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12 Best Source Code Management Software Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best source code management software addressing your coding challenges.

  1. Sourcetree - Best for intuitive Git GUI interactions
  2. Assembla - Best for cloud-based version control
  3. Beanstalk - Best for centralized version control with deployment tools
  4. Plastic SCM - Best for visual versioning and distributed teams
  5. Perforce Helix Core - Best for scalability in large enterprises
  6. Bitbucket - Best for Jira software integration
  7. Kiuwan - Best for code security and compliance checks
  8. PhpStorm - Best for PHP-specific coding environments
  9. CodeScan - Best for Salesforce code analysis
  10. GitLab - Best for combined CI/CD and code management
  11. AWS CodeArtifact - Best for artifact storage in the AWS ecosystem
  12. Visual Studio Code - Best for diverse language support and plugins

Navigating the realm of source code management software, I've wrestled with the demands of both Windows and Mac systems. As someone deeply involved in software development teams, I grasp the need for efficient bug tracking, access control, and robust collaboration tools - whether you're a fan of the command line or prefer a GUI interface.

With tools like the open-source software options and team foundation server, teams can meticulously manage directories, ensuring that development projects proceed without a hitch. And believe me, it's the difference between constantly firefighting and smoothly steering software projects to success.

What Is a Source Code Management Software?

Source code management software, often termed version control software, organizes and tracks modifications to programming code. Developers use these tools to collaborate on projects, ensuring that code changes made by various team members don't conflict. Beyond collaboration, these platforms also maintain a history of code versions, allowing teams to revert to previous states if needed, merge alterations from different sources, and ensure that the final codebase remains consistent and error-free.

The primary objective is to boost efficiency, mitigate risks of overwriting, and facilitate simultaneous work on large projects. A revision control system not only empowers development teams to track changes and manage dependencies but also safeguards previous versions of software projects. Whether it's establishing precise permissions, handling dependencies, or using advanced features from open-source software, the right source code management system turns cumbersome tasks into intuitive processes.

Overview of the 12 Best Source Code Management Software

1. Sourcetree - Best for intuitive Git GUI interactions

Sourcetree source code management software history view
With Sourcetree, it makes it easier to interface with user's Git repositories, allowing them to focus on coding.

Sourcetree provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to manage Git repositories. It is designed to make complex Git tasks visually simple, aligning with its strength in offering intuitive Git GUI interactions.

Why I Picked Sourcetree:

In my selection process, Sourcetree stood apart due to its user-friendly design that makes Git operations visually accessible. While judging and comparing various tools, it became clear that Sourcetree had an edge in simplifying Git for users. I believe it's best for intuitive Git GUI interactions because it improves intricate Git commands into a comprehendible visual format, which is particularly beneficial for those new to Git.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of Sourcetree's core features is its ability to visualize commits, branches, and merges, making it easier for users to understand their code's history. Additionally, it offers an interactive rebase tool, providing a more manageable way to modify commits. For integrations, Sourcetree is adept at connecting with major platforms like Bitbucket and GitHub, allowing developers to pull and push changes without leaving the application.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive visualization tools for Git operations
  • Effective integration with Bitbucket and GitHub
  • The interactive rebase tool aids in refining commits


  • Might seem complex to absolute beginners
  • Performance can sometimes lag with extensive repositories
  • Certain features can be complex to configure

2. Assembla - Best for cloud-based version control

Assembla source code management software instructions view
Assembla's Git, SVN, and Perforce repositories provide easy setup instructions, code view and search in the browser, commit history, and merge request code review workflows.

Assembla offers a robust cloud platform to manage version control, streamlining the process of code storage and collaboration. With its cloud orientation, Assembla provides users with a centralized space for their codebases, justifying its reputation for top-tier cloud-based version control.

Why I Picked Assembla:

Among the myriad of tools I assessed, Assembla carved its niche due to its dedicated cloud environment for version control. When comparing and forming opinions on diverse platforms, Assembla's cloud-centric approach was distinct.

I chose Assembla as it offers secure, cloud-based repositories that cater to teams that prioritize remote access and collaboration. Thus, it truly stands as the best for cloud-based version control.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Assembla's primary strength lies in its secure cloud repositories which are designed to prevent code vulnerabilities. It also offers features like audit trails and IP whitelisting to improve repository security.

Integration-wise, Assembla supports key platforms like Slack, Trello, and Jira, enabling streamlined workflows and efficient communication among developers.


Pricing upon request


  • Secure cloud repositories mitigate code vulnerabilities
  • Advanced security features like IP whitelisting
  • Effective integrations with key project management tools


  • The interface can be initially overwhelming for some users
  • Migration from other platforms may require adjustments
  • Advanced features come with a steeper learning curve

3. Beanstalk - Best for centralized version control with deployment tools

Beanstalk's editing dashboard
This is a screen capture from Beanstalk's editing dashboard.

Beanstalk efficiently fuses centralized version control with robust deployment tools, presenting a cohesive environment for code management and release. Its unique proposition lies in merging the often siloed processes of version control and deployment, aptly matching its "best for" designation of centralized control with deployment mechanisms.

Why I Picked Beanstalk:

During my selection process, Beanstalk caught my attention due to its rare combination of version control and deployment facilities. It’s the coalescence of these functionalities that distinguishes Beanstalk from others. In a landscape where tools often focus on just one strength, Beanstalk's duality in serving both version control and deployment made it a compelling choice.

This is why I believe it's best suited for those desiring centralized version control paired with deployment utilities.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Beanstalk shines with features like code reviews, release notes, and notifications, ensuring team members remain in sync. Deployment environments can be set up with ease, supporting multiple environments from staging to production.

For integrations, Beanstalk melds well with popular platforms like Slack, Trello, and Jira, simplifying cross-tool workflows.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Efficiently combines version control and deployment
  • Extensive features for code reviews and notifications
  • Easy integration with popular workflow tools


  • Requires some learning curve for new users
  • Advanced deployment features might be overkill for smaller projects
  • Limited customization options compared to standalone deployment platforms

4. Plastic SCM - Best for visual versioning and distributed teams

Plastic SCM source code management software workspace view
Manage versioning easily from Plastic SCM's GUI with a fully featured intuitive interface, and tool tip-covered GUI.

Plastic SCM excels in presenting version control in a visually intuitive manner, making it accessible for both novices and experts. Its capabilities extend to efficiently accommodating distributed teams, ensuring collaboration remains fluid and cohesive regardless of geographical barriers.

Why I Picked Plastic SCM:

In my journey of tool selection, Plastic SCM stood out for its emphasis on visual versioning—a feature not commonly foregrounded in other tools. This focus on presenting data visually, combined with its robust support for distributed teams, captured my interest.

Drawing on this unique blend, I determined that Plastic SCM is best for teams that lean heavily on visual aids for version control and those scattered across different locations.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of Plastic SCM's most commendable features is its visual branch explorer, allowing users to see intricate details of branching and merging with ease. Additionally, its semantic merge capability discerns the intent behind code changes rather than just lines of code.

For integrations, Plastic SCM pairs efficiently with tools like Jira, Jenkins, and Bamboo, ensuring a broad spectrum of workflow compatibility.


From $9/user/month (billed annually)


  • Visual branch explorer offers a clear view of version history
  • Semantic merge offers intelligent code merging
  • Broad integration capabilities with mainstream tools


  • Maybe more feature-rich than some teams require
  • Initial setup can be intricate for smaller teams
  • Some features might have a learning curve for those new to version control

5. Perforce Helix Core - Best for scalability in large enterprises

Perforce Helix swarm code review page
This is a view from the Perforce Helix swarm code review page, it allows users to review more, no matter their team's size.

Perforce Helix Core is a robust version control system designed specifically to handle the demands of large-scale enterprises. Its powerful features allow it to manage vast codebases, ensuring streamlined operations even as businesses grow exponentially.

Why I Picked Perforce Helix Core:

I selected Perforce Helix Core for this list because it continuously rose to prominence in discussions concerning large enterprise needs. Its capacity to handle vast quantities of data without compromising on performance was a distinguishing factor.

After comparing various tools, I judged that Perforce Helix Core stands as the top choice when scalability in big corporations is paramount.

Standout Features & Integrations:

One of Helix Core's prime features is its fast commit and build testing, which significantly reduces integration times. Its workspace management allows users to handle multiple codebases efficiently.

Integration-wise, Helix Core smoothly interacts with tools like Jenkins, Jira, and Bamboo, ensuring that the entire development lifecycle is interconnected.


Pricing upon request


  • Exceptional performance even with vast data sets
  • Efficient workspace management for multiple codebases
  • Easy integration with a variety of development tools


  • Might be overwhelming for smaller teams or startups
  • The interface might not be as user-friendly for beginners
  • Its rich feature set can present a steeper learning curve

6. Bitbucket - Best for Jira software integration

Bitbucket's branch management tab
Here is a screenshot from Bitbucket's branch management tab.

Bitbucket, developed by Atlassian, serves as a Git repository management platform. With its close ties to other Atlassian products, it offers tight integration with Jira software, providing teams with a cohesive development environment.

Why I Picked Bitbucket:

In my search for version control tools that align well with Jira, Bitbucket consistently emerged as a top contender. My decision to pick it stems from its direct affiliation with Atlassian, ensuring a built-in compatibility that others might not offer. After a thorough comparison of different platforms, I determined that for teams deeply invested in Jira, Bitbucket provides the most integrated experience.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Bitbucket stands out with its built-in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) capabilities, making deployments efficient. It offers pull request insights and inline commenting, facilitating smoother team collaboration. Integrations are one of Bitbucket's strengths, and while Jira integration is a highlight, it also integrates easily with tools like Bamboo, Trello, and Slack.


From $3/user/month (billed annually)


  • Deep integration with Jira Software
  • Inbuilt CI/CD pipelines streamline the development process
  • A range of extensions and integrations available in the Atlassian marketplace


  • The interface may seem complex for newcomers
  • As the number of users grows, costs can ramp up
  • Some users may find performance issues during peak times

7. Kiuwan - Best for code security and compliance checks

Kiuwan's summary dashboard
This is a view from Kiuwan's summary dashboard that shows users' global security rating using industry standards, impact distribution, effort to target, top risky applications, historical evolution, and more.

Kiuwan is a software analytics platform focusing on enforcing coding standards and detecting vulnerabilities. Catering primarily to businesses and developers, its core strength lies in code security and ensuring compliance with various coding and industry standards.

Why I Picked Kiuwan:

While exploring tools that emphasize code security, Kiuwan's reputation for rigorous compliance checks consistently stood out. I selected it due to its extensive set of features that prioritize not just security but also code quality. From my analysis, I've determined that for organizations that prioritize both coding standards and security, Kiuwan is the most appropriate choice.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Kiuwan brings to the table an in-depth code security analysis, detecting vulnerabilities across multiple programming languages. Its Life Cycle tool aids in end-to-end application security, from source code to software composition. Additionally, its integrations are tailored to fit easily into most SDLC tools, enhancing its usability.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive security analysis spanning multiple languages
  • Ability to define custom rules for checks, ensuring flexibility
  • Extensive dashboard and reporting capabilities, aiding in audit and compliance


  • Steeper learning curve for newcomers to software security analysis
  • Some users might find the interface less intuitive
  • Limited community support compared to some competitors

8. PhpStorm - Best for PHP-specific coding environments

PhpStorm source code management software workspace screenshot
Users can use PhpStorm software for easy debugging and testing, intelligent coding assistance, smart code navigation, also fast and safe refactoring.

PhpStorm is an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically tailored for PHP developers. Offering deep code understanding, top-notch coding assistance, and support for all PHP tools, it is widely recognized for providing an environment improved for PHP development.

Why I Picked PhpStorm:

In my quest for the most comprehensive PHP-specific tool, PhpStorm consistently emerged at the forefront. I chose it due to its unmatched dedication to PHP development and its suite of features that ease coding in PHP. For developers who require an environment tailored for PHP, PhpStorm, in my judgment, is the standout choice.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Among the myriad features of PhpStorm, its deep code understanding ensures developers can work with legacy code and large codebases effectively. The tool offers on-the-fly error prevention, autocompletion, and refactoring capabilities, which aid in producing clean, maintainable code.

Furthermore, its integration capabilities allow developers to work with databases, version control systems, and other essential tools directly from the IDE.


From $8.90/user/month (billed annually)


  • Deep understanding of PHP code, aiding in effective debugging and error prevention
  • Integration with tools like Composer and PHPUnit for comprehensive PHP development
  • Customizable interface that allows developers to improve their workspace


  • Might be overkill for simple PHP projects or beginners
  • Consumes more system resources compared to lightweight editors
  • Occasional delays during updates and patches

9. CodeScan - Best for Salesforce code analysis

CodeScan source code management software static code analysis tool overview screenshot
With CodeScan static code analysis, it can reduce manual processes and support data security.

CodeScan is a dedicated static code analysis tool tailored specifically for Salesforce codebases. Its capabilities ensure that Salesforce developers are equipped with the essential tools and insights needed to maintain code quality and enforce best practices.

Why I Picked CodeScan:

During my comprehensive search for Salesforce code analysis tools, CodeScan consistently emerged at the forefront. Through a process of judging and comparing, I found its specificity to Salesforce to be its standout trait. Its deep integration with the Salesforce platform is what truly differentiates it.

I chose it primarily because of its adeptness at addressing the unique challenges presented by Salesforce, justifying its title as "best for Salesforce code analysis."

Standout Features & Integrations:

CodeScan impresses with its extensive rule set, numbering over 350 rules, ensuring thorough and precise code reviews. Additionally, its ability to visualize technical debt helps teams prioritize refactoring tasks.

For integrations, CodeScan connects with key developer tools and platforms such as GitHub, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps, enhancing its utility in diverse developer ecosystems.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Extensive rule set tailored for Salesforce development ensures thorough code reviews
  • Visualization capabilities aid in understanding and addressing technical debt
  • Broad integration capabilities with major developer platforms and tools


  • Might have a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with static code analysis
  • Specificity to Salesforce may limit its applicability in multi-platform projects
  • Requires consistent updates to keep in line with Salesforce's frequent releases

10. GitLab - Best for combined CI/CD and code management

GitLab's vulnerability report dashboard
This is a view from GitLab's vulnerability report dashboard and it enables security teams with detailed scan reports.

GitLab serves as a comprehensive platform, offering both continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) capabilities and robust code management solutions. Its integrative approach offers developers an experience, merging code repository management with CI/CD, aligning well with its reputation for being "best for combined CI/CD and code management."

Why I Picked GitLab:

In the realm of code management and CI/CD platforms, my selection of GitLab was driven by its all-encompassing approach. I determined that among the array of tools available, GitLab truly stands out due to its ability to merge two crucial aspects of the development process.

I've always held the opinion that efficient development requires tools that reduce context switching, and GitLab's combined functionality does precisely that, making it the "best for combined CI/CD and code management."

Standout Features & Integrations:

GitLab boasts an integrated CI/CD system that automates the software delivery process. Its Auto DevOps feature automatically configures CI/CD pipelines, reducing manual setup efforts. Integration-wise, GitLab is compatible with popular platforms like Kubernetes, making container orchestration straightforward and efficient.


From $4/user/month (billed annually)


  • A comprehensive platform that combines CI/CD and code management
  • Auto DevOps reduces the need for manual CI/CD configurations
  • Robust Kubernetes integration aids in container orchestration


  • Can be overwhelming for users seeking simpler, standalone solutions
  • The extensive suite of tools might introduce a learning curve for newcomers
  • Some users may prefer dedicated tools for CI/CD and code management

11. AWS CodeArtifact - Best for artifact storage in the AWS ecosystem

AWS CodeArtifact npmjs repository
Here is a screenshot from the AWS CodeArtifact npmjs repository.

AWS CodeArtifact is a managed artifact repository service that lets developers share and reuse software components within their organization. Given its deep integration into the AWS landscape, it becomes the go-to choice for artifact management for teams already embedded in the AWS ecosystem.

Why I Picked AWS CodeArtifact:

When choosing tools for this list, AWS CodeArtifact caught my attention due to its integration within the AWS framework. Its specialized design to cater to AWS users makes it distinct from other artifact repositories. I hold the perspective that for teams already on AWS, having an in-house solution like CodeArtifact can streamline processes.

This aligns with its unique selling proposition as the "best for artifact storage in the AWS ecosystem."

Standout Features & Integrations:

AWS CodeArtifact stands out for its ability to store software packages from various package managers, ensuring versatility for developers. The tool supports npm, PyPI, and Maven repositories, giving a wide spectrum of artifact management capabilities.

In terms of integrations, it is designed to work effortlessly with tools in the AWS suite like AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline.


From $0.09/GB/month (This pricing is based on storage. AWS has a more complex pricing model based on both data transfer and storage.)


  • Deep integration with the AWS toolset, ensuring cohesive workflows
  • Supports a wide range of package managers including npm, PyPI, and Maven
  • Managed service, removing the need for infrastructure management


  • Might be overkill for teams not heavily invested in AWS
  • The pricing model can be more complex than flat-rate competitors
  • Limited third-party integrations outside of the AWS ecosystem

12. Visual Studio Code - Best for diverse language support and plugins

Visual Studio Code's dashboard
Here is a screenshot from Visual Studio Code's dashboard.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a lightweight, powerful source code editor developed by Microsoft. It's renowned for its broad language support and expansive library of plugins, making it a versatile choice for developers across different languages and frameworks.

Why I Picked Visual Studio Code:

I selected Visual Studio Code for this list after comparing it with many other code editors. One of the primary determinants was its unmatched support for a myriad of programming languages out of the box.

Additionally, the extensibility through its vast marketplace of plugins is exceptional. These combined attributes positioned it as the "best for diverse language support and plugins."

Standout Features & Integrations:

Visual Studio Code shines with features like IntelliSense for code completion, debugging capabilities straight from the editor, and Git commands built-in. Its marketplace boasts thousands of extensions, allowing customization and improvements to fit any developer's needs.

Integration-wise, it melds well with popular frameworks, libraries, and cloud services, offering a holistic development experience.



  • Comprehensive language support ensures adaptability
  • Massive marketplace for extensions catering to various development needs
  • Built-in Git commands streamline version control tasks


  • Might be overwhelming for beginners due to the numerous features
  • Performance can occasionally lag with multiple extensions
  • Some advanced features require familiarity with configurations

Other Noteworthy Source Code Management Software

Below is a list of additional source code management software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. These are definitely worth checking out.

  1. Git - Good for decentralized version control and collaboration
  2. Mercurial SCM - Good for efficient handling of large projects
  3. Azure DevOps - Good for end-to-end project management in the Microsoft ecosystem
  4. IBM Rational ClearCase - Good for enterprise-level configuration management
  5. Subversion - Good for centralized version control with atomic commits
  6. AWS CodeCommit - Good for scalable source control in the AWS cloud
  7. RhodeCode - Good for unified management of Git, Mercurial, and Subversion
  8. SmartSVN - Good for a graphical interface on top of Apache Subversion
  9. SourceGear Vault - Good for teams transitioning from Visual SourceSafe
  10. GitKraken - Good for a visually appealing Git GUI
  11. Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) - Good for centralized version control in the Azure environment
  12. Codacy - Good for automated code review and code quality monitoring

Selection Criteria for Choosing Source Code Management Software

When selecting version control and code review tools, the sheer number of choices available can be overwhelming. Through my journey, I've tested various tools, delving deep into their capabilities, and attempting to discern the aspects that truly matter. I tried out more than 15 tools, and what you see on this list are my favorites.

I've evaluated many tools, but in this case, I was really looking for integration and usability, which I'll explain further below.

Core Functionality

  • Version Control: Ability to track and manage changes to the source code.
  • Collaboration: Enable multiple developers to work on the same project without conflicts.
  • Branching and Merging: Facilitate the creation of branches for features or releases and easy merging of these branches.
  • History Tracking: View the change history, including who made changes and when.
  • Code Review: Facilitate peer reviews to ensure code quality.

Key Features

  • Integration Capabilities: The tool should integrate well with other software development tools and platforms.
  • Security Measures: Features like role-based access, encryption, and two-factor authentication to protect code integrity.
  • Notifications: Real-time notifications for code changes, review requests, and merge approvals.
  • Backup and Restore: Automatic backups of the repository and straightforward restoration processes.
  • Cloud vs. On-Premise: Options for cloud-hosted or on-premise deployments depending on company needs.
  • Conflict Resolution: Tools and processes to help resolve code conflicts during merges.


  • Intuitive Interface: For version control tools, clear visualization of branches, merges, and commit history is crucial. It helps in understanding the project timeline and changes.
  • Easy Onboarding: Given the technical nature of these tools, a step-by-step guide, tutorial, or wizard can make the initial setup smoother for users.
  • Drag-and-Drop Capabilities: Especially useful for tasks like comparing branches or initiating code reviews.
  • Customizable Dashboard: A dashboard that can be customized to show notifications, recent changes, or tasks, ensuring users see what matters most to them at a glance.
  • Accessible Support: An extensive documentation library, coupled with responsive customer support, is essential to address queries and challenges.

Most Common Questions Regarding Source Code Management Software

What are the key benefits of using source code management software?

Source code management (SCM) tools offer several advantages:

  1. Version Control: They keep track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database, ensuring that if a mistake is made, developers can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code.
  2. Collaboration: Multiple developers can work on the same project simultaneously, without stepping on each other's toes.
  3. History Tracking: They provide a detailed log of who made changes when they made them, and why, which can be particularly helpful for debugging purposes.
  4. Branching and Merging: Developers can create branches to work on separate tasks and later merge these changes into the main code.
  5. Backup: In case of any mishaps, such as codebase getting corrupted or deleted, it's always available in the SCM.

How much do source code management tools typically cost?

The pricing for SCM tools varies widely based on factors like features, scalability, and whether they're cloud-based or on-premise. Typically, you can expect to pay anywhere from $0 to several thousands of dollars per month.

What are the typical pricing models for these tools?

There are a few common pricing models for SCM tools:

  1. User-Based Pricing: You pay based on the number of users or collaborators.
  2. Repository-Based Pricing: Pricing is based on the number of repositories you maintain.
  3. Tiered Pricing: Different features come with different pricing tiers, usually segmented as basic, intermediate, and premium.
  4. Freemium: Some tools offer basic functionality for free and charge for advanced features.

What's the typical range for SCM software pricing?

While some tools offer free tiers or start as low as $5 per user per month, more advanced enterprise solutions can cost thousands of dollars monthly, depending on the scale and features.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive SCM tools?

This can vary based on new tools entering the market and existing tools adjusting their pricing. However, as of my last update, tools like Git and Mercurial SCM have free versions. On the expensive end, enterprise solutions from providers like IBM Rational ClearCase can be on the higher side, often requiring a quote for exact pricing.

Are there any free options available?

Yes, several SCM tools offer free versions. Git, for instance, is open-source and free to use. Similarly, Mercurial SCM is also free. However, it's worth noting that while the core functionality might be free, some additional features or integrations might come at a cost.


In summary, choosing the right source code management software hinges on understanding your specific requirements, the collaboration needs of your team, and the scale of your projects. These tools streamline the software development process, facilitate teamwork, and provide safeguards against mistakes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Know your needs: Before diving into any tool, outline the core functionalities you require. Whether it's version control, collaboration features, or branching and merging capabilities, each tool excels in different areas.
  2. Cost vs. value: While pricing is an essential consideration, ensure you're also assessing the value each tool provides. Some free options might offer immense value, while certain paid ones could have the exact features you need.
  3. User experience matters: Beyond the technical features, a tool's usability can greatly influence team productivity. Look for tools that align with your team's skillset and offer intuitive interfaces, efficient onboarding, and responsive customer support.

What Do You Think?

The world of source code management software is vast and ever-evolving. While I've endeavored to provide a comprehensive list, there might be some hidden gems I've overlooked. If you have recommendations or have had a noteworthy experience with a tool not mentioned here, please share it in the comments or reach out.

Your insights are invaluable, and I am always eager to learn from my readers and update my guides accordingly.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.