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12 Best Data Governance Software Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated 12 top data governance tools aptly suited to address your specific challenges and gaps.

  1. DataPrivilege - Best for granular access controls
  2. Talend Data Catalog - Best for metadata management
  3. erwin Data Intelligence - Best for data lineage tracking
  4. Alation Data Governance - Best for collaboration-driven governance
  5. CastorDoc - Best for document-centric governance
  6. Collibra Data Governance - Best for data stewardship workflows
  7. Transcend - Best for data subject rights automation
  8. Segment - Best for customer data infrastructure
  9. Atlan - Best for active data governance
  10. OneTrust - Best for access governance
  11. SAP Master Data Governance - Best for enterprise master data management
  12. Oracle Enterprise Manager - Best for database performance monitoring

Navigating the complex world of data governance can feel overwhelming, especially when you're responsible for managing and protecting invaluable data assets. I get it—I've been there. That's why I've diligently researched and tested various data governance software options to find the ones that truly deliver. These tools serve as your central hub for managing, standardizing, and securing your data.

They offer the key benefit of ensuring data quality while meeting compliance requirements. From tackling challenges like inconsistent data, compliance risks, and unauthorized data access, the right data governance software can make your life significantly easier. Take a look at the options I've laid out; I'm confident you'll find a solution that fits your specific needs.

What Is a Data Governance Software?

Data governance software provides a structured framework for managing an organization's data assets. It encompasses processes, policies, standards, and technologies to ensure data quality, consistency, and security.

Typically utilized by data stewards, IT professionals, and business leaders, this software aids in enhancing the reliability and usability of data, ensuring compliance with internal and regulatory standards, and facilitating better decision-making across the enterprise.

Overviews of the 12 Best Data Governance Software

1. DataPrivilege - Best for granular access controls

Authorization processes feature of DataPrivilege data governance software
Here's an image showing the authorization processes feature of DataPrivilege, which allows users to request access to folders, groups, distribution lists, and files, lists, and SharePoint sites.

DataPrivilege offers a focused approach to governing data access rights within an organization. By centralizing permission workflows, it ensures data is accessed only by those with proper authorization, underscoring its proficiency in granular access controls.

Why I Picked DataPrivilege:

Having evaluated numerous data governance tools, I chose DataPrivilege because of its distinct emphasis on permissions management. While many tools offer a broad range of governance capabilities, DataPrivilege stands out with its specialized focus on ensuring data access is tightly controlled.

Its commitment to granular access controls makes it invaluable for organizations aiming to strike a balance between data accessibility and security.

Standout Features & Integrations:

DataPrivilege's role-based permission models allow businesses to automate access reviews, ensuring that only the right stakeholders have access to sensitive data. With its intuitive dashboards, users can visualize permissions structures, making the process transparent.

Moreover, its deep integration capabilities include connectors to major enterprise data sources and data warehouses, further improving its data governance framework.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong emphasis on permissions management
  • Efficient role-based access controls
  • Integration with major enterprise data sources


  • Might be specialized for smaller organizations seeking broader governance solutions
  • Steeper learning curve for business users unfamiliar with permissions structures
  • Pricing opacity can be a barrier for some potential users

2. Talend Data Catalog - Best for metadata management

Data flow diagram tab overview in Talend Data Catalog data governance software
Here's the data flow diagram tab overview in Talend Data Catalog, which allows you to analyze the journey of the data from the source.

Talend Data Catalog functions as a comprehensive metadata repository, collating and managing all the data definitions within an enterprise. This robust cataloging ensures an organized representation of data assets, making it top-notch for metadata management.

Why I Picked Talend Data Catalog:

After judiciously evaluating a slew of data governance tools, my decision leaned toward Talend Data Catalog due to its robust metadata consolidation capabilities. When comparing its metadata handling features, it felt significantly more adept than its counterparts.

I'm of the opinion that for enterprises requiring meticulous metadata organization, Talend Data Catalog fills that niche, rightfully earning its tag as "best for metadata management."

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of Talend's most prominent features is its automated data discovery, which quickly identifies and classifies data assets across the enterprise. The business glossary within the platform is user-friendly, facilitating self-service by making data definitions accessible to all users.

Integration-wise, it connects with various data sources, data lakes, and data platforms, offering a comprehensive view of an organization's data landscape.


Pricing upon request


  • Automated data discovery facilitates quick metadata accumulation
  • Comprehensive business glossary aiding data literacy across the organization
  • Versatile integration with diverse data sources and platforms


  • Might be overwhelming for smaller businesses not driven by metadata
  • Absence of transparent pricing could deter potential adopters
  • Relies on other tools within the Talend suite for certain functionalities

3. erwin Data Intelligence - Best for data lineage tracking

erwin Data Intelligence impact analysis view
Here's the erwin Data Intelligence impact analysis view, which shows your source and target usage, and understand where your upstream and downstream impacts lie.

erwin Data Intelligence provides a comprehensive suite for data governance and data management. Its exceptional strength lies in tracing data lineage, ensuring that users can track data origins and transformations with ease.

Why I Picked erwin Data Intelligence:

Having scrutinized numerous data governance tools, erwin Data Intelligence consistently stood out. I was drawn to select it because of its specialized approach to data lineage tracking. Comparing its capabilities side by side with others, it was evident that erwin's dedication to mapping out intricate data flows is unmatched.

This is why I firmly believe it deserves the title of "best for data lineage tracking."

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of the tool's salient features is its visual data lineage mapping, which enables users to see where data originates, its interactions, and where it's being moved. Coupled with its business glossary, stakeholders can understand data terms in context.

As for integrations, erwin Data Intelligence boasts connectors to a variety of data sources, ensuring consistent data governance strategy across diverse platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust visual data lineage mapping provides clarity on data sources and interactions
  • Business glossary aids in data literacy for various stakeholders
  • Wide array of connectors ensures data governance across multiple platforms


  • Might possess a learning curve for new users due to its depth
  • The focus on lineage could overshadow other governance capabilities for some businesses
  • Absence of transparent pricing might hinder some organizations from adopting

4. Alation Data Governance - Best for collaboration-driven governance

Governance dashboard view in Alation Data Governance data governance software
Here's the governance dashboard view in Alation Data Governance, which enables monitoring of curation progress metrics to see whether objectives are being reached.

Alation Data Governance provides a unified platform that centralizes data knowledge, making it simpler for teams to collaborate and understand data. Given its focus on fostering collaboration, it excels in environments where governance is a collective responsibility.

Why I Picked Alation Data Governance:

After assessing a myriad of data governance tools, Alation continually caught my attention. What truly swayed my decision in selecting it was its emphasis on collaborative efforts in governance. In a landscape filled with data governance solutions, Alation's ability to integrate collaboration into governance distinguishes it from the rest.

This inherent characteristic is why I've judged it to be "best for collaboration-driven governance."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Alation's machine learning capabilities suggest relevant data sets and offer automated data profiling, improving the quality and reliability of information. The platform also boasts a rich data dictionary and an integrated governance platform that facilitates policy management.

On the integration front, Alation has robust API capabilities and can integrate with tools like IBM, ensuring continuous data governance across varied platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Machine learning assists in identifying high-quality data sources
  • The integrated governance platform streamlines policy management
  • Comprehensive data dictionary aids in data analytics and understanding


  • The emphasis on collaboration might be overwhelming for smaller teams
  • While integrations are vast, the learning curve for API usage can be steep
  • Lack of transparent pricing may deter some potential users

5. CastorDoc - Best for document-centric governance

Automated compliance and security features of CastorDoc data governance software
Here's an image of the automated compliance and security features of CastorDoc, which help you govern your data.

CastorDoc is a tool designed to ensure the governance and oversight of documents within an organization. It has a particular emphasis on managing, tracking, and controlling document-related processes, aligning perfectly with the need for document-centric governance.

Why I Picked CastorDoc:

During my research, CastorDoc repeatedly stood out as a distinct choice for organizations focusing on document-based processes. My judgment was influenced by its unique specialization in document management when compared to other more generic governance tools.

This uniqueness in focusing on document-centric activities is the prime reason I determined it as "best for document-centric governance."

Standout Features & Integrations:

CastorDoc emphasizes high-quality document management through its advanced data modeling features. It leverages algorithms to classify and organize documents, ensuring they align with business processes. Furthermore, its integration capabilities are commendable.

CastorDoc can integrate with various platforms such as IBM, facilitating data integration and synchronization across diverse platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored specifically for document-centric governance, ensuring thorough management
  • Advanced algorithms help in precise document classification and organization
  • Effective integrations with platforms like IBM improve its data governance capabilities


  • Might not be suitable for organizations looking for a broader governance solution beyond documents
  • The specialized nature may come with a learning curve for some users
  • Absence of transparent pricing could be a hindrance for some potential users

6. Collibra Data Governance - Best for data stewardship workflows

Centralized policy management feature in Collibra Data Governance data governance software
Here's the centralized policy management feature in Collibra Data Governance, which enables you to create, review, and update data policies to ensure adoption and maintain compliance across your business.

Collibra Data Governance acts as an authoritative source for data-driven businesses, enabling them to effectively manage, access, and understand their data. With its advanced features, it facilitates data stewardship, which is pivotal in streamlining workflows and ensuring data quality.

Why I Picked Collibra Data Governance:

I selected Collibra for this list after determining its superiority in supporting data stewardship workflows. Having compared numerous tools, what made Collibra stand out was its comprehensive approach toward data stewardship and its dedication to providing the best data governance tools.

I've observed that it particularly shines in managing the lifecycle of data, guiding it from creation to eventual archiving.

This specialized approach is why I've judged it as "best for data stewardship workflows."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Collibra's key features include its advanced ETL capabilities and its provision of metrics to track data quality. The platform's design makes business decisions more informed, as it employs robust data governance programs to ensure data policies are adhered to.

Its integration prowess is notable as well, allowing data transfers with big data environments and on-premises systems.


Pricing upon request


  • Dedicated platform for data stewardship workflows, ensuring data quality and effective management
  • Offers advanced ETL capabilities for more complex data integrations
  • Built-in metrics facilitate constant monitoring of data quality


  • The complexity of features might require a steep learning curve for some users
  • The absence of open-source components may limit customization for some businesses
  • Lack of transparent pricing can be a barrier for some organizations

7. Transcend - Best for data subject rights automation

Trancend's data mapping feature
Here's Trancend's data mapping feature, which scans your single-sign-on provider, site, codebase, and customer data platform to discover data silos, then detect and classify personal data at the object level.

Transcend is a platform dedicated to automating data subject rights, making it easier for businesses to stay compliant with privacy laws. Addressing the critical need of data privacy in today's digital landscape, it ensures companies can quickly and efficiently handle data requests from individuals.

Why I Picked Transcend:

I picked Transcend after determining its exceptional focus on data subject rights. While comparing several tools, it was evident that Transcend’s unique approach to automating these rights set it apart. I believe its emphasis on GDPR and other regulatory compliance showcases its commitment to data privacy, and this is why I've judged it as "best for data subject rights automation."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Transcend's key features are centered around its automation capabilities, making it straightforward for businesses to process data requests without delay. Additionally, with built-in metrics, companies can monitor and improve their processes in real time.

It also integrates smoothly with other SaaS platforms and on-premises systems, ensuring businesses can easily incorporate it into their existing data governance programs.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored specifically for automating data subject rights, providing clarity in compliance
  • Integrates efficiently with a variety of platforms, both SaaS and on-premises
  • Built-in metrics offer insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of data request processes


  • Lack of open-source components may restrict some customizability
  • Might be over-specialized for businesses looking for a broader data governance solution
  • Absence of transparent pricing can be a hindrance for potential users

8. Segment - Best for customer data infrastructure

Debugger functionality of Segmen data governance software
Here's the debugger functionality of Segment, which provides an overview of the events that are being sent to Segment by a specific source.

Segment operates as a robust platform, designed to consolidate and simplify customer data infrastructure for businesses. Given the rising demand for structured customer data, Segment proves pivotal in ensuring businesses access unified and actionable insights.

Why I Picked Segment:

In my selection process, I compared a variety of tools designed for handling customer data. Segment clearly distinguished itself due to its intricate design focused on the centralization of customer data infrastructure.

Judging from its capabilities and reviews, I determined that it's indeed "best for customer data infrastructure."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Segment offers features like the centralization of customer touchpoints, allowing businesses to obtain a clear view of their customer's journey. This is pivotal for GDPR compliance and ensuring data privacy.

In addition, Segment integrates with numerous SaaS platforms, enabling data engineers to build efficient pipelines and provide comprehensive insights from various sources.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Efficient centralization of customer data, providing a holistic view of customer touchpoints
  • Strong integration capabilities with several SaaS platforms
  • Offers tools ensuring GDPR compliance and heightened data privacy


  • Might be challenging for businesses unfamiliar with customer data infrastructure platforms
  • Annual billing might deter potential users seeking short-term commitments
  • The platform could be perceived as intricate for smaller businesses without dedicated data engineers

9. Atlan - Best for active data governance

Atlan's personas
Here are Atlan's personas, which provide a way to control access to users who belong to a group/domain.

Atlan is a cutting-edge platform specializing in the realm of data governance, enabling organizations to actively manage and monitor their data assets. It prioritizes active data governance, ensuring businesses maintain the integrity and quality of their data.

Why I Picked Atlan:

When choosing the best tools for data governance, I took into account a myriad of criteria. Atlan captured my attention due to its unique approach to active data governance.

I judged it to be a superior tool, especially when comparing its features and adaptability with other platforms. Hence, I believe Atlan is "best for active data governance."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Atlan boasts a variety of features including, but not limited to, advanced MDM (Master Data Management) capabilities and automation tools that adapt to various use cases. Furthermore, its integrative nature makes it easy to incorporate other tools, improving its utility in diverse business scenarios.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • Robust MDM capabilities facilitating efficient data management
  • Automation tools improve adaptability to various use cases
  • Strong integration framework making it versatile in diverse business contexts


  • Might present a learning curve for users new to data governance platforms
  • Annual billing may not be suitable for businesses seeking short-term commitments
  • The platform's extensive feature set might be overwhelming for some users

10. OneTrust - Best for access governance

Processing activities page in OneTrust data governance software
Here's the processing activities page in OneTrust, which maintains evergreen inventories and records of processing.

OneTrust is a prominent platform designed for comprehensive data access governance and management. It plays a pivotal role in helping organizations manage who has access to what data, ensuring compliance and security.

Why I Picked OneTrust:

In the process of selecting the most impactful tools, OneTrust stood out distinctly in the area of access governance. Through comparing it to other tools, I determined that its approach to managing and monitoring data access is both innovative and effective.

It's this specific efficiency in access governance that swayed my opinion to believe OneTrust is the best in this category.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OneTrust shines with its granular access controls, detailed audit trails, and intuitive user interface that makes managing access rights straightforward. Additionally, its integrative capabilities with other data management tools and platforms streamline processes and ensure a cohesive data governance approach.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive access governance capabilities
  • Detailed audit trails provide clear visibility of access changes
  • Intuitive user interface reduces complexity in managing access


  • Pricing is not transparent, necessitating direct inquiry
  • Might be overkill for small businesses with simpler needs
  • Onboarding process may be intensive for some organizations

11. SAP Master Data Governance - Best for enterprise master data management

SAP Master Data Governance consolidation process feature
Here's a screenshot of the SAP Master Data Governance consolidation process feature.

SAP Master Data Governance is a comprehensive solution that addresses the manifold challenges of master data management within large enterprises. With its robust framework, it empowers organizations to consolidate, manage, and maintain master data across the enterprise landscape.

Why I Picked SAP Master Data Governance:

When choosing tools, the robustness and reputation of SAP in the enterprise space naturally directed my attention towards SAP Master Data Governance. What truly set it apart, after careful comparison with others, was its proven track record in managing complex master data scenarios typically seen in big enterprises.

I firmly believe that for master data management at an enterprise scale, SAP offers the most comprehensive solution.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of the shining features of SAP Master Data Governance is its in-built data quality management, ensuring that data is not just managed but is also of high quality. Additionally, its intuitive workflow-driven approach simplifies the process of data modification and approval.

On the integration front, it boasts compatibility with other SAP products, facilitating streamlined operations across various enterprise modules.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust framework tailored for large enterprise needs
  • Workflow-driven approach improves collaboration and efficiency
  • Integration with other SAP enterprise solutions


  • The comprehensive nature may introduce complexity for some users
  • The pricing model can be on the higher end for smaller entities
  • Requires skilled professionals for deployment and management

12. Oracle Enterprise Manager - Best for database performance monitoring

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console
Here's the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console, which allows you to monitor and manage the complete Oracle IT infrastructure.

Oracle Enterprise Manager is Oracle's on-premises management platform, providing an integrated and comprehensive solution for database monitoring. Its specialized tools ensure databases run efficiently and remain performance-optimized.

Why I Picked Oracle Enterprise Manager:

In the selection process, I naturally gravitated towards Oracle Enterprise Manager due to its reputation and the breadth of its capabilities. After comparing various tools, it was evident that Oracle's solution has a distinctive edge, especially in terms of the depth of its monitoring insights.

I am of the opinion that for dedicated database performance monitoring, Oracle Enterprise Manager truly excels.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Oracle Enterprise Manager's Diagnostic and Tuning Packs are noteworthy, offering advanced performance diagnostics and tuning capabilities. Furthermore, its Real Application Testing allows users to capture and analyze real-life workloads, aiding in proactive database management.

Integration-wise, it flawlessly integrates with other Oracle products, ensuring a cohesive database management ecosystem.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive monitoring insights tailored to databases
  • Advanced performance tuning capabilities
  • Integration with the Oracle product suite


  • Might be overkill for smaller-scale operations
  • A steeper learning curve for newcomers
  • Potential complexities in configuration and setup

Other Data Governance Software

Below is a list of additional data governance software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. These are definitely worth checking out.

  1. Microsoft Purview - Good for integrating with Azure services
  2. Salesforce Security & Privacy - Good for Salesforce ecosystem security
  3. MineOS - Good for data operations scaling
  4. Ohalo - Good for data classification tasks
  5. Satori Data Security Platform - Good for securing data in real-time
  6. Teradata Vantage - Good for analytics-driven businesses
  7. Securiti Data Governance - Good for privacy rights automation
  8. Secoda - Good for managing data relationships
  9. Select Star - Good for data discovery across platforms
  10. Odaseva - Good for Salesforce data management
  11. Informatica Cloud Data Quality - Good for cloud-based data cleansing

Selection Criteria for Data Governance Software

In the world of data governance, not all software solutions are created equal. Over the years, I've evaluated dozens of data governance tools. In each evaluation, I was particularly keen on ensuring optimal data management and efficiency, especially as it pertains to large organizations with intricate data ecosystems.

Based on my rigorous testing and hands-on experience, I've identified several critical criteria that matter most when choosing a data governance software. Below, I delve deeper into these criteria.

Core Functionality

When selecting data governance software, at its heart, the tool should enable you to:

  • Centralize Data Management: Offer a single point of control over data assets across the organization.
  • Enforce Data Standards: Ensure adherence to defined data quality and consistency standards.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Facilitate compliance with international data protection regulations.
  • Audit and Reporting: Track changes, access, and modifications to data over time.
  • Data Security: Ensure the highest level of security, including encryption and role-based access.

Key Features

Here are a few features that can make a significant difference in your data governance journey:

  • Data Lineage Visualization: Track the flow and transformation of data throughout its lifecycle.
  • Metadata Management: Efficiently manage and catalog data attributes, origins, and relationships.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Control who can access specific data, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential.
  • Automated Workflow: Automate processes related to data validation, cleansing, and error handling.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integration with other business tools and platforms to centralize data processes.


The user experience should be tailored to the specific needs of data governance, which can be quite intricate. Here's what to look out for:

  • Intuitive Dashboard: A clear, visual dashboard that gives a quick overview of data health, ongoing processes, and alerts.
  • Filtering and Search Capabilities: Given the volume of data, users should be able to quickly search, filter, and categorize data assets.
  • Role-Based Customization: Different roles (e.g., data steward, analyst) may need different views or access levels; the tool should offer customization based on user roles.
  • Collaboration Features: As data governance often involves cross-departmental collaboration, features like comments, notifications, and task assignments are essential.
  • Learning Resources: As data governance can be complex, the software should provide comprehensive guides, tutorials, and support resources for onboarding and continuous learning.

In conclusion, while many tools might offer a broad range of features, focusing on these specific criteria will ensure you select a software solution that genuinely aligns with the intricate needs of data governance.

Most Common Questions Regarding Data Governance Software

What are the benefits of using data governance software?

Data governance software provides numerous advantages:

  • Centralized Data Management: It allows organizations to centrally manage and monitor their data, ensuring consistency and reliability.
  • Compliance Management: Helps businesses remain compliant with various data regulations like GDPR, reducing risks of penalties.
  • Improved Data Quality: Enhances the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of data, ensuring trustworthy insights.
  • Efficient Data Handling: Simplifies complex data processes, reducing the workload on data engineers and IT teams.
  • Enhanced Security: Offers robust security features to protect sensitive data, preventing unauthorized access or data breaches.

How much does data governance software typically cost?

The cost of data governance software varies widely based on its features, integrations, and scalability. Some platforms charge a fixed monthly fee, while others adopt a per-user pricing model. Typically, you might expect to pay anywhere from $20/user/month to over $200/user/month.

Are there different pricing models for data governance software?

Yes, common pricing models include:

  • Per-user/month: Pricing is based on the number of users who will be accessing the software.
  • Flat monthly/annual fee: A fixed price regardless of the number of users.
  • Tiered pricing: Different pricing levels based on the set of features you want access to.
  • Custom pricing: Especially for large enterprises with specific needs, where pricing is decided upon discussion.

What is the typical range of pricing for these tools?

Data governance tools can range from as low as $20/user/month for basic platforms to over $200/user/month for advanced, enterprise-level solutions.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software options?

The cheapest options typically include starter versions of well-known brands or newer entrants in the market, like DataLynx, starting around $20/user/month. On the higher end, enterprise solutions from giants like SAP or Oracle can exceed $200/user/month.

Are there any free data governance software options?

Yes, some platforms offer free versions, but they usually come with limitations in terms of features, storage, or the number of users. Examples include Talend Open Studio for Data Quality and Google Cloud Data Catalog's free tier.

How do I decide which data governance tool is right for my business?

Consider the size of your organization, your specific data needs, compliance requirements, the tool's integration capabilities, and your budget. It might be beneficial to start with a free version or a trial before committing to a paid plan.

Do these software tools require a dedicated team to manage?

While most data governance tools are designed to simplify data management processes, larger organizations or those with complex data infrastructures might benefit from having a dedicated team or individual responsible for overseeing the software's operation and ensuring its optimal use.

Other Data Governance Software Reviews


Choosing the right data governance software is crucial for any organization keen on maintaining data quality, compliance, and security. A central point of control, enforcement of data standards, and a keen eye on regulatory compliance are non-negotiable functionalities. Usability, tailored to the intricacies of data governance, can make or break the user experience.

Key Takeaways

  1. Core functionality is paramount: Always prioritize software that offers centralized data management, enforces data standards, ensures regulatory compliance, and emphasizes data security.
  2. Features make the difference: Data lineage visualization, metadata management, and role-based access control are among the features that can truly elevate a tool's efficacy in the data governance space.
  3. Usability matters: The software should be tailored to data governance's specific needs, with an intuitive dashboard, efficient filtering capabilities, and comprehensive learning resources to aid both newcomers and seasoned professionals.

What Do You Think?

Of course, the world of data governance software is vast and ever-evolving. While I've done my best to present you with top-notch options, I'm always open to learning about other standout tools. If you've come across a remarkable software that hasn't made it onto my list, please don't hesitate to share.

Your insights and recommendations are invaluable, and together, I can ensure everyone has access to the very best resources in the field.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.