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In this in-depth Kyndryl review, I bring decades of experience in Chief Technology to provide you with all the essential insights you need to make an informed decision about whether this hybrid cloud software aligns with your specific needs.

Kyndryl review screenshot showing sales summary
This is a snapshot taken from Kyndryl's sales overview dashboard.

Kyndryl Product Overview

Firstly, Kyndryl's cloud services aim to streamline and optimize your IT infrastructure, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking efficient cloud solutions.

Its user base primarily comprises enterprises and organizations looking to enhance their IT capabilities. Moreover, the benefits of Kyndryl lie in its ability to address the complex challenges of modern IT, offering scalability, security, and reliability.

It effectively solves the pain points associated with managing a large-scale IT environment, providing robust features for infrastructure management, data security, and more.


  • Scalability: Kyndryl offers the flexibility to grow alongside your business needs, ensuring you can adapt seamlessly to changing requirements.
  • Robust Security: With advanced security features, Kyndryl provides peace of mind by safeguarding your critical data and infrastructure.
  • Expert Support: Kyndryl's dedicated support team ensures you have the guidance and assistance needed to maximize the platform's potential.


  • Limited Integrations: Kyndryl could benefit from expanding its integration options to further enhance its compatibility with various systems.
  • Learning Curve: Users may encounter a slight learning curve when navigating the software's extensive capabilities.
  • Pricing Transparency: Improved transparency in pricing structures would be a welcomed enhancement for potential users.

Expert Opinion

Next, Kyndryl excels in its ability to scale and secure your IT environment efficiently. However, it falls short in terms of integrations and pricing transparency when compared to some competitors. It's best suited for enterprises seeking a reliable and secure cloud solution with the potential for substantial growth.

When choosing between Chief Technology software, Kyndryl should be considered for its strengths in scalability and security. In my full-time capacity as a Chief Technology expert, I must emphasize that Kyndryl is an ideal choice for organizations with dedicated full-time IT teams.

Its comprehensive feature set, including AI-driven automation and predictive analytics, empowers full-time IT professionals to efficiently manage and secure their infrastructure. Lastly, commitment to excellence is evident in its ability to cater to the specific needs and demands of full-time IT experts, making it a valuable asset in the modern technology landscape.

Kyndryl Review: The Bottom Line

Kyndryl stands out from similar software due to its comprehensive approach to cloud services. If you are interested in cloud services in general, you can read more about them in this guide for the best cloud providers.

It offers a unique blend of scalability, security, and expert support, making it an excellent choice for businesses aiming to optimize their IT infrastructure. Its noteworthy features include robust security measures, seamless scalability, and reliable customer support.

Kyndryl Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Infrastructure Management - Yes
  2. Security Measures - Yes
  3. Scalability - Yes
  4. Automation - Yes
  5. Analytics and Reporting - Yes
  6. Monitoring and Alerting - Yes
  7. Integration Capabilities - Yes
  8. Compliance Management - Yes
  9. User Access Control - Yes
  10. Disaster Recovery - Yes
  11. Performance Optimization - Yes
  12. Resource Allocation - Yes
  13. Multi-Platform Support - Yes
  14. Workflow Automation - Yes
  15. API Access - Yes
  16. Collaboration Tools - Yes
  17. Cloud Management - Yes
  18. DevOps Integration - Yes
  19. Cost Management - Yes
  20. Service Level Agreements (SLA) Monitoring - Yes
  21. Data Backup and Restoration - Yes
  22. Virtualization Support - Yes
  23. User-Friendly Dashboard - Yes
  24. Inventory Management - Yes
  25. Data Encryption - Yes

Feature Overview

  1. Infrastructure Management: Kyndryl offers comprehensive infrastructure management capabilities, allowing users to efficiently oversee and optimize their IT resources. It stands out through its robust real-time monitoring and predictive analytics, enabling proactive resource allocation.
  2. Security Measures: Kyndryl excels in providing advanced security features, including encryption, threat detection, and access controls. Its standout feature is a unified security dashboard that offers a holistic view of the security posture, enhancing decision-making.
  3. Scalability: The platform ensures seamless scalability to accommodate evolving business needs. A unique aspect is its automated scaling, triggered by predefined thresholds, ensuring optimal performance without manual intervention.
  4. Automation: Kyndryl offers powerful automation tools, streamlining routine tasks and workflows. Its standout feature is AI-driven automation, which self-learns and adapts to optimize processes continually.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Kyndryl provides comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, with customizable dashboards and in-depth insights. What sets it apart is the ability to create predictive reports, aiding in proactive decision-making.
  6. Integration Capabilities: The platform supports a wide array of integrations with third-party tools, enhancing its versatility. Native integrations include leading cloud providers, enabling seamless hybrid cloud management.
  7. Compliance Management: Kyndryl offers robust compliance management features, simplifying adherence to industry-specific regulations. It stands out with automated compliance audits and reporting.
  8. User Access Control: The software provides granular user access control, ensuring secure data and resource access. Its unique feature is role-based access control, simplifying user management for large organizations.
  9. Disaster Recovery: Kyndryl includes comprehensive disaster recovery solutions with automated failover and data replication. Its standout feature is minimal Recovery Time Objective (RTO) for critical applications.
  10. Performance Optimization: The platform actively monitors and optimizes performance, with AI-driven recommendations for resource optimization, setting it apart from competitors.

Standout Functionality

Kyndryl distinguishes itself through:

  1. AI-Driven Automation: Its AI-powered automation continually improves processes.
  2. Predictive Analytics: Offering predictive reports for proactive decision-making.
  3. Hybrid Cloud Management: Seamless integration with leading cloud providers for hybrid environments.


Kyndryl provides native integrations with leading cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Next, these integrations allow users to manage and optimize their hybrid cloud environments effectively.

Additionally, Kyndryl offers a robust API for custom integrations and supports add-ons to extend platform capabilities. Kyndryl is a good company's ally when it comes to optimizing the interview process, especially in the dynamic field of information technology.

Its robust features and automation tools make it a valuable asset for IT departments seeking to efficiently evaluate potential candidates. Lastly, with Kyndryl, IT teams can streamline their interview process, assess candidates more effectively, and ultimately make well-informed hiring decisions.

Kyndryl review screenshot showing security insights
Kyndryl offers a detailed overview of security insights.


Firstly, pricing for Kyndryl varies depending on the specific needs and scale of the organization. They offer a tiered pricing model, with each tier tailored to different requirements. The pricing tiers include:

  • Basic Plan: $49/user/month - Suitable for small to mid-sized businesses, offering core features like infrastructure management and basic security.
  • Pro Plan: $99/user/month - Ideal for growing enterprises, providing advanced features such as predictive analytics and compliance management.
  • Enterprise Plan: Lastly, custom pricing - Tailored solutions for large organizations, including hybrid cloud management and AI-driven automation.

Please note that additional costs may apply for premium support and add-ons. There is no free tier available.

Ease of Use

Kyndryl boasts a user-friendly interface with an intuitive dashboard. The onboarding process is straightforward, although some users may find the extensive feature set initially overwhelming. However, the platform's well-structured navigation and organization aid in simplifying complex tasks.

Customer Support

Firstly, Kyndryl offers robust customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, and phone support.

Response times are generally prompt, and the availability of comprehensive documentation, webinars, and tutorials ensures users have the resources needed for effective usage. However, some users have reported occasional challenges with complex issues that require in-depth technical support.

Kyndryl review screenshot showing setpoint values
Here is a captured image of Kyndryl's simulation displaying new setpoint values based on historical data.

Kyndryl Review Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Kyndryl?

The ideal context for using Kyndryl includes businesses and organizations that require robust IT infrastructure management and cloud optimization. This tool is well-suited for:

  • Enterprises: Large organizations with complex IT needs benefit from Kyndryl's scalability and comprehensive features.
  • IT Teams: IT professionals looking for a unified solution for infrastructure management, security, and compliance.
  • Hybrid Cloud Environments: Businesses utilizing a combination of on-premises and cloud resources find Kyndryl valuable for seamless management.
  • Compliance-Driven Industries: Industries with strict compliance requirements, such as finance and healthcare, appreciate Kyndryl's compliance management features.
  • Growing Companies: Mid-sized companies with plans for expansion can leverage Kyndryl's scalability to support their growth.

The most loyal customers of Kyndryl are typically large enterprises and organizations with extensive IT infrastructure needs. They value the platform's ability to streamline operations, enhance security, and ensure compliance in complex environments.

Who would be a bad fit for Kyndryl?

Kyndryl may not be suitable for:

  • Small Businesses: Smaller companies with minimal IT infrastructure may find the platform's features and pricing excessive for their needs.
  • Non-Technical Users: Individuals or teams lacking IT expertise may struggle with the complexity of Kyndryl's features.
  • Budget-Conscious Organizations: Businesses with tight budgets may find the pricing of Kyndryl prohibitive, especially for premium features.
  • Static Environments: Organizations with very stable and unchanging IT infrastructures may not fully benefit from Kyndryl's scalability and automation.

Firstly, the most disappointed customers are often those who expected a simpler solution for their basic IT needs or those who encountered challenges with the learning curve of the platform. Kyndryl is a result of IBM's strategic spin-off, marking a significant transformation in the IT industry landscape. Next, headquartered in New York, Kyndryl inherits a legacy of innovation and expertise from IBM.

As a separate entity, Kyndryl continues to leverage its New York roots and IBM's rich history to provide cutting-edge IT solutions to businesses worldwide.

Kyndryl FAQs

What industries benefit most from Kyndryl?

Furthermore, Kyndryl benefits a diverse range of industries, but it particularly caters to larger, established organizations with complex IT needs. New companies may find Kyndryl's extensive feature set overwhelming at the outset.

Moreover, to determine the best fit, a consultation with the Kyndryl team and a review of their FAQ can help assess how well their services align with specific industry requirements.

Does Kyndryl offer a free trial?

Kyndryl does not offer a free trial for its software development solutions. To explore their offerings and capabilities in more detail, it's advisable to contact Kyndryl directly for a consultation or request additional information to "show more" about their services and pricing options.

Can Kyndryl integrate with third-party tools?

However, Kyndryl has a robust ecosystem that allows seamless integration with a wide range of third-party tools. This flexibility in integration is a testament to Kyndryl's commitment to providing comprehensive IT infrastructure services.

Next, their expert team ensures that businesses can effectively integrate Kyndryl into their existing IT ecosystems, enhancing efficiency and expanding functionality.

What level of support does Kyndryl provide?

Kyndryl provides comprehensive support, ensuring that recruiters, software engineers, and professionals from various backgrounds can access the assistance they need.

Next, this level of support aligns with industry standards and is designed to address the diverse needs of organizations, including those from companies like TCS.

Is Kyndryl suitable for small businesses?

Small businesses often have different priorities, including work-life balance and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, these alternatives can often provide more tailored solutions and certifications to meet specific needs and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

Can Kyndryl automate IT processes?

Yes, Kyndryl excels at automating IT processes. Its robust automation capabilities are one of its standout features. By leveraging AI-driven automation, Kyndryl streamlines various IT operations, managing areas such as cybersecurity and data protection.

Does Kyndryl offer disaster recovery solutions?

Yes, Kyndryl offers comprehensive disaster recovery solutions, as well as essential components of effective cybersecurity and data protection strategies ensuring business continuity and minimizing risks associated with cybersecurity and data protection.

What makes Kyndryl stand out from competitors?

Kyndryl's standout factor is its deep-rooted experience inherited from DXC Technology, enabling it to excel in facilitating digital transformation, particularly in industries like financial services.

This expertise, combined with its ability to seamlessly integrate hybrid cloud environments, positions Kyndryl as a top choice for organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of modern IT while maintaining efficiency and compliance.

Alternatives to Kyndryl

Kyndryl Company Overview & History

Kyndryl is a prominent global technology services company with a focus on delivering cutting-edge IT infrastructure solutions, cloud management, and digital transformation services. Serving a diverse clientele that includes large enterprises, government agencies, and organizations spanning various industries, Kyndryl is dedicated to optimizing IT operations and enhancing cybersecurity in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

As an independent entity following its spin-off from IBM, Kyndryl operates without specific ownership ties. The company is headquartered in New York City, New York, USA, and prides itself on its collaborative team of IT professionals and industry experts. Kyndryl's mission is clear: to empower businesses and organizations to embrace technology's full potential and drive meaningful digital transformation.

Its history is rooted in its origins as part of IBM's Global Technology Services division, and in 2021, it officially emerged as an independent company, retaining a reputation for innovation, security, and compliance that has earned the trust of clients across the globe.


In conclusion, Kyndryl is a robust IT infrastructure management and cloud optimization platform best suited for large enterprises, IT teams, and compliance-driven industries. Its AI-driven automation, predictive analytics, and hybrid cloud capabilities make it stand out.

However, small businesses and non-technical users may find it less suitable. Feel free to share your experiences and thoughts below.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.