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12 Best Quantum Cloud Computing Software Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best quantum cloud computing software tailored to address your specific challenges.

  1. Strangeworks - Best for intuitive quantum programming interfaces
  2. Honeywell Quantum Solutions - Best for industrial quantum applications
  3. Quantinuum - Best for scalable quantum processing
  4. Rigetti - Best for hybrid quantum-classical solutions
  5. Xanadu - Best for photonic quantum computing
  6. Leaseweb - Best for diverse cloud infrastructure needs
  7. Leap - Best for quantum annealing processes
  8. Google Quantum AI - Best for research and academic collaborations
  9. Kyndryl - Best for tailored cloud service offerings
  10. AWS Braket - Best for hands-on quantum experimentation
  11. Azure Quantum - Best for integration with existing Azure services
  12. IBM Quantum - Best for quantum learning and skills development

In the ever-evolving realm of quantum computing, a myriad of quantum computing companies now offer diverse solutions, from full-stack to specialized quantum computing systems. Immersed in this transformative field, I've recognized how cloud-based quantum computing harmonizes with areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and healthcare. This synergy unleashes capabilities even supercomputers might envy, showcasing the transformative power of quantum computing technology.

What is a Quantum Cloud Computing Software?

Quantum cloud computing software provides a platform for accessing quantum capabilities via the cloud, eliminating the need for onsite hardware. This software allows businesses, researchers, and tech enthusiasts to efficiently process intricate problems and vast datasets beyond the capacity of classical computers. The rise of open-source quantum tools is especially notable among startups aiming for high-performance emulation without significant investment.

The spectrum of benefits, from photonic quantum computers to comprehensive quantum information platforms, is vast. Such services amplify computational abilities, catering to data-intensive tasks in AI or intricate cybersecurity scenarios. Common applications span across cryptography, optimization, machine learning, and material science. With the potential to tackle previously unsolvable problems, quantum computing is viewed by many as the next computing frontier, spurring unparalleled innovation.

Overview of the 12 Best Quantum Cloud Computing Software

1. Strangeworks - Best for intuitive quantum programming interfaces

Strangeworks quantum computing platform dashboard
A quick preview of the Strangeworks quantum computing platform dashboard.

Strangeworks provides a quantum computing platform that simplifies the intricacies of quantum programming, making it more approachable for developers and businesses. With a focus on offering intuitive interfaces, users can navigate the quantum realm with ease, particularly beneficial for those relatively new to the field.

Why I Picked Strangeworks:

I selected Strangeworks because, after comparing several platforms, I noticed their genuine commitment to making quantum programming accessible to all, irrespective of expertise level. Their interface stands out as both user-friendly and sophisticated, reflecting my determination that they're best suited for those seeking intuitive quantum programming interfaces.

Standout features & integrations:

Strangeworks provides a range of pre-built quantum projects that users can leverage, expediting the quantum application development process. Their quantum simulator further aids developers by letting them test and refine quantum algorithms before they're deployed. Important integrations include compatibility with major quantum hardware providers, ensuring broad utility and flexibility for users.


Pricing upon request


  • User-friendly interface catering to both novices and experts
  • Variety of pre-built quantum projects are available
  • Compatible with major quantum hardware providers


  • Limited documentation available online
  • Advanced features might have a steep learning curve for complete beginners
  • No transparent pricing model available on the website

2. Honeywell Quantum Solutions - Best for industrial quantum applications

Honeywell Quantum Solutions' website view
Take a closer look at the Honeywell Quantum Solutions' website.

Honeywell Quantum Solutions propels forward the field of quantum computing by focusing on industrial applications. They engineer quantum solutions that tackle some of the most complex challenges industries face today, underlining their strength in industrial quantum processes.

Why I Picked Honeywell Quantum Solutions:

In my quest to identify the top quantum platforms, I determined Honeywell Quantum Solutions stood apart due to its distinct emphasis on industrial applications. While many quantum solutions are broad in their approach, Honeywell targets the unique challenges inherent to the industrial sector. I chose this tool specifically because of this targeted approach, making it best for businesses operating within an industrial framework.

Standout features & integrations:

Honeywell Quantum Solutions boasts a unique trapped-ion qubit technology, providing a stable and reliable quantum processing environment. Additionally, they offer deep expertise in integrating quantum computing into complex systems. As for integrations, the platform partners with key quantum software companies and interfaces with common programming languages, ensuring a smoother transition for developers into the quantum realm.


Pricing upon request


  • Specialized in addressing industrial quantum challenges
  • Utilizes trapped-ion qubit technology for stability
  • Partnerships with leading quantum software firms


  • More niche in focus, potentially limiting its appeal to non-industrial users
  • Limited online resources for beginners or educators
  • No clear pricing structure available for public viewing

3. Quantinuum - Best for scalable quantum processing

Quantinuum quantum volume performance
Take a look at the performance graph showcasing Quantinuum's quantum volume metrics.

Quantinuum is a powerhouse in the realm of quantum computing, offering solutions designed for scalability. As the quantum world expands, the need for platforms that can grow in tandem becomes paramount, and Quantinuum stands tall in this arena.

Why I Picked Quantinuum:

After extensive examination and comparison, Quantinuum quickly emerged as a top choice due to its focus on scalability. Many platforms offer quantum solutions, but few have the infrastructure in place to scale as efficiently and effectively. I judged Quantinuum to be a leader in this space, solidifying its position as the best tool for scalable quantum processing.

Standout features & integrations:

Quantinuum’s platform harnesses the power of both quantum and classical computing, ensuring improved problem-solving capabilities. Their quantum processing units (QPUs) are designed for performance yet remain versatile enough for various applications. In terms of integrations, Quantinuum collaborates with several quantum software platforms and supports a wide array of standard programming languages.


Pricing upon request


  • Emphasis on scalability ensures future growth
  • Integration of quantum and classical computing for optimization
  • Extensive support for various programming languages


  • Lacks detailed documentation for complete beginners
  • Interface might be daunting for those new to quantum computing
  • Pricing remains undisclosed, hindering budget planning for potential users

4. Rigetti - Best for hybrid quantum-classical solutions

Rigetti quantum computing overview
Here is a sample of the quantum computing overview in Rigetti.

Rigetti stands at the forefront of quantum technology, merging quantum and classical computing methods into integrated solutions. By understanding the strengths of both quantum and classical domains, Rigetti masterfully combines them, ensuring unparalleled computational capacities.

Why I Picked Rigetti:

Through my assessment process, Rigetti's emphasis on hybrid solutions became evident, and this differentiator significantly impacted my choice. While many platforms excel in quantum-only or classical-only capacities, Rigetti's intertwining of the two sets them apart. By fusing these domains, they've solidified themselves as the best tool for hybrid quantum-classical applications.

Standout features & integrations:

Rigetti Computing is renowned for its Forest SDK, a comprehensive software development kit that aids in quantum programming. This feature-rich platform encompasses tools like Quil (quantum instruction language), easing the transition for classical developers into quantum computing. Integration-wise, Rigetti supports a myriad of modern software platforms, ensuring that developers can weave their quantum solutions into broader ecosystems without hurdles.


Pricing upon request


  • Hybrid approach maximizes computational efficiency
  • Forest SDK provides a robust environment for quantum development
  • Broad integration capabilities ensure ecosystem alignment


  • Steeper learning curve for complete novices
  • Resource documentation could be more extensive
  • Opaque pricing may deter some potential users from exploring further

5. Xanadu - Best for photonic quantum computing

Xanadu quantum cloud computing software
Behold the device dashboard from Xanadu Cloud, a comprehensive platform for quantum computing solutions.

Xanadu has carved a distinct niche in the realm of quantum computing by harnessing the power of photons. Leveraging light particles for computation, they have unlocked new avenues in quantum capabilities, making them a go-to choice for those keen on exploring photonic quantum computing.

Why I Picked Xanadu:

I chose Xanadu after rigorous comparisons and determinations, and its focus on photonic-based quantum operations truly captivated me. Most platforms lean towards electron-based quantum operations, but Xanadu's innovative approach with photons sets them miles apart. It's this unique specialization that validates my judgment of Xanadu as the best tool for photonic quantum computing.

Standout features & integrations:

Xanadu's proprietary software, PennyLane, allows users to implement and test quantum algorithms effortlessly. A quantum machine learning library, it facilitates the building of hybrid quantum-classical models with ease. In terms of integrations, Xanadu meshes well with popular quantum hardware and software platforms, offering users a broader scope to incorporate other tools.


Pricing upon request


  • Photonic approach opens up unique computational possibilities
  • PennyLane offers intuitive quantum machine learning capabilities
  • Effective integration with other quantum tools and platforms


  • Niche specialization may seem daunting for newcomers
  • Requires a different skill set compared to traditional quantum computing
  • Absence of transparent pricing might deter potential users

6. Leaseweb - Best for diverse cloud infrastructure needs

Leaseweb private cloud infrastructure screenshot
Here's a captured image of the demo on how to set up basic Leaseweb private cloud infrastructure.

Leaseweb is a globally renowned cloud hosting provider offering an extensive range of cloud infrastructure services. Catering to businesses of all sizes, its expansive portfolio addresses varied cloud infrastructure demands, making it an ideal solution for diverse needs.

Why I Picked Leaseweb:

In my quest for a versatile cloud service, I was drawn to Leaseweb due to its broad offerings that cater to multiple requirements. Through evaluating and comparing various providers, it became evident that Leaseweb's commitment to flexibility and diversity was unparalleled. This very adaptability and wide service range convinced me that Leaseweb truly is the best for diverse cloud infrastructure needs.

Standout features & integrations:

Leaseweb boasts an array of features, including dedicated servers, public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid solutions. Their CDN (Content Delivery Network) ensures quick and reliable content delivery globally. Integration-wise, Leaseweb works alongside key platforms and software, allowing businesses to maintain their existing tech stacks while tapping into Leaseweb's infrastructure.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive range of cloud infrastructure services
  • Global CDN ensures efficient content delivery
  • Integration capabilities with popular platforms


  • Some users might find the wide range of options overwhelming
  • Lack of transparent pricing can be a deterrent
  • The vastness of the service might mean steeper learning curves for some users

7. Leap - Best for quantum annealing processes

Leap quantum cloud computing tool sample
Experience real-time quantum computing on the Leap platform; the Advantage quantum computer rapidly solves complex problems, minimizing manual calculations.

Leap is a quantum cloud service tailored for executing quantum annealing operations, providing businesses with a sophisticated platform to tackle complex computational problems. Its special focus on quantum annealing gives researchers and professionals an edge in solving optimization issues.

Why I Picked Leap:

During my exploration of quantum tools, I chose Leap primarily because of its pronounced commitment to quantum annealing. Comparing multiple platforms, I formed the opinion that Leap offers a distinct advantage in this specific domain. It's this singular focus and unmatched capability that makes me believe Leap is the best tool for quantum annealing processes.

Standout features & integrations:

Leap provides real-time access to D-Wave quantum processors, ensuring efficient operations. The platform also comes with a comprehensive suite of developer tools, allowing for refined problem formulation. In terms of integrations, Leap supports popular programming languages and has extensive documentation, making it easy for developers to incorporate it into their workflows.


Pricing upon request


  • Dedicated to quantum annealing processes
  • Provides real-time access to D-Wave quantum processors
  • Comprehensive developer tools and resources


  • Niche focus might limit broader quantum computing applications
  • Lack of transparent pricing may deter potential users
  • Steeper learning curve for those new to quantum annealing

8. Google Quantum AI - Best for research and academic collaborations

Google Quantum AI software
This screenshot is a tutorial that shows simulating quantum circuits using Cirq and qsim on Google Cloud.

Google Quantum AI is at the forefront of quantum computing research, fostering a platform that bridges the gap between academia and real-world quantum applications. Given its affiliation with academic institutions and research endeavours, it emerges as a preferred choice for collaborative quantum research projects.

Why I Picked Google Quantum AI:

I chose Google Quantum AI after carefully examining various quantum computing platforms. Its commitment to pushing the boundaries of quantum research, combined with Google's vast resources, made it a clear choice. The platform's deep-rooted association with academic research and collaborations reinforces my belief that it's the best for those in the research and academic sectors.

Standout features & integrations:

Google Quantum AI offers access to cutting-edge quantum processors, ensuring researchers tap into state-of-the-art technology. Additionally, the platform is integrated with TensorFlow Quantum, facilitating the fusion of quantum computing and machine learning. This integration ensures that research can harness both quantum and classical machine learning architectures.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong emphasis on research and academic collaborations
  • Integration with TensorFlow Quantum
  • Access to advanced quantum processors


  • Might be intimidating for beginners in quantum computing
  • Limited focus on commercial or business solutions
  • Dependency on Google's ecosystem might not be ideal for all

9. Kyndryl - Best for tailored cloud service offerings

Kyndryl cloud security overview
The security compliance dashboard displays gaps, detected cloud components, and an overview with Kyndryl.

Kyndryl operates as a global managed infrastructure services company, helping businesses manage and modernize their IT infrastructure. With a unique approach that leans into customization, Kyndryl is distinctively positioned to provide services that cater to specific business needs, making it especially valuable for tailored cloud offerings.

Why I Picked Kyndryl:

In determining the best cloud service platforms, Kyndryl caught my attention due to its bespoke approach to IT solutions. What made it stand out among its competitors is the commitment to tailor solutions to individual enterprise needs. This focus on customization, in my opinion, solidifies Kyndryl's place as the best for businesses seeking tailored cloud service offerings.

Standout features & integrations:

Kyndryl emphasizes a partnership approach, working closely with businesses to identify and implement the right IT solutions. They provide advanced cloud migration tools, ensuring that businesses can transition with minimal disruption. Moreover, they integrate with multiple cloud providers, offering a hybrid cloud approach that fits varied requirements.


Pricing upon request


  • Bespoke IT solutions tailored to business needs
  • Strong partnership approach fostering collaboration
  • Hybrid cloud approach accommodating diverse requirements


  • Might be perceived as a newer entrant after the IBM split
  • Custom solutions may lead to longer implementation times
  • Focus on enterprise might limit offerings for smaller businesses

10. AWS Braket - Best for hands-on quantum experimentation

AWS Braket quantum processing units dashboard
A look at the AWS Braket quantum processing units dashboard. Amazon Braket manages quantum computing services for faster research and development.

AWS Braket provides a development environment for exploring and designing quantum algorithms. With a fully managed service from Amazon Web Services, it allows users to test quantum algorithms in simulated environments and then run them on real quantum hardware. Given its robust features and real quantum hardware access, AWS Braket stands out for hands-on quantum experimentation.

Why I Picked AWS Braket:

Selecting the top tools in quantum computing wasn't a simple task, but AWS Braket distinctly caught my attention. Among the myriad of quantum solutions available, it's the direct access to quantum hardware combined with the flexibility of simulation that differentiates AWS Braket. I judged this combination to be invaluable, leading me to conclude that it's best suited for those looking to delve deep into hands-on quantum experimentation.

Standout features & integrations:

AWS Braket offers a choice of quantum processors, including gate-based superconducting systems and quantum annealers. It provides a high-level python SDK, enabling easy experimentation. In terms of integration, AWS Braket works closely with Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge, ensuring a smooth workflow for quantum tasks and regular AWS services.


Pricing upon request


  • Access to different types of quantum hardware
  • Smooth integration with other AWS services
  • Comprehensive development and testing environment


  • Steeper learning curve for those new to quantum computing
  • Pricing model can be complex due to hardware access costs
  • Limited to AWS infrastructure, which may not be suitable for all users

11. Azure Quantum - Best for integration with existing Azure services

Azure Quantum computing workspace
An overview of quantum computing, terminology, Qiskit SDK, and Azure Quantum workspace visualization.

Azure Quantum, from Microsoft, offers a comprehensive quantum computing platform, combining both hardware and software solutions. It's specifically designed to work flawlessly with Azure's suite of services, making it a top pick for those already invested in the Azure ecosystem and looking for quantum capabilities. This integration capability is precisely why it's seen as best for pairing with existing Azure services.

Why I Picked Azure Quantum:

Choosing the right quantum platform meant diving deep into the capabilities and strengths of each offering. Azure Quantum, with its tight-knit integration to Azure's cloud services, undeniably stood out. I determined that for organizations or individuals already using Azure for their cloud needs, Azure Quantum offers a unique advantage. This integration, in my opinion, made it best for those prioritizing compatibility with existing Azure services.

Standout features & integrations:

Azure Quantum offers a rich set of tools for quantum programming using the Q# language. It provides quantum simulators and resource estimation tools that can aid in the development and testing of quantum algorithms. Integration-wise, it's closely knit with other Azure services like Azure Machine Learning, Azure Active Directory, and Azure Monitor, ensuring an extended and cohesive environment for diverse tasks.


Pricing upon request


  • Deep integration with Azure services
  • Offers resource estimators and quantum simulators
  • Support for the Q# programming language


  • Might be overwhelming for beginners in quantum computing
  • Pricing model may not be transparent due to integration costs
  • Requires familiarity with the Azure environment for maximum benefits

12. IBM Quantum - Best for quantum learning and skills development

IBM Quantum user experience overview
Here's the screenshot of the IBM Quantum user experience.

IBM Quantum provides an extensive platform for quantum computing, leveraging IBM's rich history in technological innovation. It particularly shines as an educational and skill-building resource, offering numerous tools and resources aimed at skill improvement in quantum computing. This emphasis on education and skills is the reason I recognize it as best for quantum learning and skills development.

Why I Picked IBM Quantum:

In my search for quantum tools, it was essential to compare platforms not just on their computing prowess but also on their approach to user growth and learning. IBM Quantum notably caught my attention with its robust educational resources. I judged that its commitment to fostering quantum literacy set it apart from the crowd. Thus, I determined it to be optimal for those keen on quantum learning and skills development.

Standout features & integrations:

IBM Quantum Experience, a feature of IBM Quantum, offers hands-on access to quantum computers, allowing users to run experiments and familiarize themselves with quantum principles. The platform also boasts a comprehensive quantum computing textbook and interactive exercises. As for integrations, IBM Quantum can be tied with IBM Cloud, allowing for combined classical and quantum computing efforts.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust educational resources, including a complete textbook
  • Direct access to quantum computers for hands-on learning
  • Strong integration capabilities with IBM Cloud


  • Steeper learning curve for complete beginners
  • The user interface might be intricate for some users
  • Potential limitations on quantum computation time for free users

Other Noteworthy Quantum Cloud Computing Software

Below is a list of additional quantum cloud computing software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Quantum Inspire - Good for hands-on quantum computing interaction
  2. Siemens CloudConnect - Good for industrial cloud communication solutions
  3. QC Ware Forge - Good for accessing diverse quantum resources
  4. OxfordQuantumCircuits - Good for scalable quantum hardware
  5. Quantum Benchmark True-Q - Good for quantum software performance assessment
  6. Microsoft Quantum Development Kit - Good for quantum programming in Visual Studio
  7. Alibaba Quantum Computing Cloud - Good for integrating quantum and classical computations
  8. Atos Quantum Learning Machine - Good for quantum algorithm simulations
  9. Anyon Systems Quantum Cloud - Good for high-fidelity quantum operations
  10. 1QBit - Good for cloud-based quantum software solutions
  11. Entropica Labs - Good for quantum-driven optimization and modeling

Selection Criteria for Choosing Quantum Cloud Computing Software

When diving into the rapidly evolving world of quantum computing, selecting the right software becomes paramount. Having ventured through numerous quantum software tools myself, I've personally felt the weight of each decision. I've tested and evaluated dozens of quantum computing tools, focusing specifically on their potential for real-world application, adaptability, and ease of use. Below, I've laid out the criteria that I believe are essential when evaluating this type of software.

Core Functionality

  • Ability to design, simulate, and test quantum algorithms.
  • Integration capabilities with classical computational systems.
  • Support for multiple quantum programming languages and libraries.
  • Capable of interfacing with various quantum hardware and qubit architectures.

Key Features

  • Quantum Hardware Compatibility: Ensures the software works with various quantum hardware, from superconducting qubits to trapped ions.
  • Noise Simulation: Provides the capability to simulate real-world quantum noise and errors, essential for understanding the practical implications of quantum algorithms.
  • Improved Quantum Libraries: Contains libraries that can fast-track quantum programming, offering both basic and advanced quantum functions.
  • Scalability: Ensures the software can handle increasing quantum bits (qubits) as quantum computers grow in complexity.
  • Cloud Integration: Offers the capability to leverage cloud resources for quantum simulation, computation, and collaboration.


  • Intuitive Quantum Design Interface: A user-friendly environment where quantum circuits can be visually constructed and debugged, akin to drag-and-drop interfaces in classical programming tools.
  • Adaptable Learning Resources: Given the steep learning curve associated with quantum computing, the software should provide comprehensive learning modules, tutorials, and documentation to help users at all levels.
  • Role-Based Access: Especially for team projects or larger organizations, the software needs configurable role-based access to allow for collaboration without compromising on data security.
  • Responsive Support: With quantum computing being a niche yet growing field, having a knowledgeable and timely customer support system can significantly aid in resolving issues and answering queries.

Most Common Questions Regarding Quantum Cloud Computing Software (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using quantum cloud computing software?

  • Accelerated Computation: Quantum cloud computing can solve certain problems faster than classical computers, especially those involving optimization and large datasets.
  • Real-world Application Testing: Users can design and test quantum algorithms for real-world applications without having to own quantum hardware.
  • Scalability: Quantum cloud platforms often offer the flexibility to scale resources up or down based on computational needs.
  • Global Accessibility: Since it's cloud-based, researchers and developers around the world can collaborate and access quantum resources anytime, anywhere.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Instead of investing heavily in quantum hardware infrastructure, businesses can access cutting-edge quantum resources on a pay-as-you-go basis.

How much do these quantum cloud computing tools typically cost?

Prices vary depending on the platform, computational resources required, and the level of expertise offered. Some platforms charge per minute of quantum processing unit (QPU) usage, while others have subscription-based pricing.

What are the common pricing models for quantum cloud computing software?

There are several models:

  • Pay-as-you-go: Users pay for the actual quantum computing time they use.
  • Subscription-Based: Regular payments, typically monthly or annually, grant users access to a set amount of quantum computing resources.
  • Free Trials: Some platforms offer limited access or computation time for free to allow users to test the platform's capabilities.

What's the typical price range for quantum cloud computing software?

The price can range anywhere from a few cents per minute of QPU usage for entry-level solutions to several hundred dollars per hour for advanced quantum computations on premium platforms.

Which is the cheapest quantum cloud computing software?

It's challenging to pinpoint the absolute cheapest as prices evolve and new players enter the market. However, platforms like IBM Quantum Experience and Alibaba Quantum Computing Cloud offer competitive rates for entry-level users.

Which is the most expensive quantum cloud computing software?

Again, specifics can change, but companies offering state-of-the-art quantum hardware and premium services, such as those tailored for enterprise solutions, tend to be on the pricier side.

Are there any free quantum cloud computing software options?

Yes, several platforms offer free tiers or trial periods. IBM Quantum Experience, for instance, provides free access to some of its quantum computing resources, suitable for learning and basic experimentation.

Why is there such variability in the pricing of quantum cloud computing tools?

The cost reflects the quantum hardware's performance, the software's ease of use, the breadth of features, support, and additional services like training and optimization. As the field matures and competition increases, I might observe further shifts in pricing strategies.


Selecting the best quantum cloud computing software is a crucial decision that hinges on a multitude of factors. The benefits of employing such software are evident, ranging from accelerated computation to cost-efficiency and global accessibility. However, navigating the complex terrain of pricing, usability, and features can be challenging. Whether you're an enterprise looking to harness the power of quantum computing or a researcher eager to experiment with quantum algorithms, the right platform is out there.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Define Your Needs: Establish clear objectives for what you hope to achieve with quantum computing. This clarity will guide your software choice, ensuring you're not paying for unnecessary features or missing critical ones.
  2. Consider Usability and Support: For those new to quantum computing, platforms with strong user interfaces and comprehensive support can significantly smooth out the learning curve.
  3. Evaluate Pricing Models: Given the diverse pricing structures in the quantum computing world, it's essential to understand the costs associated with each model. Consider your usage frequency, required resources, and budget constraints to find the most economical option for your needs.

What do you think?

While I've put in extensive research and hands-on testing to compile this list, the realm of quantum cloud computing software is vast and ever-evolving. If you've come across a tool that you believe deserves a spot or have personal experiences to share, I'd love to hear from you! Your insights could greatly benefit others in their quantum computing journey. Feel free to drop your suggestions, and let's work together to keep this guide as comprehensive and up-to-date as possible.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.