forensic reporting, which aids in a macro-to-micro analysis of email security situations. On the integration front, DMARCLY is versatile, accommodating the most prevalent email service providers and security tools, ensuring continuity in operations and workflows.


From $5/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive dashboard insights
  • Real-time threat mapping
  • Detailed aggregate and forensic reporting


  • Limited to annual billing cycles
  • Might appear complex for non-technical users
  • Relies heavily on DMARC functionalities, often necessitating supplemental security tools

2. dmarcian - Best for DMARC report interpretation

Dmarcian's domain overview dashboard
Take a look at Dmarcian's domain overview dashboard.

Dmarcian, as its name implies, is laser-focused on DMARC, providing robust solutions that help users interpret and utilize DMARC reports effectively. Through its user-friendly interface and interpretive prowess, it bridges the gap between complex DMARC data and actionable insights.

Why I Picked dmarcian:

Having sifted through a multitude of DMARC tools, dmarcian emerged as the go-to for DMARC report interpretation. The depth and clarity with which dmarcian translates DMARC data into actionable steps is commendable. For organizations or individuals struggling with DMARC report interpretation, this tool rises above the rest.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Dmarcian boasts a Timeline feature, giving historical DMARC data context, and a Domain Overview which simplifies complex DMARC records. Its capability to integrate with major email platforms ensures that users don’t have to juggle between tools.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Intuitive DMARC report interpretation
  • Historical DMARC data context
  • Streamlined Domain Overview


  • Pricing may be steep for small organizations
  • Predominantly DMARC-focused, may need supplementary tools
  • There might be a learning curve for complete DMARC novices

3. ProDMARC - Best for advanced threat intelligence

ProDMARC view of email trends
This is the ProDMARC view of email trends.

ProDMARC combines the power of DMARC with high-end threat intelligence, assisting businesses in shielding their email domains from phishing attacks and spoofing. This tool doesn't just highlight problems but offers cutting-edge intelligence to navigate them.

Why I Picked ProDMARC:

In my quest for DMARC tools, ProDMARC's emphasis on threat intelligence caught my attention. Its ability to go beyond basic DMARC features and delve into the realm of advanced threat predictions sets it apart. Hence, for businesses looking for an edge in threat intelligence, ProDMARC became an obvious choice.

Standout Features & Integrations:

ProDMARC's Threat Intelligence Feed keeps businesses ahead of emerging threats. Additionally, its Geo-Location Analysis offers a geographical breakdown of threats. Integration-wise, it harmonizes well with standard email servers and security platforms, ensuring a cohesive defense strategy.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • Pioneering threat intelligence feed
  • Detailed Geo-Location Analysis
  • Real-time alert system


  • Might be overkill for smaller businesses
  • Requires familiarity with threat intelligence for maximum utility
  • Steeper price range

4. Proofpoint Email Protection - Best for large-scale enterprise protection

Proofpoint email protection's reporting and dashboard view
This is Proofpoint email protection's reporting and dashboard view.

Proofpoint stands tall as a holistic email protection platform, designed with the complexities of enterprise-scale operations in mind. Beyond just DMARC, it is sculpted to manage and mitigate a myriad of email threats, aligning perfectly with large corporations' needs.

Why I Picked Proofpoint Email Protection:

While comparing DMARC solutions for enterprise-grade protection, Proofpoint's breadth and depth in email security stood out. It's not merely a DMARC tool but a complete protective shield for email infrastructures. In my opinion, for expansive operations and businesses, this is the best-suited tool.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Proofpoint's Multi-Layered Protection ensures threats are mitigated at various levels. Its Dynamic Reputation Analysis furthers its defense mechanisms by evaluating the sender's reputation. Integrating Proofpoint with popular enterprise tools from email servers to CRM systems.


From $20/user/month (min 50 seats)


  • Multi-layered protection for diverse threats
  • Dynamic Reputation Analysis of Senders
  • Built with large enterprises in mind


  • Might be excessive for small to mid-sized businesses
  • Higher pricing tier
  • Complexity demands a dedicated team for optimization

5. Sendmarc - Best for user-friendly setup and monitoring

Sendmarc DMARC Software features
The Sendmarc platform is designed to help organizations quickly and effectively implement DMARC.

Sendmarc focuses on delivering a smooth DMARC setup experience, making email authentication and monitoring accessible even for non-techies. Its commitment to a user-friendly interface aligns well with those prioritizing ease of use and hassle-free monitoring.

Why I Picked Sendmarc:

After comparing various DMARC tools, Sendmarc resonated with me for its straightforward approach. The tool has a unique emphasis on simplifying DMARC setup and monitoring, which many tools often complicate. I believe that for those who value simplicity without sacrificing capability, Sendmarc is the right choice.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Sendmarc offers guided setup processes, along with visual data representations for easy monitoring. It integrates with the most popular email platforms, ensuring that users can gather insights across all their communication channels.


From $9/user/month (billed annually)


  • Guided DMARC setup
  • Intuitive monitoring dashboard
  • Simplified data interpretations


  • Might lack advanced features for pros
  • Monthly pricing could be more competitive
  • A relatively new player in the market

6. GoDMARC - Best for automation and incident response

GoDMARC's software dashboard
This is GoDMARC's software dashboard and the core objective of the email authentication process is to stop spam, phishing emails, and other unauthorized activities.

GoDMARC stands as a robust solution in the realm of DMARC, emphasizing automation and prompt incident responses. For businesses that require a proactive approach to DMARC challenges, GoDMARC offers an active defense mechanism.

Why I Picked GoDMARC:

While reviewing different DMARC solutions, GoDMARC's robust automation features and its adeptness in incident response captured my attention. These attributes set it apart from many in the market. For any entity that seeks active threat mitigation and values automation, GoDMARC appears as the most suitable option.

Standout Features & Integrations:

GoDMARC shines with its automated threat blocking and its Incident Response Engine that provides real-time alerts. Integration-wise, it offers compatibility with most corporate email systems and even some advanced threat-detection platforms.


From $11/user/month (billed annually)


  • Effective automated threat-blocking
  • Real-time incident response
  • Detailed analytics dashboard


  • Slightly steeper learning curve
  • Might be more suitable for medium to large businesses
  • Can be seen as a pricier option for some

7. Kickbox - Best for DMARC monitoring integration

Kickbox's dashboard view
Here is a screen capture of Kickbox's dashboard view.

Kickbox, though primarily an email verification service, excels in its DMARC monitoring integration capabilities. Companies that are already using other email tools and services will find Kickbox's integration capacities particularly advantageous.

Why I Picked Kickbox:

Having explored a plethora of DMARC tools, Kickbox emerged as unique due to its monitoring integration prowess. While many tools specialize in standalone services, Kickbox knits DMARC monitoring with other email services, making it a comprehensive package. In my view, for businesses keen on integrated email solutions, Kickbox fits the bill.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Kickbox's Email Verification combined with DMARC monitoring provides a dual layer of protection and optimization. It also boasts integrations with major email marketing platforms, CRM systems, and even some bespoke software solutions.


From $8/user/month (billed annually)


  • Dual function: email verification and DMARC monitoring
  • Wide range of integrations
  • Comprehensive email health report


  • Primarily known for email verification
  • Might not offer advanced DMARC features
  • The interface can be overwhelming for some

8. EasyDMARC - Best for tools and support diversity

EasyDMARC's record generator
This is an image of EasyDMARC's record generator.

EasyDMARC offers a suite of DMARC tools complemented by an array of support options, ensuring users can efficiently protect their domains from phishing and spoofing. Catering to users with varied levels of expertise, their diverse toolsets and support mechanisms are notable.

Why I Picked EasyDMARC:

In my process of selecting DMARC tools, EasyDMARC’s blend of diverse tools and support methods particularly caught my eye. Its distinct emphasis on equipping users with varied tools and ensuring they're not left without guidance makes it stand out. For those who appreciate both tool and support variety, EasyDMARC is undeniably a top contender.

Standout Features & Integrations:

EasyDMARC boasts features like advanced threat intelligence, machine learning-based analytics, and global threat monitoring. Its integration capabilities are designed to work smoothly with major email services and enterprise platforms, streamlining its applicability in varied business ecosystems.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • A comprehensive toolset for DMARC needs
  • Machine learning-backed analytics
  • Multiple support avenues including chat and email


  • Might be overwhelming for DMARC beginners
  • The user interface might require some getting used to
  • Premium features can get expensive

9. DMARC Report - Best for actionable insights and analytics

DMARC's report domain dashboard
This is the view from DMARC's report domain dashboard.

DMARC Report specializes in converting raw DMARC data into insightful analytics, empowering users to make informed decisions about their email security. Its prowess in rendering raw data into actionable insights sets it apart.

Why I Picked DMARC Report:

Having judged several DMARC tools, the DMARC Report stood out for its exemplary data transformation capabilities. The platform's knack for turning complex DMARC data into clear, actionable insights is what makes it a unique choice. It’s my opinion that businesses keen on understanding their email security dynamics in-depth would benefit immensely from the DMARC Report.

Standout Features & Integrations:

DMARC Report offers in-depth DMARC analytics, visualization tools, and threat intelligence reporting. Integration-wise, it works with leading email service providers, ensuring users can maximize their existing infrastructures.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • Detailed DMARC analytics and visualization
  • Enables data-driven decision-making
  • Supports large-scale deployments


  • Might cater more to tech-savvy users
  • Requires a comprehensive understanding of DMARC for maximum benefit
  • Priced higher than some competitors

10. OnDMARC - Best for cloud-based DMARC analysis

OnDMARC's main dashboard
Here is a view of OnDMARC's main dashboard where comprehensive reporting provides clear visual graphs on DMARC validation for all emails sent from your domain.

OnDMARC provides a cloud-native approach to DMARC analysis, ensuring businesses can scale and adapt their DMARC needs with agility. Its cloud-based analysis capabilities make it an optimal choice for organizations emphasizing flexibility and scalability.

Why I Picked OnDMARC:

In determining the most fitting DMARC tools, OnDMARC's cloud-centric analysis approach struck me as innovative. What sets it apart is its emphasis on delivering DMARC services that are both scalable and flexible, thanks to its cloud foundation. For firms that prioritize cloud-driven solutions, OnDMARC is the clear choice.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OnDMARC features include real-time monitoring, threat intelligence, and detailed reporting. As for integrations, it pairs efficiently with many of the popular email platforms and cloud service providers.


From $14/user/month (billed annually)


  • Robust cloud-driven DMARC analysis
  • Scalable for businesses of all sizes
  • Active threat intelligence and real-time monitoring


  • Requires a good grasp of cloud platforms
  • Might not be ideal for firms without cloud infrastructure
  • Higher starting price point

11. Valimail - Best for authenticating email legitimacy

Valimail DMARC Software
With Valimail, it uses world-class sender identification to show users every third party sending emails on their behalf, even the lowest volume senders.

Valimail specializes in providing a robust platform designed primarily to authenticate the legitimacy of emails. By ensuring only valid emails reach the inbox, it plays a pivotal role in safeguarding against impersonation and phishing attacks.

Why I Picked Valimail:

Through a thorough comparison of various DMARC tools, I determined that Valimail had a unique focus on email legitimacy. Its specific design for verifying the authenticity of every single email makes it a standout in the crowded market. Given the rising threats of email-based attacks, I believe Valimail is unmatched for organizations emphasizing email authenticity.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Valimail's platform comes packed with real-time monitoring, automated SPF, and DKIM configuration. It also offers deep integrations with leading email service providers and security platforms, ensuring an extended protective umbrella for users.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Focus on email authenticity
  • Automated configuration reduces manual intervention
  • Real-time threat monitoring


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Not the cheapest option available
  • Some advanced features are locked behind higher tiers

12. Agari DMARC Protection - Best for advanced threat models and analysis

Agari DMARC's executive overview dashboard
This is the view of Agari DMARC's executive overview dashboard.

Agari DMARC Protection excels in deploying advanced threat models to decipher the intricacies of email-based threats, providing users with a clear, in-depth analysis. With an emphasis on advanced modeling, Agari offers detailed insights into potential threats.

Why I Picked Agari DMARC Protection:

When selecting DMARC tools, Agari's commitment to advanced threat modeling and analytics caught my attention. I've judged that its depth in threat analysis and commitment to staying ahead of evolving threats make it distinct. For enterprises that prioritize detailed, sophisticated analysis over basic DMARC reports, Agari DMARC Protection is my top pick.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Agari DMARC Protection's strength lies in its adaptive threat response, identity-based analytics, and global threat intelligence. Integration-wise, Agari complements most major email platforms and enterprise security ecosystems, ensuring a unified security stance.


From $18/user/month (min 10 seats)


  • Advanced threat modeling for in-depth insights
  • Adaptive response to emerging threats
  • Comprehensive global threat intelligence


  • Might be overkill for small businesses
  • Higher price point compared to some alternatives
  • Minimum seat requirements can be restrictive for smaller teams

Other Noteworthy DMARC Software

Below is a list of additional DMARC software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. They are worth checking out.

  1. PowerDMARC - Good for centralized DMARC monitoring and management
  2. Skysnag - Good for dynamic DMARC record adjustments
  3. AutoSPF - Good for automated SPF record flattening
  4. Global Cyber Alliance - Good for comprehensive DMARC educational resources
  5. KDMARC - Good for end-to-end email domain protection
  6. Cisco Secure Email Threat Defense - Good for layered defense against email threats
  7. Mailgun - Good for email delivery and validation services
  8. MXToolbox - Good for DMARC record generation and diagnostics
  9. Trustwave SEG - Good for multi-layered email filtering
  10. SendGrid - Good for bulk email delivery and tracking
  11. Mimecast - Good for DMARC reporting with threat intelligence.

Selection Criteria For Choosing DMARC Software

When evaluating the vast array of DMARC software options on the market, I delved deeply into the specifics of what each tool could offer. From my experience, I've tested each of these tools and realized that there's more than meets the eye. It's not just about security, but about how effectively and efficiently one can integrate, manage, and glean insights from these tools.

In this context, I've identified the criteria that truly matter, especially for businesses aiming for top-notch email security and deliverability.

Core Functionality

  • DMARC policy generation: The ability to create effective DMARC policies to ensure legitimate emails reach their intended recipients.
  • Threat analysis: Recognizing potential email threats and taking preventive measures.
  • Detailed reporting: Providing insights into your email channels, helping identify both secure routes and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Domain alignment checks: Ensuring that the domain in the header matches the domain in the envelope.

Key Features

  • Alignment Checks: Verifying if the email's domain aligns with the authenticated domain, is crucial for DMARC success.
  • Policy Management: Providing tools to fine-tune DMARC policies, enabling varying degrees of strictness based on the user's needs.
  • Visualization Dashboards: A graphical representation of DMARC data, aiding in quick decision-making.
  • Incident Response: Proactive alerts and tools to act upon potential threats, vulnerabilities, or misconfigurations.
  • Forensic Reports: Deep dives into incidents, giving granular data on anomalies or threats.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: For DMARC tools, an intuitive dashboard that visually breaks down DMARC data, threats, and actions is essential. The data can be overwhelming; therefore, a well-organized dashboard streamlines the process.
  • Interactive Analysis Tools: Given the nature of DMARC's detailed reports, interactive filtering and search capabilities can make navigating this information more manageable.
  • Guided Policy Setup: For those not well-versed in DMARC's intricacies, having a guided policy setup can be beneficial, walking users through each step of policy creation.
  • Role-based Access: Different team members, from IT to marketing, might need access to the tool, so easy-to-configure role-based access ensures that each person sees only what they need.
  • Support and Training: While DMARC is essential, it's also complex. A tool should come with comprehensive support, including tutorials, webinars, or even one-on-one sessions, to ensure users are not left in the dark.

Most Common Questions Regarding DMARC Software

What are the main benefits of using the best DMARC software?

The top DMARC tools provide a multitude of advantages for businesses aiming to ensure email security and maintain a good sender reputation. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. Enhanced Email Deliverability: By verifying the authenticity of outgoing emails, DMARC tools help ensure that your legitimate emails land in the recipient's inbox and not the spam folder.
  2. Protection Against Phishing and Spoofing: By validating the origin of emails, these tools prevent cybercriminals from impersonating your domain to target unsuspecting victims.
  3. Clear Visibility: Detailed reporting functions offer insights into your email channels, helping identify secure routes and potential vulnerabilities.
  4. Policy Management: Tools often provide features that allow for easy adjustments to DMARC policies, enabling varying degrees of strictness based on user needs.
  5. Quick Incident Response: Prompt alerts on potential threats or misconfigurations ensure that issues can be addressed in real time.

How much do these DMARC tools typically cost?

Pricing for DMARC software varies based on the complexity, features, and size of the organization. Most vendors offer a tiered pricing model where costs increase with additional features or greater email traffic.

What are the common pricing models for DMARC tools?

Most DMARC tools use one of the following pricing models:

  1. Per-domain pricing: Users pay based on the number of domains they wish to monitor and protect.
  2. Volume-based pricing: Pricing is determined by the number of emails sent or checked.
  3. Feature-based pricing: Different prices for different tiers, where higher tiers offer advanced features.

What is the typical range of pricing for these tools?

The pricing range for DMARC tools can start as low as $10/month for basic packages catering to small businesses and go up to $1,000/month or more for enterprise-level solutions with all the bells and whistles.

Which DMARC software is known to be the cheapest?

MXToolbox and Global Cyber Alliance offer some of the most budget-friendly solutions, especially suited for smaller businesses or those just starting with DMARC.

Which DMARC tool is the most expensive?

High-end solutions like Agari DMARC Protection and Cisco Secure Email Threat Defense tend to be on the pricier side, targeting larger enterprises with comprehensive features.

Are there any free DMARC tool options available?

Yes, several DMARC tools offer free versions with limited capabilities. For instance, Global Cyber Alliance provides a free DMARC setup guide, and MXToolbox offers a basic free DMARC record lookup service.

Other Email Security Software Reviews


In the quest to identify the best DMARC software, it's clear that the market offers a myriad of options tailored to different business needs, sizes, and budgets. These tools play a crucial role in enhancing email deliverability, safeguarding domain reputation, and shielding businesses from threats like phishing and spoofing. The decision hinges on understanding the core functionality each tool offers, discerning the features pivotal to one's specific requirements, and gauging the tool's usability in terms of design and support.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understand your needs: Before diving into the vast pool of DMARC tools, pinpoint your specific requirements. Whether you prioritize detailed analytics, ease of policy management, or quick incident responses, aligning your needs with the tool's features is paramount.
  2. Pricing models matter: DMARC tools present a range of pricing models – from per-domain to volume-based. Being cognizant of these models will aid in budgeting and ensure that you're only paying for what you truly require.
  3. Usability and support: Beyond functionality, the design and support a tool provides can greatly influence its efficiency. A tool with an intuitive interface can streamline processes, and solid customer support can prove invaluable, especially during setup or when tackling issues.

What Do You Think?

While I've endeavored to compile a comprehensive list of the best DMARC software options available, the technology landscape is vast and ever-evolving. If there's a tool you've found invaluable and believe it deserves a spot on this list, please do reach out. Your insights and experiences are invaluable, and I'm always eager to discover and assess new tools to keep this guide as thorough and up-to-date as possible.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.