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12 Best DAST Tools

After deep-diving into DAST tools, I've curated a list of the top 12:

  1. OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) - Best for open-source enthusiasts
  2. Acunetix - Best for vulnerability scanning automation
  3. Portswigger Burp Suite - Best for manual security testing
  4. Rapid7 AppSpider - Best for integrations with devOps lifecycle
  5. IBM Security AppScan - Best for large enterprise needs
  6. Veracode - Best for the complete application security toolbox
  7. Qualys Web Application Scanning - Best for continuous web app security
  8. Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect - Best for realistic attack simulations
  9. Synopsys Seeker - Best for IAST security solutions
  10. Detectify - Best for crowd-sourced vulnerability information
  11. Invicti - Best for its compliance readiness features
  12. AppCheck - Best for its in-depth reporting capabilities

DAST Tools, short for Dynamic Application Security Testing, are essential for development teams and security professionals in today's digital world. Acting as an advanced vulnerability scanner, they delve into applications during runtime, performing automated testing to uncover security issues that may be lurking beneath the surface. This black-box approach allows us to examine how an application behaves with various inputs, including potential attacks.

Whether you use a SaaS solution or opt for on-premises DAST software, the power of these tools lies in their ability to identify issues like authentication problems and misconfigurations, which can often slip through static application security testing (SAST) and manual review of source code. DAST solutions go beyond what SAST tools can detect, providing a comprehensive vulnerability management approach that's crucial for robust security.

As someone who's spent a fair amount of time working with DAST and SAST tools, I can tell you firsthand about the relief of knowing that automated tools are diligently scanning and re-scanning your applications, rooting out any vulnerabilities. The peace of mind you'll get knowing you're proactively addressing potential security issues is invaluable. So let's dive into these options to help you find the DAST tool that will best serve your team's needs.

What is a DAST Tool?

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) tools are software used by IT and cybersecurity professionals to identify potential vulnerabilities in web applications while they are in use. These tools simulate attacks on an application in a testing environment or in live production to detect security gaps that hackers may exploit.

By probing for weaknesses, DAST tools help organizations identify and mitigate risks before they can be used for malicious intent. These tools prove invaluable for developers, security teams, and system administrators looking to ensure the robustness of their applications and safeguard against potential cybersecurity threats.

Overviews of the 12 Best DAST Tools

1. OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) - Best for open-source enthusiasts

A photo of the main page for the tool OWASP ZAP.
OWASP ZAP provides as an avenue when it comes to accessing application security testing. Take a look at its main page.

OWASP ZAP is an actively maintained, community-driven dynamic application security testing tool. As an open-source tool, it provides access to a wealth of features and plugins contributed by a vast community of cybersecurity experts and developers. This makes it an ideal choice for those who embrace open-source technology and prefer the communal aspect of solution development.

Why I Picked OWASP ZAP:

I selected OWASP ZAP due to its nature as a well-supported open-source tool. It stands out because it isn't just a static product but a dynamic tool that grows with the input and needs of its user community. For open-source enthusiasts, ZAP is the best pick because it offers the flexibility and adaptability of a product that is continuously evolving due to the active participation and collaboration of its users.

Standout features & integrations:

ZAP offers robust features such as automated scanners, manual testing utilities, and traditional proxy functionalities. Its scripting capabilities allow for customization, meeting the diverse needs of its users. OWASP ZAP integrates well with other tools in the software development and security landscape, providing compatibility with tools like Jenkins for CI/CD and various bug tracking systems.


OWASP ZAP is a free tool being open source, but costs may be incurred for additional support, training, or customization services.


  • A rich feature set for comprehensive security testing
  • Community-driven development ensures continuous updates and improvements
  • Flexible and customizable through scripts


  • May require a steep learning curve for new users
  • Being open source, direct professional support may not be readily available
  • Performance might not be as optimized as with commercial tools

2. Acunetix - Best for vulnerability scanning automation

A photo focused on the vulnerability tracking feature of Acunetix.
Easily track your network vulnerabilities using Acunetix. Vulnerabilities are classified into three: low, medium and high vulnerability.

Acunetix is a comprehensive dynamic application security testing tool that specializes in automating the process of finding vulnerabilities. Its strong suit is its ability to efficiently automate security testing, making it an excellent fit for organizations needing frequent scans with minimal manual intervention.

Why I Picked Acunetix:

I chose Acunetix for this list due to its impressive focus on automating vulnerability scanning. The tool stands out with its ability to perform quick, automated scans across large applications, saving users valuable time. Its focus on automation makes Acunetix best for those looking to regularly test their applications for vulnerabilities without diverting significant human resources to the task.

Standout features & integrations:

Key features of Acunetix include deep scan technology for JavaScript-heavy applications, out-of-band vulnerability detection, and a high-speed crawler. Its automation capabilities ensure rapid, thorough scanning, enhancing efficiency and productivity. Acunetix offers integrations with various popular issue trackers and continuous integration systems like Jira, GitHub, and Jenkins, simplifying the task of managing vulnerabilities and remediation processes.


Pricing for Acunetix starts from $5,995 per year for one target (billed annually). For detailed pricing structures, it is recommended to reach out to their sales team.


  • Strong emphasis on automation for increased efficiency
  • Broad support for modern web technologies
  • Effective out-of-band vulnerability detection


  • High starting cost may be prohibitive for smaller organizations
  • Mostly focused on web application security, leaving some areas unaddressed
  • The user interface could be improved for better user experience

3. Portswigger Burp Suite - Best for manual security testing

A photo of the repeater tab found in Portswigger Burp Suite.
Portswigger Burp Suite provides manual security testing, making it a good choice for engaged application testing. Get a closer look at its repeater tab.

Portswigger Burp Suite is a go-to solution for professionals involved in manual security testing. It's designed to aid penetration testers in identifying vulnerabilities that automated scanners might overlook, making it an optimal choice for situations where a human touch is critical.

Why I Picked Portswigger Burp Suite:

I chose Burp Suite because of its powerful and flexible toolkit for manual exploration and exploitation of web applications. Its interface and functionality cater excellently to penetration testers and security auditors who prefer hands-on testing. As such, it's the best tool for those who want to dive deep into manual security testing.

Standout features & integrations:

Among Burp Suite's standout features are the Intercepting Proxy, which allows testers to inspect and modify traffic between their browser and the target application, and the Intruder tool, which enables automated attacks on web applications. It also offers a powerful manual scanner and a repeater tool for testing application responses. While Burp Suite doesn’t have specific integrations, it's designed to work seamlessly alongside other tools commonly used in manual penetration testing workflows.


Burp Suite's pricing starts from $39.99/user/month (billed annually). This pricing provides access to Burp Suite Professional, the edition tailored for hands-on web security testers.


  • Comprehensive toolset for manual penetration testing
  • Active development with regular updates
  • Offers a free version with limited capabilities


  • Might be overkill for small businesses with simple applications
  • Requires experienced users for maximum effectiveness
  • User interface can be intimidating for beginners

4. Rapid7 AppSpider - Best for integrations with DevOps lifecycle

A photo of Rapid7 AppSpider's main page.
Here's a screenshot of Rapid7 AppSpider's main page. From here, vulnerability reports can be easily accessed.

Rapid7 AppSpider is a dynamic application security testing tool that excels in its ability to integrate with the DevOps lifecycle. It enables developers and security teams to find, test, and fix vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Why I Picked Rapid7 AppSpider:

I chose Rapid7 AppSpider because of its seamless integrations with popular continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools, which bring security into the DevOps lifecycle. Its unique value lies in its compatibility with various platforms and ability to scale as your applications grow. So, if your organization is committed to a DevOps approach, AppSpider could be the best match.

Standout features & integrations:

Rapid7 AppSpider offers a universal translator that can understand various frameworks, APIs, and emerging technologies. It features comprehensive attack simulations to mimic real-world threats accurately. As for integrations, it provides robust support for popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, making it a breeze to incorporate security testing into your DevOps lifecycle.


The pricing for Rapid7 AppSpider is upon request, indicating that it could vary depending on the specific needs of your organization and its size.


  • Exceptional integrations with CI/CD tools
  • Supports a wide range of technologies and frameworks
  • Excellent scalability


  • Pricing is not transparent
  • The interface may require a learning curve
  • Configuration could be complex for beginners

5. IBM Security AppScan - Best for large enterprise needs

A photo of the main interface of the tool IBM Security AppScan.
IBM Security AppScan tests web and mobile apps, ensuring comprehensive security testing. Have a look at their Scan Configuration page.

IBM Security AppScan is a platform designed for the security testing of web and mobile applications. It brings a balance of static, dynamic, and interactive testing to detect a broad range of vulnerabilities. IBM Security AppScan is designed to cater to the demands of large enterprises with complex security needs.

Why I Picked IBM Security AppScan:

In deciding on tools for this list, I found IBM Security AppScan has a proven track record with large enterprises. Its vast array of features, coupled with IBM's extensive support network, makes it a compelling choice for large organizations. The tool shines for enterprise-level requirements, especially for organizations that need to manage security testing across a portfolio of applications.

Standout features & integrations:

IBM Security AppScan stands out with its triad approach to testing: Static, Dynamic, and Interactive. This triad provides comprehensive coverage to identify vulnerabilities effectively. The tool integrates with other IBM products and common SDLC tools, making it a good fit for organizations that have an existing investment in IBM technologies.


The pricing for IBM Security AppScan starts from $53/user/month (billed annually), but specific costs can vary depending on the unique needs and scale of the enterprise.


  • Comprehensive triad approach to security testing
  • Strong support from IBM
  • Extensive integrations with SDLC tools


  • Pricing might be high for smaller organizations
  • A steep learning curve for new users
  • Customization may require expert knowledge

6. Veracode - Best for the complete application security toolbox

A photo focused on the static analysis of Veracode.
Here's a static analysis with Veracode.

Veracode provides an end-to-end application security solution to help secure the software that powers your world. From static analysis to software composition analysis, dynamic analysis, and manual penetration testing, Veracode provides an encompassing suite of security testing tools. Given its comprehensive nature, Veracode is an ideal choice for organizations seeking an all-in-one application security solution.

Why I Picked Veracode:

I chose Veracode because of its all-embracing application security platform. The comprehensive nature of Veracode's offering, encompassing static and dynamic analysis to manual penetration testing, sets it apart. It is the complete security toolbox, making it particularly appealing to organizations looking for a comprehensive security solution that can identify and mitigate a wide range of application vulnerabilities.

Standout features & integrations:

Veracode offers a multitude of features, including static analysis, software composition analysis, and manual penetration testing. Additionally, the platform provides developers with the tools to fix identified vulnerabilities, helping to enhance the security posture over time. Veracode integrates with a wide range of development and operations tools, including JIRA, Jenkins, and many more, supporting DevSecOps practices.


Veracode's pricing begins from $59/user/month (billed annually). The exact cost will vary based on the suite of tools needed and the scale of use.


  • All-encompassing application security platform
  • Offers tools for developers to fix identified vulnerabilities
  • Broad range of integrations with development and operations tools


  • Pricing can be high for small organizations
  • Some users find the platform interface a bit complex
  • Manual testing services can incur additional costs

7. Qualys Web Application Scanning - Best for continuous web app security

A screenshot focused on the scan report tab of Qualys Web Application Scanning.
Look at the scan report portion of Qualys Web Application Scanning (WAS). From here, your scan summary and threat reports can be easily viewed.

Qualys Web Application Scanning (WAS) is a cloud-based service that provides automated crawling and testing of custom web applications to identify vulnerabilities. The continuous nature of its scanning capability helps to ensure ongoing security, making it an optimal choice for organizations needing continuous web application security.

Why I Picked Qualys Web Application Scanning:

In selecting this tool, I was guided by its robust scanning capabilities and continuous security model. Qualys WAS distinguishes itself with its automated and recurring scanning, providing consistent oversight for web applications. Given this, I determined that it is particularly suited for continuous web app security, a critical factor in today's dynamic threat landscape.

Standout features & integrations:

Qualys WAS provides automated discovery of web applications and continuous monitoring to detect vulnerabilities. It offers Progressive Scanning, which ensures that the scanning process does not affect the availability of web applications. Important integrations include those with various Bug Tracking Systems, SIEM tools, and WAF for an effective security workflow.


Pricing for Qualys WAS starts from $99/user/month (billed annually). Detailed pricing may vary based on the size and complexity of the web applications.


  • Provides continuous scanning for web applications
  • Offers Progressive Scanning to ensure application availability
  • Integrates well with various Bug Tracking Systems, SIEM tools, and WAF


  • Pricing may be prohibitive for small businesses
  • Setup and configuration can be complex for newcomers
  • Some users have reported slow scan speeds

8. Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect - Best for realistic attack simulations

A screenshot focused on the scan dashboard of the tool Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect.
Here's a screenshot of Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect's scan dashboard.

Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect is a dynamic application security testing (DAST) solution that identifies application vulnerabilities in real-time. The tool is designed to simulate real-world attacks, which makes it a vital resource for organizations needing to understand how their web applications would stand up to genuine security threats.

Why I Picked Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect:

I chose Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect because of its capacity to conduct realistic attack simulations. This characteristic sets it apart from many other tools, providing unique insights into application security. I judged it to be the optimal choice for those who need to understand how their defenses would fare under actual attack conditions.

Standout features & integrations:

Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect offers features like simultaneous crawl and audit (SCA), rapid scan, and guided scan templates. Its advanced technologies allow for more efficient and accurate identification of vulnerabilities. It integrates with various development and security tools such as Fortify Software Security Center and Fortify on Demand.


Pricing for Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect is available upon request from the company.


  • Provides realistic attack simulations
  • Features simultaneous crawl and audit for efficient vulnerability identification
  • Integrates with various development and security tools


  • Pricing information is not readily available
  • May require technical expertise to operate effectively
  • Some users report false positives which require manual validation

9. Synopsys Seeker - Best for IAST security solutions

A photo of the home page found in Synopsys Seeker.
Synopsys Seeker's home page provides a quick view of your projects, overall vulnerability trend, recommendations, and system information.

Synopsys Seeker is an Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool that identifies and confirms application vulnerabilities by actively monitoring application interactions. This dynamic approach to security makes it especially useful for organizations looking for efficient and thorough IAST solutions.

Why I Picked Synopsys Seeker:

I chose Synopsys Seeker for its comprehensive Interactive Application Security Testing capabilities. What makes this tool stand out is its ability to detect vulnerabilities in real-time during the application's operation. In my judgment, it is ideal for organizations requiring robust IAST security solutions due to its interactive and dynamic approach.

Standout features & integrations:

Synopsys Seeker boasts features like seamless CI/CD integration, custom vulnerability reporting, and real-time vulnerability identification. Its interactive application security testing sets it apart, providing active monitoring for comprehensive security. It integrates with popular tools such as Jira for easy bug tracking and CI/CD platforms for smoother development workflows.


Synopsys Seeker's pricing is not publicly available and can be obtained on request.


  • Provides comprehensive IAST solutions
  • Features seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • Offers real-time vulnerability identification


  • Pricing information is not transparent
  • Might be complex for beginners to handle
  • Requires application to be in operation for vulnerability detection

10. Detectify - Best for crowd-sourced vulnerability information

A photo of the overview tab found under the reports tab of the tool Detectify.
Take a look at the 'Overview' tab under the 'Reports' column in Detectify.

Detectify is a web application security scanner that leverages the power of crowd-sourcing to identify vulnerabilities. It pools information from a network of ethical hackers to provide the most up-to-date security threat identification, making it an excellent choice for organizations that value crowd-sourced vulnerability information.

Why I Picked Detectify:

I selected Detectify for this list due to its unique approach to vulnerability detection. The tool stands out with its crowd-sourced database, which leverages the knowledge of ethical hackers worldwide. This makes Detectify the best choice for those who want to capitalize on diverse, crowd-sourced vulnerability information.

Standout features & integrations:

Detectify offers features such as continuous scanning, automation capabilities, and a crowd-sourced vulnerability database. These allow for a thorough and up-to-date security analysis. The tool integrates with common bug tracking and alert tools such as Slack, Jira, and PagerDuty, enabling efficient communication of potential threats.


Detectify pricing begins from $50/user/month, making it an affordable and valuable solution for web application security.


  • Leverages crowd-sourced knowledge for comprehensive vulnerability detection
  • Offers continuous scanning capabilities
  • Provides integrations with popular bug tracking and alert tools


  • May not cover vulnerabilities outside of its crowd-sourced database
  • Smaller organizations may find the pricing a little high
  • Some users might prefer a tool that doesn't rely on crowd-sourced data for security assessment

11. Invicti - Best for its compliance readiness features

A screenshot of the main page for the tool Invicti.
Invicti's main page, where information necessary to your application security testing needs can be easily viewed and accessed.

Invicti is a web application security solution that aids organizations in identifying, managing, and mitigating web security vulnerabilities. It stands out with robust compliance readiness features, making it the ideal choice for organizations aiming to align with compliance standards like PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR.

Why I Picked Invicti:

In evaluating the list, I opted for Invicti due to its extensive focus on compliance readiness. This tool is unique because of its capabilities to help businesses achieve and maintain regulatory compliance. I firmly believe Invicti is the best for organizations that prioritize alignment with compliance requirements in their security strategy.

Standout features & integrations:

Invicti delivers high-value features such as an interactive application security testing (IAST) tool, automatic website security reporting, and robust compliance readiness capabilities. Furthermore, Invicti integrates with various bug-tracking tools, like Jira, and CI/CD pipelines, such as Jenkins, to provide a comprehensive and streamlined security solution.


Pricing for Invicti starts from $58/user/month (billed annually). The pricing model of Invicti provides a reasonable entry point for the extensive feature set offered.


  • Strong focus on compliance readiness
  • Provides interactive application security testing
  • Extensive integration capabilities with bug tracking and CI/CD tools


  • Smaller organizations may find the cost relatively high
  • Some users might find the learning curve steep due to extensive features
  • Annual billing could be a deterrent for organizations looking for a monthly subscription

12. AppCheck - Best for its in-depth reporting capabilities

A photo focused on the new scan configuration of the tool AppCheck.
This is how you configure AppCheck when performing a new scan.

AppCheck is a vulnerability scanning tool designed to automate the discovery of security flaws within your network, applications, and systems. It's particularly useful for organizations that need in-depth reporting capabilities for insights into security vulnerabilities and effective remediation.

Why I Picked AppCheck:

I picked AppCheck for this list primarily because of its comprehensive reporting capabilities. In comparison to other tools, AppCheck stands out with the depth of its security reports, which offer a high level of detail, making it easier to understand vulnerabilities and plan remediation. I chose it as the best tool for in-depth reporting because it delivers extensive data and actionable insights.

Standout features & integrations:

AppCheck provides features such as detailed risk and compliance reports, automated scanning, and deep-dive assessments of various applications. Integrations include leading issue-tracking tools and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions for a cohesive security approach.


Pricing for AppCheck starts from $70/user/month (billed annually). This pricing reflects the detailed and robust reporting functionality provided by the tool.


  • In-depth and comprehensive reporting capabilities
  • Useful integrations with issue tracking and SIEM tools
  • Automated scanning provides ease of use


  • The cost might be high for smaller organizations
  • Users may find the depth of information overwhelming initially
  • Annual billing cycle might not appeal to all businesses

Other Noteworthy DAST Tools

Below is a list of additional DAST Tools I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Checkmarx - Good for static and interactive application security testing
  2. Contrast Security - Good for continuous application security in DevOps
  3. ImmuniWeb - Good for AI-based vulnerability detection and remediation
  4. Wireshark - Good for in-depth network protocol analysis
  5. Probely - Good for web application security tailored to DevOps
  6. Nessus - Good for vulnerability assessment across your entire infrastructure
  7. - Good for comprehensive online penetration testing
  8. Radware AppWall - Good for web application and API protection
  9. Wallarm FAST - Good for security testing in CI/CD pipelines
  10. CloudDefense - Good for cloud-native application security platform
  11. SiteLock - Good for website security and malware removal

Selection Criteria for Choosing DAST Tools

In my journey to discover the best application security tools, I've evaluated dozens of software, focusing on core functionality, key features, and usability. In this specific category, there were certain criteria that were particularly relevant, which I'll delve into below.

Core Functionality:

  • Application Vulnerability Detection: The tool should be able to uncover weaknesses within the application.
  • Remediation: Besides identifying vulnerabilities, the tool should provide remediation guidance to fix them.
  • Compliance Reporting: For businesses needing to meet certain regulatory standards, the tool should generate compliance reports.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of applications to catch threats as soon as they arise.
  • Integration Capabilities: The ability to integrate with existing tools and platforms for a more streamlined workflow.
  • Advanced Threat Intelligence: Uses up-to-date information to anticipate and guard against new and emerging threats.
  • Automated Scanning: Regular, automated scanning of applications to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.


  • User-Friendly Interface: The tool should provide a straightforward dashboard that shows clear, actionable insights about an application's security.
  • Simple Onboarding Process: It should be easy for teams to start using the tool, with minimal training required.
  • Responsive Customer Support: In the event of issues or queries, customer support should be accessible and effective.
  • Customizable Alerts: The tool should allow users to set and receive alerts based on their specific needs and preferences.

Most Common Questions Regarding DAST Tools (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using DAST tools?

Using DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) tools offers several advantages:

  • Identifying Vulnerabilities: They help uncover security flaws within a running application.
  • Remediation Assistance: Beyond just identifying the issues, these tools also suggest how to fix the vulnerabilities they find.
  • Real-Time Protection: These tools monitor applications in real time, catching potential threats as soon as they arise.
  • Compliance Support: If your business needs to comply with certain regulations, DAST tools can assist with necessary reporting.
  • Automated Checks: Regular, automated scanning of applications can be done, increasing the efficiency of your security protocols.

How much do DAST tools cost?

The pricing for DAST tools can vary widely, depending on the scope of the features offered and the size of the business they cater to.

What are the typical pricing models for DAST tools?

Most DAST tools adopt a subscription-based pricing model, which is usually charged on an annual basis. These subscriptions can either be per user or per application.

What is the typical range of pricing for DAST tools?

Prices can range from $100/user/month for smaller solutions to well over $10,000/user/year for comprehensive enterprise-level software.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive DAST tools?

Among the tools I evaluated, Detectify offers the lowest starting price of $50/user/month. On the higher end, tools like Checkmarx can cost more than $10,000 per user per year.

Are there any free DAST tool options available?

Yes, there are free options available. For instance, OWASP ZAP is an open-source tool that offers dynamic application security testing for free. However, free options may lack some advanced features and customer support that come with paid versions.


To wrap up, when it comes to selecting the best Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tool for your use case, there are three critical factors to consider:

  1. Core Functionality: Make sure that the DAST tool you choose is able to identify security vulnerabilities in your web applications effectively. Whether it's SQL injection, cross-site scripting, or insecure server configurations, the tool should provide extensive coverage for various types of threats.
  2. Key Features: Important features to look out for include automated scanning, comprehensive reporting, and integration capabilities. The tool should be capable of not just discovering vulnerabilities but also assisting you in managing and mitigating them effectively. It's a bonus if the tool supports seamless integration with other systems in your software development lifecycle.
  3. Usability: Lastly, a good DAST tool should be user-friendly. Look for an intuitive interface, a simple onboarding process, and robust customer support. Remember, even the most feature-rich tool won't be helpful if it's too complex to use.

In conclusion, the ideal DAST tool should align with your specific security requirements, seamlessly integrate into your existing infrastructure, and offer a smooth user experience. With these factors in mind, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision.

What Do You Think?

I understand that the field of DAST tools is vast and rapidly evolving. If there's a tool that you believe should be included in this list or if you have experiences to share about the ones I’ve listed, I’d love to hear from you.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions as I continually strive to provide my readers with the most relevant and updated information!

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.