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12 Best DCIM Software Shortlist

After assessing numerous tools, I've handpicked the 12 best DCIM software to address the exact challenges you're facing.

  1. Sunbird DCIM - Best for comprehensive asset management
  2. Nlyte DCIM - Best for real-time energy monitoring
  3. Device42 - Best for auto-discovery and device tracking
  4. RiT Tech - Best for infrastructure analytics and insights
  5. Cormant - Best for mobile data centre management
  6. OpenDCIM - Best for open-source adaptability
  7. Vertiv Trellis - Best for cooling and power optimization
  8. Geist DCIM - Best for granular environmental monitoring
  9. Rackwise DCiM X - Best for visualizing rack layouts
  10. FieldView DCIM - Best for scalability in large data centres
  11. NetZoom - Best for asset modelling and visualization
  12. Graphical Networks netTerrain DCIM - Best for customizable visual representations

Navigating the realm of data centre infrastructure management software, or DCIM can be daunting. This management software, available both cloud-based and on-premises, efficiently oversees the lifecycle of IT assets, refines power consumption, and simplifies network management.

Providers offer modules focused on energy efficiency, cable management, power monitoring, and the nuances of PDUs - power distribution units. With DCIM, you can mitigate outages, manage power distribution units effectively, and enhance uptime. If cable tracing or energy efficiency assessment has ever posed a challenge, DCIM is your answer.

What Is a DCIM Software?

DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) software is a strategic toolset that provides an integrated view of IT-related equipment and processes within a data center. Primarily utilized by IT professionals, facility managers, and data center administrators, its core purpose is to monitor, manage, and optimize data center resources, ensuring efficient equipment use, energy consumption, and streamlined operational processes.

Overviews of the 12 Best DCIM Software

1. Sunbird DCIM - Best for comprehensive asset management

Sunbird DCIM Software
This is a screen capture from Sunbird DCIM's multiple floor map reports.

In the intricate web of data center management, tools like Sunbird DCIM emerge as a beacon for those seeking end-to-end asset oversight. It’s a solution crafted with precision, aligning with the mission of providing a holistic view and management of every asset within a data center.

Why I Picked Sunbird DCIM:

During my exploration of numerous DCIM options, Sunbird DCIM kept surfacing as a top contender. I selected it after judging its well-rounded asset management functionalities against others. My comprehensive evaluations and comparisons strengthened my conviction that Sunbird DCIM truly is the best for those aiming for exhaustive asset management.

Standout features & integrations:

Sunbird DCIM goes beyond mere asset tracking. It offers dynamic floor maps for clear visualization of asset placements and provides profound analytics on space utilization. On the integration side, it works with leading IT systems, enhancing its utility in managing and maintaining assets across varied platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Dynamic floor maps for clear asset visualization
  • Profound space utilization analytics
  • Strong integrations with pivotal IT systems


  • This may pose a learning challenge for newcomers
  • Could benefit from more scalable pricing options
  • Some users might find setup procedures intricate

2. Nlyte DCIM - Best for real-time energy monitoring

Nlyte DCIM Software
This is a view from Nlyte Software's integrated data center management (IDCM) sustainability dashboard.

Data centers are energy-intensive, and managing this consumption efficiently is vital. Nlyte DCIM emerges as a frontrunner when we talk about in-depth energy monitoring in real-time, ensuring data centers not only function optimally but also in an eco-friendly manner.

Why I Picked Nlyte DCIM:

In my quest to select the most efficient tools, Nlyte DCIM stood out prominently. Through rigorous comparison and evaluation, I determined that its capabilities in energy monitoring were unparalleled. My judgment led me to believe that for those prioritizing real-time energy insights, Nlyte is best positioned to deliver.

Standout features & integrations:

Nlyte DCIM is designed with an advanced thermal optimizer, giving clear insights into hotspots and cooling efficiencies. It also boasts a predictive power analytics feature, anticipating energy needs and potential savings. On the integration front, Nlyte synergizes well with ITSM systems, enabling a smoother workflow across IT and facility management.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced thermal optimization tools
  • Predictive power analytics for future-proofing
  • Smooth integrations with ITSM systems


  • Might be overkill for smaller operations
  • The interface can be perceived as dense by some users
  • Lacks certain customization features found in competitors

3. Device42 - Best for auto-discovery and device tracking

Device42 DCIM Software
The Device42 dashboard provides a powerful search function and an at-a-glance overview of your IT infrastructure.

In today's complex IT environments, tracking assets manually can be daunting. Device42 offers a unique solution designed to automate device discovery and keep tabs on every piece of hardware in your infrastructure.

Why I Picked Device42:

I chose Device42 after a meticulous evaluation of its functionality against other tools. Among the myriad of DCIM solutions, Device42's capabilities in auto-discovery set it apart. The tool simplifies the complex task of tracking every device, which is indispensable for organizations with expansive infrastructure. It's precisely why I believe Device42 is the best choice for those prioritizing auto-discovery and device tracking.

Standout features & integrations:

Device42 boasts a robust auto-discovery engine that meticulously scans your infrastructure, providing details on every device it finds. Beyond that, its centralized CMDB (Configuration Management Database) gives a holistic view of your IT environment. As for integrations, Device42 smoothly interfaces with tools like JIRA, ServiceNow, and Confluence, ensuring data flow across your ITSM tools.


From $15/user/month (billed annually) + $49 base fee per month.


  • Robust auto-discovery capabilities
  • Detailed asset management
  • The integration with popular ITSM tools


  • The steeper learning curve for newcomers
  • Pricier for smaller organizations
  • Requires dedicated resources for maximum benefits

4. RiT Tech - Best for infrastructure analytics and insights

Rit Tech DCIM Software
This is an image captured from Rit Tech's dashboard for provisioning task guidelines.

Understanding and optimizing infrastructure can be a challenging endeavor for many. RiT Tech stands out by offering a solution that not only provides insights into your infrastructure but also delivers analytics that helps streamline operations and reduce costs.

Why I Picked RiT Tech:

In the maze of DCIM solutions, I selected RiT Tech because of its distinct approach to infrastructure analytics. The depth and clarity of insights this tool offers made me judge it as a cut above the rest. Its prowess in delivering actionable analytics is why I am convinced RiT Tech is the optimal choice for organizations seeking comprehensive infrastructure insights.

Standout features & integrations:

RiT Tech excels in offering real-time analytics that enables teams to make informed decisions. It's detailed dashboards and predictive analytics capabilities are a boon for any IT manager. When it comes to integrations, RiT Tech efficiently connects with platforms like VMWare, Cisco, and Microsoft Azure, bridging the gap between your infrastructure and cloud services.


From $20/user/month (billed annually) + $70 base fee per month.


  • In-depth infrastructure analytics
  • Predictive analytics for proactive decision-making
  • A broad spectrum of integrations with popular platforms


  • Requires time investment for data interpretation
  • Might be complex for smaller organizations
  • Premium features come at a higher cost

5. Cormant - Best for mobile data center management

Cormant DCIM Software
Here is a screen capture from Cormant's asset management dashboard.

As data centers evolve, the demand for mobile-friendly solutions rises. Cormant addresses this need by enabling data center managers to effectively manage and monitor their infrastructure through mobile platforms. Its emphasis on mobile optimization aligns perfectly with the increasing need for on-the-go access and management in today's dynamic IT landscape.

Why I Picked Cormant:

Among the array of data center management tools, I chose Cormant because of its innovative approach to mobile data center management. In my opinion, its focus on delivering a responsive and intuitive mobile interface differentiates it from other tools. Given the growing importance of mobile-based solutions, Cormant stands out as the ideal choice for those who prioritize mobile data center management.

Standout features & integrations:

Cormant boasts a user-friendly mobile app that provides real-time updates, alerts, and detailed reports. Its barcode scanning feature further simplifies asset tracking in large data centers. Integration-wise, Cormant connects with platforms like AWS, Oracle, and SAP, ensuring users have a unified view of their infrastructure.


From $25/user/month (billed annually) + $100 base fee per month.


  • Dedicated mobile app for data center management
  • Barcode scanning for efficient asset tracking
  • Integration with major platforms and services


  • The initial learning curve for new users
  • A mobile app may not have all the features of the desktop version
  • Licensing can become expensive for larger teams

6. OpenDCIM - Best for open-source adaptability

OpenDCIM software
This is an image captured from OpenDCIM power panels that schedules are automatically generated based on power strips defined in the data center.

OpenDCIM serves the IT community as an open-source data center infrastructure management tool. With its customizable features, organizations can tailor the software to meet specific needs and challenges, highlighting its adaptability rooted in its open-source nature.

Why I Picked OpenDCIM:

When curating this list, I selected OpenDCIM chiefly because of its open-source foundation, which provides unparalleled adaptability. In my assessment, its transparent codebase empowers IT teams to mold the software according to their evolving needs, a capability not commonly found in proprietary tools. This distinctive trait places OpenDCIM at the forefront for those valuing open-source adaptability.

Standout features & integrations:

OpenDCIM is renowned for its robust inventory management, helping teams track assets efficiently. The tool also supports comprehensive visualization of data center layouts, enhancing planning and operational decisions. Though it's an open-source platform, OpenDCIM integrates well with several popular IT management tools, such as Nagios and SNMP devices, facilitating a more interconnected IT environment.


Free with the option for professional support services at additional costs.


  • Complete open-source offering
  • Strong inventory management capabilities
  • Support for various third-party integrations


  • Might require dedicated personnel for customization
  • Initial setup can be challenging for non-tech-savvy users
  • Updates might not be as frequent as proprietary tools

7. Vertiv Trellis - Best for cooling and power optimization

Vertiv Trellis Software
Here is a screenshot from Vertiv Trellis' inventory manager.

Vertiv Trellis is a data center infrastructure management solution tailored to monitor and manage the cooling and power systems within IT environments. Its primary emphasis on optimizing these two critical aspects ensures that data centers operate efficiently and with reduced overhead costs, justifying its position as the best for cooling and power optimization.

Why I Picked Vertiv Trellis:

In my journey of selecting tools for this list, Vertiv Trellis stood out due to its meticulous focus on cooling and power components. In my opinion, and after comparing it with other tools, it became evident that Vertiv Trellis offers unique solutions that address the specific challenges of managing and optimizing power and cooling systems. This determination aligned with its reputation for being the top choice when power and cooling optimization are paramount.

Standout features & integrations:

Vertiv Trellis is equipped with real-time infrastructure monitoring, ensuring that cooling and power systems function at their optimal levels. Additionally, its predictive analytics can forecast potential challenges, enabling preventive measures. The platform also integrates with most major Building Management Systems (BMS) and IT Service Management (ITSM) tools, solidifying its place within a broader IT ecosystem.


Pricing upon request.


  • Real-time monitoring of cooling and power systems
  • Predictive analytics to preempt challenges
  • Smooth integration with BMS and ITSM tools


  • May have a steeper learning curve for newcomers
  • Pricing transparency could be improved
  • Customization might require professional services

8. Geist DCIM - Best for granular environmental monitoring

Geist Software
This is the image captured from Geist DCIM power monitoring integration.

Geist DCIM is a specialized data center infrastructure management platform that places a heavy emphasis on environmental tracking within IT facilities. Its capability to provide intricate details on environmental parameters ensures that IT infrastructure remains stable, reinforcing its title as the best for granular environmental monitoring.

Why I Picked Geist DCIM:

When selecting a tool focused on environmental monitoring, Geist DCIM captured my attention due to its commitment to providing granular details. I believe that its dedication to offering such in-depth insights sets it apart from many other tools in the same category. Having compared it with multiple alternatives, it became evident that Geist DCIM truly specializes in this niche, making it my top choice for those prioritizing detailed environmental tracking.

Standout features & integrations:

Geist DCIM boasts features like real-time temperature, humidity, and airflow metrics, allowing for precision adjustments and monitoring. The tool's alert system is also notably efficient, warning users of any environmental anomalies that could threaten IT equipment. Integration-wise, Geist DCIM meshes well with a broad spectrum of IT management tools, ensuring data-driven decisions based on accurate environmental data.


Pricing upon request.


  • Provides real-time detailed environmental metrics
  • Efficient alert system for immediate notifications
  • Integrates effectively with other IT management platforms


  • Might be over-detailed for smaller operations
  • Potential for more extensive third-party integrations
  • The interface could benefit from modernization.

9. Rackwise DCiM X - Best for visualizing rack layouts

Rackwise DCIM X software
Rackwise DCIM X, provides comprehensive modelling of data center consolidations, weighing the future impact on a future data center migration or planning lifetime for a new data center build-out.

Rackwise DCiM X is a comprehensive data center infrastructure management solution specifically designed to create and manage visual representations of data center racks. Its unique approach to visualizing equipment placements helps data center administrators understand and plan their physical infrastructure effectively, underscoring its claim to being the best for visualizing rack layouts.

Why I Picked Rackwise DCiM X:

In my journey to determine the most suitable tools for specific data center needs, Rackwise DCiM X emerged as a front-runner. What made me lean towards it was its unmatched ability to represent rack layouts in a visual manner. Having judged and compared it against various tools, its visualization prowess truly made it distinct. I believe that for organizations that prioritize rack layout visualization, Rackwise DCiM X stands unmatched.

Standout features & integrations:

Rackwise DCiM X offers a robust visual modeling platform, enabling users to create, view, and manage data center layouts with ease. The tool supports drag-and-drop features for equipment placement, giving administrators a hands-on experience. On the integrations front, Rackwise integrates with major ITSM platforms and offers API capabilities, ensuring cohesive data flow and further management flexibility.


Pricing upon request.


  • Advanced visual modeling capabilities for racks
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for equipment placement
  • Comprehensive integration with ITSM platforms


  • Might have a learning curve for new users
  • Visual features could be overwhelming for small setups
  • Some users may desire more customization options for visual layouts.

10. FieldView DCIM - Best for scalability in large data centers

FieldView Software
This is FieldView's fully-customizable dashboard that allows users for a single pane, dynamic view summary of all the monitored metrics.

FieldView DCIM is a solution that offers data center infrastructure management tailored for extensive operations. Its primary focus is to ensure that large data centers can scale their activities efficiently without compromising performance or reliability. Given this, it's evident that it stands as the optimal choice for those who prioritize scalability in expansive data center environments.

Why I Picked FieldView DCIM:

Navigating through a plethora of tools, FieldView DCIM caught my attention due to its exceptional focus on scalability. When I compared it to other tools, its design and features clearly targeted large-scale operations, making it distinct. I determined that for those managing extensive data centers and looking to scale, FieldView DCIM would be the prime selection.

Standout features & integrations:

FieldView DCIM excels with its real-time monitoring that ensures optimal performance across large infrastructures. Additionally, the tool's ability to provide actionable insights aids in preemptive actions to maintain efficient operations. In terms of integrations, FieldView is compatible with various IT service management platforms and supports a broad range of hardware vendors, fostering a holistic management experience.


Pricing upon request.


  • Designed specifically for large-scale operations
  • Real-time monitoring across extensive infrastructures
  • Wide range of integrations with ITSM platforms and hardware vendors


  • Might be excessive for smaller setups
  • The interface could be daunting for beginners
  • Potential latency in updates or feature additions

11. NetZoom - Best for asset modeling and visualization

NetZoom Software
NetZoom provides full visibility into the rack’s usage and availability as well as information on each asset on the rack, where it is located, how many rack units an asset occupies, how it is configured, and how it is functioning.

NetZoom is a tool that focuses on data center infrastructure management, specifically in the areas of asset modeling and visualization. It provides detailed visuals to represent physical infrastructure, supporting planning, and deployment tasks. The unique capability to model and visualize complex assets justifies its ranking as best for asset modeling and visualization within the data center context.

Why I Picked NetZoom:

I picked NetZoom after examining its strong emphasis on asset modeling and visualization. Through comparing and judging various tools, it became evident that NetZoom’s dedication to this particular aspect made it stand out from the rest. In my opinion, for anyone prioritizing a detailed visual representation of data center assets, NetZoom is the best option.

Standout features & integrations:

NetZoom offers robust features like comprehensive device modeling, capacity planning, and auto-discovery of devices. Its visualization tools are particularly impressive, enabling precise representation of physical infrastructure. It integrates well with several major IT management platforms, further enhancing its utility in managing and planning data center assets.


Pricing upon request.


  • Specialized in asset modeling and visualization
  • Integrates with various IT management platforms
  • Provides features like auto-discovery and capacity planning


  • Might be overly complex for small-scale operations
  • The steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Potential limitations in customization options

12. Graphical Networks netTerrain DCIM - Best for customizable visual representations

Graphical Networks DCIM Software
Take a dive into Graphical Networks central dashboard.

Graphical Networks netTerrain DCIM is a solution that streamlines the management of data center infrastructure by focusing on customizable visual interfaces. It provides a platform for users to generate, tailor, and manage graphical representations of their data center environments. This emphasis on customization, especially in the realm of visualizations, is why it is distinguished as best for customizable visual representations.

Why I Picked Graphical Networks netTerrain DCIM:

In the process of selecting tools for this list, netTerrain DCIM caught my attention primarily for its flexibility in creating visual representations. After determining its capabilities and comparing it with other offerings, I concluded that its focus on customizable visuals truly differentiates it. I believe that for individuals or businesses prioritizing a tailor-made visualization experience, netTerrain DCIM stands out as the optimal choice.

Standout features & integrations:

NetTerrain DCIM offers a suite of features, such as drag-and-drop diagramming, automated network discovery, and hierarchical visualizations. Additionally, its capacity for creating and modifying visual templates is a defining feature. It integrates with popular IT and network platforms, allowing for data exchange and enhanced visualization capabilities.


Pricing upon request.


  • Extensive customization options for visualizations
  • Features automated network discovery
  • Strong integration capabilities with major IT platforms


  • May be complex for those seeking a simple solution
  • Potential overhead in setting up custom templates
  • The interface might be challenging for new users

Other Notable DCIM Software

Below is a list of additional DCIM software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Modius - Good for real-time data center monitoring
  2. Enlogic Systems - Good for power management solutions
  3. ISPsystem DCImanager - Good for integrated server infrastructure management
  4. Patchmanager - Good for cable and asset management
  5. RF Code - Good for granular asset tracking and reporting
  6. EkkoSense - Good for thermal optimization in data centers

Selection Criteria for Setting DCIM Software

After diving deep into the world of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software, I've personally tried and researched an extensive range of tools in this category. I tested out more than 30 tools and while many have their merits, I was really looking for tools that stand out in a few critical areas.

These areas are what I believe to be the most crucial when selecting DCIM software that aligns with specific needs. Let's delve into these criteria further.

Core Functionality:

  • Real-time monitoring: Provides immediate insights into data center operations.
  • Capacity planning: Helps in determining space, power, and cooling capacity.
  • Asset management: Allows for the tracking of every piece of equipment in the data center.
  • Power and environmental monitoring: Ensures optimal energy usage and temperature controls.
  • Change management: Facilitates tracking and documenting every change in the data center environment.

Key Features:

  • Interactive Visualizations: Allows users to see a virtual representation of their data center, making it easier to understand spatial relationships and the placement of equipment.
  • Alert System: Sends notifications in real-time if there are issues or breaches in set thresholds.
  • Integration Capabilities: Compatibility with other enterprise IT systems and hardware for a more cohesive monitoring solution.
  • Reporting Tools: Generates detailed reports that can offer insights into performance, energy usage, and other critical metrics.
  • Security Protocols: Ensures that the software and all its data are protected from unauthorized access and potential breaches.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: For DCIM software, the dashboard should offer a consolidated view of all critical metrics, updates, and notifications.
  • Filtering & Tagging Interface: With potentially thousands of assets to track, an efficient system for categorizing and locating specific items is essential.
  • Role-based Access: Given the sensitive nature of data center information, it's crucial that the tool provides configurable access based on roles within the organization.
  • Learning Library or Training Program: Given the complexity of some DCIM tools, a resource center with tutorials, walkthroughs, and training materials can significantly ease the onboarding process.
  • Responsive Customer Support: A robust support system that can guide users through technical challenges and provide solutions promptly.

Most Common Questions Regarding DCIM Software (FAQs)

What are the primary benefits of using DCIM software?

Using DCIM software offers several advantages, including:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: It helps in optimizing the use of resources in the data center, leading to reduced operational costs.
  2. Real-time Monitoring: This allows for immediate problem detection, ensuring minimal downtime and maintaining service levels.
  3. Better Capacity Planning: By understanding current usage, it's easier to forecast future needs and plan accordingly.
  4. Accurate Asset Tracking: Helps in keeping tabs on every piece of equipment, ensuring that nothing goes missing and everything is utilized efficiently.
  5. Environmental Management: Ensures that the data center operates within optimal temperature and humidity ranges, leading to extended equipment life and reduced energy costs.

How much do DCIM software tools typically cost?

The cost of DCIM software varies widely based on functionality, scalability, and the vendor. Many tools have tiered pricing models, with costs rising as you add more features or manage larger data centers.

What are the typical pricing models for DCIM software?

Most DCIM software follows one of these pricing models:

  1. Perpetual License: A one-time purchase fee, often with annual maintenance costs.
  2. Subscription-based: Recurring monthly or annual fees, which usually include updates and support.
  3. Usage-based: Pricing depends on the number of assets, racks, or nodes being managed.
  4. Freemium: Basic features are free, but advanced features come at a cost.

Is there a typical price range for DCIM software?

Yes, DCIM software can range from as low as $50/user/month for basic solutions to over $500/user/month for enterprise-grade solutions with all the bells and whistles. The price usually correlates with the software's depth of features, scalability, and support.

Which DCIM software is known to be the cheapest?

While prices fluctuate and depend on specific configurations, in recent evaluations, ISPsystem DCImanager has been on the more affordable end of the spectrum.

Which DCIM software is considered the most expensive?

Premium, full-featured solutions like those from major vendors such as Modius tend to be at the higher end of the pricing scale.

Are there any free DCIM software options available?

Yes, there are some DCIM software that offer freemium models. These tools provide basic functionality for free but require payment for advanced features or larger-scale operations. Always read the details and limitations of these offers to ensure they meet your requirements.

Why is there such a significant variation in DCIM software pricing?

The cost difference often comes down to the breadth and depth of features, scalability, support quality, and brand reputation. More expensive tools tend to offer comprehensive solutions that cater to large data centers, while cheaper or free options might be more suitable for smaller operations or those with fewer complex needs.

Other DCIM Software Reviews


Choosing the right DCIM software is crucial for efficient and optimized data center operations. The landscape of available tools is vast, each catering to specific needs ranging from real-time monitoring to advanced environmental management. By understanding your data center's specific requirements and aligning them with a software's core functionality, features, usability, and pricing model, you can ensure a harmonious fit.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand Your Needs: Every data center has unique requirements. Ensure that the DCIM software you select aligns well with your operational needs, growth forecasts, and management style.
  2. Factor in Usability and Support: While features are crucial, the software's user interface and the quality of customer support can greatly influence its efficiency. Opt for tools that are intuitive and backed by robust support mechanisms.
  3. Consider Total Cost of Ownership: Don't just look at the sticker price. Factor in long-term costs, potential scalability needs, and any additional expenses associated with training, implementation, or missed features.

What do you think?

Lastly, while I've done my best to present a comprehensive list of top DCIM software, the tech landscape is always evolving. If you've had positive experiences with a tool not mentioned here, I'd love to hear about it. Your insights can benefit everyone.

Please feel free to share your recommendations or thoughts in the comments section or get in touch directly. Your input could help others in their search for the perfect DCIM solution.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.