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12 Best IAST Tool Shortlist

After rigorous evaluation, I've curated the 12 best IAST tools and summarized what each one does best:

  1. Contrast Security - Best for continuous application protection
  2. Veracode - Best for scalable application security programs
  3. HCL AppScan - Best for automating application vulnerability testing
  4. Micro Focus - Best for hybrid application security solutions
  5. Synopsys - Best for holistic software integrity
  6. Rapid7 - Best for integrated vulnerability management
  7. Acunetix - Best for fast web application scanning
  8. Invicti - Best for dynamic security scanning flexibility
  9. Qualys Web App Scanning - Best for cloud-based application defense
  10. Checkmarx - Best for comprehensive software exposure platform
  11. ImmuniWeb - Best for AI-powered web security testing
  12. Detectify - Best for crowdsource-powered vulnerability insights

Navigating the intricate landscape of automated testing, it's evident that IAST tools are pivotal. These frameworks, often crafted by security experts, flawlessly integrate with application code, scanning modules for security risks while the code is in its runtime environment. By leveraging both static analysis and instrumentation, IAST provides a deeper insight into data flow, promptly alerting development teams about potential security flaws.

This crucial feedback is invaluable for security teams, especially when handling sensitive data or working across various programming languages. Think of it as a proactive guardian, pinpointing security issues before they escalate, ensuring your project's robustness, and granting peace of mind. In a world where even minor security issues can have monumental implications, having an adept tool that offers a precise understanding of both security risks and remedies isn't just beneficial—it's essential. If you're looking to fortify your project against unforeseen vulnerabilities, I'd urge you to delve into IAST. It might just be the safeguard you didn't know you needed.

What is an IAST Tool?

IAST tools, standing for Interactive Application Security Testing, represent a breed of security solutions that identify vulnerabilities in web applications during their runtime. Primarily utilized by developers and security professionals, these tools operate from within the application, effectively blending static SAST and dynamic DAST tools. Their main objective is to detect and pinpoint security weaknesses in real-time, facilitating more efficient vulnerability management and ensuring robust application security.

Overviews of the 12 Best IAST Tools

1. Contrast Security - Best for continuous application protection

A screenshot focused on the overview tab of Contrast Security.
The overview tab of Contrast Security provides information for assets such as contrast scores, vulnerability breakdowns, and application activities.

Contrast Security provides an innovative approach to application security, operating from within the application to monitor vulnerabilities in real time. By leveraging runtime protection mechanisms, it ensures that the application remains secure during every phase of its life cycle.

Why I Picked Contrast Security:

I selected Contrast Security after careful comparison and evaluation of numerous application security tools in the market. In my judgment, what sets it apart is its ability to offer runtime application self-protection (RASP) and its unique approach to interactive application security testing. This capability, in my opinion, makes it the best choice for continuous application protection. It doesn't just identify vulnerabilities; it acts upon them during the application's runtime.

Standout features & integrations:

Contrast Security boasts a wide range of impressive features, including instant vulnerability alerts and runtime exploit prevention. The platform provides an in-depth security dashboard that visualizes the risk landscape of applications in real time. For integrations, it smoothly aligns with popular CI/CD tools and fits into the DevOps ecosystem. This ensures that security checks and processes aren't separate but are inherently part of the development pipeline.


From $25/user/month (billed annually) + $49 base fee per month


  • Real-time vulnerability monitoring
  • Comprehensive security dashboard
  • Extensive DevOps integration


  • Might be complex for beginners
  • Priced on the higher side for smaller organizations
  • Requires an additional base fee

2. Veracode - Best for scalable application security programs

A photo highlighting the home page of Veracode.
Look at Veracode's home page, where you can start scans, view results, and explore performance analysis.

Veracode presents itself as a comprehensive application security platform designed to meet the requirements of modern organizations. With a focus on scalability, it assists enterprises in expanding their security measures in tandem with their growth, ensuring no application goes unchecked, irrespective of its scale.

Why I Picked Veracode:

In my journey of determining the most suitable application security tools, Veracode constantly emerged at the forefront. My decision to select it stemmed from its commitment to offer flexible and scalable solutions, accommodating both growing startups and large enterprises. This adaptability is precisely why I believe it's the best choice for scalable application security programs; it caters to the diverse needs of varied business sizes without compromising on depth or quality.

Standout features & integrations:

Veracode's platform boasts an end-to-end solution, covering everything from static and dynamic analysis to software composition analysis. Its cloud-based nature ensures it's always up-to-date and can be accessed from anywhere. Integrations-wise, Veracode supports a plethora of development and operations tools, making sure security fits smoothly into existing workflows and doesn't become a bottleneck in the CI/CD process.


From $30/user/month (billed annually)


  • End-to-end security analysis capabilities
  • Cloud-based for always-on access and updates
  • Robust integration with popular DevOps tools


  • Learning curve for some advanced features
  • Pricing might be steep for small-scale users
  • Reliance on cloud might not suit all privacy preferences

3. HCL AppScan - Best for automating application vulnerability testing

A photo showcasing the XML scan feature of the tool HCL AppScan.
One of the many features of HCL AppScan, its XML scan, can be seen in the screenshot.

HCL AppScan is a robust application security tool that identifies vulnerabilities and assists in their remediation. With an emphasis on automation, the tool streamlines the process of vulnerability testing, enabling businesses to secure applications efficiently.

Why I Picked HCL AppScan:

While evaluating the myriad of application security tools available, HCL AppScan caught my attention for its dedication to automation. I chose this platform because it has made strides in ensuring that vulnerability testing isn't just comprehensive but also automated, thereby reducing manual intervention. Its emphasis on automating the testing process is what positions it as the best choice for those who want efficient and consistent vulnerability scanning without the overhead of manual checks.

Standout features & integrations:

At the heart of HCL AppScan lies its automated scanning engine, capable of detecting a wide range of vulnerabilities from SQL injections to cross-site scripting. Additionally, the tool provides actionable insights and remediation recommendations to bridge security gaps. On the integrations front, HCL AppScan offers compatibility with a variety of development environments and platforms, ensuring that application security testing remains an integral part of the development cycle without causing disruptions.


From $29/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive automated vulnerability detection
  • Actionable remediation insights
  • Compatible with diverse development environments


  • Might be overwhelming for newcomers
  • Advanced configurations require a deeper understanding
  • Limited customization options for reporting

4. Micro Focus - Best for hybrid application security solutions

A photo of the workspaces tab in Micro Focus in desktop view.
Get a closer look at the workspaces tab for Micro Focus. From here, different road maps and graphs can be accessed.

Micro Focus delivers an extensive range of application security solutions, adept at securing both traditional and modern applications. With its hybrid approach, it caters to enterprises that leverage a mix of on-premises and cloud-based applications, ensuring comprehensive protection.

Why I Picked Micro Focus:

In my quest to find the most versatile and encompassing application security tools, Micro Focus stood out prominently. I chose this solution because it effectively bridges the gap between traditional and modern application security requirements, offering an adaptable platform for diverse enterprise needs. Its prowess in delivering hybrid solutions solidifies its position as the best for businesses seeking to secure a mix of application environments.

Standout features & integrations:

Micro Focus boasts an impressive set of features, including dynamic and static application security testing, which provides insights into potential threats at every stage of the development lifecycle. Additionally, the software's vulnerability management capabilities allow teams to prioritize and tackle security challenges methodically. In terms of integrations, Micro Focus fits snugly into diverse development ecosystems, connecting with popular CI/CD tools and other software development platforms, ensuring a holistic security approach.


From $35/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive hybrid application protection
  • Rich vulnerability management features
  • Integrates smoothly with diverse development tools


  • Might have a steeper learning curve
  • Some features may be overkill for small teams
  • Interface could be more intuitive for first-time users

5. Synopsys - Best for holistic software integrity

A photo focused on the dashboard made for the tool Synopsys.
The dashboard of Synopsys displays assets such as security risks, top components, and different statistics, providing important information.

Synopsys is at the forefront of ensuring software integrity throughout the entire development lifecycle. This platform provides comprehensive tools that look beyond just security, diving deep into the very essence of software quality and reliability.

Why I Picked Synopsys:

In the vast landscape of software integrity tools, Synopsys made a distinct impression on me. I selected this tool due to its all-encompassing approach that addresses not just vulnerabilities but also the overall quality and reliability of the software. Such a holistic perspective aligns with its recognition as the best choice for businesses focused on achieving impeccable software integrity.

Standout features & integrations:

Synopsys excels with its suite of dynamic and static application security testing tools, coupled with software composition analysis. These features provide thorough insights into potential threats and the overall health of the software. Integrations-wise, Synopsys plays well with a myriad of development tools and platforms, connecting with popular CI/CD solutions and software development platforms for an integrated software integrity approach.


From $40/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive approach to software integrity
  • Robust set of testing and analysis tools
  • Efficient integrations with key development platforms


  • Initial setup might be complex
  • Comprehensive features may be overwhelming for beginners
  • Pricing could be a barrier for smaller teams

6. Rapid7 - Best for integrated vulnerability management

A screenshot focused on the page of the tool Rapid7.
Here's a screenshot of Rapid7's main page where vulnerability reports can be easily accessed.

Rapid7 has positioned itself as a leader in cybersecurity, specializing in vulnerability management and threat detection. By focusing on an integrated approach, the tool streamlines the process of identifying, analyzing, and rectifying potential vulnerabilities in a system.

Why I Picked Rapid7:

From the vast array of vulnerability management tools, Rapid7 resonated with me due to its cohesive integration capabilities. Having judged various tools, I determined that Rapid7's ability to not only pinpoint vulnerabilities but also effectively manage and mitigate them sets it apart. This cohesive, integrated approach makes it the optimal choice for those looking for comprehensive vulnerability management.

Standout features & integrations:

Rapid7 boasts a dynamic range of features, including its InsightVM for real-time vulnerability management and Metasploit for penetration testing. Moreover, its capability to continuously monitor environments ensures a proactive approach to threat detection. When it comes to integrations, Rapid7 meshes with an array of systems, including popular SIEM solutions, cloud providers, and ticketing systems, to ensure a streamlined vulnerability management process.


From $30/user/month (billed annually)


  • Real-time vulnerability monitoring
  • Comprehensive penetration testing tools
  • Wide range of integrations for streamlined operations


  • Might require skilled personnel for full utilization
  • Pricing may not suit smaller enterprises
  • Some users may find the interface challenging to navigate

7. Acunetix - Best for fast web application scanning

A photo showcasing the vulnerability scanner of the tool Acunetix.
Easily track your network vulnerabilities using Acunetix. Vulnerabilities are classified into three: low, medium, and high vulnerability.

Acunetix has established itself as a notable cybersecurity solution specifically engineered for web application scanning. With the growing need for swift scanning capabilities, Acunetix's fast processing time aligns with the demand for rapid vulnerability detection in web applications.

Why I Picked Acunetix:

In the realm of security tools focused on web applications, my choice gravitated towards Acunetix because of its pronounced speed in scanning processes. Having compared multiple tools, Acunetix's differentiator lies in its unmatched pace and efficiency in identifying vulnerabilities. This speed-centric approach solidifies its place as the best tool for fast web application scanning.

Standout features & integrations:

Acunetix is equipped with advanced vulnerability detection features, capable of detecting SQL injections, XSS vulnerabilities, and more. Its DeepScan technology allows for the scanning of dynamic web applications, ensuring thorough coverage. Integration-wise, Acunetix offers compatibility with widely-used issue trackers, CI/CD platforms, and popular web application firewalls, which bolsters its utility in diverse IT environments.


From $50/user/month (billed annually)


  • Advanced vulnerability detection capabilities
  • Integration with common IT platforms and tools
  • DeepScan technology for dynamic web apps


  • Learning curve for new users
  • Might be overkill for very small applications
  • Premium features might escalate costs

8. Invicti - Best for dynamic security scanning flexibility

A photo of Invicti's main page in desktop view.
Invicti's main page, where information necessary to your application security testing needs can be easily viewed and accessed.

Invicti has emerged as a potent tool in the realm of cybersecurity, primarily focusing on dynamic security scanning. Its adaptive scanning approach not only ensures in-depth vulnerability detection but also offers a degree of flexibility that many businesses find invaluable.

Why I Picked Invicti:

When curating a list of security tools, my selection process led me to Invicti, and for good reasons. In evaluating the landscape, Invicti made an impression with its ability to adjust to varying web application structures and environments. This trait of dynamic flexibility is pivotal in today's diverse digital ecosystem, and it is why I hold the opinion that Invicti is unmatched in this aspect.

Standout features & integrations:

Invicti is praised for its tailored scanning capabilities that allow it to adapt to different application landscapes. Its Proof-Based Scanningâ„¢ technology provides tangible evidence of identified vulnerabilities, ensuring that threats are real and not false positives. On the integration front, Invicti fits into various IT environments, offering compatibility with leading issue trackers, CI/CD platforms, and security solutions.


From $55/user/month (billed annually)


  • Tailored scanning for diverse applications
  • Proof-Based Scanningâ„¢ minimizes false positives
  • Broad integration capabilities


  • Might require time to configure for complex environments
  • Cost could be prohibitive for smaller businesses
  • Additional features may require separate purchases

9. Qualys Web App Scanning - Best for cloud-based application defense

Look at the scan report portion of Qualys Web Application Scanning (WAS). From here, your scan summary and threat reports can be easily viewed.

Qualys Web App Scanning provides a comprehensive solution for web application security, harnessing the power and accessibility of the cloud. Its primary goal is to defend applications in the cloud environment, making it particularly effective for businesses relying heavily on cloud infrastructures.

Why I Picked Qualys Web App Scanning:

My process of selection naturally directed me to Qualys Web App Scanning after careful comparison and judgment of various tools in the market. The unique blend of its cloud-native nature coupled with robust security scanning functionalities marked it as distinct. Given the increasing adoption of cloud infrastructure, I discerned that Qualys stands out in providing robust defense specifically tailored for cloud-based applications.

Standout features & integrations:

Qualys shines with its Continuous Monitoring feature, which keeps a vigilant eye on an organization's web apps, instantly alerting teams of any vulnerabilities or threats. Furthermore, its Web Application Firewall integration ensures real-time protection against threats, facilitating a proactive defense strategy. In terms of integrations, Qualys supports a range of platforms, including SIEM systems, GRC tools, and bug-tracking platforms, making it versatile for diverse IT setups.


From $65/user/month (billed annually)


  • Continuous Monitoring ensures ongoing vulnerability checks.
  • Integrated Web Application Firewall for real-time protection.
  • Versatile integrations support a wide range of IT environments.


  • Might present a learning curve for those unfamiliar with cloud-based tools.
  • Some features may seem complex for small-scale applications.
  • Licensing model may not fit every organizational size or type.

10. Checkmarx - Best for comprehensive software exposure platform

A screenshot of the data analytics tab found inside the tool Checkmarx.
Here's the Data Analysis tab of Checkmarx showing a report, providing users with straightforward and intuitive analytical reporting for all their requirements.

Checkmarx delivers a platform designed to identify software vulnerabilities from source code to runtime. Addressing the entire software exposure landscape, this tool offers a comprehensive approach, ensuring that applications remain secure across different stages of the development lifecycle.

Why I Picked Checkmarx:

After evaluating and comparing various tools, I concluded that Checkmarx stands apart due to its all-encompassing approach to software security. My judgment was influenced by its capability to monitor vulnerabilities across both source code and runtime. Recognizing the challenges many businesses face in managing software exposures across a product's lifespan, I believe Checkmarx is best positioned for offering a comprehensive software exposure platform.

Standout features & integrations:

Checkmarx emphasizes its SAST tool, which thoroughly reviews source code for potential risks. Furthermore, its Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) scrutinizes the application in runtime to detect vulnerabilities that might be missed in the code review stage. On the integrations front, Checkmarx easily integrates with popular CI/CD tools, version control systems, and issue trackers, ensuring smooth workflows and real-time vulnerability management.


Pricing upon request


  • Offers both SAST and IAST solutions, ensuring a broad scope of vulnerability detection.
  • Easily integrates with popular development and deployment tools.
  • Comprehensive coverage caters to the entire software development lifecycle.


  • Might be overkill for smaller projects or teams.
  • Could be perceived as complex by teams new to security platforms.
  • The absence of transparent pricing might deter some potential users.

11. ImmuniWeb - Best for AI-powered web security testing

A photo focused on the discovery tab of the tool ImmuniWeb.
ImmuniWeb allows you to check assets based on location. Take a look at its discovery tab.

ImmuniWeb offers a robust platform that employs artificial intelligence to execute web security testing. This advanced tool provides in-depth assessments, identifying vulnerabilities by intelligently simulating various cyberattack strategies.

Why I Picked ImmuniWeb:

When determining which tools to select, ImmuniWeb consistently stood out because of its unique AI-driven approach to web security testing. I've judged it against other platforms and my opinion gravitates towards its innovative use of artificial intelligence, which differentiates it from conventional testing tools. Given the increasing complexity of web threats, I'm convinced that ImmuniWeb is best equipped for AI-powered web security testing.

Standout features & integrations:

ImmuniWeb's AI technology not only detects common vulnerabilities but also predicts potential future threats, providing users with a forward-thinking approach to web security. It has the added capability of Dark Web monitoring, which alerts businesses to any exposed or compromised data. In terms of integrations, ImmuniWeb collaborates with popular platforms such as Slack and JIRA, streamlining the vulnerability management process for developers.


Pricing upon request


  • Forward-thinking AI capabilities that predict potential threats.
  • Dark Web monitoring to alert businesses of data exposures.
  • Comprehensive integration options, ensuring adaptability with existing workflows.


  • Some companies might find AI-based predictions challenging to interpret.
  • The platform may be too advanced for businesses with basic security needs.
  • The lack of transparent pricing could deter potential users.

12. Detectify - Best for crowdsource-powered vulnerability insights

A photo showcasing the overview tab which can be found on the reports tab of the tool Detectify.
Take a look at the 'Overview' tab under the 'Reports' column in Detectify.

Detectify offers an advanced web security scanner that leverages crowdsourced knowledge to identify vulnerabilities in web applications and APIs. By harnessing the power of its extensive community, the tool provides insights that are both relevant and fresh, directly aligned with the current threat landscape.

Why I Picked Detectify:

In the process of selecting tools for this list, Detectify presented an intriguing proposition. What I found particularly compelling is its unique crowdsourced approach, which enlists the expertise of ethical hackers from around the world. This collective intelligence approach sets it apart and is the primary reason I judge it to be the best for gaining crowdsource-powered vulnerability insights.

Standout features & integrations:

At the core of Detectify's offering is its continuously updated database of vulnerabilities, which benefits from the tool's partnership with ethical hackers. This ensures that users benefit from the latest security research, thus staying ahead of potential threats. Detectify also boasts key integrations with platforms like Slack, JIRA, and Trello, facilitating efficient vulnerability management and prompt team communication.


Pricing upon request


  • Utilizes a global community of ethical hackers for real-time vulnerability updates.
  • Offers actionable insights to guide security response.
  • Integrates well with popular project management and communication platforms.


  • The crowdsourced nature might not cover every niche vulnerability.
  • Potential learning curve for users unfamiliar with crowdsourcing models.
  • Absence of transparent pricing could be a barrier for some enterprises.

Other Noteworthy IAST Tools

Below is a list of additional IAST tools that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. - Good for comprehensive vulnerability management
  2. GitLab - Good for integrated CI/CD Pipelines and DevOps practices
  3. Kiuwan - Good for software risk management across lifecycles
  4. Astra - Good for end-to-end website security solutions
  5. Grammatech - Good for advanced code analysis capabilities
  6. CAST - Good for in-depth application structure assessment
  7. Snyk - Good for developer-first security approach
  8. Positive Technology - Good for threat intelligence and prevention
  9. Appknox - Good for mobile application security
  10. Trustwave - Good for managed security services
  11. ArmorCode - Good for next-gen application security orchestration
  12. Pentest - Best for penetration testing expertise and insights
  13. AppSec - Best for application-centric security frameworks and strategies

Selection Criteria for Choosing IAST Tools

Choosing the right software for vulnerability and security scanning is crucial for organizations aiming to safeguard their digital assets. From my experience, having tried out numerous such tools, it becomes evident that not all are created equal. I've evaluated dozens of security scanning tools, but in this case, I was really looking for specific functionalities that offer genuine value in real-world scenarios, which I'll detail below.

Core Functionality

  • Automated Scanning: Automatically scan applications, websites, or software for vulnerabilities.
  • Real-time Alerts: Immediate notifications for any identified security threats.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Ongoing assessment to detect vulnerabilities as they emerge.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Detailed reports on vulnerabilities, including severity and potential impact.

Key Features

  • Threat Intelligence Integration: Incorporates data from various threat intelligence sources to keep updated on the latest vulnerabilities.
  • Integration Capabilities: Absolutely integrates with other tools, systems, and platforms in the organization's tech stack.
  • Customization: Ability to tailor the scanning parameters based on specific needs.
  • Remediation Guidance: Not just identifying vulnerabilities but also providing actionable advice on how to fix them.
  • Cloud Scanning: Dedicated features to assess cloud-native applications and infrastructure.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: A centralized dashboard offering a consolidated view of all scanned assets, findings, and status.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Allows organizations to configure who can access what data, ensuring security at the user level.
  • Drag-and-drop Functionality: For ease in customizing scans or viewing specific details.
  • Guided Workflow: Step-by-step guidance for new users to understand and operate the tool without steep learning curves.
  • Comprehensive Support & Training: Availability of a rich knowledge base, learning resources, and responsive support to help users get the most out of the tool.

Most Common Questions Regarding IAST Tools (FAQs)

What are IAST tools, and why are they important?

IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing) tools are solutions that identify vulnerabilities in software applications in real time during their normal execution. They are crucial because they provide immediate feedback to developers, allowing them to detect and fix vulnerabilities during the development process, thus enhancing software security and reducing post-production fixes.

What are the key benefits of using IAST tools?

  1. Real-time Feedback: Developers receive instantaneous feedback on vulnerabilities, enabling quicker resolutions.
  2. Accuracy: By analyzing applications during runtime, IAST tools reduce false positives compared to other security testing methods.
  3. Integration with CI/CD: They easily integrate with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, promoting a DevSecOps approach.
  4. Comprehensive Coverage: IAST tools provide visibility into all parts of an application, including components that might be missed by other testing methods.
  5. Cost Efficiency: By catching vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, organizations can save on potential post-production fixes and mitigate risks.

How much do IAST tools typically cost?

Pricing for IAST tools varies based on their feature set, the size of the organization, and the number of applications tested. Some tools offer tiered pricing models based on the number of scans, while others might charge based on the number of applications or users.

What are the common pricing models for IAST tools?

Most IAST tools offer one or a combination of the following pricing models:

  • Subscription-based: Charged on a monthly or yearly basis.
  • Per User: Pricing is based on the number of users accessing the tool.
  • Per Scan/Application: Some tools charge based on the number of scans or applications tested.

What's the typical range of pricing for IAST tools?

The price range can start from as low as $50/user/month for basic solutions to upwards of $5,000/month for enterprise-grade solutions with extensive features.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive IAST tools?

The cheapest tools typically include basic features and are suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, while the most expensive ones are comprehensive solutions tailored for large enterprises. Without specific names (as pricing often changes), it's advisable to check recent market reviews for the latest cost benchmarks.

Are there any free IAST tool options available?

Yes, there are a few open-source or freemium IAST tools available. However, while they might be suitable for basic scanning, they often lack the comprehensive features and support provided by paid options.


Navigating the landscape of IAST tools can initially seem overwhelming due to the plethora of choices available. However, understanding your specific requirements, budget, and usability preferences can streamline your decision-making process. IAST tools offer a unique blend of features to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities during the software development phase, ensuring that your applications are secure from inception.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Core Functionality: Ensure the tool provides real-time vulnerability checks, analyzes both runtime and source code, and integrates into your existing development environment.
  2. Key Features: Look beyond just vulnerability detection; prioritize tools that offer detailed vulnerability reports, have continuous monitoring capabilities, and can integrate with other security and development tools.
  3. Usability: Given the technical nature of these tools, choose a platform that offers an intuitive interface, provides comprehensive training resources, and ensures role-based access to cater to different user needs within your team.

What Do You Think?

While I’ve endeavored to provide a comprehensive guide to the best IAST tools currently available, the rapidly evolving tech landscape means emerging solutions are always worth exploring. If you've encountered a tool that has impressed you or believe there's a gem I might have overlooked, please share it with me. Your insights help ensure this list remains updated and valuable to all readers.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.