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12 Best Natural Language Generation Software Shortlist

After deep evaluation, I've curated the top 12 natural language generation tools to address the very challenge you're facing.

In the age of chatbots and virtual assistants, natural language generation (NLG) software stands out as a game-changer. By tapping into data science and big data, these tools simulate human language, transforming text data into coherent narratives. I've seen firsthand how NLG technology aids in summarization for social media, question answering in self-service portals, and text classification in healthcare.

Providers have integrated NLG and NLU frameworks into their platforms, unlocking powerful benefits. In essence, NLG software translates data into human-like stories, offering businesses a tool that enhances every customer interaction, making technology feel more intuitive and human-centered.

  1. Retresco - Best for enterprise content automation
  2. Conversica - Best for AI-driven sales conversations
  3. TextRazor - Best for deep linguistic analysis
  4. Yseop - Best for pharmaceutical and finance reporting
  5. Arria NLG - Best for real-time data narration
  6. Automated Insights Wordsmith - Best for customizable content generation
  7. Article Forge - Best for quick article creation
  8. Phrazor by vPhrase - Best for data-driven storytelling
  9. AX Semantics - Best for e-commerce product descriptions
  10. OpenAI - Best for research-backed natural language models
  11. Quill - Best for educational writing assistance
  12. Anyword - Best for marketing copy optimization

What Is a Natural Language Generation Software?

Natural language generation (NLG) software is a subset of artificial intelligence that automates the creation of text based on structured data. Primarily used by content creators, data analysts, and businesses, it aims to produce coherent narratives, reports, or descriptions, streamlining content generation processes, ensuring consistency, and transforming data into comprehensible narratives tailored to diverse audiences.

Overviews of the 12 Best Natural Language Generation Software

1. Retresco - Best for enterprise content automation

Retresco's content automation platform
This is a view from Retresco's content automation platform.

Within the expansive landscape of NLG solutions, Retresco shines particularly when it comes to automating content at an enterprise level. Its capabilities extend beyond mere content generation, enabling businesses to handle vast amounts of data and convert them into meaningful narratives, making it a natural fit for the "Best for enterprise content automation" label.

Why I Picked Retresco:

When selecting tools for this list, Retresco caught my attention for its distinct approach to enterprise content needs. Having determined and compared its potential with others in the market, I formed the opinion that its depth of features and scalability truly set it apart.

I've chosen to highlight it as "Best for enterprise content automation" based on its unmatched proficiency in automating extensive content databases that large enterprises often manage.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Retresco offers powerful tools such as structured data extraction, adaptive learning models, and real-time content generation, all tailored to cater to vast enterprise needs. Its integration capabilities are equally commendable, with synchronization available with leading CMS platforms, prominent data analytics tools, and various enterprise content repositories.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for large-scale content requirements
  • Integrates effortlessly with leading CMS and data analytics platforms
  • Provides adaptive learning models ensuring content precision


  • Might not be the first choice for smaller operations or solo users
  • Initial setup can require a bit of ramp-up time
  • Some advanced features might present a learning challenge for new users

2. Conversica - Best for AI-driven sales conversations

Conversica natural language generation software dashboard
The dashboard shows the number of leads that Conversica is working on, the aggregated status of those leads, how many are duplicates or not reachable and how many are at risk.

Conversica emerges as a significant player in the NLG market, primarily focusing on streamlining sales interactions using AI. This software doesn't just churn out text; it crafts dialogues designed to convert, directly addressing the "Best for AI-driven sales conversations" claim.

Why I Picked Conversica:

Navigating through the vast NLG landscape, Conversica stood out for me based on its specialization in sales conversations. In judging and comparing its capabilities, it's evident that the software has been crafted with sales dynamics in mind.

My choice to label it "Best for AI-driven sales conversations" comes from its unique capacity to simulate human-like sales dialogues, making it a game-changer for businesses aiming to maximize conversions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Conversica boasts features such as lead engagement automation, real-time conversation analytics, and role-based dashboards tailored for sales teams. On the integration front, it melds with major CRM platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, while also accommodating various marketing automation tools, enhancing its utility in sales ecosystems.


Pricing upon request


  • Specializes in automating sales conversations with realism
  • Provides insightful conversation analytics for sales strategies
  • Integrates with leading CRM and marketing tools


  • Might not be suitable for non-sales-focused users
  • Could be overwhelming for small businesses
  • Initial customization may require significant effort

3. TextRazor - Best for deep linguistic analysis

TextRazor natural language generation software
Users can click into records and see the constituent signals supplied by TextRazor software.

In the realm of natural language processing, TextRazor occupies a niche that delves deeply into linguistic intricacies. Designed to grasp and analyze language at its most profound layers, this software embodies the essence of deep linguistic comprehension, making it the right choice for those keen on "deep linguistic analysis".

Why I Picked TextRazor:

In the process of selecting contenders, TextRazor's prowess in dissecting and understanding language nuances jumped out. I judged its capabilities against the competition and found its emphasis on granular linguistic details unmatched.

My decision to label it "Best for deep linguistic analysis" was borne out of its exceptional ability to dissect and comprehend intricate linguistic elements.

Standout Features & Integrations:

TextRazor boasts a unique entity recognition feature that can pinpoint and categorize entities within texts with high precision. Additionally, its linguistic analysis extends to determining the sentiment, topic, and relation within textual content.

In terms of integrations, it smoothly pairs with leading content management systems, text analytics platforms, and database solutions.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive linguistic analysis tools
  • Advanced entity recognition capability
  • Supports a broad array of languages


  • Might be overwhelming for basic use cases
  • Requires some technical knowledge for advanced tasks
  • Initial setup can be time-consuming for non-tech users

4. Yseop - Best for pharmaceutical and finance reporting

Yaseop natural language generation software's global Sales KPI dashboard
With Yseop copilot it brings report automation and deeper insights to data visualization tools.

In the complex sectors of pharmaceuticals and finance, accurate and detailed reporting is paramount. Yseop is engineered to meet these demands, using AI-driven narratives to compile intricate reports with precision. This specificity, tied with the challenges of pharmaceutical and finance domains, makes it an exemplary fit for those sectors.

Why I Picked Yseop:

During my selection process, Yseop emerged as a distinct contender due to its focused approach toward two critical sectors. Its emphasis on generating accurate and detailed narratives based on vast datasets set it apart.

I determined that for those who grapple with the nuances of pharmaceutical and finance reporting, Yseop offers a specialized tool tailor-made for these challenges.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Yseop is renowned for its automated narrative generation, which turns complex data into coherent reports. It also possesses a robust reasoning engine that can draw actionable insights from datasets.

When it comes to integrations, Yseop melds well with major data analytics platforms, ensuring a smooth workflow for users in the pharmaceutical and finance sectors.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for pharmaceutical and finance sectors
  • Strong automated narrative generation
  • Integrates with popular data analytics platforms


  • The learning curve for those unfamiliar with the sectors
  • Might be too specialized for general reporting
  • Initial setup might require technical assistance

5. Arria NLG - Best for real-time data narration

Arria NLG's sample Sales Performance overview
With Arria, users can add instant, data-driven narratives out of the box or custom to augment their dashboards.

Arria NLG harnesses the power of AI to transform raw data into articulate, real-time narratives. Serving as a bridge between numbers and comprehension, this tool provides insightful interpretations precisely when you need them.

Why I Picked Arria NLG:

In my search for tools that can elevate data presentation, Arria NLG distinguished itself through its immediate response mechanism. After judging various platforms, I concluded that its approach to rapidly converting data insights into understandable narratives was unparalleled. This unique capability positions it as the optimal choice for those in need of real-time data narration.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Arria NLG shines with its ability to deliver immediate, articulate narratives derived from intricate data sets. It also offers a dynamic dashboard that can adjust stories as data changes. Integration-wise, Arria NLG aligns well with major business intelligence tools, ensuring data sources are easily funneled into narratives.


Pricing upon request


  • Immediate data-to-narrative conversion
  • Dynamic dashboard adapts to data changes
  • Compatible with leading business intelligence tools


  • Can be overwhelming for users new to data interpretation
  • Real-time narration may not suit all business models
  • Comprehensive features may necessitate training

6. Automated Insights Wordsmith - Best for customizable content generation

Automated Insights Wordsmith NLG software
With Wordsmith, users can generate insights that adjust based on the viewer’s role, ensuring everyone receives relevant insights that help drive personal understanding.

Automated Insights Wordsmith harnesses AI to craft tailored content based on specific user inputs and preferences. Its adaptability ensures each piece resonates with the intended audience, establishing it as a leader in customizable content creation.

Why I Picked Automated Insights, Wordsmith:

Upon evaluating a myriad of content generation tools, Wordsmith's unparalleled flexibility in content customization caught my attention. I determined its unique ability to cater content to individual user preferences set it apart from competitors. Given this distinction, it's clear why it stands as the best for customizable content generation.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Wordsmith is renowned for its advanced templating system, allowing users to define the structure and style of their content. Additionally, its natural language generation capabilities ensure content remains coherent and engaging. Integration-wise, Wordsmith can be linked with popular data analytics platforms, ensuring content remains data-driven and relevant.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced templating provides ultimate customization
  • Robust natural language generation capabilities
  • Integrates with leading data analytics platforms


  • Requires a learning curve to maximize templating benefits
  • Might be overkill for simpler content requirements
  • Pricing transparency could be improved

7. Article Forge - Best for quick article creation

Article Forge NLG software
Simply enter your keyword, article length, and any instructions to help Article Forge understand what you want it to write about.

Article Forge harnesses AI algorithms to generate written content based on a given topic in mere minutes. Its ability to deliver coherent and topical articles promptly makes it a valuable tool, especially for those in need of swift content solutions.

Why I Picked Article Forge:

In the process of judging and selecting tools for content generation, Article Forge emerged as a preferred choice due to its rapid creation capabilities. Through my comparisons, I noticed that its speed didn't compromise the quality, offering articles ready for immediate use.

It's this efficiency that led me to conclude that Article Forge is best suited for quick article creation.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Article Forge is notable for its deep learning models that ensure articles are not just quick but relevant and readable. The tool also allows users to schedule content, automating the generation process at desired intervals.

In terms of integrations, Article Forge meshes well with WordPress, enabling direct publishing without manual intervention.


From $27/user/month (billed annually)


  • Deep learning models provide relevant content.
  • The scheduling feature automates consistent content creation.
  • Direct integration with WordPress for easy publishing.


  • May occasionally require post-generation editing.
  • Limited stylistic customization for articles.
  • Annual billing may not be preferred by all users.

8. Phrazor by vPhrase - Best for data-driven storytelling

Phrazor NLG software editor view
With Phrazor, an AI-powered, natural language generation platform, users just have to upload a dataset and generate narrative-based reports, within seconds.

Phrazor by vPhrase is designed to analyze data and transform it into coherent narratives. Its emphasis on taking raw data and creating detailed stories provides businesses with the ability to convey insights in an engaging manner, aligning perfectly with the concept of data-driven storytelling.

Why I Picked Phrazor by vPhrase:

In my journey of selecting and comparing various tools, Phrazor stood out distinctly for its capacity to make data speak. I determined that, among its competitors, it possesses a unique edge in crafting stories based purely on data. Given its prowess in generating narratives from raw data, I've judged it to be the prime choice for those looking for data-driven storytelling solutions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Phrazor excels with its AI algorithms that understand complex datasets and derive meaningful narratives. It offers customizable report templates, ensuring the narratives fit the desired context. Integration-wise, Phrazor integrates effortlessly with popular BI tools like Tableau and Qlik, making data import and analysis smoother.


Pricing upon request


  • AI-driven narrative generation from complex data.
  • Customizable report templates.
  • Integrates with leading BI tools.


  • No standard pricing is available on the website.
  • The learning curve for users new to data-driven storytelling.
  • Limited language options for narrative generation.

9. AX Semantics - Best for e-commerce product descriptions

AX Semantics NLG API automation
Using AX Semantics, users can access existing projects and start new ones including NLG API automation.

AX Semantics specializes in transforming data into readable content, with a strong emphasis on producing descriptions for e-commerce products. Its ability to generate detailed, accurate, and engaging product descriptions can assist e-commerce businesses in presenting their offerings more compellingly, which is essential for driving sales and customer engagement.

Why I Picked AX Semantics:

Among the plethora of tools I explored, AX Semantics captured my attention because of its specific proficiency in crafting e-commerce content. The process of choosing it was based on its track record of delivering quality and consistency. Its specialization in e-commerce narratives made me determine that it's particularly apt for product descriptions, a crucial facet of online retail.

Standout Features & Integrations:

AX Semantics boasts features that allow for high-volume content production without compromising on quality. The software's automation capabilities ensure that e-commerce platforms can have a steady stream of product descriptions. Additionally, AX Semantics offers integrations with major e-commerce platforms and content management systems, ensuring a fluid workflow for online retailers.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for high-volume e-commerce content generation.
  • Automation capabilities for consistent output.
  • Integrates with leading e-commerce platforms.


  • Absence of a clear pricing structure on the website.
  • Might require initial training for best results.
  • Limited to e-commerce content, making it less versatile for other content types.

10. OpenAI - Best for research-backed natural language models

OpenAI's platform for natural language generation
This is a screenshot of OpenAI's platform.

OpenAI is a leading organization in the realm of artificial intelligence, renowned for its advanced natural language processing models. It specializes in creating tools and models that understand and generate human-like text, offering a solution backed by extensive research.

Why I Picked OpenAI:

When determining which tool to highlight, OpenAI immediately stood out to me. The reasons for my selection are manifold: the organization's commitment to cutting-edge research, its unique standing in the AI community, and its impactful contributions to the field. The emphasis on research-driven developments is what particularly cements its place as the best choice for natural language models.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, particularly the GPT-3 and GPT-4 models, represent some of the most sophisticated language models available. They're capable of a range of tasks, from simple sentence completion to generating coherent, lengthy passages of text. Integration-wise, OpenAI offers a robust API, allowing developers to incorporate its models into diverse applications and platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Powered by state-of-the-art research.
  • Versatile language models are capable of varied tasks.
  • Comprehensive API for easy integration.


  • Pricing details can be opaque for newcomers.
  • Heavy computational resources are required for advanced tasks.
  • Dependency on an internet connection for real-time responses using API.

11. Quill - Best for educational writing assistance

Quill NLG software dashboard
Here is a screenshot from Quill's dashboard.

Quill is a digital tool designed to enhance student's writing skills through interactive exercises and immediate feedback. Catered primarily to the educational sector, its platform provides targeted assistance to help learners improve their writing, making it a top choice for educational writing aid.

Why I Picked Quill:

During the process of selection, Quill captured my attention for its distinct focus on education. This determination was founded on its dedication to fostering writing proficiency in students, its extensive repository of tailored exercises, and the opinions of educators who frequently champion its merits.

Given its well-curated features and dedicated educational stance, I firmly believe it's unmatched for educational writing assistance.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Quill offers a plethora of interactive writing and grammar activities tailored to various educational standards. Its adaptive learning technology ensures that exercises are in line with a student's skill level, progressively challenging them to reach new heights.

As for integrations, Quill fits into many educational platforms, making it easy for teachers to incorporate them into their existing curriculum.


From $8/user/month (billed annually)


  • A comprehensive library of writing and grammar exercises.
  • Adaptive learning technology for personalized feedback.
  • Smooth integration with popular educational platforms.


  • Annual billing might deter individual users.
  • Might require a learning curve for educators new to digital tools.
  • Limited utility outside the educational context.

12. Anyword - Best for marketing copy optimization

Anyword natural language generation tool
Let Anyword maximize your conversions from your landing page, and enjoy a significant increase in CTR.

Anyword is a specialized platform that leverages advanced AI to refine and enhance marketing content. Tailored for businesses that are keen on optimizing their promotional narratives, it stands out as an instrumental tool in the realm of marketing copy enhancement.

Why I Picked Anyword:

In selecting tools, Anyword emerged distinctly for its AI-driven approach to copy optimization. Through judicious comparison and my own opinion formed by its performance, this tool established itself as superior for crafting impactful marketing content. I believe that for those in the trenches of marketing, looking for that extra edge, Anyword is undoubtedly the best choice for optimizing copy.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Anyword boasts a dynamic AI engine that evaluates and provides suggestions to uplift the effectiveness of your marketing content. Its predictive performance scores are especially helpful in gauging how a particular piece of copy might resonate with an audience. On the integration front, Anyword aligns well with popular CMS platforms, CRM tools, and even ad platforms, facilitating streamlined content workflows.


From $9/user/month (billed annually)


  • AI-driven copy optimization for enhanced content performance.
  • Predictive scores offer tangible insight into content effectiveness.
  • Compatible with a wide range of marketing tools and platforms.


  • Annual billing may not be appealing to some users.
  • AI recommendations might not always align with brand voice or nuance.
  • Requires some degree of familiarity with marketing principles to harness its full potential.

Other Notable Natural Language Generation Software

Below is a list of additional natural language generation software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. They are definitely worth checking out.

  1. Persado - Good for AI-driven content personalization
  2. Narrativa - Good for automating news and report generation
  3. DataRobot - Good for enterprise AI and machine learning
  4. Wriq - Good for tracking writing progress in education
  5. IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding - Good for advanced text analysis capabilities
  6. Phrasee - Good for optimizing email marketing language
  7. Textio - Good for improving hiring content language
  8. Contentyze - Good for bulk content generation with AI
  9. BeyondWords - Good for sentiment analysis and emotion detection
  10. Linguastat - Good for language analytics and optimization
  11. Zoho Writer - Good for collaborative document creation
  12. Hugging Face Transformers - Good for open-source natural language processing models

Selection Criteria For Choosing the Best Natural Language Generation Software

In the vast sea of software solutions, selecting the right natural language processing (NLP) software can be daunting. Having immersed myself in the intricacies of NLP software, I've tested and evaluated numerous tools. I tried out more than 20 tools and these were my favorites, but I didn't just choose based on popularity or brand names.

Instead, I dug deep into the core functionality, key features, and usability aspects to gauge their real-world utility. Let me break down the specific criteria that matter most when you're in the market for an NLP solution.

Core Functionality

  • Text Analysis: Ability to deconstruct and interpret textual data effectively.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Identify and extract opinions within the text.
  • Language Detection: Recognizing and categorizing content based on the language.
  • Entity Recognition: Distinguishing and categorizing entities in the text into predefined groups like names of persons, organizations, locations, etc.

Key Features

  • Scalability: Can it handle varying data volumes, especially in large-scale projects?
  • Customization: Allows for the fine-tuning of models based on user needs and domain-specific content.
  • Multi-language Support: Processes and analyzes multiple languages, not just English.
  • API Integration: Enables integration with third-party applications or platforms for expanded utility.
  • Continuous Learning: Adapts and updates its algorithms based on new data or user feedback.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: A centralized dashboard where users can monitor tasks, access tools, and visualize data analytics.
  • Role-based Access: Ensures that users can be granted permissions based on their roles, which is crucial for projects with multiple stakeholders.
  • Learning Resources: A comprehensive resource center or help library to assist users, especially important for those unfamiliar with NLP's nuances.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Efficient and knowledgeable support teams ready to assist with queries or technical glitches.
  • Integration Tutorials: Step-by-step guides to help users integrate the software with other platforms or tools they might be using.

Most Common Questions Regarding Natural Language Generation Software

What are the primary benefits of using natural language generation software?

  1. Efficiency: These tools automate content creation, reducing the time taken to generate text.
  2. Consistency: They provide uniform output, ensuring a consistent tone and style in large volumes of text.
  3. Customization: Users can fine-tune the generated content based on specific requirements or audiences.
  4. Scalability: Ideal for producing massive amounts of textual content without compromising quality.
  5. Data Analysis: Many tools can transform complex data into easy-to-understand narratives, aiding in data interpretation.

How much do these tools typically cost?

The cost of natural language generation software can vary widely based on features, scalability, and brand reputation. Prices can range anywhere from $10/user/month to over $1000 for enterprise-level solutions.

What are the common pricing models for these tools?

  • Subscription-based: Monthly or annually billed, often with different tiers based on features and usage limits.
  • Pay-as-you-go: Users are charged based on the volume of content generated or the number of requests made.
  • One-time purchase: Less common, but some tools might have a single purchase cost with additional charges for updates or premium features.

What's the typical price range for these tools?

Entry-level solutions might start as low as $10/user/month, while advanced enterprise solutions can go up to $1000 or more, especially if they offer specialized features or cater to large businesses.

Which is the cheapest software available?

While specific names can change over time, some tools like Contentyze offer competitive pricing, making them more affordable for startups or individual users.

Which software is the most expensive?

High-end solutions like IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding or Persado tend to be on the pricier side due to their comprehensive features and enterprise-focused offerings.

Are there any free options available?

Yes, some platforms offer free tiers with limited features or usage restrictions. Hugging Face Transformers, for example, provides a free-to-use platform for various natural language processing tasks, though advanced features might come at a cost.

Why is there such a significant price variation between different software?

The cost often reflects the tool's features, the technology behind it, scalability options, the brand's reputation, and the target audience (individuals, SMEs, or large enterprises). Advanced tools with cutting-edge technology and extensive customization options typically come with a higher price tag.

More Artificial Intelligence Software Reviews


Choosing the best natural language generation software hinges on recognizing the specific needs of your use case and aligning them with the tool's capabilities. These platforms vary in price, functionality, and target audience, from free solutions for individuals to advanced enterprise systems.

Key Takeaways

  1. Determine Your Core Needs: Before diving into options, clearly define what you need from a natural language generation tool. Whether it's content scalability, data interpretation, or a specific type of customization, knowing your priorities will make the selection process smoother.
  2. Understand Pricing Models: Natural language generation tools come with various pricing structures, from subscription-based to pay-as-you-go. Understand these models to find a tool that aligns with your budget and intended usage.
  3. Focus on Usability and Support: Beyond features, consider the tool's ease of use, onboarding process, and the support provided by the company. A user-friendly interface and responsive customer support can significantly enhance your experience with the software.

What Do You Think?

While I've done my best to curate a comprehensive list of top natural language generation software, the tech landscape is vast and ever-evolving. If you've come across a noteworthy tool that isn't on this list, I'd love to hear about it. Your insights and experiences can help others make more informed decisions. Please share your recommendations in the comments or reach out directly. Let's keep this guide as up-to-date and valuable as possible.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.