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Best Robotic Process Automation Software Shortlist

After assessing numerous tools, I've curated a list of the best robotic process automation software, tailored to address your challenges.

  1. Minit Process Mining - Best for visual process analysis
  2. Apify - Best for web scraping automation
  3. Rocketbot - Best for code-free automation design
  4. Kofax RPA - Best for multichannel capture
  5. ElectroNeek RPA - Best for SMB automation solutions
  6. EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge - Best for enterprise scalability
  7. - Best for AI-driven processes
  8. Pega RPA - Best for CRM integration
  9. UiPath - Best for large-scale deployment
  10. Automate - Best for IT process automation
  11. Automation Anywhere RPA - Best for cloud-native operations
  12. IBM Robotic Process Automation - Best for integration with AI

In the ever-evolving world of business, robotic process automation software stands as a beacon for streamlined workflow. Offering end-to-end, low-code solutions, it's the bridge between manual tasks and intelligent automation. Whether you're considering on-premise options or cloud solutions, I've been down this road and know firsthand the transformative power these tools bring. They simplify complex processes, save time, and reduce the risk of human error.

If you're grappling with inefficient workflows or seeking to enhance productivity without heavy coding, you're in the right place. I recommend diving into these options; they might just be the answer you've been searching for.

What Is a Robotic Process Automation Software?

Robotic process automation (RPA) software is a digital tool designed to mimic and execute human tasks within specific workflows. Typically employed by businesses to optimize operational efficiency, it automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks, bridging the gap between manual processes and automation.

From HR and finance to customer service and IT, professionals across industries leverage RPA to reduce errors, save time, and ensure consistency, allowing human workers to focus on more strategic and complex activities.

Overviews of the 12 Best Robotic Process Automation Software

1. Minit Process Mining - Best for visual process analysis

P2P analysis page of Minit Process Mining robotic process automation software
This is what the P2P analysis page of Minit Process Mining looks like.

Minit Process Mining dives deep into the realm of RPA software by offering detailed visual representations of complex business processes. Its distinct focus on process visualization not only aids in understanding intricate workflows but also justifies its stance as the best tool for visual process analysis.

Why I Picked Minit Process Mining

While evaluating various RPA software, Minit Process Mining stood out due to its commitment to visually unpacking workflows. When deciding which tool to introduce, the significance of understanding before automating became apparent.

I determined that Minit's focus on visual process analysis offers a unique advantage, especially when judging tools based on clarity and precision in the automation journey.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Minit's principal feature lies in its advanced process visualization capabilities. Users gain unparalleled insight into their workflows, identifying bottlenecks and areas primed for optimization. The tool's drag-and-drop functionality further simplifies the automation design process.

In addition, its robust API integrations play a crucial role in sourcing data from diverse platforms, enhancing the depth of the visual process maps.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive process visualization tools
  • User-friendly drag-and-drop interface
  • Strong API integration capabilities


  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Potentially overwhelming for very small businesses
  • API functionality might necessitate technical expertise

2. Apify - Best for web scraping automation

Apify's console overview
Here's Apify's console overview, which is a strong platform for web scraping and automation.

Apify stands as a prominent RPA tool designed to automate the web scraping process efficiently. Its commitment to extracting web data underscores its superiority in web scraping automation, making it an invaluable asset for businesses focused on data-driven strategies.

Why I Picked Apify:

In the landscape of RPA tools, Apify shone brightly when I was comparing options. I chose it for this list due to its tailored approach to web scraping, offering features that many other tools don't.

When judging its capabilities, Apify's dedicated focus on web scraping automation became a significant factor in deeming it best for this specific function.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Apify excels with its no-code interface, allowing users to set up their scraping tasks without diving deep into coding. Leveraging machine learning, it ensures that data extraction is precise and relevant. Real-time data extraction is another feather in its cap, ensuring businesses have timely and updated information.

When it comes to integrations, Apify syncs well with various data storage solutions and platforms, allowing data flow and storage.


Pricing upon request


  • No code interface simplifies web scraping tasks
  • Harnesses machine learning for accurate data extraction
  • Real-time data extraction ensures up-to-date information


  • Might be specialized for users seeking a more generalized RPA tool
  • The learning curve for those new to web scraping
  • Depending on the complexity, set up might require technical expertise

3. Rocketbot - Best for code-free automation design

Rocketbot's website
Rocketbot's website provides an option to try its features for free.

Rocketbot is an intuitive RPA platform that empowers users to design automation without delving into coding intricacies. Its emphasis on code-free design makes it especially suitable for individuals who aim to streamline repetitive tasks without the hurdles of programming.

Why I Picked Rocketbot:

When comparing various tools, Rocketbot caught my attention primarily because of its user-friendly, code-free design approach. I selected this tool after determining that its unique approach to automation caters to those who might not have a coding background but still want to automate effectively.

Given its strengths, it's evident that Rocketbot is ideally positioned as best for those seeking a straightforward solution to design automation processes.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Rocketbot shines by enabling users to automate repetitive tasks effortlessly with the help of software robots.

This RPA platform integrates with a myriad of apps, ensuring businesses can connect their favorite tools and maintain a cohesive workflow. Its software robots are adaptable, working in tandem with various systems to replicate human-like actions within digital environments.


Pricing upon request


  • Code-free design facilitates easy automation setup
  • Software robots adeptly handle various repetitive tasks
  • Vast integrations with multiple apps ensure adaptability


  • Might require some training for absolute beginners
  • While user-friendly, it may not cater to complex automation needs
  • Reliance on third-party integrations can sometimes introduce latency

4. Kofax RPA - Best for multichannel capture

Kapplets user interface of Kofaz RPA, robotic process automation software
On the Kapplets user interface of Kofaz RPA, you'll be able to see widgets for different testing features.

Kofax RPA stands out as a robust tool that specializes in capturing data across various channels. Its proficiency in multichannel capture, particularly in financial services, ensures businesses get the most out of their data from varied sources.

Why I Picked Kofax RPA:

In my journey of evaluating and selecting RPA tools, Kofax RPA distinguished itself with its expertise in multichannel data capture. This choice was cemented after judging its capabilities against competitors, and it clearly shined in its niche.

Given the growing complexity of data streams in sectors like financial services, I firmly believe Kofax RPA is the best fit for businesses prioritizing multichannel capture.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Kofax RPA boasts advanced features such as natural language processing, which ensures accurate data interpretation and extraction. Furthermore, its robust orchestration capabilities make it possible to streamline complex processes across diverse applications.

For businesses, especially those in financial services, it offers a wide array of integrations that ensure compatibility with banking and transactional platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Expertise in multichannel data capture suitable for financial services
  • Advanced natural language processing for precise data handling
  • Powerful orchestration capabilities ensure cohesive process management


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for new users
  • Cost might be on the higher side for small businesses
  • The focus on financial services might limit its appeal to other sectors

5. ElectroNeek RPA - Best for SMB automation solutions

Home page of ElectroNeek RPA software
The home page of ElectroNeek RPA provides access to information such as automation opportunities and resources.

ElectroNeek RPA emerges as a proficient tool designed to address the automation needs of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Its features and integrations are tailored to cater to the unique challenges SMBs face, making it an optimal choice for those seeking a solution particularly tuned for their business size.

Why I Picked ElectroNeek RPA:

Throughout the process of evaluating numerous RPA tools, ElectroNeek RPA caught my attention due to its specificity in catering to SMBs. My decision was based on both comparing its features to other contenders and gauging the reviews from SMB owners.

It stands out because of its commitment to understanding and solving the automation hurdles that SMBs often confront. Hence, I'm confident that it's the "best for SMB automation solutions".

Standout Features & Integrations:

ElectroNeek RPA brings forth a suite of features essential for businesses, such as unattended automation, allowing operations to continue without constant human intervention. Its compatibility with platforms like Microsoft and SAP ensures a cohesive automation experience across different software landscapes.

Moreover, for SMBs using an array of platforms, the tool offers integrations that make the automation journey smoother and more efficient.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for the unique automation needs of SMBs
  • Compatibility with major platforms like Microsoft and SAP
  • Offers unattended automation, reducing the need for constant monitoring


  • Might not be suitable for larger enterprises with more complex needs
  • A potential learning curve for those new to RPA solutions
  • Limited customization options compared to some other tools on the market.

6. EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge - Best for enterprise scalability

System settings of EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge robotic process automation software
Here's a closer look at the system settings of EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge.

EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge is a comprehensive automation platform designed to process both structured and unstructured data efficiently across large-scale operations. With a keen focus on scalability, it ensures that enterprises can expand their automation use cases as they grow without any hitches.

Why I Picked EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge:

In my pursuit of automation tools suitable for expansive business frameworks, EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge emerged as a clear front-runner. I chose it not merely by comparing the specifications but also by weighing its practical application in large enterprises.

Its commitment to adaptability, especially when handling vast amounts of data and diverse use cases, solidified my judgment. This is why I firmly believe it stands tall as the “best for enterprise scalability".

Standout Features & Integrations:

At its core, EdgeVerve Systems AssistEdge thrives in processing unstructured data, a common challenge for many large enterprises. This prowess is complemented by its ability to interface with Windows environments, making its adoption smoother for companies entrenched in this OS.

Moreover, its integrative capacities allow businesses to mesh their existing systems into the platform, ensuring continuity in their operations.


Pricing upon request


  • Exceptional at processing unstructured data
  • Integration with Windows environments
  • Designed to accommodate a wide range of enterprise use cases


  • Might be overkill for smaller businesses
  • Requires a dedicated team for effective deployment and monitoring
  • Initial setup can be time-consuming compared to simpler platforms.

7. - Best for AI-driven processes

Operational summary page of robotic process automation software
Take a closer look at the operational summary page of which displays graphs for important automation data., a significant player in the realm of business process automation, employs advanced artificial intelligence to streamline and innovate tasks. Harnessing the power of AI, it transforms back-office operations, making them more efficient and attuned to modern business needs.

Why I Picked

During my research, consistently rose to the top when considering platforms that deeply embed artificial intelligence in their automation technology. My judgment was grounded in its unique approach to blending traditional RPA with AI, making it distinct from many counterparts.

I determined it to be the "best for AI-driven processes" due to its robust capabilities in elevating business processes through AI.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of's defining traits is its strong AI foundation that goes beyond mere automation, making processes more intelligent and responsive. In addition, the platform incorporates chatbot functionality, allowing businesses to interact dynamically with users.

Moreover, its suite offers tight integration with numerous other enterprise solutions, streamlining the entire ecosystem of operations.


Pricing upon request


  • Deep integration of artificial intelligence with traditional RPA
  • Chatbot capabilities offer dynamic user interactions
  • Versatile and fits well with various enterprise solutions


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with AI
  • Requires a robust infrastructure to harness its full capabilities
  • Some features might be too advanced for businesses seeking simple automation solutions.

8. Pega RPA - Best for CRM integration

Interface for Pega RPA robotic process automation software
This is a sample interface for Pega RPA, focusing on a user-friendly screen for ease of use.

Pega RPA is an advanced automation solution designed to streamline and modernize business processes, particularly around data entry and decision-making. Known for its powerful CRM integration capabilities, Pega RPA elevates the customer experience by removing repetitive tasks and focusing on value-driven interactions.

Why I Picked Pega RPA:

When it came to selecting an automation tool with impressive CRM capabilities, Pega RPA was my foremost choice. I judged its merit based on its proficiency in integrating with various CRM platforms, a feature not all RPA tools can boast of.

Consequently, I determined Pega RPA to be the "best for CRM integration" due to its consistent and effective merging of automation with CRM systems.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Pega RPA shines in its ability to provide connectors that link with multiple platforms. Its intuitive design aids in quick data entry, thus ensuring accurate decision-making. When discussing integrations, the tool stands out with its wide range of CRM connectors, catering to both mainstream and niche platforms, ensuring businesses can harness the full potential of their existing systems.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust CRM connectors ensure wide platform compatibility.
  • Efficient data entry reduces errors and boosts productivity.
  • Enhances customer experience by streamlining processes.


  • Might be overwhelming for smaller businesses with simpler needs.
  • Requires adequate training for maximum utilization.
  • Potential higher costs for accessing advanced features.

9. UiPath - Best for large-scale deployment

Robotics Process Automation (RPA) of UIPath's studio
Here is a screenshot from the Robotics Process Automation (RPA) of UIPath's studio.

UiPath is a leading robotic process automation (RPA) platform designed to aid businesses in their digital transformation journeys. Particularly suited for organizations aiming for large-scale deployment, UiPath offers a comprehensive suite of tools that handle complex processes across varied sectors, including healthcare.

Why I Picked UiPath:

In the process of choosing an RPA tool fit for expansive deployment, UiPath consistently emerged at the forefront. My judgment was largely based on its capabilities to manage vast and complex tasks without compromising efficiency. I firmly believe UiPath is "best for large-scale deployment" owing to its proven track record in supporting expansive organizational transformations.

Standout Features & Integrations:

UiPath offers intelligent document processing, a feature that utilizes OCR to convert various document types into usable data. This, combined with its capabilities to navigate through intricate healthcare-related processes, makes it an essential tool for organizations aiming for digital dominance.

As for integrations, UiPath boasts compatibility with a vast range of platforms and systems, ensuring businesses can maintain their preferred tools while integrating UiPath's robust functionalities.


Pricing upon request


  • Offers advanced OCR capabilities for efficient document processing.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in handling healthcare processes.
  • Wide range of integrations allowing for flexible deployment.


  • Might require significant training for new users.
  • The extensive feature set might be overwhelming for some businesses.
  • Licensing structure might be complex for smaller organizations.

10. Automate - Best for IT process automation

Dashboard of the RPA tool Automate
The dashboard of Automate, powered by Fortra, contains data for information such as BPA statuses, statistics, and active automations.

Automate is a robust automation platform tailored for IT operations and processes. Given its specific design for IT workflows, it offers the ideal suite of tools to streamline and enhance IT-centric tasks, making it an outstanding choice for IT process automation.

Why I Picked Automate:

In my exploration and comparison of various automation tools, Automate consistently displayed remarkable efficacy in IT processes. Its distinguishing features and focus on IT workflows informed my decision. Given its capabilities and the direct positive feedback from providers, I am convinced that Automate is "best for IT process automation".

Standout Features & Integrations:

Automate shines with its comprehensive set of templates, simplifying the process of setting up IT-centric tasks. Its test automation capabilities ensure that IT processes are reliable and error-free. Additionally, the user interface is designed to be intuitive, making it easier for teams to adapt.

In terms of integrations, Automate has been developed to work with a myriad of IT platforms and tools, enhancing its flexibility and adaptability in diverse IT environments.


Pricing upon request


  • Offers an expansive library of templates tailored for IT tasks.
  • Strong test automation features for reliability.
  • Intuitive user interface simplifies the learning curve.


  • The tool might have a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with IT processes.
  • Pricing structure may not be clear-cut for some businesses.
  • Custom integrations might require additional setup and understanding.

11. Automation Anywhere RPA - Best for cloud-native operations

Home page of Automation Anywhere RPA software
Here's the home page of Automation Anywhere RPA on its community edition.

Automation Anywhere RPA is a powerful platform built to drive end-to-end automation across businesses. With a distinct advantage in cloud-native operations, this tool facilitates the integration and automation of processes within cloud environments, making it notably effective for businesses leaning towards cloud-based infrastructure.

Why I Picked Automation Anywhere RPA:

When selecting tools for this list, Automation Anywhere RPA emerged as a top choice for its pronounced strength in cloud-native operations. The unique architecture and design of the platform differentiate it from many others.

After careful consideration and comparison, I determined that its focus on optimizing cloud-based workflows substantiates its claim as "Best for cloud-native operations".

Standout Features & Integrations:

Among the myriad of features, Automation Anywhere RPA's capability to automate back-end processes without the need for a desktop application is noteworthy. It not only supports cloud functions but also promotes effective scaling within the cloud.

For integrations, the platform is designed to work in tandem with major cloud service providers, ensuring that businesses can maximize the tool within their preferred cloud environment.


Pricing upon request


  • Specializes in cloud-native operations, making it ideal for businesses relying heavily on the cloud.
  • Ability to automate complex back-end tasks without desktop applications.
  • Robust integration capabilities with leading cloud service providers.


  • The interface might be complex for users unfamiliar with cloud-based operations.
  • Initial setup and configuration can be time-consuming.
  • Some advanced features may come with a steeper learning curve.

12. IBM Robotic Process Automation - Best for integration with AI

Interface when creating a bot in IBM RPA software
This is the interface when creating a bot in IBM RPA.

IBM Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a cutting-edge tool designed to streamline repetitive business processes and tasks. A defining aspect of this tool is its ability to integrate with AI, making it particularly suited for businesses keen on leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced task automation.

Why I Picked IBM Robotic Process Automation:

In the process of selecting tools for the list, IBM RPA distinctly stood out for its commitment to integrating AI capabilities into its RPA offerings. Through my comparison and judgment, I found its combination of graphical user interfaces and AI integration to be a defining factor.

This led me to determine that IBM RPA is genuinely "best for integration with AI", especially for users with limited programming skills but with an aspiration to harness the power of AI.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of the standout features of IBM RPA is its graphical interface that allows users without deep programming skills to design and deploy automation tasks. By integrating AI into this platform, it can achieve more nuanced and intelligent task automation, setting it apart from many other tools.

As for integrations, IBM RPA integrates smoothly with IBM's extensive suite of AI tools, ensuring that users can tap into powerful AI capabilities with ease.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong integration with AI, allowing for intelligent task automation.
  • Graphical interface makes it accessible for users without advanced programming skills.
  • Integration with other IBM AI tools for extended capabilities.


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for complete beginners.
  • Integration benefits are maximized when using other IBM products.
  • Customization options might be limited compared to some niche-focused tools.

Other Noteworthy Robotic Process Automation Software

Below is a list of additional robotic process automation software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. These are definitely worth checking out.

  1. SAP Build Process Automation - Good for integrating end-to-end business processes
  2. akaBot - Good for flexible deployment across industries
  3. SS&C Blue Prism - Good for scalable digital workforce management
  4. IBM Contextor - Good for quick legacy systems integration
  5. Appian - Good for combining low-code and RPA
  6. NICE Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - Good for advanced real-time analytics
  7. AntWorks RPA - Good for cognitive machine reading
  8. Robocorp Open Source RPA - Good for open-source RPA enthusiasts
  9. Nintex RPA - Good for user-friendly drag-and-drop design
  10. TagUI - Good for AI-driven visual automation
  11. Thoughtonomy Virtual Workforce - Good for virtual workforce solutions
  12. Laserfiche - Good for content-driven process automation

Selection Criteria for Choosing the Best Robotic Process Automation Software

When diving into the world of robotic process automation (RPA), the array of software options can be overwhelming. In my journey, I evaluated dozens of RPA tools. My main focus was on a tool's ability to effortlessly integrate with AI and enhance business processes.

This allowed me to weed out many and focus on the best. With this in mind, let's delve into the specific criteria that I believe are paramount when selecting an RPA tool.

Core Functionality

  • Ability to automate repetitive tasks without extensive programming
  • Capability to integrate with various platforms, both legacy and new
  • Scalability to accommodate growing business needs
  • Providing real-time analytics to monitor and improve processes

Key Features

  • Cognitive Abilities: Some tools can learn from repeated processes and improve over time. This capability can dramatically reduce the time taken to set up the automation and increase accuracy.
  • Exception Handling: This ensures that when the software encounters an error, it doesn't just stop but follows a pre-determined path to either solve the issue or alert a human.
  • Secure Access: Given the nature of the tasks they perform, it's vital for RPA tools to have role-based access controls and strong encryption protocols.
  • Audit Trails: Keeping a detailed log of every action the software takes. This is crucial for compliance, especially in industries like finance or healthcare.
  • Centralized Management: Allows users to control and monitor bots from a central location, making it easier to manage large deployments.


  • Intuitive Design Interface: For RPA tools, a graphical design interface that allows users to visually map out processes can significantly simplify the task of setting up automation. This is especially useful for users without advanced programming skills.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Helps users easily select elements from one application and use them in another, streamlining the automation creation process.
  • Role-Based Access: Ensures that only authorized individuals can create, modify, or run automation, essential for maintaining security and process integrity.
  • Comprehensive Support and Training: Given the technical nature of RPA, it's beneficial for providers to offer extensive training materials, webinars, or even certification programs to help users get the most out of their tool.

Most Common Questions Regarding Robotic Process Automation Software

What are the benefits of using RPA tools?

Using robotic process automation software provides several advantages, such as:

  • Efficiency Improvement: Automating repetitive tasks can speed up processes and reduce errors.
  • Cost Savings: Over time, automation can significantly reduce labor costs.
  • Enhanced Compliance: RPA tools can follow strict protocols and provide audit trails, ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, RPA tools can easily scale up to handle larger volumes of tasks without significant additional costs.
  • Employee Empowerment: By automating mundane tasks, employees can focus on more value-added activities and innovation.

How much do RPA tools typically cost?

The cost of RPA tools varies greatly depending on the provider, features, and scale of deployment. Many providers offer tiered pricing models that cater to different business sizes and needs.

What are the typical pricing models for RPA tools?

There are a few common pricing models for RPA tools:

  • Per Bot: Pricing is based on the number of bots or automation deployed.
  • User-Based: Fees are determined by the number of human users who have access to the tool.
  • Volume-Based: Costs are calculated based on the number or complexity of tasks automated.
  • Subscription: Monthly or yearly fees that provide access to the software and its features.

What is the typical range of pricing for RPA tools?

While prices can range widely, most RPA tools start from around $300/user/month for basic packages, and can go up to several thousand dollars per month for enterprise-level solutions with advanced features.

Which are some of the most affordable and expensive RPA tools on the market?

The more affordable options include TagUI and Robocorp Open Source RPA. On the other end, tools like IBM Robotic Process Automation and SS&C Blue Prism tend to be on the pricier side due to their extensive features and capabilities.

Are there any free RPA tool options available?

Yes, there are open-source or free versions of RPA tools available, such as Robocorp Open Source RPA and TagUI. However, it's important to note that while these tools may not have initial costs, there might be other expenses associated with setup, maintenance, or additional features.

How do RPA tools compare in terms of return on investment (ROI)?

Most businesses find that the ROI of implementing RPA is substantial. By automating repetitive tasks, companies can achieve significant cost savings, faster process completions, and reduced error rates. The exact ROI will depend on the specific tool, its cost, and the processes it's used to automate.

Is it challenging to implement and onboard with RPA tools?

The ease of implementation varies among providers. Some RPA tools are designed for users without programming skills and come with intuitive graphical interfaces, making the onboarding process smoother. Others may require more technical knowledge. Many providers offer comprehensive training and support to assist with the onboarding process.

Other Process Automation Software Reviews


Navigating the vast world of robotic process automation (RPA) software can seem daunting. However, with the right insights and criteria, businesses can make informed decisions to streamline their operations. This guide has shed light on key aspects to consider when selecting an RPA tool, such as core functionality, crucial features, and usability factors.

Key Takeaways

  1. Core functionality matters: Not all RPA software is created equal. It's essential to identify tools that offer the fundamental capabilities tailored to your organization's unique needs, from data extraction to process orchestration.
  2. Features over flash: While many tools may boast a myriad of features, it's the key, targeted functionalities that often make the most significant impact. Features such as AI integration, scalability, and secure role-based access can truly set a platform apart.
  3. User experience is paramount: An RPA tool might be powerful, but if it's not user-friendly, its potential remains untapped. A tool that offers intuitive interfaces, effective onboarding resources, and stellar customer support ensures smoother transitions and maximizes the benefits derived from the software.

What Do You Think?

I've done my best to compile a comprehensive list of the top robotic process automation software available. However, the tech landscape is ever-evolving, and there might be hidden gems I've yet to discover. If you've come across an RPA tool that deserves a spotlight or have personal experience with a platform you believe should be on my list, please let me know.

Your insights are invaluable, and together, I can ensure that my community has access to the very best tools on the market.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.