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In my years working closely with continuous integration and deployment, I've seen a myriad of tools come and go. Today, I'll share my insights on Atlassian Bamboo. This Bamboo review aims to offer you a clear understanding of what Bamboo brings to the table, so you can determine if it aligns with your needs. Stick with me as we explore its offerings.

Atlassian Bamboo review screenshot shpwing Atlassian Marketplace for Bamboo showing all downloadable plugins you can use
This is the Atlassian Marketplace for Bamboo showing all downloadable plugins you can use with the tool.

Atlassian Bamboo Product Overview

Atlassian Bamboo serves as a continuous integration and deployment tool. Developers, particularly those in mid to large-scale teams, are its primary users. The tool provides a smooth transition from code to deployment. For teams grappling with disjointed build plans or deployment cycles, Bamboo offers a consolidated pipeline, simplifying the process.

Among its notable features are its tight integration with other Atlassian products, built-in deployment support, and intuitive build telemetry.


  • Integration Strength: Bamboo boasts tight integration with JIRA, Bitbucket, and other Atlassian products, facilitating a more harmonized software development cycle.
  • Build Telemetry: With Bamboo's robust build telemetry, teams gain insights into build histories, allowing them to identify and rectify bottlenecks.
  • Deployment Projects: Bamboo introduces the concept of deployment projects, linking the build process to deployment environments directly.


  • Scalability: While Bamboo handles many builds sufficiently, larger teams might find it less scalable than some competing tools.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: The plugin ecosystem for Bamboo isn't as vast as that of some competitors, potentially limiting customization.
  • Configuration UI: Navigating Bamboo's configuration interface can be less intuitive than some other tools in the market.

Expert Opinion

In the world of continuous integration and deployment, Bamboo holds its own, especially when considered within the Atlassian ecosystem. Its integrations with JIRA and Bitbucket, for example, are a strength that many tools lack. The concept of continuous deployment projects is also an innovative approach that resonates with teams wanting a clear link between build and deployment. However, its scalability and somewhat limited plugin ecosystem might deter larger teams or those looking for extensive customization options.

From the perspective of pricing and functionality, it's middle-of-the-road; not the cheapest, but certainly not the most expensive either. Support is commendable, and for teams already steeped in the Atlassian ecosystem, the learning curve is slight. While it has areas where it shines, it also has room to improve. In determining its fit, consider team size, reliance on Atlassian products, and the need for scalability.

Atlassian Bamboo: The Bottom Line

In the crowded landscape of continuous integration and deployment tools, Atlassian Bamboo has a distinct position, primarily because of its deep-rooted integration capabilities with other Atlassian products. Where many tools provide integration as an afterthought or through third-party plugins, Bamboo offers it natively, making the entire software development lifecycle more cohesive for teams already using tools like JIRA or Bitbucket.

This innate integration sets Bamboo apart and facilitates streamlined processes that are difficult to achieve with other tools. One of Bamboo's standout features is its introduction of deployment projects, connecting build processes directly to deployment environments. This approach not only simplifies deployment but also provides clear visibility into the deployment status of each build.

Atlassian Bamboo Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Atlassian Bamboo’s features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  1. Build Automation - Yes
  2. Source Code Repository Integration - Yes
  3. Deployment Automation - Yes
  4. Parallel Builds - Yes
  5. Build Pipelines - Yes
  6. Test Automation - Yes
  7. Built-in Artifact Repository - No
  8. Docker Support - Yes
  9. Real-time Collaboration - Yes
  10. Customizable Notifications - Yes
  11. Distributed Builds - Yes
  12. Deployment Environments - Yes
  13. Deployment Permissions - Yes
  14. Branch Detection - Yes
  15. Visualization of Deployed Versions - Yes
  16. Third-party Plugin Support - Yes
  17. Build Telemetry - Yes
  18. Environment Variables - Yes
  19. Build Queue Management - Yes
  20. Logging & Reporting - Yes
  21. Code Coverage Analysis - Yes
  22. Build History - Yes
  23. Manual Stages - Yes
  24. Integration with Issue Trackers - Yes
  25. REST API - Yes

Feature Overview

  1. Build Automation: Bamboo automates the build process, turning source code into deployable artifacts seamlessly.
  2. Source Code Repository Integration: It ties seamlessly with repositories like Bitbucket, enhancing team and single workflows.
  3. Deployment Automation: Automating deployment ensures that code changes reach end users faster and more reliably.
  4. Build Pipelines: Bamboo's pipelines bring clarity to complex build processes, aiding in visualization and organization.
  5. Distributed Builds: This aids in faster builds as tasks are split across multiple agents.
  6. Deployment Environments: Bamboo lets you define multiple environments, ensuring proper stages for testing and deployment.
  7. Branch Detection: Automatically detecting new branches streamlines the CI/CD process.
  8. Visualization of Deployed Versions: It provides clarity on what version is deployed where, improving tracking.
  9. Third-party Plugin Support: Enhance Bamboo's functionalities further with a variety of plugins.
  10. REST API: Bamboo's API lets teams extend its capabilities or integrate it with custom solutions.

Standout Functionality

  1. Deep-rooted Integration with Atlassian Products: Bamboo's innate connection with tools like JIRA software, Java, GitLab, and Bitbucket offers unmatched cohesion in the software development lifecycle.
  2. Deployment Projects: Bamboo introduces deployment projects that directly connect build processes to deployment environments, simplifying and streamlining deployments.
  3. Build Telemetry: Offers unparalleled insights into build histories, helping teams rectify any discrepancies quickly.


Atlassian Bamboo naturally integrates with other Atlassian tools like JIRA, Bitbucket, Stash, and Confluence. This enables smoother workflows and enhanced tracking. Bamboo's REST API is robust, enabling custom integrations or feature extensions. There's also a marketplace brimming with add-ons to further enhance Bamboo's capabilities.

It can be used in Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac ecosystems.


Bamboo offers tiered pricing based on agent needs and software team sizes. Each tier varies in features and agent availability:

  • $10/agent/month (billed annually): Suitable for small teams.
  • $20/agent/month (billed annually) (min 5 seats): Mid-sized teams requiring more agents and features.
  • Pricing upon request: Larger enterprises with custom needs.

Ease of Use

Navigating Bamboo's interface feels intuitive, especially for those familiar with Atlassian's ecosystem. On-premise onboarding is efficient, with a clear layout and organization. However, the deeper intricacies of Bamboo, especially custom configurations, might pose initial challenges.

Customer Support

Atlassian, in general, offers a wealth of resources, including documentation and tutorials. However, the wait times for support can sometimes be longer than desired. Some users have mentioned desiring more immediate support channels like live chat.

Atlassian Bamboo Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Atlassian Bamboo?

Companies and DevOps deeply ingrained in the Atlassian ecosystem find Bamboo to be a perfect fit for continuous delivery. Its innate integrations and streamlined processes resonate with medium to large-sized tech companies. Teams desiring cohesive app development lifecycles benefit the most.

Who would be a bad fit for Atlassian Bamboo?

Small startups or those not in the open-source Atlassian ecosystem might find the Bamboo continuous delivery tool an overkill. Companies desiring lightweight, quick setup tools without deeper integrations might find Bamboo cumbersome.

Atlassian Bamboo FAQs

Does Bamboo support Docker?

Yes, Bamboo provides Docker support.

Can I integrate Bamboo with Bitbucket?

Absolutely, Bamboo has innate integration with Bitbucket.

Is there a REST API available?

Yes, Bamboo provides a REST API for custom integrations.

How many agents does the base plan offer?

The base plan offers a limited number of agents, and more can be added based on pricing tiers.

Can Bamboo detect new branches automatically?

Yes, it has automatic branch detection capabilities.

Are there any third-party plugins for Bamboo?

Yes, there's a marketplace with various plugins to enhance its features.

How does Bamboo manage deployment?

Bamboo introduces deployment projects that link builds directly to deployment environments.

Is there a built-in artifact repository in Bamboo?

No, Bamboo doesn't have a built-in artifact repository.

Alternatives to Atlassian Bamboo

  • Jenkins: Known for its massive plugin ecosystem, Jenkins is often preferred for highly customizable CI/CD setups.
  • Travis CI: A cloud-based solution, Travis CI shines for GitHub-based projects needing quick setup.
  • CircleCI: With first-class Docker support, CircleCI is often the go-to for containerized applications.

Atlassian Bamboo Company Overview & History

Atlassian is a leading software company known for its tools aimed at developers and IT professionals. Renowned firms across the globe harness its tools. A publicly traded company, Atlassian has its HQ in Sydney, Australia. Key figures include co-founders Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar.

Their mission revolves around unleashing the potential of every team with their software. Founded in 2002, Atlassian has seen continuous growth, with Bamboo being one of its prime tools for CI/CD.


Navigating the world of CI/CD tools can be daunting, but Bamboo by Atlassian presents a cohesive solution, especially for teams already in the Atlassian ecosystem. From its deep-rooted integrations to standout features like deployment projects, it caters to a broad spectrum of needs. While it has its complexities, its advantages might outweigh the learning curve for many. We invite you to share your Bamboo experiences below.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.