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12 Best API Security Tools Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best API security tools to address the gaps you face.

  1. 42Crunch - Best for comprehensive API protection
  2. Parasoft SOAtest - Best for automated API testing
  3. Qualys Web Application Scanning - Best for web application vulnerabilities
  4. Swagger Inspector - Best for swift API endpoint inspection
  5. Wallarm API Security Platform - Best for real-time API threat analysis
  6. ImmuniWeb - Best for AI-driven API security
  7. Orca Security - Best for holistic cloud-native API security
  8. Gravitee - Best for API access management solutions
  9. Edgio - Best for edge network security
  10. StackHawk - Best for developer-focused API safety
  11. Checkmarx - Best for source code analysis
  12. Google Apigee Sense - Best for intelligent API traffic monitoring

Navigating the complex landscape of cybersecurity, I've leaned on the open web application security project guidelines and uncovered tools that excel in safeguarding REST APIs, APIsec, and web services. Addressing the OWASP top concerns, these API security testing tools, adept at handling graphql, offer robust authentication. They are designed to pinpoint security vulnerabilities and security risks arising from HTTP requests and malicious hackers, ensuring comprehensive web application security.

What is an API Security Tool?

API security tools are specialized software solutions that safeguard Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) against potential threats and vulnerabilities. Typically, developers, security professionals, and IT teams use these tools to help make the move of integration from DevOps to DevSecOps and use these tools to detect and rectify any security gaps in their APIs.

The primary goal is to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and other malicious activities that can compromise sensitive data or disrupt application functionality. These instruments empower security teams with specialized plugins to monitor business logic, and denial of service (DDOS), oversee microservices, maintain runtime schema, and provide immediate remediation strategies. The true strength lies in their capability for thorough validation, defending against critical security issues, and bolstering digital defenses.

Overview of the 12 Best API Security Tools

1. 42Crunch - Best for comprehensive API protection

42Crunch API summary overview
Here's the overview of the 42Crunch API security platform shows how to get started and the general dashboard layout.

42Crunch offers a holistic approach to API protection, covering the gamut from design to deployment. A sharp focus on security and compliance ensures that APIs remain impenetrable and operate efficiently within their intended framework.

Why I Picked 42Crunch:

I selected 42Crunch because it stands out in its ability to provide end-to-end protection for APIs, considering every stage of the API lifecycle. Compared to other options, I judged this platform to be unmatched in its thoroughness. Its reputation for comprehensive API security makes it a top choice when considering tools that are best for an all-encompassing approach.

Standout features & integrations:

42Crunch offers a dynamic API firewall that detects and blocks malicious requests in real time. Its continuous security testing feature also ensures that any vulnerabilities are addressed promptly. Integration-wise, 42Crunch aligns well with popular CI/CD platforms and interfaces with widely-used development tools.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive security from design to deployment
  • Real-time malicious request detection and blocking
  • Strong compatibility with CI/CD platforms


  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Pricing could be more competitive
  • Limited customization options for advanced users

2. Parasoft SOAtest - Best for automated API testing

Parasoft SOAtest API security tools
This image screenshot is the API coverage in Parasoft SOAtest.

Parasoft SOAtest champions the cause of streamlining the API testing process. By automating intricate tests, this tool ensures APIs function flawlessly, validating its status as the top pick for automated testing.

Why I Picked Parasoft SOAtest:

Among the array of API testing tools I examined, Parasoft SOAtest's commitment to automation caught my attention. The platform stood out due to its efficient handling of complex testing scenarios, and I determined it offered something unique. Based on its capabilities, it's clear why this tool earns the title "Best for automated API testing.”

Standout features & integrations:

Parasoft SOAtest offers a comprehensive suite of tests, including security, load, and performance testing. Its smart test generation utilizes AI to pinpoint potential defects. Regarding integrations, Parasoft SOAtest collaborates effectively with widely-used CI/CD tools, ensuring a smooth testing workflow.


From $50/user/month (billed annually)


  • Diverse range of test types
  • AI-driven test generation
  • Strong compatibility with CI/CD pipelines


  • Might be overkill for small-scale projects
  • Initial setup can be intricate
  • UI may appear dense to new users

3. Qualys Web Application Scanning - Best for web application vulnerabilities

Qualys Web Application Scanning dashboard sample
Here's a quick overview of the Qualys Web Application Scanning dashboard where the total widgets count can be viewed.

Qualys Web Application Scanning dives deep into web applications to detect and flag vulnerabilities. With its thorough scanning capabilities, this tool ensures that web applications stand firm against potential threats, reinforcing its reputation as the best in identifying web application vulnerabilities.

Why I Picked Qualys Web Application Scanning:

When I started evaluating tools for web application scanning, Qualys instantly stood out from the crowd. Its ability to delve deep into applications and find the most minor vulnerabilities is unparalleled. This intensive scrutiny is precisely why I've judged it as "Best for web application vulnerabilities".

Standout features & integrations:

Qualys offers continuous monitoring, ensuring that web applications are regularly screened for potential threats. Its Six Sigma accuracy provides minimal false positives, always delivering reliable results. In terms of integrations, Qualys aligns effectively with popular cloud providers, making it versatile in diverse environments.


From $35/user/month (billed annually)


  • Six Sigma accuracy reduces false positives
  • Continuous monitoring for uninterrupted protection
  • Effective integration with leading cloud providers


  • Requires some expertise for in-depth use
  • The interface can be challenging for newcomers
  • High-end features may be overkill for smaller web applications

4. Swagger Inspector - Best for swift API endpoint inspection

Swagger Inspector API security tool
Here is a screenshot that shows you how to generate OpenAPI from existing APIs with Swagger Inspector.

Swagger Inspector provides users with a clear, streamlined approach to testing and validating API endpoints. Its efficiency in promptly analyzing and delivering results on API endpoints is why it's deemed best for swiftly inspecting those endpoints.

Why I Picked Swagger Inspector:

While going through various API inspection tools, Swagger Inspector caught my attention due to its simplicity and rapid output. Its capability to provide immediate feedback on API performance and reliability is distinct. This unmatched speed in the analysis is why it's the best tool for swift API endpoint inspection.

Standout features & integrations:

Swagger Inspector shines with its intuitive interface, enabling users to test and generate OpenAPI documentation quickly. Additionally, the tool's cloud-based nature ensures users can inspect endpoints from anywhere without any setup. Regarding integrations, Swagger Inspector syncs with SwaggerHub, enabling effective collaboration and sharing of API documentation.


From $10/user/month (min 3 seats)


  • Cloud-based for easy access and testing
  • Intuitive interface for swift endpoint inspection
  • Easy integration with SwaggerHub for collaboration


  • Limited customization options
  • Might be oversimplified for highly complex APIs
  • Requires consistent online access for optimal performance

5. Wallarm API Security Platform - Best for real-time API threat analysis

Wallarm API Security Platform tool sample
Take a look at the Wallarm API Security Platform dashboard that gives you full coverage for API-specific threats, account takeover, and malicious traffic.

Wallarm API Security Platform offers a sophisticated mechanism for monitoring and thwarting potential threats in APIs. Its capability to swiftly detect and respond to vulnerabilities and threats in real-time sets it apart, aligning perfectly with its reputation for real-time API threat analysis.

Why I Picked Wallarm API Security Platform:

Wallarm stood out for its robust real-time analysis when comparing various API security platforms. The selection came down to its proactive approach, the platform's ability to immediately recognize and counter threats, and innovative machine learning-based threat detection. This real-time vigilance makes me assert it's best suited for those needing instantaneous API threat analysis.

Standout features & integrations:

Wallarm is equipped with AI-powered detection, which learns and adapts to the user's traffic pattern, ensuring better and smarter threat detection over time. It offers protection not just against known threats but also zero-day vulnerabilities. As for integrations, Wallarm aligns with popular cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure and integrates with CI/CD tools for a more fluid development-security workflow.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • AI-powered adaptive threat detection
  • Comprehensive protection against known and zero-day vulnerabilities
  • Strong integrations with major cloud providers and CI/CD tools


  • Requires initial setup and familiarization
  • Pricing might be on the higher side for smaller companies
  • Some advanced features have a steeper learning curve

6. ImmuniWeb - Best for AI-driven API security

ImmuniWeb API security scanning view
Get a closer look at the API security scanning by ImmuniWeb. The API scanning reports are accessible through a multiuser dashboard with RBAC access permissions.

ImmuniWeb provides a platform dedicated to API security, heavily emphasizing AI and machine learning technologies. Its AI-driven approach facilitates deeper, more insightful scans and analyses, which naturally align with its title of being best for AI-driven API security.

Why I Picked ImmuniWeb:

While selecting a robust API security tool, ImmuniWeb caught my attention primarily because of its pioneering AI technologies. My judgment was heavily influenced by its unique approach to integrating human expertise with artificial intelligence, setting it apart from conventional tools. Given its profound use of AI, it’s clear that ImmuniWeb is particularly adept for those looking for an AI-driven solution for API security.

Standout features & integrations:

ImmuniWeb boasts a combination of AI-driven dynamic and interactive application security testing. It’s designed to uncover shadow APIs and offers mobile app security testing as part of its comprehensive suite. For integrations, ImmuniWeb aligns well with a range of SIEM, WAF, and other IT security solutions, ensuring a cohesive security infrastructure.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Deep AI-driven vulnerability detection
  • Capability to uncover shadow APIs
  • Versatile security testing including mobile app security


  • Could be overwhelming for beginners
  • AI functionalities may require a learning curve
  • Might be overkill for very small applications or setups

7. Orca Security - Best for holistic cloud-native API security

Orca Security API dashboard
Here's what the API security dashboard looks like inside the Orca Security platform.

Orca Security offers a comprehensive solution tailored to safeguarding cloud-native environments and APIs. The platform emphasizes deep visibility into the security posture of cloud deployments, making it inherently holistic and aligning with its reputation as best for holistic cloud-native API security.

Why I Picked Orca Security:

When I was determining the most suitable tools for cloud-native API security, Orca Security naturally made a list. I chose this tool because of its unparalleled holistic view of cloud environments without agents or per-asset integration. This distinction and Orca's commitment to full-stack visibility make it ideally suited for those seeking a holistic cloud-native API security solution.

Standout features & integrations:

Orca Security excels with its patent-pending SideScanning™ technology that offers an in-depth perspective into the cloud environment. This capability allows for identifying risks at the infrastructure, code, and data layers. Integration-wise, Orca easily integrates with popular CI/CD tools, enhancing the developer experience while ensuring security.


Pricing upon request


  • Provides full-stack visibility without traditional scanning limitations
  • Uses innovative SideScanning™ technology for deep insights
  • Efficiently identifies risks at multiple layers of cloud infrastructure


  • No explicit focus on traditional, non-cloud environments
  • Pricing transparency might be an issue for some organizations
  • Initial setup might require a level of cloud expertise

8. Gravitee - Best for API access management solutions

Gravitee adaptive engine overview
This Gravitee's adaptive engine intelligently automates and secures access control mechanisms based on user behavior.

Gravitee provides a versatile platform for managing and monitoring API gateways. Their focus on delivering robust API access management solutions gives organizations the flexibility and control they need over their API ecosystem, positioning them as the prime choice for API access management solutions.

Why I Picked Gravitee:

When selecting tools for this list, Gravitee stood out prominently. In my process of comparing and judging different platforms, I chose Gravitee because of its comprehensive feature set explicitly tailored to API access management. From my perspective, its commitment to enhancing API access control and its extensible capabilities make it ideally "Best for API access management solutions".

Standout features & integrations:

Gravitee boasts a decentralized architecture allowing for distributed API management. Its open-source nature provides customization options that many closed platforms don't offer. Integration-wise, Gravitee has a rich set of connectors for popular identity providers, ensuring identity and access management within the API ecosystem.


Pricing upon request


  • Decentralized architecture ensures scalability and resilience
  • Open-source nature offers extensive customization possibilities
  • Supports a wide range of identity providers for easy integration


  • Might require technical expertise for setup and customization
  • Organizations used to closed systems may find the open-source nature daunting
  • Requires regular updates and maintenance to stay secure and efficient

9. Edgio - Best for edge network security

Edgio API security tool
Here is a screenshot of an API security dashboard sample from Edgio.

Edgio specializes in delivering cutting-edge solutions for network security, especially at the edge. Its emphasis on safeguarding distributed network nodes aligns with the increasing demands of today's decentralized IT infrastructures, making it particularly suitable for edge network security.

Why I Picked Edgio:

In the process of determining which tools to feature, Edgio captured my attention. After comparing various platforms, I chose Edgio for its distinct focus on edge network security. Their approach, combined with advanced features, positions them as the foremost choice for "Best for edge network security".

Standout features & integrations:

Edgio provides robust real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing for immediate threat detection at the edge. Furthermore, its adaptive security policies ensure the network stays resilient against evolving threats. As for integrations, Edgio interfaces with major cloud providers, enhancing its adaptability and reach within diverse IT environments.


Pricing upon request


  • Real-time monitoring for immediate threat detection
  • Adaptive security policies cater to dynamic network environments
  • Easy integration with major cloud providers


  • Might entail a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with edge security concepts
  • Real-time monitoring may require additional resources
  • Its specialization might not cater to those seeking a more generalized security solution

10. StackHawk - Best for developer-focused API safety

StackHawk scanning details
A screenshot of the scanning details report with StackHawk.

StackHawk is a platform designed to empower developers with tools for API safety. It provides a suite of functionalities that enable developers to identify and rectify vulnerabilities, aligning with the growing need for API security during the development phase.

Why I Picked StackHawk:

In my journey of selecting tools, StackHawk stood out due to its explicit emphasis on developers. It's unique in its design and execution, focusing on the people who create and maintain the API. I believe it's "Best for developer-focused API safety" because it bridges the gap between development and security, ensuring that APIs are built with safety from the ground up.

Standout features & integrations:

StackHawk boasts a user-friendly interface that provides actionable insights into potential vulnerabilities. Moreover, its automation capabilities allow developers to integrate security checks within their CI/CD pipelines. Regarding integrations, StackHawk supports popular CI tools like Jenkins and Travis CI, as well as platforms like Slack for real-time vulnerability alerts.


Pricing upon request


  • Developer-centric design and functionalities
  • Actionable insights with recommendations for rectifications
  • Strong automation capabilities for CI/CD pipelines


  • Might not cater to non-developer personnel in an organization
  • Requires a certain level of familiarity with CI/CD tools for maximum benefits
  • Could be overwhelming for small-scale projects or developers new to security concepts

11. Checkmarx - Best for source code analysis

Checkmarx sample tool dashboard
Here's a demo screenshot of an interactive application security testing with Checkmarx.

Checkmarx is a comprehensive software security solution that specializes in identifying vulnerabilities within the source code of applications. By deeply analyzing code, Checkmarx offers developers insights into potential security flaws.

Why I Picked Checkmarx:

In determining which tools to spotlight, Checkmarx grabbed my attention due to its in-depth code analysis capabilities. Its distinction lies in its adeptness at trawling through vast lines of code to unearth even subtle vulnerabilities. I think that Checkmarx is "Best for source code analysis" primarily because of its emphasis on ensuring the foundational layers of software remain robust and secure.

Standout features & integrations:

One of Checkmarx's pivotal features is its Static Application Security Testing (SAST), which probes code for vulnerabilities without executing the program. Its Open Source Analysis (OSA) also offers visibility into open-source components' security and compliance. As for integrations, Checkmarx easily works with popular development tools and platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Jenkins, enabling a smooth workflow for developers.


Pricing upon request


  • Deep and comprehensive code-scanning capabilities
  • Offers visibility into open-source components
  • Smooth integrations with popular development platforms


  • Might have a steep learning curve for newcomers
  • Extensive features might be overkill for smaller projects
  • Potential delays due to in-depth analysis on larger codebases

12. Google Apigee Sense - Best for intelligent API traffic monitoring

Google Apigee Sense API security preview
A look at the Google Apigee Sense API scores board. API security detects misconfigured proxies.

Apigee Sense by Google analyzes API traffic to detect anomalies and threats, providing insights for efficient and secure API management.

Why I Picked Google Apigee Sense:

After careful consideration of various tools, I have concluded that Google Apigee Sense is the best option for intelligent API traffic monitoring. Its advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, combined with detailed API traffic analytics, provide unique insights that other platforms lack. Google's expertise in machine learning is evident in this platform's ability to not only monitor but understand API traffic, giving it a distinct advantage over similar tools.

Standout features & integrations:

Google Apigee Sense thrives on its machine learning-powered anomaly detection, which can discern unusual patterns and potential threats in API traffic. Moreover, its behavioral API analytics provide a granular view of how APIs are being accessed and by whom. Integration-wise, given it's a Google product, Apigee Sense can smoothly integrate with a suite of other Google Cloud Platform tools, enhancing its functionality and reach.


Pricing upon request


  • Machine learning-driven anomaly detection
  • Detailed behavioral API analytics
  • Strong integration capabilities with Google Cloud Platform tools


  • Might be complex for beginners
  • Pricing structure can be ambiguous for some
  • Dependency on the Google Cloud ecosystem might not appeal to all

Other Noteworthy API Security Tools

Below is a list of additional API security tools that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Orca Security - Good for deep cloud security posture management
  2. Traceable AI - Good for machine learning-driven API protection
  3. Postman - Good for comprehensive API development and security
  4. Salt Security - Good for detecting and preventing API attacks
  5. Intruder - Good for proactive API vulnerability scanning
  6. Reblaze - Good for web security with bot mitigation
  7. Nevatech Sentinet - Good for managing and monitoring API integrations
  8. Stoplight API Security - Good for design-first API security practices
  9. Burp Suite - Good for thorough penetration testing of APIs
  10. Invicti - Good for dynamic application security testing
  11. Tinfoil Security - Good for developer-friendly API scanning
  12. Acunetix - Good for quick detection of the latest vulnerabilities
  13. RapidAPI Security Testing - Good for enterprises requiring detailed API insights
  14. Imperva API Security - Good for real-time API protection and analytics
  15. Wallarm - Good for AI-powered API security automation

Selection Criteria for Choosing API Security Tools

Selecting the right API security software can be daunting, especially with the myriad of options available today. In my journey to find the best, I've evaluated dozens of API security tools. In particular, I was looking for tools that provided robust security and a user-friendly experience, which I'll delve into below.

Core Functionality

  • Real-time Monitoring: Continuous observation of API traffic to instantly detect and respond to threats.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Ability to scan for known and unknown vulnerabilities in APIs.
  • Threat Prevention: Tools to proactively guard against malicious requests and attacks.
  • Detailed Reporting: Comprehensive logs and analytics to aid in post-incident analysis.

Key Features

  • Machine Learning Integration: To anticipate and counteract zero-day vulnerabilities and evolving threats.
  • Granular Access Control: Precise control over who can access what, ensuring only the right users can access sensitive information.
  • Integration Compatibility: Easy connection with other software ecosystems, making the tool more adaptable and efficient.
  • Bot Detection & Mitigation: Detecting automated scripts and bots, and preventing them from executing harmful actions.
  • Customizable Alert System: Notifications tailored to specific threats or vulnerabilities relevant to the organization's infrastructure.


  • Interactive Dashboard: A visual overview of all API activity, threats, and vulnerabilities, allowing for quick navigation and understanding.
  • Intuitive Workflow: The software should guide the user from setup to daily operations, ensuring they're utilizing the tool to its fullest without needing to consult a manual constantly.
  • Role-based Access: Clear and easy-to-configure permissions ensure the right personnel can access the correct data.
  • Comprehensive Support & Training: Beyond a helpdesk, the ideal tool should offer detailed documentation, learning libraries, or training programs to onboard users swiftly and efficiently.

Most Common Questions Regarding API Security Tools (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using an API security tool?

Using an API security tool provides numerous advantages, including:

  • Improved Security: These tools identify vulnerabilities and protect APIs from malicious attacks.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Continuously observe API traffic to instantly detect and respond to threats.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that your APIs meet industry-specific security standards and regulations.
  • Easy Integration: Connect with other software ecosystems, making the tool more adaptable.
  • Granular Access Control: Offer precise control over access, ensuring only authorized users can interact with sensitive API endpoints.

How much do these tools typically cost?

The pricing for API security tools can vary widely based on their capabilities, the organization's size, and the user's specific needs. Prices can range from as low as $10/user/month to over $1000/user/month for enterprise-grade solutions.

What are the common pricing models for these tools?

There are several pricing models you'll encounter:

  • Per User: The charge is based on the number of users or administrators.
  • Per API Call: Pricing depends on the volume of API calls made.
  • Flat Rate: A fixed monthly or yearly fee, regardless of usage.
  • Custom: Tailored pricing based on specific requirements or integration complexities.

What's the typical range of pricing for these tools?

Most small to mid-sized businesses can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $500/per user/month. Larger enterprises or those requiring more advanced features may be in the $500 to $1000+ range.

Which are some of the cheapest API security tools?

Tools like RapidAPI Security Testing and Tinfoil Security tend to be on the more affordable end of the spectrum, though prices can vary based on specific needs and usage levels.

Which tools are considered the most expensive?

Enterprise-grade solutions like Imperva API Security and Traceable AI often have a higher price tag due to their advanced features and scalability.

Are there any free API security tools available?

Some tools like Postman offer basic API security features in their free tiers. However, upgrading to a paid plan is usually necessary for advanced security capabilities.

Why is there such a significant disparity in pricing between different tools?

The cost often reflects the tool's capabilities, scalability, support, and brand reputation. Devices designed for larger enterprises or those offering advanced threat detection and mitigation features will typically cost more than essential solutions for startups or small businesses.


Selecting the right API security tool is vital in today's digital age where APIs form the backbone of many services. They provide the fundamental layer of protection against threats and enhance operational efficiency by ensuring real-time monitoring and compliance with industry standards. The pricing models, usability, core functionality, and critical features are crucial aspects to consider, tailored to your organization's specific needs and size.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Prioritize Core Functionality: Ensure the chosen tool can perform essential tasks effectively, such as real-time monitoring, vulnerability detection, and threat mitigation.
  2. Consider Usability: A tool's interface, ease of onboarding, and customer support play a significant role in its effectiveness. Opt for tools that align with your team's expertise and offer clear user experiences.
  3. Budget Wisely: While the most expensive tool might seem the most attractive, it's essential to assess your organization’s specific needs. Sometimes, a more affordable option might provide all the necessary features without the added cost. Remember, the right balance between cost and capability is paramount.

What do you think?

Of course, the digital landscape is vast, and technology is ever-evolving. If you've encountered an API security tool that you believe deserves mention, or if you've had an exceptional experience with one not listed here, I'd love to hear about it. Your insights and recommendations can further enrich my discussion and benefit others in the community. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.