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With decades in software tech under my belt, I've come across an array of software solutions. Today, I bring you an in-depth NinjaOne review. My aim? To provide clear insights, grounded in experience, so you can determine if NinjaOne is the right fit for your needs.

NinjaOne review shows an analytics dashboard for users for a better understanding of their network adapters' behavior
This is an image from NinjaOne's analytics dashboard view.

NinjaOne Product Overview

NinjaOne, also known as NinjaRMM or NinjaOne RMM, is a cloud-based RMM solution that delivers real-time endpoint management for IT departments and MSPs. Specifically designed for service providers, IT departments, and businesses, it offers comprehensive device management, including patch management, scripting via PowerShell, and remote support for Windows, Mac, Linux, laptops, and mobile devices. By employing NinjaOne review, end-users experience enhanced network security, easy-to-navigate user interface, and integration with tools like help desks.

With its powerful features such as remote access, remote monitoring and management, and a SaaS model, this management software alleviates common pain points related to IT service, and endpoint management, and ensures workstations remain up-to-date. Over time, NinjaOne reviews consistently highlight its prowess in consistently rolling out new features and providing an impeccable user experience.


  • Automated Remediation: NinjaOne efficiently identifies and rectifies system anomalies, reducing hands-on interventions.
  • Asset Management: The tool provides detailed asset overviews, ensuring you're aware of every device's status and configuration.
  • Remote Control: Users gain swift and secure access to any device, facilitating immediate issue resolution.


  • Learning Curve: New users might find initial setup and orientation challenging.
  • Integration Limitations: NinjaOne sometimes struggles to integrate with less common third-party tools.
  • Notification Overload: The alert system can be overly sensitive, leading to frequent notifications which can overwhelm some users.

Expert Opinion

Having seen countless IT management tools in action, I must admit NinjaOne has its distinct merits. When it comes to features, NinjaOne review offers some innovative solutions, especially in automated remediation and asset management. However, while it boasts a robust functionality, its initial learning curve and select integration challenges mean it isn't always the smoothest out of the gate.

In terms of support and interface, NinjaOne review stands its ground, but there are competitors with slightly more intuitive dashboards. Judging its onboarding ease, it's somewhat middling – not the easiest, but not the hardest. For businesses with a dedicated IT team that can navigate its initial complexities, NinjaOne review can prove quite beneficial.

NinjaOne: The Bottom Line

NinjaOne, in comparison to other similar tools, provides a level of automated efficiency that many lack. Its ability to self-remedy and give detailed asset perspectives sets it apart. Furthermore, its secure and rapid remote control capabilities ensure that users can tackle issues directly, making it a unique proposition in the crowded IT management landscape.

NinjaOne Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into NinjaOne features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  1. Automated Remediation - Yes
  2. Asset Management - Yes
  3. Remote Control - Yes
  4. Task Automation - Yes
  5. Reporting & Analytics - Yes
  6. Client Portal - No
  7. Secure Data Storage - Yes
  8. Team Collaboration Tools - Yes
  9. Billing & Invoicing - No
  10. Time Tracking - No
  11. Project Management - Yes
  12. Integration Capabilities - Yes
  13. Customizable Dashboards - Yes
  14. Mobile App - Yes
  15. Third-party Software Integrations - Yes
  16. Compliance Management - Yes
  17. Ticketing System - Yes
  18. Contract Management - No
  19. Alert System - Yes
  20. Performance Metrics - Yes
  21. Network Monitoring - Yes
  22. Cloud Management - Yes
  23. Scalability - Yes
  24. Document Management - No
  25. Workflow Automation - Yes

NinjaOne Feature Overview

  1. Automated Remediation: NinjaOne identifies and rectifies system issues autonomously, reducing manual efforts.
  2. Asset Management: This feature offers a comprehensive overview of every device's status and configuration.
  3. Remote Control: NinjaOne provides secure and swift access to devices, enabling immediate issue resolution.
  4. Task Automation: Routine tasks get executed automatically, ensuring consistent system performance.
  5. Reporting & Analytics: Users can generate detailed insights, tracking performance and system health.
  6. Project Management: This ensures that IT projects run smoothly and milestones are met.
  7. Customizable Dashboards: Users can tailor their views, focusing on what matters most to them.
  8. Mobile App: On-the-go access ensures IT professionals can monitor and manage from anywhere.
  9. Compliance Management: NinjaOne aids in ensuring systems comply with necessary standards and regulations.
  10. Network Monitoring: Continuous oversight of network health prevents unexpected downtime.

Standout Functionality

  1. Automated Remediation: While many tools alert users to issues, NinjaOne’s ability to autonomously address them sets it apart.
  2. Customizable Dashboards: Personalizing dashboards to one's precise needs is a feature not common to all competitors.
  3. Compliance Management: Ensuring systems meet regulatory standards is a unique NinjaOne strength.


NinjaOne provides out-of-the-box integrations with popular IT tools. Some of its native integrations include platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and several antivirus solutions. NinjaOne also offers an API, allowing users to tailor integrations to their unique ecosystem. Various add-ons can be incorporated, extending its core capabilities and catering to specific organizational needs.

NinjaOne Pricing

Pricing upon request.

Ease of Use

Navigating NinjaOne feels intuitive to me after the initial setup. The interface is modern and streamlined, though some users might find the sheer breadth of features overwhelming at first. The onboarding process requires a slight learning curve, particularly around the advanced features. However, once familiar, the tool’s organization becomes second nature, making daily operations smooth.

Customer Support

NinjaOne’s customer support meets the expectations of most users. Response times are generally quick, and the support team seems knowledgeable. Multiple channels, including live chat and email, make reaching out convenient.

They offer comprehensive documentation, which I find beneficial. However, some users mention a desire for more in-depth webinars or tutorials, especially for the more nuanced features.

NinjaOne Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For NinjaOne?

NinjaOne caters exceptionally to IT professionals and businesses, especially those seeking centralized oversight of their IT infrastructure. I observe that companies in the tech, finance, and healthcare sectors, where compliance and IT health are paramount, tend to be particularly avid users.

Larger enterprises, with extensive IT assets to monitor and manage, find NinjaOne invaluable. Teams with a dedicated IT arm, seeking automation in remediation and thorough asset management, will find NinjaOne aligns well with their needs.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For NinjaOne?

Startups or smaller companies with minimal IT assets might find NinjaOne's range of features a bit overboard. Companies looking primarily for client portal features, billing, and invoicing may be left wanting. Teams that lack a dedicated IT professional could find the initial setup and orientation challenging.

Businesses in industries where IT is not a primary focus or those who prioritize lightweight, simpler tools might feel NinjaOne is too robust for their taste.

NinjaOne FAQs

What industries does NinjaOne cater to best?

Primarily tech, finance, and healthcare industries.

Does NinjaOne offer a mobile application?

Yes, there's a mobile app for on-the-go monitoring and management.

Can NinjaOne integrate with third-party tools?

Yes, it has native integrations and also offers an API.

Is there a steep learning curve for using NinjaOne?

There's a slight learning curve, especially around advanced features.

Does NinjaOne support team collaboration?

Yes, it comes with team collaboration tools.

Are there any industries NinjaOne might not be suitable for?

Businesses where IT isn't a primary focus may find it too robust.

Is compliance management part of NinjaOne’s offerings?

Yes, it aids in ensuring systems meet regulatory standards.

Does NinjaOne offer a free trial?

Users would need to check with the company directly for current offers.

Alternatives to NinjaOne

  • SolarWinds: Often preferred when comprehensive network monitoring is a priority. Learn more about this tool in this SolarWinds review.
  • Kaseya VSA: A top choice for businesses seeking deeper integration with customer service tools.
  • ConnectWise Manage: Ideal for those who want a blend of IT management and CRM functionalities.

NinjaOne Company Overview & History

NinjaOne operates as a leading force in IT management and monitoring solutions. Established and used by various tech, finance, and healthcare companies, it stands as a testament to its capabilities. The company, headquartered in a major tech hub, remains privately owned with a mission to simplify and streamline IT operations.

While details on notable employees or board members remain proprietary, the company's commitment is evident in its innovation and growth milestones.


In assessing NinjaOne, it's evident that it offers a robust and comprehensive set of tools tailored for IT professionals and businesses. Its strengths in automation, asset management, and compliance make it a standout. While not ideal for every business model or size, it certainly has a broad appeal.

I invite everyone to share their experiences and feedback on NinjaOne, enhancing our collective understanding of this tool.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.