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Best CI/CD Tools Shortlist

Here’s a shortlist of the very best CI/CD tools I’ve used that address complex development needs for continuous integration and delivery:

There are so many CI/CD tools that making a shortlist of the best can be tricky. You want to streamline and speed up the software development lifecycle and need the right tool for your projects and team. I've got you covered!

In this post, I share my experience using dozens of these tools across complex projects. I also share my picks of the best CI/CD tools.

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Buyer's Guide To The 20 Best CI/CD Tools Summary

Tools Price
Azure DevOps From $52/user/month
Spinnaker Free
OpenShift Pipelines Free
Bitrise From $35/month
Argo CD Free
CircleCI From $15/month for 5 users
Google Cloud Build From $0.003/build minute
Terraform Pricing upon request
GitLab CI/CD From $29/user/month
Jenkins Free To Use
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How to Choose CI/CD Tools

With so many different CI/CD tools, deciding the best fit for your needs can be challenging.

As you're shortlisting, trialing, and selecting CI/CD tools, consider the following:

  • What problem are you trying to solve - Start by identifying the specific issue or need you must address. This will help narrow your options to CI/CD tools specializing in those areas.
  • Who will need to use it - To check cost and requirements, consider who will use the CI/CD tool. Do you need it for a solo developer, a small team, or a large enterprise? Different solutions offer varied features and pricing models that cater to varying sizes of teams and budgets.
  • What other tools does it need to work with? - Clarify which solutions and systems your chosen CI/CD tool must integrate with. These could include project management tools, code review tools, and related software.
  • What outcomes are important - Consider what outcomes you aim to achieve with your CI/CD tool. Are you looking to improve speed, increase code quality, or streamline deployment? Understanding your goals will help you choose the right tool for your team.
  • How it would work within your organization - Consider the CI/CD tool selection alongside your workflows and delivery method. Check what's working well and what's causing issues. Remember, every business is different. So please don't assume that because a tool is popular, it'll work in your organization.

Overviews of the 12 Best CI/CD Tools

These are the CI/CD tools I’ve evaluated that really stand out, and I’ve included details on where they work best, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. I’ve also included a section on the criteria I used to make the list.

Best for Azure development

  • Free plan available
  • From $52/user/month

Azure DevOps, previously called Visual Studio Team Services, is a collection of tools for DevOps teams from Microsoft that, aside from CI/CD tools, also includes repos and agile-based project management boards.

Why I picked Azure DevOps: I chose Azure DevOps because its CI/CD feature, called Pipelines, works on any cloud. But you can pair it with other tools and get more from it out of the box if you keep it on Azure. These tools include Azure Boards for agile project management, Repos for Git repository functionality, Test Plans for exploratory and manual testing, and Artifacts for package management.

Azure DevOps Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked while using Azure DevOps for CI/CD on the Azure platform include the native support for containers, which allowed me to run high-performance parallel jobs and tests at scale with little effort. I also used Boards to plan out sprints months ahead of time because it gave me enough information to predict workflows along the pipeline.

Integrations are native for Azure products and services like Functions, Web Apps, and Container Registry, as well as pre-built for GitHub, Slack, Jenkins, Kubernetes, SonarCloud, Docker Hub, and Google Cloud.

Pros and cons


  • Robust repository management
  • Includes project management solutions for scrum and agile
  • Combines CI/CD with DevOps


  • Limited customization options
  • Poor integration with third-party services

Best for custom integrations

  • Free
  • Free

Spinnaker is a multi-cloud open-source platform from the Linux Foundation that focuses on the CD part of the process.

Why I picked Spinnaker: Spinnaker being multi-cloud makes it easy to integrate existing CI/CD pipelines or build one from scratch. If you already have a pipeline and want to integrate proprietary tools, you have several options for that with the Spinnaker API, which supports various HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH.

Spinnaker Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked while assessing Spinnaker include the image bakery, which I used to generate immutable VMs that acted as an image base for the container instances I deployed at the tail end of my pipelines. I also liked the onboard canary analysis features that allowed me to expose a small part of my in-progress project and take detailed performance readings that determined whether or not it was ready for deployment.

Integrations are pre-built for Jenkins, Google Cloud Platform, ServiceNow, AWS, Armory, Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Terraform, and Slack.

Pros and cons


  • Supports canary analysis
  • Active developer community for support
  • Very configurable


  • Relies heavily on third-party tools
  • CD only

Best open-source option

  • Free plan available
  • Free

OpenShift Pipelines is a Kubernetes-native open-source CI/CD framework from Red Hat. It’s based on Tekton, another framework from the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF).

Why I picked OpenShift Pipelines: I chose OpenShift Pipelines because it’s a robust framework for teams that want to put in the extra legwork towards building their own CI/CD systems. On top of the core structure, you can extract even more customization via the OpenShift Container Platform console, where you can access logs and provision Tekton resources.

OpenShift Pipelines Standout Features and Integrations

Features that made my experience building a CI/CD system with OpenShift Pipelines manageable include the fact that it maintains standard definitions. These made it easy for me to work from memory and not rely on the documentation at every turn.

I also liked that it allowed me to leverage Source-to-Image (S2I), a Kubernetes tool, to build images directly from my source code.

Integrations are available natively with other Red Hat products, including OpenShift Kubernetes Engine, Virtualization, Container Platform Development Console, and Ansible. There are also pre-built integrations for Kaniko, Buildah, and Buildpacks.

Pros and cons


  • Serverless architecture
  • Kubernetes native
  • Flexible configuration options


  • Requires extensive configuration
  • Doesn’t work as well in non-Kubernetes environments

Best for mobile app development

  • Bitrise offers a free trial.
  • From $35/month

Bitrise is a fully hosted CI/CD pipeline solution whose main focus is on mobile application development.

Why I picked Bitrise: Bitrise got my attention with its Mobile DevOps features that adapt the system to a more mobile-centric model. One example of this is how I could collect more information to improve my app’s UX through detailed, near-instantaneous feedback and reports from app stores, as well as regular regression testing.

Bitrise Standout Features and Integrations

Features that made mobile app development easier on Bitrise include dedicated CI/CD functions for React Native, like end-to-end UI tests with Detox, accompanied by full reports. I also tested how well it works with Flutter and found that, right from the start, I could customize the build by specifying the exact SDK I was using and declare new parameters. After this initial setup, I could proceed with development on my cross-platform Flutter app using the same workflow for both Android and iOS.

Integrations are pre-built for Jira, GitHub, Jasmine, Karma, Android Sign, Perfecto, Heroku, Carthage, Localazy, and Bundler.

Pros and cons


  • Easy to set up and use
  • High configurability from the UI
  • Robust Mobile DevOps features


  • Slow build times, especially on the free tier
  • Expensive for small-scale operations

Best for Kubernetes development

  • Free plan available
  • Free

The Argo Project is a Kubernetes-native collection of tools released by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It has a continuous deployment sub-project called Argo CD, which is what I evaluated.

Why I picked Argo CD: I was already familiar with the Argo Project before I started working on this article, and I knew of its main aim: providing tools that promote the adoption of Kubernetes. When I finally got to Argo CD for the evaluation, it was the first thing I tested.

For Kubernetes developers, I’m happy to report that it is fully K8s native, and the main advantage of this is I didn’t have to use any integrations to incorporate it into my workflows.

Argo CD Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked when working with Argo CD for Kubernetes development include how easy it made it to bring in GitOps principles. All I had to do was configure Argo to be the controller for my clusters and connect it to a Git repository, and it took over monitoring my applications. It also gave me several different options for specifying the Kubernetes manifests for my deployments, depending on what I was comfortable with, including json/YAML and jsonnet.

Integrations are available natively with Kubernetes and other products from the Argo Project, like Workflows, Rollouts, and Events.

Pros and cons


  • User-friendly UI
  • Supports GitOps
  • Kubernetes native


  • Limited to Kubernetes environments
  • Requires significant Kubernetes expertise

Best for enterprise development

  • Free plan available
  • From $15/month for 5 users

CircleCI is a continuous integration tool that you can deploy both in the cloud and on-premises to automate workflows.

Why I picked CircleCI: In my opinion, CircleCI’s Scale and Server plans are ideal choices for enterprises with the right budget. On Scale, for example, you get unlimited self-hosted runners, 200GB of storage, and a 50GB network transfer limit. These are the kinds of features that’d give any enterprise development environment the high ceilings it needs for growth.

CircleCI Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked in CircleCI include Insights, which I used to monitor resource classes like processing, memory, and storage, to manage costs at scale. I also liked the option to debug much faster with SSH, which provides an interactive console that I used to access directory paths, active processes, and log files.

Integrations are pre-built for GitHub, GitLab, Snyk, Slack, Docker, LaunchDarkly, JFrog, Bitbucket, Anchore, and Terraform.

Pros and cons


  • Scalable
  • SSH debugging
  • Detailed metrics with Insights


  • Visit WebsiteOpens new window
  • Support teams often take long to respond
  • Expensive

Best collaborative features

  • Free plan available
  • From $0.003/build minute

Google Cloud Build is a serverless CI/CD platform that you can use to build, test, and deploy your applications on Google Cloud.

Why I picked Google Cloud Build: Google Cloud Build borrows heavily from the same philosophy behind Google Workspace as far as fostering team collaboration. At every stage of the CI/CD pipeline, I had easy access to all relevant stakeholders; I got updates about and could initiate direct communication around virtually any part of the process via avenues like Google Chat.

Google Cloud Build Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked in Cloud Build include the fact that it’s serverless, meaning I could spin my builds at scale in any environment without worrying about infrastructure. I was also able to use the open-source local builder to work on builds offline, test out experimental features and debug, then upload to the cloud when they were ready.

Integrations are available natively for Google Chat, Cloud Run, and Cloud Source Repositories, as well as pre-built for Docker, Jira, GitHub, Terraform, Bitbucket Configure 8, and Depot.

Pros and cons


  • Serverless architecture that’s easier to scale
  • Local builder for debugging
  • Strong collaborative features


  • Sparse documentation
  • Restrictive free plan (only 120 build minutes per day)

Best repeatable code

  • Free plan available
  • Pricing upon request

Terraform, an infrastructure-as-code (IAC) tool from HashiCorp, allows development teams to automate various aspects of working on infrastructure.

Why I picked Terraform: I chose Terraform because of its Modules feature, which I used to code containerized bundles of unique resources that I could reuse across my projects instead of creating new ones every time. This approach helped me cut down on redundancies and speed up processes considerably.

Terraform Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked while using Terraform include its strong automation capabilities that I leveraged to improve processes in my existing CI/CD pipelines. I also took note of the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), which allowed me to unlock the full IAC features of Terraform and implement more granular resource provisioning across my development systems.

Integrations are available with AWS, Jenkins, Ansible, GitHub, Terragrunt, Azure DevOps, ServiceNow, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Snyk.

Pros and cons


  • IAC features that work across most platforms
  • Robust automation capabilities
  • Strong code management features


  • Relies heavily on third-party tools for full functionality
  • HCL takes a while to learn

Best maturity feedback

  • Free plan available
  • From $29/user/month

GitLab’s CI/CD solution covers continuous integration, deployment, and delivery methodologies for software development.

Why I picked GitLab CI/CD: I chose GitLab CI/CD because of the Scorecards feature, which measured the maturity or progress I’d made in my pipelines against an ideal that I was meant to be working towards. For teams that don’t have much experience with CI/CD, this feedback is a useful yardstick when building their system.

GitLab CI/CD Standout Features and Integrations

Features I think teams that are new to CI/CD would like in GitLab CI/CD include Auto DevOps, which scanned my project, determined the languages I was using, and suggested templates for complete pipelines. I also liked the onboard ChatOps features, which allowed me to initiate CI processes and receive subsequent updates through the same channel the team used for communication.

Integrations are pre-built for Visual Studio Code, Jira, ServiceNow, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Slack, SonarQube, Campfire, Pivotal Tracker, and Asana.

Pros and cons


  • Pipeline templates
  • Supports DevSecOps
  • Detailed maturity feedback


  • No standalone version
  • Significantly underpowered free tier

Best for scaling companies

  • Free
  • Free To Use

Jenkins is an open-source automation server built in Java that runs on most major systems, including macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Why I picked Jenkins: I picked Jenkins because it uses a controller/agents system, where controllers assign jobs to agents depending on the total load across the system. With this feature, I was comfortable knowing that I could expand the scope of my projects without worrying about overloading the server.

Jenkins Standout Features and Integrations

Features I liked under scaling with Jenkins include the ability to introduce autohealing and have the server automatically replace unhealthy instances of agents or builds for me. It can also scan your servers and find the most optimal ones in which to run agents rather than pick the first available one, ensuring smooth performance system-wide and minimizing chances of failure in the future.

Integrations are pre-built for Jira, GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, Groovy, Google Play, Appaloosa, TestFairy, Xamarin, and Appetize.

Pros and cons


  • Highly scalable
  • Extensible with hundreds of plugins
  • Active developer community for support


  • It’s very dependent on plugins
  • Dated UI

Best for small teams

  • Free plan available
  • Pricing upon request

GitHub Actions is a workflow automation tool that allows you to develop a CI/CD pipeline from right within your GitHub repository.

Why I picked GitHub Actions: I, like most developers out there, am both familiar with and comfortable working in GitHub, so it was easy enough to get started with Actions. This familiarity means I didn’t need to spend time on training, and this could be the distinction that makes or breaks productivity on a small team.

GitHub Actions Standout Features and Integrations

Features that I enjoyed while using Actions include the ability to kick off workflows from common GitHub events such as commits, forms, pull requests, and pushes. After just one afternoon of some moderate tinkering, I’d developed some fairly complex workflows, all connected natively to my GitHub repos, that I could set in motion with just one action. I also liked matrix builds that I used to test my code concurrently across multiple systems and cut down the time I spent on repetitive evaluations.

Integrations are pre-built for LaunchDarkly, GitKraken, Kubernetes, Code Climate Velocity, Coveralls, Azure, Glo Boards, Mabl, Codecov, and Amazon ECR Login.

Pros and cons


  • Actions are isolated, minimizing conflicts and compatibility issues
  • Wide range of events to link to actions
  • Easy to use


  • Poor support for actions originating outside the core development team
  • Built entirely around repositories

Best for on-premise deployments

  • Free trial available
  • From $34/user/month

As the first tool to offer free, open-source CI services, Travis CI is one of the longest-running solutions in the CI/CD space. Today, it provides paid plans as well, but it’s still a solid tool, in my opinion.

Why I picked Travis CI: Travis CI has an on-premise version, which is the one I worked with first for the evaluation, and it has some features that are unique to it. The one that stood out to me the most was the ability to incorporate multiple version control systems, which is good if you’re trying to cover all your bases or want to test different ones out in real-world scenarios.

Travis CI Standout Features and Integrations

Features that I liked while using Travis CI on-premise include the option to use my existing SAML and LDAP configurations as is by connecting to GitHub Enterprise for authorization and authentication. Travis also provides fully configured and regularly updated images for build environments which you can still customize if you want.

Integrations are pre-built for GitHub, Assembla, GitLab, Bitbucket, Apache Subversion, Perforce, SonarCloud, HashiCorp Vault, Code Climate, and Jira.

Pros and cons


  • Provides preconfigured customizable build images
  • Multipurpose GitHub integration
  • Straightforward setup


  • Not as configurable as other options
  • Reporting is too light

If you still haven't found what you're looking for here, check out these closely related CI/CD tools we've tested and evaluated.

Selection Criteria for CI/CD Tools

Picking the right CI/CD tool involves deeply understanding the features and how they can meet specific development needs. I base my selection on personal trials, extensive research, and an understanding of each tool's functionality.

Below, I outline my criteria for evaluating CI/CD tools:

Core CI/CD Tool Functionality: 25% of total weighting score

Standard features for CI/CD tools may include automated builds, testing, and deployments. They may also include environment management, version control integrations, notification systems, rollback capabilities, security compliance checks, load balancing, and artifact management.

To be considered for inclusion on my list of the best CI/CD solutions, the solution should support the ability to fulfill common use cases:

  • Automated integration and testing to detect errors early
  • Seamless deployment processes to ensure fast and reliable delivery
  • Configuration and management of many environments
  • Rollback features to revert to previous versions when necessary
  • Security compliance enforcement to protect applications at every stage

Extra Standout Features: 25% of total weighting score

Identifying unique features involves exploring innovative elements not commonly found among competitors. Here are some features they may have:

  • Customizable notifications that adapt to team preferences and workflows
  • Advanced analytics for deeper insights into the pipeline performance
  • Tools leveraging AI to predict failures and suggest optimizations
  • Solutions that offer a lot of modularity and plugin support to tailor the tool to specific development needs

Usability: 10% of total weighting score

Ease of use is crucial for ensuring a CI/CD tool is accessible to all team members. They should include:

  • Intuitive user interfaces that simplify complex workflows
  • Clear, actionable error messages that help users diagnose and fix issues quickly
  • Visual pipeline representations that help users understand the process flow at a glance

Onboarding: 10% of total weighting score

Smooth onboarding is critical to quickly realizing a CI/CD tool's value. Some of these features include:

  • Comprehensive documentation that guides new users from setup to advanced usage
  • Interactive tutorials that engage users in learning by doing
  • Support systems like forums and webinars that provide ongoing education and community support

Customer Support: 10% of total weighting score

Strong customer support ensures that any issues get addressed quickly, minimizing downtime.

  • A responsive support team that customers can reach through different channels
  • Proactive problem-resolution practices that keep users informed of problems and fixes
  • A community where users can share solutions and improvements

Value For Money: 10% of total weighting score

Assessing value for money ensures that the investment in a CI/CD tool pays off. Some advantageous features include:

  • Flexible pricing models that scale with user needs
  • Transparent cost structures that make budget planning predictable
  • Feature sets that justify the price point relative to alternatives

Customer Reviews: 10% of total weighting score

Customer reviews give insights into how well the tool performs in diverse environments. This section takes the following into account:

  • High satisfaction rates across various industries and team sizes
  • Positive feedback on specific features like ease of use and customer support
  • Reports of improvements in development speed and quality

These criteria reflect what I focus on as a software expert when evaluating CI/CD tools. For example, I focus on how well they meet the specific needs of modern software development teams. By considering these factors, I help ensure that the tool fits the tech requirements and enhances the efficiency of the development process.

I reviewed the product updates, press releases, and release logs from the most popular CI/CD tool solutions.

These updates and releases reveal the latest trends and new tech. They help you stay informed, adopt the latest tools, and deliver new solutions to clients and users.

As I look at CI/CD tools in 2024, it's clear that developers and companies want to make software development and deployment more efficient. Below, I summarize these trends to help you understand the evolving CI/CD tool environment.

  • Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Many CI/CD tools incorporate AI to predict failures, optimize build times, and automate testing and deployment. This trend addresses the need for more predictive and proactive development workflows.
  • Enhanced Pipeline Visualization Tools: There's a growing trend for more sophisticated visualization features. This allows teams to see real-time changes flow through CI/CD pipelines. In this way, developers can identify bottlenecks and understand complex dependencies.
  • Multi-cloud and Cross-platform Support: As organizations use diverse infrastructures, multi-cloud environments and cross-platform deployments have become essential. This ensures flexibility and adaptability in deployment strategies.

Understanding trends is crucial as they help you to decide which CI/CD tools will best meet your dev teams' needs. As software development demands change, the tools you rely on to build, test, and deploy your applications must change, too.

What is a CI/CD Tool?

A CI/CD tool automates the integration and delivery of code changes from developers into a shared repository and out to production environments. This software helps development teams deliver updates more quickly and with fewer errors. This ensures that software remains deployable even when making changes.

A CI/CD tool may include a version control system to manage code changes, automated testing to catch bugs early, and deployment automation to push code to production.

These tools help developers, quality assurance teams, and operations professionals build, test, and release software. CI/CD tools reduce manual work, cut errors, and speed up the delivery of new features and fixes to users.

Features of CI/CD Tools

CI/CD tools are crucial for modern software development. They improve the frequency and reliability of code deliveries through automation. These tools simplify multiple stages of the development process, from building code to deploying it.

Below are some key features to look for when evaluating CI/CD tools:

Automated Build Processes: This feature automates the compilation and building of application code. It saves time and reduces mistakes.

Continuous Integration: It identifies integration errors early, enhancing code quality and reducing debugging time.

Continuous Deployment: This function automatically deploys each change that passes tests to production. This makes the delivery process smoother and quicker.

Version Control Integration: It integrates well with version control systems like Git. This enables automated testing and deployment based on the latest code changes for consistency and traceability.

Real-time Monitoring and Logging: It offers real-time feedback on the deployment process. This feature lets teams track applications and address any issues in production.

Scalability: It adjusts to different project sizes and infrastructures. It can handle more demands without losing performance.

Security and Compliance Enforcement: It automatically applies security policies and regulatory compliance during build and deployment. This feature is critical for trust and legal compliance.

Configurable Workflows: The CI/CD pipeline allows customization to meet specific project or environment needs.

Rollback Capabilities: This feature enables quick recovery from failed deployments. It helps to keep systems stable and cuts downtime.

Artifact Management: It manages the storage, versioning, and tracking of binary artifacts from the build process. Using the correct software versions improves traceability and ensures production stability.

Together, these features speed up and improve development, making it faster, more efficient, and more reliable. By selecting a CI/CD tool that excels in these areas, your team can achieve smoother operations and better product outcomes, allowing your team to focus on innovation and growth.

Benefits of CI/CD Tools

Throughout my career as a developer, I've come to appreciate the importance of CI/CD tools. They're not another tool in the toolbox but a true game-changer.

In fact, I believe CI/CD tools are transformative assets for software development teams. They automate parts of software development and deployment. They also improve the speed, quality, and reliability of development.

Below are five main benefits of CI/CD tools that users and organizations can leverage for better outcomes.

Faster Release Rate: CI/CD tools automate the software release process, allowing your teams to deliver updates more frequently. This quick-release capability helps you respond to customer needs and stay competitive.

Enhanced Code Quality: By integrating early and often, CI/CD tools help detect errors and inconsistencies early in the development cycle. This ongoing testing reduces the risk of major issues at later stages, ensuring a higher-quality product.

Reduced Development Costs: Automating the integration, testing, and deployment phases minimizes the need for manual intervention. This reduces your labor costs and frees developer time for more valuable tasks. This efficiency also cuts down on the overhead associated with lengthy development cycles.

Improved Team Collaboration: CI/CD tools streamline the handoff between developers, testers, and operations. This fosters better communication and collaboration within your team. This seamless integration helps avoid bottlenecks and misunderstandings, leading to smoother development cycles.

Increased Customer Satisfaction: Updates deploy faster, allowing your organization to respond to customer feedback and changing requirements. This responsiveness leads to improved service and greater customer satisfaction.

CI/CD tools improve the speed, efficiency, and quality of your software development processes. Automating and improving the development process helps teams. It reduces risks, cuts costs, and better meets customers' needs, which drives business success and innovation.

Cost & Pricing for CI/CD Tools

Choosing the right CI/CD tool is crucial for optimizing your software development pipeline. This is especially true if you're new to these technologies. Each plan provided by CI/CD tools fits different stages of business growth and development needs. Here, we break down the typical plan options and pricing to help you decide which fits your requirements best.

Plan Comparison Table for CI/CD Tools

Plan TypeAverage PriceCommon Features
Free$0Basic CI/CD features, limited build minutes, community support
Standard$25 per user/monthUnlimited build minutes, private repositories, email support
Premium$50 per user/monthMulti-project management, advanced security settings, phone support
EnterpriseCustom pricing24/7 support, customized build runners, enterprise management tools

When reviewing CI/CD tool pricing options, consider how each plan's features align with your current and future development needs. Consider your team size, the complexity of your projects, and the support level you need. Ensure your chosen tool can scale with your business and support your development operations.

People Also Ask

Still feeling a bit hazy around the concept of CI/CD pipelines? I’ve gone ahead and included the answers to questions you might have:

Other CI/CD Software Options

Here are some other CI/CD software tools I tested that didn’t make the main list but felt were still good enough to warrant inclusion:

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If you’re working on a moderately sizable project requiring iterative updates, a sound CI/CD system will benefit your development team and the end user.

Use the information in this article to build a sound pipeline, and subscribe to The CTO Club newsletter for more software development insights.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.